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Reign of Steel Lore [New]
Moderators: Holy_Master
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:16 pm    Post subject:  Reign of Steel Lore [New]
Subject description: ROS lore changed!!!
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Reign of Steel:
Story by Holy_Master
Edit by Orac

ROS is a re-envisioning of the Tiberian series, so it is completely separate from the original universe. However, some parts are still similar to the original - the appearance of GDI and Nod for example.
Because I am not sticking with the original universe I can make major changes to the appearance and feeling of the game.

The Great Impact:
Multiple meteor impacts across the globe caused civilization to crumble and drove the few survivors underground. 100 years later, the populations of the bunker cities eventually returned to the surface to find the world changed.

The meteors not only destroyed the surface but they "changed" it. 100 year passed and humanity found many part of the world cover by crystals call "Tiberium", naming it after the Tiber river where it was first formally documented. The crystal itself is not dangerous but if any living thing touches the roots, which spread around the crystals, highly toxic chemicals can enter the creature's cells killing them very slowly in some cases, immediately. Worse still are those who become mutants, or “Mutes” as they are generally called.
Plant life mutated by Tiberium can undergo massive changes, and many of them secrete spores or chemicals which are equally deadly to the toxins of Tiberium itself.


The Factions:
Bands of survivors have come together towards the goal of creating their own better world.

Symbol: Hawk
HQ Location: National Space Station & Underground Fortress in USA
Goal: To destroy Tiberium and bring back civilization
Tactics : GDI units are well trained, have good equipment and dominate the battlefield with more powerful war machines than the other factions.
Strengths: Heavy armor, fire power and a powerful airforce
Weaknesses: Slow and inflexible units

GDI is a former UN military organization. This army used to be the strongest army in the world with the most high tech hardware and well trained soldier in order to enforce world peace in the last century. With the fall of the UN after the Great Impact, GDI has an open opportunity to take control instant in order to keep humanity in line and bring back civilization on surface.

- Nod
Symbol: Scorpion
HQ Location: The Great Underground Pyramid
Goal: Revolution for humanity
Tactics : “The weapons in their hands are nothing if they cannot see us" - Nod uses hit and run tactics including stealth technology.
Strengths: Speed, stealth, best defense structures
Weaknesses: Poor armor, firepower and less efficient powerplants

A mystic organization that had taken control of many national governments from behind scenes in the last century. Some call them illuminati, some one call them the Templar, but no one knows the truth: that neither ever existed. Most of Nod doesn't even know the face of their leader - All they know is the voice under the codename of "Cain" or "Kane".
After the Great Impact, Nod lost most of their power in the destruction of the nations they controlled. This has forced them to reorganize themselves into a more forward force.

While Nod sees Tiberium as a disaster, they also see the opportunity in it.

- Consortium [renamed of Federation]
Symbol: Shark
Goal: Creation of Utopian society
HQ Location: The Great Shelter, under the Pacific Ocean.
Tactics: "Keep them away so they can't hit us", the Consortium can weaken or block the enemy and hit them with the best long range weapons.
Strengths: Hover units and the best long range weaponry
Weaknesses: Expensive units, slow rate of fire, and weak harvesters

A group of scientific cooperatives who predicted the Great Impact and began to build a massive bunker under the Pacific Ocean, despite widespread disbelief in their predictions by governments.
People who lived in the Shelter were forced to undergo a process inserting a “Cybernetic Unity” neurological implant in order to keep peace inside the Shelter. Hundreds of years passed with science, technology and unity, making the Shelter into a large city.
The Consortium has become one of the largest factions in the world and are ready to unite the rest of earth under their rule.

- The Abandoned
Symbol: Human Skull
HQ Location: Depends of which of the gangs
Goal: Survival at any cost
Tactics: None
Strengths: Have every type of unit for basic tactics and all are cheap and quickly produced
Weaknesses: Despite these strengths, all their units are poorly armed and armored compared to the other factions.

People who survived the Great Impact on the surface live by the anger of their abandonment. Because for the most part the world has become a wasteland, food and water have become something rare and nearly invaluable forcing most people to become bandits.
But that's not the worst aspect of life on the surface. Mysterious mutant lifeforms call Seekers, which come from nowhere and strike without warning, eating nearly everything.
The dangers of the wastelands have forced the abandoned to band together into world roving gangs, taking what they need from the bombed out cities and empty bunkers. A few have even learned how to control the terrifying creatures which roam the wastes, using Seekers as weapons against other gangs.
In a fight for survival they still rival the other sides with their ferocity and unwillingness to surrender their free will.

Last edited by Holy_Master on Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:05 am; edited 10 times in total

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

sounds a lot like KKND to me
but very nice, i like this "natural apocalypse" idea
and i do like mutation punks hehe, brings alot more cyberpunk feeling in the game.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yes i try to make my mod have post-apocalypse atmosphere feeling.and in we need punk for full fill this world. Wink you will see sand buggy,guntruck,technician and many modify vehicle on this side.

Last edited by Holy_Master on Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yay its about to get realy dirty i like that Very Happy, those mutant punk concept remember me on those mad max freaks on theyr weird sand vehicles and small calibre guns & grenade launchers


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This Mod would look MUCH better without RA2 sides imo. Good call.

What is this 'Federation'? I've got an idea for them, basically it goes like this:

A group called the Federation (note that they don't belong to GDI or NOD but 'Other' (remember TS installing screens?)) they managed to battle and take over Philadelphia from GDI. From this they can now initiate attacks on the globe in weak spots, gathering their power. Some are formed from maybe ex-GDI?, still believing in peace to the world, but without all the governments and such involved like a council run government (and to keep with the whole space thing going with them). I'm thinking maybe Starship Troopers-like Federation. GDI is a Democracy run by governments.

I'm guessing the Mutation Punk are your advanced Forgotten.. as you put they hate everyone I guess.

Of course GDI and NOD have same ideals.

Good ideas for sides #Tongue


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Wait, does that mean you'll remake the GDI and Nod buildings and units you've done so far? Then instead of just getting rid of whatever you've done of the old SHPs and voxels, why not just release them, like you did with those other unused ROS units, but in SHP and VXL format?

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Tyler Adams
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Can I hope to see tank units for GDI & Nod?

Imo, mechs are awesome.. but..

Tanks > Mechs any day..

Or, perhaps, like in Scorpion's Revenge, a tank & mech general?


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nah GDI doesn't use Tanks anymore. I thought you knew? Mechs can go over the hazardous terrain, have a height advantage.. etc etc.

Mutants and NOD use tanks as far as I can tell, with Mutants being the prime candidate for making Mammoth Tanks.


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Tyler Adams
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Elerium-155 wrote:
Nah GDI doesn't use Tanks anymore. I thought you knew? Mechs can go over the hazardous terrain, have a height advantage.. etc etc.

This is a new GDI, not the one we know & love, whose second in command personally ran Kane through with a steel I-Beam.

I think so, anyways..

Btw, tanks are easier to hide, faster, stealthier, you know.. better..

I'd rather have a fast Humvee then a Titan against a Core Defender.

Heh, make it trip over it's own legs trying to squish me..


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Meh, I still think Mechs are cooler and more practical for the time being in the TS universe. The whole planet is a tiberium wasteland. What's the easiest way to get around? Using Mechs. Mechs also intimidate the enemy but the same could be said for Tanks.

As for the Humvee thing, you'd be dead if you even came close to the Core Defender let alone drive underneath it Smile (auto targetting is evil, especially with instant hit duel super non recoil super fast shooting Obelisk cannons).


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

gdi dont use tank like original but faderation do but yes nod have tank unit like old.fad have strongest airforce and use tank as main combat vehicle.they styles like survivor on KKND but have better aircraft. yes gdi have aircraft too but fad's the best in this point.
i try to put all unit style in sci-fi movie can think in to my mod.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Elerium-155 wrote:
Meh, I still think Mechs are cooler and more practical for the time being in the TS universe. The whole planet is a tiberium wasteland. What's the easiest way to get around? Using Mechs. Mechs also intimidate the enemy but the same could be said for Tanks.

As for the Humvee thing, you'd be dead if you even came close to the Core Defender let alone drive underneath it Smile (auto targetting is evil, especially with instant hit duel super non recoil super fast shooting Obelisk cannons).

that sounds good the sci fi thing Very Happy please chose oldshool cyber trash movie things for working on the mod, they got the best flair! Smile


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I like your concept.
Please tell us about subfaction of all faction.
I'm interesting.

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PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:18 am    Post subject:   Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This is a new GDI, not the one we know & love, whose second in command personally ran Kane through with a steel I-Beam.

Laughing Laughing well at last he survived

"My god, the maniac is going to do it. May god help us all..."
God: F%^& YOU!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

i have changed ROS lore in order to make it sound more reasonable thank you for Orac who help me fix my grammar and some additional idea to make it more interesting.

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freedom fighter

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I like the story, though as many pointed it out already, it partly sounds like KKND.

And I can see that there's gonna be a new faction in the future. From the looks of it, they're your take on the The Forgotten right? Will they have that GLA/Orkz style to them?

Also: the Great Impact. Evangelion reference? #Tongue

The future belongs to The Forgotten!

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yes. the Abandon [Wild version of Forgotten Rolling Eyes ] will similar Ork in Wh40k mix with KKND mutant if i want to add new faction in the future they're the next. but i don't think i can do it soon since i want to finish everything on 3 first faction before and i don't have much time to do it. however it didn't wrong if i just plan for them.

even so maybe it possible to see them in next update as natural faction who know?

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