Dutchy, we need to be picked up now. We have water up to our knees. And i don´t want to keep your Twinblades, but you will still get your "Pack up Base" technology. Use it wisely. And how is the testing of the Tesla Tanks going?? Report as soon as you can. Liten Out QUICK_EDIT
That guy is a madman, thank god he hasn't noticed my ploy yet.
*phase tanks decloak*
Unit Commander: Fire on the "Targeting Disruptor". Manual sights people!
*Firing commences*
*Disruptor catches fire and implodes, leaving a burning crater of wasted effort*
*phase tanks recloak and disappear into the interior of the island/continent*
XO: Impressed sir?
Yes, XO, Don't get into the habit of trying to read my mind though. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Apex: Please ignore these "Allies." The US broke off all connections to the U.N. some years back for *thinks a second* reasons I can't even go into right now.
U.S. Admiral: I dont know, I am going to try contacting a US base to verify you...
*Contacts the pentagon and asks about the beholder*
Pentagon:*Sees who owns it* That is a friendly ship, it is owned by our biggest military weapons supplier...
U.S. Admiral: That is good enough for me. What are your orders?
Apex: Just get me to shore, as soon as the Japanese let me land. _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:19 pm Post subject:
Twinblades and Albrecht's helicopters are at your base Liten, ready to pick you up. At least, wait a minute...
Dutchygamer: Twinblade pilot 12, you still there?
Twinblade pilot: Yes sir, still here!
Dutchygamer: Pilot, can you see the place where that cliff collapsed into the river?
Twinblade pilot: Yes I can.
Dutchygamer: Good, now fire your rockets so the river can flow again. The base area is lost anyway, but it keeps the surrounding areas from flooding.
Twinblade pilot: Consider it done!
*Twinblades open fire on the river blockage, destroying it, and letting the river flow again* Dutchygamer: Okay, now get back to the other helicopters to airlift Commander Liten to the blue crystal field. There should be an outpost already deployed.
Twinblade pilot: Roger that HQ!
Now for other business: I want some Apocalypse constructed. That Hunter guy is extremely dangerous, with his plans to make this whole area into a mining pit.
*Iron curtain ready!*
Ah, perfect...
Updated the map a bit:
Traitor GDI Titan colours to Apex' colours (they are from him IIRC), and US Navy to Dark Blue. Also, DaFool and his Dune base also have a position on the map QUICK_EDIT
Destiny: My plans for this land? Establish a stronghold here. Systematically wipe out all opposing forces for stand in the way of the Empire. Maybe I'd like to go "Visceroid watching" when the situation is stable.
Operator 2: We found the specs of an..."Ion Disruption Tower" utilized by the "Brotherhood of Nod" to prevent Ion cannon strikes where it is built.
Destiny: I see...upload the specs to our MCVs. Get customized Nanocores and construct them immediately.
Operator: Switching channels.
Destiny: Admiral of the "United States of America" naval fleet, we offer you the ability to resupply and repair your ships at our naval base. In return...I would like for us to establish an alliance. We shall...liberate this land, therefore freedom will be spread across this land.
Operator: Freedom, yea. Freedom for those blobs to move about and eat people, haha. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Bloody Americans. They don't care about anything except money, if it's money they want they won't get it. Use the prototype, sink that ship. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
*At Liten´s Base*
Hey, you idiots forgot me!!!! Sorry, get in here Thank you. Now, lets look at the pictures i´v recived from my satelite.
*Looks at pictures*
Hmm... this looks wery interesting. The Japs have occupied the island by Albrecht. It was a good idea to place that Earthquake making tank(M.A.D Tank from RA1) there, even when SOMEONE... Techi: CUT IT OUT!!! Anyway, shall we use the tank?? Yes, do that. The Japs aren´t gonna know what hit them QUICK_EDIT
Apex: Thank you, we will now dock at the Soviet base.*Moves in and beaches self* Okay, open the cargo bay door!
*Load grinding and churning and finally stops* Engineer: Sir the doors are jammed. The ion cannon killed it.
Apex: *Sigh* Open fire on the door with the weapon!*An engine is heard as a gun starts spinning* *3 150mm rounds pound the door, blowing it open*
R.B. Capt.: Now that that is out of the way, bring it out. But first we have some weapons from whats left of the Runnerbound, you can have them as they were free. *side of ship opens as sevaral boxes are unloaded* These are an experimental laser that when fired, also have an E.M.P. effect to them.
Juggernaut MK. II: Damn, almost took out the whole ship!
Commander: Glad you finally made it! I want them titans to escort the prototype Juggernaut back to base!
Titan pilot: Yessir! _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
There appears to be some sort of artillery walker being unloaded form that floatinf wreck they call a ship. I suggest we take this opportunity and dispose of it by the... usual method, Is this possible XO?
XO: BLUNT TOOL, are you there?
BLUNT TOOL: This is BLUNT TOOL, you got a job for me?
XO: I'm sending the data now, get ready to move out.
BLUNT TOOL: Nasty toy, guess what boys? I Got a present for ya... _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Person: I ummm... gotta go*Helicopter lands, Merc. leader gets inside and leaves*
Commander: I want all US ships full broadside against the coast and get ready for bombardment of the GDI assault force.
Apex: Get the Jugg 2 ready!
*Juggernaut MK II stands up, towering higher than the Mammoth, deploys, starts spinning up 3 150mm's*
R.B. Capt.: Get ready to open up on them with the Runnerbound's cruise missile's!
Commander: Get the titans to the tiberium infested Soviet base and protect that walker! _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:25 pm Post subject:
*inside Kirov Airship* Sergeant: Officer, what is that on the horizon?
Officer: Lemme get my binoculars.
*officer gets binoculars* Officer: What in Lenin's name is that? Here Sergeant, take a look, maybe you know it.
*hands over binoculars to sergeant* Sergeant: What the... I don't know it either sir. It seems like a mech that Commander told us about, only this has only 2 legs, and has 3 guns. Wow, it's shooting at something.
Officer: What! Gimme back those binocs!
*officer grabs binoculars out of sergeant's hands* Officer: Okay... That doesn't look good. Open a line to HQ, now!
*line opened to HQ* Kirov pilot: Command, this is Kirov pilot. We are seeing an unknown kind of mech on the horizon, near the beach where the old outpost was. It's bigger then the mech you told us about, has 2 legs, and has 3 barrels. It's also firing at something to the West of it.
Dutchygamer: And just when I thought it couldn't get worse. But wait a sec, West did you say? That is in the direction of comrade Albrecht!
Pilot, can you make a guess how far it fires?
Kirov pilot: Sorry sir, the cliffs is blocking my view. Guessing from the angle it's firing, it shouldn't be much more then some kilometres, or in other words: not into Albrecht's base.
Dutchygamer: Hmm, good. Well, here's your order: take a detour to that mech and take it out, including anything near that base. I've got a really bad feeling about this. Be cautious to evade the Mercenary base between here and the coast.
Kirov pilot: Hehe, we won't miss anyone sir!
*Kirov start moving slowly to the coast, evading the Mercenary outpost*
Comrade Commanders, if you have any info about this mech, please share it! QUICK_EDIT
BLUNT TOOL: Commander! Come in! Come in!
This is the Commander, what is the problem BLUNT TOOL?
BLUNT TOOL: The kids got bored sir and they're starting to play with their new toy.
Christmas is over, you know what to do.
BLUNT TOOL: Detonating!
*deaddened thump from the Juggernaut II knocks the nearest titan from it's feet*
BLUNT TOOL: That Did it! Looks like I broke their present, Timberrrr!! Bloody hell, that thing's cream crackered! Fell right on the barrels, it's wrecked. Permission to change codename, sir?
As long as it's not stupid.
Roger USUAL SUSPECT, proceed to the DZ, good job, looks like Dutchy's blimps save a few bombs.
USUAL SUSPECT: Ground or Air pickup?
You know I can't tell you that over an insecure line.
USUAL SUSPECT: As long as I don't have to yomp it it doesn't bother me. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:28 pm Post subject:
Kirov pilot: Aww, over so soon? HQ, new orders? The Allies already took care of that mech.
Dutchygamer: Stay at your positions, or no wait, move to the outpost. They will think twice before attacking it with you guys around.
Kirov pilot: Roger that sir.
Lets see how far those Apocalypse are... Ah, they are finished! Now, it's time for some personal action hehe...
*Dutchygamer climbs into an Apocalypse and assumes control of the Apocalypse Assault Group (AAG)* Dutchygamer: This is commander Dutchygamer. Are you all there Apocalypse crew?
Apoc 5: Apocalypse 5 reporting in!
Apoc 3: 3 reporting in...
Apoc 6: Apocalypse 6 here comrade!
Apoc 4: 4 here sir!
Apoc 2: ...
Dutchygamer: Apocalypse 2, are you there?
Apoc 2: ... yes, here. Sorry, some radio problems comrade. Will be fixed asap...
Dutchygamer: Good. Lets move out, we've been too long without any real action hehe. Lets crush that Mercenary base!
Apoc 3: Da comrade!
Apoc 6: Don't try to be teacher's favourite comrade hehe.
Apoc 3: Oh shut it 6...
Dutchygamer: Pay attention comrades! I don't want to die because of you 2 arguing...
Apoc 3: Sorry boss!
*AAG move out to Mercenary base*
Updated map coming first thing tomorrow, it's 10.30 PM here, a bit late for me QUICK_EDIT
Dutchy AND the GDI Taking offensive Action?!
XO! Prepare My command Tank!
XO: It's outside the dugout, let me guess, command feeds for the wessex regiment and the MBTs?
Well done XO. Let's get rolling, I've got an urge to scratch an itch...
You don't want to know how many mechs and men you're going to loose, I'll leave you with a pile of burning rubble, if I can't be bothered to bulldoze it that is...
at least my artillery hasn't been kneecapped. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Jugg MK II: I am down but not out!
*Turret turns toward the enemy MMKII, the only remaining barrel starts spinning up*
*The barrel churns out 52 remaining 150mm shells at the MKII, pumbling it and bringing the war-torn mech down on its side, the juggernaut then overheats and blows up*
Commander: I never thought I used this, but the bastards pissed me off. We still have that nuclear sub off-shore?
Radioman: Yes we do, where do you want it targeted?
Commander: Tell them to launch the whole payload at the GDI base!
Boomer Sub Krakatoa: Roger coordinates received, launching payload now.
*16 Nuclear ICBM's are launched at the GDI base* _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
Radar: We have 16 Vampires from a naval target bearing roughly 50 degrees form the base, looks like they launched at the GDI base.
Hunt them down, deploy ASW planes and sonobouys, prosecute and kill any subs we find, avoid the japanese ones, we don't want to set off *that* little skirmish just yet.
avoid Hunter's sub too, it's big enough not to register as a sub on targeting computers but watch out anyways.
Calling USUAL SUSPECT, repeat, Calling USUAL SUSPECT.
USUAL SUSPECT: I hear you, command, what have you got for me?
Get to their comms centre and look for a location for that sub, the base is under attack now, I know, I'm commanding the artillery fireplan.
USUAL SUSPECT: Permission to destroy evidence of entry? Denied, shoot out any eyes that see you though.
USUAL SUSPECT: Good enough, I'll do it. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Operator: A Burst Drone reports that a Soviet Apocalypse group is approaching Apex-san's base.
Destiny: Hmm...we can't do anything about it.
Operator 2: Ion Disruption Towers are built, Kancho! The island and this base are now impervious to all Ion Cannon strikes.
Operator: Soviet MCV completed construction!
Destiny: Good. We might have use a Scorched Earth tactic on Apex-san's base...
Operator 2: Apex-san's launched...some missiles at the GDI base. Hunter-san's database's tricorder shows that they are "Nuclear" weapons. If the database is correct, GDI has... _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:02 am Post subject:
EDIT: This is a fairly long post. Allow me to summarize it, but I do recommend that you read it, as it contains important details. If you wish to read the full thing, skip the following:
OK: the abandoned Soviet base, the tiberium has spread in an uneven circular shape, it has grown out of the cliff entrance; Destiny's forces still border it, unless he has recalled them; I'm not sure. Some of the tiberium is spreading towards the brown forces, more of it towards DaFool's base, but it hasn't breached his cliff walls yet, and it won't; I'm controlling the flow. DaFool, please read the first half of the post; I've got a proposition you WILL be interested in. Also, tiberium veins have sprouted near the entrance to the abandoned Soviet base, and blue tiberium is dominant inside the base's structures.
"Tiberium IS the answer. Beautiful glow..."
Oh yes, it's damn cool. You just keep on harvesting it, please and thank you.
No Soviet structures remain; I've replaced them all with my own refineries and research labs, plus a barracks.
* * * * * * * * *
Destiny, and the rest of my allies, be aware; the tiberium is spreading towards DaFool's dunes, but don't worry; we have perfect control over it. Ya gotta love the scrin and there stuff.
And now a message to DaFool:
DaFool, guess what? Tiberium PLUS Spice EQUALS... benefits. Very nice benefits. Benefits for weapons, mostly.
So I ask you: would you like to join forces? If so, do I have permission to get some sand worms and create a new spice patch? It would belong to both of us; I would share the results of my experiments with all my allies.
Basically, expect unbelievably POWERFUL and effective weapons, and WMDs, ballistics-EVERYTING! I'm not asking you to bow before me by no means; we are at least equal (I'm not sure; maybe spice is more powerful than tiberium. Only ONE WAY to find out. )
Just say the word, and power will be ours.
* * * * * * * * *
Okay guys, when updating the map, be sure to mark the spread of tiberium from my area. It has spread out in a mostly circular way, but it's definitly spreading further to DaFool's base than anywhere else, know what I mean? Also, I can halt the spreading at anytime. Ooh, and mark out veins, a little off the center of the spreading.
With the new disruptors in place, the EotRS's island base and my testing fround are imprevious to any orbital strikes; my engineers have updated them, plus I've sent jamming satellites up into space, launched from a hideout off map.
I've gotten amny sensors and detectors up and running (SCRIN tech, plus Nod & GDI, which would include Allied & Soviet tech, unless we've seperated these universes for good[PLEASE no. They're meant to be as one...]).
* * * * * * * * *
As for any tresspassers, heed my warning, please:
I've sent out tiberium enhanced, stealthed, quite, deadly, infantry - half of them equipped to deal with other infantry, plus light & heavy vehicles (they can jack them too, especially when there are two of them on one tank). The other half is able to destroy aircraft with speed and precision; these guys would also be effective against tanks.
They are my beloved super soldiers, my elites, my friends. So, CHECK 'EM OUT! (Sorry, no pics):
They wear long black trench coats, which conceal lots of weapons - knives, swords (some energy swords too; thanks Destiny, they are really cool!), advanced armour penetrating (and I mean PENETRATING) grenades, plasma bunker charges, pistols, SMGs; the smaller weapons.
And those were just side arms! Them, plus ammo (theres not too much, but they're damn good shots), take up only half of the space on each soldier's body.
Their main weapons (two handed ones) are only one of the following:
- Assault Rifle (auto & precision burst firing modes; AP or green or blue tiberium rounds)
- Grenade Launchers (the grenades being more like frag grenades, rapid firing, decent range, bounce)
- Sniper Rifle (railgun style, incredible range, although you can definitely trace the shot back to the soldier who fired it; PILOT SNIPES! AIRCRAFT PILOT SNIPES, although very rare)
- Automatic Shotgun (loaded with blue tiberium, decent against light vehicles)
- The ultimate quick firing and lock-on, enhanced-with-heat-sensors and with a secondary deploy function allowing soldiers to manually guide the missiles themselves, missile launcher. Missile warheads are AP blue tiberium, green tiberium clustershots, or plasma (really fast, AA).
Now, none of my Elite Cadre carry ALL of these primary weapons at once, as there is not enough room in their jackets, or on there dual chest straps, or belt, or leg holsters; how they can carry all this shit with ease I'll explain later. Plus the trench coats are actually somewhat part of the rest of their clothes, which are wired up to allow complete invisibility; the effect does wear off after a few hours (SCRIN TECH).
Okay, so how the hell can these guys and gals carry all those weapons, and STILL be able to perform like a berzerk but still stealthed-like ninja? The answer is simple: Tiberium performance enhancers, plus they're naturals; they are born killers and thinkers, very proactive. They just think differently from people, have a different mentallity, which allows them to perform so miracuosly fast.
...and yet they could still interact normally with people (well, some of them); they crack jokes, have a great sense of humor, and they're reflective, honest, and still know what the average wo/man might talk about; they can get along well with almost anybody. It's incredible.
Despite lots of exposure to tiberium, these individuals have a mind and body and will of TITANIUM. If you think no one can fully control their life, you may be wrong.
I swear to unholy shit, my Elite Cadre can control every part of their body with ease; I'm not sure how, but they can shapeshift, to a small extent, and only with the help of tiberium, and not all of them can do this. Their body manages to absorb anything beneficial out of tiberium; it can heal them, make them stronger, jump higher, run faster, swim faster.
What I meant by shapeshifting was, they can morph their skin. It's very slight, the changes they can make of their bodiess, the most useful change being the hardening of the skin, and the ability to stop some bullets & projectiles into penetrating very deep into their skin. It's like the combined effort of the skin cells and muscles grab hold the projectile as soon as it breaches the outer skin, stopping it from diving too deep into an organ, or stopping it from hitting an organ at all. Incredible...
It took a long ass time to find these fine people, but it was worth it.
I am employing about 23 of the above mentioned people into a search and destroy team inside the tiberium fields I own. Using statistics from my sensors, they will spread out (even one of them is a serious threat to practially everyone on the planet) and hunt down destroy all tresspassers.
I am also employing animal controllers and their creatures to aid the cadre; remember the tiberium fiends? Visceroids? Floaters? Destroyers? No, you wouldn't remeber the destroyers. Think Rhinos, but... different.
Thats right, I've got organic cannon fodder to distract large groups of enemies, allowing the cadre to move in for the kill.
Finally, I've deployed fast VTOL craft, which, although they can hold their own against light enemy forces, are primarily acting as my eyes and ears.
Well, thanks for reading! _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
Destiny: *Thinks* His technology is amazing. A trader, I presume. I wonder that intercepted transmission that the Allied faction sent to Hunter-san's sub about trading Phase tech for long-range SSMs and still stands...
Operator: He's mad. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
*Looks at pictures*
Hmm... this looks wery interesting. The Japs have occupied the island by Albrecht. It was a good idea to place that Earthquake making tank(M.A.D Tank from RA1) there, even when SOMEONE...
Techi: CUT IT OUT!!! Anyway, shall we use the tank??
Yes, do that. The Japs aren´t gonna know what hit them
EDA: Multiple forces are closing in on the main base. It is advised that action as taken.
Commander: How is the X-66 coming?
Engineer: We are having trouble getting the fusion engine to get working with the systems of the tank. The cloak generator is installed but that won't work until the fusion engine is up. The railguns are put into place and ready for use. The shield will not work with the weapons systems as they disrupt it.
Commander: If you can get the railguns up, I am sure we can manage. Lets see how their armor holds up against 120mm shells hitting them at Mach 4.
Radio: Commander, the package is lost. We have no need for this area anymore. Once the transports arrive you will make a full retreat until we can reassess the situation.
Commander: Understood... *Turns to troops* We will only have to hold them off for a little while longer. Once the transports arrive we will be heading back.
Figure I will give a background the the mercenaries.
The Тайгер забастовка (Tiger Strike) mercenaries are the militaristic branch of the Volgograd Defense Corp. They are used as muscle to escort cargo and, when necessary, insure the safe arrival of Black projects kept from local & national governments. Where they lack in manpower they make up in experience, technology, and improvisation.
They have access to technology the world over. The company that supplies them is a primary weapons manufacturer of most nations (the US, Russia and European nations mainly).
Known Diplomatic Ties:
GDI- War
UN(Present)- War
Nod- Neutral
Russia(Present)- Allied ;Primary provider of weapons
US- Allied ;Primary provider of weapons and economic stranglehold
Soviets(Past)- War
Allies(Past)- War
Known WMD's
Nuclear Missiles
Chemical Weapons
Tiberium based bombs(last resort, never used before)
EMP Bombs
Known arsenal:
Laser weaponry
GDI weaponry(2nd war and lower)
Nod weaponry(Modern)
Customized vehicles(Usually built from another factions designs)
USA Weaponry(Modern)
Also, damage to be done:
_________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
*Looks at pictures*
Hmm... this looks wery interesting. The Japs have occupied the island by Albrecht. It was a good idea to place that Earthquake making tank(M.A.D Tank from RA1) there, even when SOMEONE...
Techi: CUT IT OUT!!! Anyway, shall we use the tank??
Yes, do that. The Japs aren´t gonna know what hit them
Maybe you missed it, but now you know
Remember you will destroy Albrecht's forces when you attempt that _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:51 pm Post subject:
Destiny, just send some Shinobis to jack that M.A.D.; they are useless against troops, too slow to run them over, plus they have a charge delay.
I've got a few sensor VTOLs (the same type as mentioned in my previous post) in the area, they'll help your guys spot the thing.
Oh, and to my allies: don't forget, I'm givin' you guys some money! Whatever your funds are, add 4000 bucks. More to come soon.
And as stated before, Destiny, if you'd like, I can upgrade a small portion of your soldiers, rising them to semi Elite Cadre status.
If you want to, pick your best men and women from your Warrior, Tank Buster, Shinobi, and Rocket Angle ranks, and I'll genetically enhance them to near super soldier status.
I've already upgraded half of all your ground vehicles and a quarter of your navy with my advanced engines and targeting systems and what not. Only your armored Tsunami tanks and your large ships are outfitted with a new semi organic regenerative tiberium armour. Energy shields are in the works. If you desire, I can upgrade your weapons too; as of right now they are the same.
Now guys, for the sake of balance; SURE, I've got super soldiers, but there aren't many of them. They are powerful, probably the most skilled fighters out there, but they CAN be outnumbered. Expect HEAVY casulties whenever you engage them, though. _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:23 pm Post subject:
@ Destiny: I am I'm retyping it now...
Dutchygamer: This is it comrades, are you ready?
Apoc 4: Ready comrade!
Apoc 5: We'll crush them all!
*AAG roll into the Mercenary base* Dutchygamer: Okay, Apoc 2 and 3 take out the powerplants, 5 and 6 switch to magnetic harpoons and take out the faster vehicles, 4 covers me while I go and take out their CY.
*Apoc 1 (me), 5 and 6 switch to magnetic harpoons* Apoc 5: Hehehe, lets crush some vehicles! Tick Tank: What in Kane's name are that? *Apoc 5 fires harpoon at the Tick Tank, and draws it closer* Apoc 5: Come here!
*KABOOM!* Apoc 5: Muhahaha, who's next?
*KABLAAM!* Apoc 3: Powerplant down!
Apoc 4: Seems their power is down!
Dutchygamer: Gooood! Four, cover me!
*Dutchygamer fires harpoon on CY, and pulls himself to it* Dutchygamer: You cannot escape your faith!
Apoc 6: What is that for double-barreled tank?
*X-66 arrives at the scene* Dutchygamer: Apoc 5 and 6, harpoon it and crush it! Three and four, use your cannons! I want it taken out pronto!
*Apoc 5 fires harpoon at the X-66*
*X-66 points at Apoc 6, and fires it's railguns*
*KWAAMM!* Apoc 6: Aargh, damn! Armor levels at 65 percent!
*KWAAMM!* Apoc 6: Nooo, that was the Tesla Reactor. It's gone unstable!
*Apoc 6's Tesla reactor overloads* Apoc 6: NOOOOOoooooo!!!!
*Apoc 6 explodes* Dutchygamer: Okay, that's enough. All Apocs, gather at me. I've got a surprise for them! HQ, activate Iron Curtain at the AAG!
*Iron Curtain activates*
*KZWOOM!* Dutchygamer: It's payback time comrades!
Apoc 5: Come here big fella!
*X-66 is drawn closer to Apoc 5's grinders, while Apoc 2,3 and 4 pound on it with their cannons* Apoc 5: The Apocalypse cannot be stopped!
*X-66 is crushed, exploding violently, taking out almost the whole base*
*KABWOOOOM!!!!* Apoc 3: Wow, good we've got that Iron Curtain! That thing exploded even more violently then a Super Reactor!
*KWABOOOM!!* Dutchygamer: Hehe, that was their CY. Fire at will comrades, take the whole base out!
*Apocs take out the rest of the base* Dutchygamer: Good job comrades. Shame about the loss of 6, but this base is gone.
Also, as promised, the updated map. And I'm sorry Apex that I've had to take out your little base QUICK_EDIT
X-66 Computer system: Fusion core unstable, detonation in 17, 16, fift-
*BOOM* *All units disappear in a hellish explosion leaving a crater*
Commander: Damnit! All remaining units fall back to the coast. US fleet, we will need transportation!
Frigate: Roger, loading troops and equipment! _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
By the way Dutchy if any of your tanks find 155mm shells in the turret tops it's because my artillery was already shelling the place.
Armoured units, return to base.
USUAL SUSPECT? Did you get anything good.
USUAL SUSPECT: Didn't you see my handywork? Guess those missiles must have been too high when I activated the self destruct... _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Commander: Load up the tanks. I want out of here by midnight. Take the crane and use it to load the Humvees onto the top of the cargo ship. If we can't fit all the hardware, we are leaving it. I do not want to see any gaps. I want bumper-touching-bumper!
Apex: Hey heyHEYHEY!!!Humvee plummets 200 feet and explodes* I said secure the damn clamps first!
Cargo ship: We are at full capacity, ready to leave.
Commander: Well, since you helped us. You keep the surplus hardware. And tell our little "friends" that we will be back later...
*Ships start leaving*
Destiny now has from me:
Titan x6
Tick Tank x14
Mobile Stealth Generator x1
Mobile Sensor Array x3
Unmodified X-66 x1
E.M.P. Laser Tank x1
Enjoy... if you want _________________ Comcast: Yo dawg we herd yo were downloading, so we put fail in yo modem so yo cant download while yo failin! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:27 am Post subject:
Alright, the button has been coloured; the upgrades have already started. Expect very maneuverable vehicles, with regenerative armour.
Also, the tiberium I'm harvesting has really spread; it's started to leave the opening. There is now a new mutated Veinhole Monster, which has been growing rapidly. Destiny, and the rest of my allies, tell you vehicles to stay off those veins; plus blue tiberium has appeared near the center of the field. I'll let the blue tiberium grow for now, but I'm starting to harvest the veins; gonna get some wicked chemical missiles preped, for the hell of it.
For now, I'm just gonna keep harvesting as much as I can, then refine it in, then store it, either in the area, or on the smaller island to the north, all the while making some crazy, badass weapons; just a few, though, as I don't have a large R&D base or anything.
All straglers have been terminated, thanks to my elite cadre and vicious but controlled (think advacned shock collars, for the brain) tiberium lifeforms; my fields are clean of intruders. And if you guys THINK you've still got some units in the field that are still alive, you may be right. But don't think they aren't being watched...
Damn, before you know it, theres gonna be a new Genesis Pit! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! *Draws breath*, that is of course, if my allies all agree.... MONEY! _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
*Through a transmittor*
We...Destro....MAD Ta....
Can´t we get a better connection?? Techi: We are trying
We managed to destroy the M.A.D Tank.
Ahh... Stupid Japs, that´s just the decoy. The real M.A.D tank has already been activated, and is just a few minutes away from firing. As i said before, The Japs will feal my wrath. Last edited by Liten on Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
XO: Sir! The Orbital strike system is ready!
XO: Ten HE missiles
Fire at the Japanese fleet, looks like their Rising sin just Sank
XO: Decoys?
As many as you like. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 May 2008 Location: Scotland, starting a Revolution Cameo: metricon. Posts:???
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:34 pm Post subject:
""Revolutionary has Entered the game""
apearing from the blue (a RA1 Navel Transport realy) apears a mcv, mobile command center, Mammothn tanks and a commando.
Revolutionary; ha stupid fools
Suddenly the mcv deploys and builds a tib refinary, Gdi barracks, 3 adv power plants and a nuke silo.
Revolutionary; thay will watch as i lay wast to there bases, Start up the command computer
Commander; arrrrg what the hell
Cabal; dont turn it of its just running in DOS
Cabal; sYsTeM eRrOr.....
Commander; a hears the on switch....
Revolutionary; NOOOOOOOO
""Revolutionary has left the game""
45.91 KB
12556 Time(s)
_________________ Creator of TS:BoB and some other things that might be good when finnished. QUICK_EDIT
I am still here! I finally got my radar up and..... oh noes, the drop ship put me down on the other side of the planet! I guess I just have to move all my units....
"a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click", "a" click, "m" click","a" click, "m" click" and finally "a" click, "m" click".
That should be all my units. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:29 pm Post subject:
Did you forget? NOTHING ORBITAL CAN TOUCH ME! OR DESTINY!! At least not the island base and my field, not until all my jamming stuff on the ground AND in space is destroyed; they're heavily guarded, nothing short of a MASSIVE ground & air force combined would be able to even get a foothold in my field. Infiltration is impossible, with the Elite Cadre. Or you could spend a couple years trying to invent a brand new universal targeting system; by the time it's in the beta stages, I'll have acquired enough info to counter it.
BTW Destiny, you've just recieved 8000 credits worth of Tiberium. Also, I've moved about 7 Elite Cadre into your island base, to help hunt down & kill spies and what not. _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
My missiles were targeted at his fleet off my coast. Out of range of your system, and check cadre #17 He disagreed with something that ate him, I believe he stumbled from the 6 sniper rounds and was eaten alive by the veinhole. And I have gun camera footage to prove it.
And Apex, you never even touched our weapons systems, I cou;d tell you the town that mined the ore that was smelted into the copper that jackets our rifle ammo! And I assure you, I know who owns it. No world conspiracy crap, just Allied nations. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
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