ok. thanks. I've done a bunch, most of them hummer variants, but, I have done a pickup truck, from scratch, too. I think I did well on them, but, that's probably just me. and they all have lights. that is one consistent thing about them, but I'm not sure. _________________ "Banned" RP here QUICK_EDIT
I can't go to the TSR tumsun.com forums TSR discussion board. why, cuz I would think that VXLing civie vehicles would count as helping it.
ahh. I'll post a couple'a civie vehicles. Every vehicle has been normalised and cleared of all umimportant voxels(using the remove rendundant voxels tool)
Ford Truck.vxl
my first from scratch ground vehicle , a Ford pickup truck. and it has lights, 5 of them
also, any suggestion on what you want me to VXL, I'll try to do it.
Now, I think that I'll try to VXL a Ford Mustang or Chevy Beretta
I got banned from the computer for a couple of days for geting an F in math. So, I got around to finishing my F-18 Hornet model (mostly markering the model, and some glue on the landing gear, that kinda stuff [I'm using the RA2 Hornet for an example]) _________________ "Banned" RP here QUICK_EDIT
F in math? I got a B in math. I too, got banned from my comp because of a bad exam note. I had a D in french. Not to mention my parents gave me a bad vision problem to my eyes when i was born and i'll have to wear glasses from thursday. But hey, i'm back! QUICK_EDIT
yeah, so math isn't my best subject... but I betcha ya cant make a lvl 2 model in a coupla hours... with no help... Also, I've had to wear glasses for years... its not a big issue, really. I still wear glasses, after SEVERAL frames...
also, I made a vehicle like a GEO tracker (wow, I can still remember what it's called) but I cant post pics of it. They are all wierd, and greyscale, not worth posting. Banshee might be able to get a better picture of it.
*runs off and begs Banshee to get really great pictures of it* (hint hint)
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