Totally shit!! Many stealing stuff!! Don't public!!
[ 14 ]
Little interesting. But I don't care about it.
[ 14 ]
I will try it if you release.
[ 25 ]
I want to play it!!!
[ 39 ]
Total Votes : 92
Missile Trooper
Joined: 23 Mar 2006 Location: Thailand
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:24 am Post subject:
C&C Tiberian Sun:True Power
I make this mod cause that I boring to play Unba KW. And I want to play TS campaign. But when I play for a while. I want GDI has some good defense building so I add "Sonic Emitter". And then I want Cabal and Forgotten has unique building and unit. And then that my cause to add new fraction in game.
Story Line
- After Firestorm Crisis. Surely has new 12 GDI mission and new 12 nod mission. I may add new campaign for 3 new side if possible
- Not need ETS.
- 5 Fraction GDI,Nod,Cabal,Forgotten and Scrin
- Little fix balance issue.
- More deadly AI.
New toy for GDI and Nod
- Sonic Emitter(GDI)
- Havoc(GDI)
- Railgun Tank(GDI)
- Flame Thrower(Nod)
- Elite Cadre(Nod)
- Slavic(Nod)
- Laser Tank(Nod)
New fraction concept
Cabal - All infantry is cyborg. High Technology. All vehicle is mech. Powerful unit and armor but high cost.
- Droid Platform
- Power Droid
- Cyborg Plant
- Tiberium Refinery
- Tiberium Silo
- Mech Factory
- Satellite Network
- Air Pad
- Laser Fence
- Plasma Battery
- Technology Assembly
- Obelisk Of Darkness
- Cabal Core
- Core Obelisk
Forgotten - All Infantry is mutant. All structure don't require power. Use old tech(TD tech). No Aircraft.
- Warehouse Yard
- Tiberium Supply Center
- Mutant Hovel
- Sandbags
- Tiberium Refinery
- Machine Shop
- Radar Array
- Obsevation Tower
- Fortress Tower
- Research Laboratory
- Training Armory
- Battle Hospital
- Tiberium Missile Silo
- Mutant Gunner
- Mutant Rocketteer
- Mutant Engineer
- Mutant Sergeant
- Umagon
- Tiberian Fiend
- Ghost Stalker
- Tratos
- Genesis Flyer
- Harvester
- Hum-Vee
- Abram Tank
- Mobile MLRS
- Flame Tank
- Howitzer
- Mammoth Tank
- Mobile Warehouse Vehicle.
Scrin - - All building is life form can self healing but slow self heal but little save your little money for repair it and all building immune to vein. All vehicle is life form too have self healing and heal in tiberium. has most power aircraft. Weapon base on electric tech.
- Mother Hive
- Enegy Colony
- Creature Lair
- Ichor Extractor
- Worm Hole
- Neuron Connector
- Shard Launcher
- Star Router
- Mutate Chamber
- Ichor Accelerator
- Ion Column
- Signal Transmitter
From PPM and Tiberiumweb for SHP+Voxel
- Lin Kuei Ominae
- Dutchygamer
- Denmon
- Bittah Commander
- Suiseiseki
- Jabberwoky aka Gangster
- Mei Ling
- PD
- Reaperrr
- FinalMoon
- Blade
- ra2killer
- Renegangsta
- Ickus
from PPM or instruction and advice
- Lin Kuei Ominae
- Aro
- Hyper
Edit: Little Update.
First Time. I think don't public my mod but I change my mind.
Update for lastest version(unpublic yet)
- Forgotten -
- Cabal -
- Scrin -
You will see that it has many steal+Public+SC in my mod. But it will change it in to my original in future. At least I will change Forgotten Conyards and Warfact to new one cause I steal from ROTD and then I will public Beta version.
True Power is just Begun... _________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... Last edited by GameMaster0000 on Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:38 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:13 am Post subject:
I'm sorry to say, but this looks just like a 13-in-a-dozen TS mod... I also see that you have used a lot of public stuff, and maybe also some non-public stuff. Even though you may give them credit, if the original mod owners don't want you to use them, then don't use them... QUICK_EDIT
Like an RA2+Public Asset mashup. O_o Learn to make your own buildings and vehicles and such. It will help you so much more in the long run. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
yeah I think some of thhe units and buildings dont fit to each other.....the concept Idea is good but the other stuff needs more work _________________
Worksoft Studios
Lead designer and voxel artist. QUICK_EDIT
Good for you though, this seems like a good first mod. When you finish this one and have the experience from it, you can then go do something more original and stuff. Learnings mods are good though. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Location: North America Posts: You cannot comprehend...
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:12 pm Post subject:
While not that original, its still a decent start. The presentation (GameMaster0000's first post) is acceptable, despite that fractions are taking over factions, thats fucked.
But I say keep working on it, and if you can, eventually replace obvious cut-and-paste units and/or structures (like the ones from RA2, they don't fit in TS), and release a public beta, eventually. I might give it a try. _________________ Destroy to create. All for the hunt to dominate!
Joined: 19 May 2008 Location: Scotland, starting a Revolution Cameo: metricon. Posts:???
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:20 pm Post subject:
at least after making shp or voxel someone uses it
by the way great idea and i love the reserch lab/dropship bay _________________ Creator of TS:BoB and some other things that might be good when finnished. QUICK_EDIT
its ok but new sides have notorious AI Short Game issues which makes them pretty much useless and ra2 doesn't work due to foundation size and just general style.
Also remap units are kinda ugh .. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Thanks for that. Today I will start to make forgotten supply center(surly....c/p )
For Scrin concept is here
- All building is life form can self healing but slow self heal but little save your little money for repair it and all building immune to vein. All vehicle is life form too have self healing and heal in tiberium. has most power aircraft. Weapon base on electric tech. QUICK_EDIT
First Time. I think don't public my mod but I change my mind.
Update for lastest version(unpublic yet)
- Forgotten -
- Cabal -
- Scrin -
You will see that it has many steal+Public+SC in my mod. But it will change it in to my original in future. At least I will change Forgotten Conyards and Warfact to new one cause I steal from ROTD and then I will public Beta version.
True Power is just Begun... _________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:44 am Post subject:
be careful using stuff from blizzard. they're beasts.
from what I see, it's not a bad start, but your units and structures have serious pink-dot disease. Fix it up, and maybe photshop it to look more TS-ish, and it will be a great start. _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
be careful using stuff from blizzard. they're beasts.
from what I see, it's not a bad start, but your units and structures have serious pink-dot disease. Fix it up, and maybe photshop it to look more TS-ish, and it will be a great start.
Don't worry the starcraft thing I will remove it in later version.
But for pink dot I don't see any of them if you mean scrin that is remap color. _________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:15 am Post subject:
oh.. well soften it up a bit.
and use a blue-teal colour for their remap show off. _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
Sorry for lag update. First my mod has owned .exe like ROTD,TS Dusk that had done.
Next GDI Campaign. I have done 7/12 missions of GDI.
--- GDI 01 : Machine Offline ---
After main Cabal Core has been destroy. We find all sub core around the world and destroy it.
Now only one Cabal Core left. It located at Cairo in Egypt. Destroy Cabal Core and all cyborg
will stop activate.
Objective One: Destroy last Cabal Core.
--- GDI 02: Umagon Return ---
Before firestorm crisis. Umagon disease and became a monster. Now ahe is in the best
hospital in Rocky mountain. In that time serum doesn't work. But now we develope
new serum that can to relieve the disease. We must send it to her as fast as possible.
But in that sector now has nod bases near by. They may interupt our delivering.
You must escort the truck that contain serum to the hospital. Once serum has
been send to umagon and she recovered, destroy all nod forces in the area.
Objective One: Escort truck that contain new serum to hospital.
Objective Two: Destroy all nod forces.
PS.Machine Shop and Forgotten Consyard from ROTD is only "placeholder". It will remove when I public this mod.
--- GDI 03: Havoc Action ---
Intel report that water of reservoir in Irkutsk Oblast has been poisoned.
We must investigate how this happen. May be Nod is behind of this. We send air forces into.
this area but lost contact all of them. So the Legend Commamdo, Havoc has been sent
to do this mission.
Mission Objective : Investigate the cause of water in reservoir be poisoned.
--- GDI 04: Full City Panic ---
Nod forces take control the city in Netherlands and use toxin weapon
to take control the civilians to gain more troops. We must stop them.
Clear city area from nod and use "Toxin medic" to heal the civilians,
Be careful, DO NOT LET ANY CIVILIANS DIE. Once all civilians are saved
Drive all Nod forces out from this area. New prototype battle cruiser in this area too.
Use them for your advantage.
Objective One: Use "Toxin Medic" heal all civilains.
Objective Two: Destroy all Nod's forces in the area.
Objective Three: Protect the new battle cruiser, civilians and toxin medic at all cost.
--- GDI 05: De Javu Operation ---
Recent sat-surveillance confirms a significant build-up of armored vehicles
and weapons at a large Nod logistics base in Svalbard. The sat images show row
upon row of Stealth, Tick, and Flame tanks waiting to be deployed to
to attack GDI forces around the world. Your mission is about destroying
his arsenal before it is used against you in combat. You'll start with a
small force to clear the way, then we'll send you reinforcement to finish the job.
Objective One: Destroy Nod's border defense.
Objective Two: Destroy Sam Site and nearby outpost to clear area for reinforcement.
Objective Three: Destroy stock piles of Nod vehicles and all Nod's forces in the area.
--- GDI 06: Crazy Storm ---
We lost contact to the GDI base in the china. We are testing new Ion Particle Convertor in this area.
Last connection that they try to speak about nod new weapon. We send reinforcement
to that area but the ion storm block us. We must send the small forces in to this area
to secure base. Protect the base and Ion Particle Convertor until ion storm stop. Then
We can send you reinforcements and find the location of the Nod bases. Once located, destroy
all Nod forces in this area.
Objective One: Find the GDI Base.
Objective Two: Protect Base and Ion Particle Convertor at all cost.
Objective Three: Destroy the Nod base.
--- GDI 07: Uninvite Visitor ---
The unspecific alien forces are attacking our earth. They attack spreadly
all area on the Earth. We can't surrender for them and we must counter attack.
We found that alien forces in Doyintanon area of thailand has lowest defence.
Find the alien outpost, capture them and destroy all alien forces in this area.
Objective One: Find Alien outpost.
Objective Two: Estabish base for build strike forces.
Objective Three: Destroy all Alien forces.
GDI Mission 8 is WIP
_________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Location: Somewhere in rulesmd.ini
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:36 am Post subject:
This is great progress.
Looks very interesting the way you set up the storyline.
And that scrin Storm Colum looks sweet. where you got it from? _________________
Surly has Nod Campaign but I'm not sure that I will make Campaign for Forgotten,Cabal and Scrin.
I change my mind. It will have 15-16 Missions for GDI and Nod Side and if possible it will have 18 Missions for each sides!!
more updated. GDI Mission 8 finished!!
--- GDI 08 : Unholy Alliance ---
The alien deploy support base at Greenland. Nod base and Mutant base in the
area too. Alien deploy base while they in battle and take control both
with any reason. We detect the strange large life from inside both base.
Our scientist code name it as "Mind Beacon". If we can destroy it may
can neutralize both base. We allow you to use Ion Cannon in this mission.
Objective One: Destroy Mind Beacon in Nod and Mutant base.
Objective Two: Destroy all alien forces in the area.
This Rendered Forgotten Construction Yard. Still WIP I must add more detail.
78.61 KB
126548 Time(s)
Unrendered Scrin Shock Trooper
54.57 KB
126547 Time(s)
Omake, Do you want to live here :P
940.69 KB
126547 Time(s)
_________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 05 Sep 2007 Location: Somewhere in rulesmd.ini
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:09 pm Post subject:
Your first POST alyx congrats
That should be a honor to GameMaster =P
Cool progress? so do we expect a full Scrin side like the cnc3 recreated in TS ? It will be very cool if yes. _________________
Sorry, for lost for a looooooooooooooooooong time because of school work and the other games
And sure!! I still work in this mod. If I have time I will preview all new unit of this mod. _________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
I don't see what's wrong about this mod... On the contrary, I think it is very good. Everything is well put together, the sides ARE balanced and varied, the new units are cool and I really had no complaints about almost anything. So apparently this mod uses some stuff that aren't free for use (like the starcraft voxels). Well, I don't care at all, as long as everything is well put together and the mod is fun to play. I really hope to see a new version soon (I currently have 0.99 IIRC). Anyways I have some complaints. First, please make the skirmish AI for scrin/cabal/forgotten. When I play on skirmish I always have to challenge GDI or Nod and that's quite annoying. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Yeah I guess I can see that, anyhow, I don't think Gamemaster has any intention of releasing it by now Runex. As far as I know he was just asking about a release anyways, from what he says it seems like he's already tested it alot. QUICK_EDIT
The problem being that this mod uses a lot of Blizzard's material, they won't be very impressed. Fair play to the guy though, he's issued credit everywhere necessary. Last edited by Aro on Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Can modorator move this thread to "Private Mod" due that I still use some steal and starcraft asset. I can't public this mod any more. Until I can find replace for those stuff.
Anyway 3 new mission
--- GDI 09 : Nightmare Return ---
After launching a costly but successful counterattack against the Alien
invaders. It make our soldier has more morale to fight. Now is time to
strike them back. We found out the small alien base in Amazon. We send
the strike forces, but we lost contact to all of them. Last communication
they said about some huge mech. We must go to check at that location.
We should to build base at there, but in that area is contaminated hugely
with tiberium. You must find location to build your base. Once you found
it, build your base and send strike forces to destroy the alien forces.
Objective One: Find the location to build your base.
Objective Two: Destroy all alien forces in the area.
Objective Three: Investigate where the huge mech coming from.
--- GDI 10 : Chaos Fire ---
Not even Aliens, Cabal is comeback during this bad situation.
Anyway, they fighting with each other, use it for our advantage.
We found some civilians in the New Delhi, that area is under assault
by Alien and Cabal. We must rescus those civilians. Destroy any enemy
that near their to let they get evacuate safty. Once the civilians are
saved. Destroy all Cabal and Alien forces in this area.
Objective One: Find citys in this area and rescue civilians.
Objective Two: Destroy all enemy forces.
--- GDI 11 : Sneak Peak ---
Cabal start collect civilians and our troop to use meterial for cyborg.
We must stop them. We have located a large cyborg factory in Japan.
We send comandoes for this operation, use them to infilrate their cyborg
factory to destroy it from in side. Not let Cabal forces know that our
commandoes exist.
Objective One: Locate and inflirate cyborg factory with our commandoes.
_________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
A new mission is come!!! May be first indoor mission in TS!
--- GDI 12 : Cyborg Trouble ---
Our commando is sent inside Cabal's cyborg factory.
Destroy everything inside and rescue all prisoners.
Objective One: Rescue all prisoner.
Objective Two: Destroy all cyborg plant.
Anyway I can't remember where that I got city cliff and pavement(This stuff not from TS:AE). Can anyone that me whose is own this stuff? _________________ Tiberian Sun : True Power - Reality Power Of 5 Factions... QUICK_EDIT
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