I made a script to import all the w3x files that come with the Sample Art Pack 1. Dunno if someone is interested but I have it so why not share it ^^
It imports this features of the model:
#Basic Meshes
#Influenced Meshes
#UVW Map
If you are interested in additional features like importing animations leave a post and I will see what I can do
ha,ha,ha, awsome stuff guys. So this imports from RA3,C&C3, and C&C4? _________________
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So wait, does this importer work with any 3dsMax program? Like can I run this script with 3dsMax2011 and import the models and stuff without any ModSDK installed? _________________
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Well I somehow managed to get the RA3 ModSDK to work in max2011, well everything but the stubborn max2w3d.dle file which I really dont need at the moment anyway.
But my main question here is what files do I need to extract to get the models imported into Max? Is it the Static, Static l, and Staic m manifests? and do I extrct them to the RA3 ModSDK folder?
[Edit] So I got all the RA3 models extracted, W3DMesh,W3DCollision,W3DHierarchy,etc.etc. But it wont import them properly, everytime I try to import a model the only thing that shows up is a bunch of gengons "bones i'm assuming" but no actual model. Is there something I'm missing/not doing correctly?
I did however get it to properly import the GunShip and Warrior models that are in the ModSDK, but thats about it. _________________
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But it wont import them properly, everytime I try to import a model the only thing that shows up is a bunch of gengons "bones i'm assuming" but no actual model. Is there something I'm missing/not doing correctly?
Bibber wrote:
W3DCollisionBox, W3DMesh and W3DContainer tags of a model have to be in the same file.
And ... max2w3d.dle is the plugin that provides the exporter and its functions. You can get the importer working if you kick all the commands that require the exporter plugin. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:27 am Post subject:
w3ximp11015 and makeskn
katz great work both w3ximp11015 and makeskn are amazing
ju-jin nice try as always i always loved your tools bibber
any way the tools are great with simple units but still need some development for upgrading units like AUIFV from RA3 it only can import the primary stat and it cannot import the other upgrades
also when using makeskn the AUIFV_SKN.w3x contains the upgrades but do not show them
alright i mad some analysis to the w3x files and i found that AUIFV_COL_CTR.w3x in the <W3DContainer></W3DContainer> tag
contains only <SubObject> and <SubObject> while <W3DContainer></W3DContainer> tag in AUIFV_SKN.w3x contains all the upgrades subobjects i think this may help katz for the development
just extract the hole unite sources from staticstream.big of the installation folder using bibber latest tools to a folder then use katz's makeskn.exe in dos/cmd mode
makeskn [folder]
finally in 3ds max 9 go to utilities>maxscripts and run the max script and dont forget to choose the fx and texture directories then import Hierarchy choose the file ends with _COL_HRC.w3x then the container ends with _COL_CTR.w3x QUICK_EDIT
choose the file ends with _COL_HRC.w3x then the container ends with _COL_CTR.w3x
I unpacked/extracted all the assets/sources from staticstream and I dont see anything that ends with these _COL_HRC.w3x / _COL_CTR.w3x. Or is this what the makeskn.exe does?
and I cant get the makeskn.exe to run/work either. Any chance you could post step by step instructions on this? It would be much appreciated. _________________
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choose the file ends with _COL_HRC.w3x then the container ends with _COL_CTR.w3x
I unpacked/extracted all the assets/sources from staticstream and I dont see anything that ends with these _COL_HRC.w3x / _COL_CTR.w3x. Or is this what the makeskn.exe does?
and I cant get the makeskn.exe to run/work either. Any chance you could post step by step instructions on this? It would be much appreciated.
makeskn works under dos so you have to go to start-->run--> then type cmd then press ok
extract makeskn archive file to a folder then navagate to it using command
cd makeskn_latest\makeskn\obj\Release
then type
makeskn [path of the source files]
and press enter
you will see a message like the one shown here
then all w3x files marged to the only needed files
any questions plz feal free to contact me
salam/Peace be upon you QUICK_EDIT
So, o.k. if the file of the makeskn is C:\makeskn_latest and the file where the assets are is C:\airfield, then I type in C:\makeskn_latest\makeskn\obj\Release\makeskn [C:\airfield]?
But the thing is cmd prompt always starts me out with this
C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop>
What am I doing wrong? _________________
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So, o.k. if the file of the makeskn is C:\makeskn_latest and the file where the assets are is C:\airfield, then I type in C:\makeskn_latest\makeskn\obj\Release\makeskn [C:\airfield]?
But the thing is cmd prompt always starts me out with this
C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop>
What am I doing wrong?
to go to c:\ prompt you need this command
to know all about any dos command simply type /? after it for help
also search windows help for command-line
to know all about dos commands
in your case type these lines one after another (each line is a command press enter after it)
cd C:\makeskn_latest\makeskn\obj\Release\
makeskn c:\airfield
believe it or not, I've actually never, ever used cmd prompt. So you'll have to pardon my lack of knowledge on this matter. But I got it to work now. Thanks a whole bunch man.
and I actually learned something new today.
cmd prompt.png
12.82 KB
61937 Time(s)
The enemy shall be injected with toxic poison - Venom QUICK_EDIT
believe it or not, I've actually never, ever used cmd prompt. So you'll have to pardon my lack of knowledge on this matter. But I got it to work now. Thanks a whole bunch man.
and I actually learned something new today.
Then just drag + drop the folder on the .exe, its the same _________________ QUICK_EDIT
believe it or not, I've actually never, ever used cmd prompt. So you'll have to pardon my lack of knowledge on this matter. But I got it to work now. Thanks a whole bunch man.
and I actually learned something new today.
Then just drag + drop the folder on the .exe, its the same
OK Ju-Jin
thanks i have learned something new too
but i still in love with CMD QUICK_EDIT
cmd is very useful, but imo not when you just want to use a file or folder as a parameter, darg+drop is just easier/faster then. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Hello, I've just been curious if there are any changes between TW and KW models. I seem to have more or less no issue importing various stuff from the former in max or the w3x viewer but some KW models come out with a completely borked mesh and don't really seem to show up in viewer.
Uh namely been trying to take a look at the zone raider for instance. I'm guessing the models comes out wrong because it shares some assets with other files or something. QUICK_EDIT
I tried using the RA3 radiation death model and animation and it just doesn't work properly.
The model shows up, and there is some movement to indicate that it is trying to do the death animation, but it does not happen*.
This in itself is no big deal, sometimes things don't work, except it works just fine in W3X viewer. That's what irritates the hell out of me!
Was wondering if one of you guys "if you have some free time" if you could please see if you can import this into 3dsmax properly. I just dont know if I'm still doing stuff wrong or what. Or it could even be that I'm using Max2010/2011. But it seems no matter what, I cant get either Importer to properly import w3x files. They all come out so whacked outta shape I cant even tell what it is. I dropped this onto the makeski.exe and it said everything was successful, so I dont know. Just try for me, Please. Thanks in advance.
Another thing is the CNC Extractor dosent allow me to extract the animation sources just the assets. Is that normal? just asking cause when i choose ImportAnimation using the Importer it looks for a .w3x file.
Was wondering if one of you guys "if you have some free time" if you could please see if you can import this into 3dsmax properly. I just don't know if I'm still doing stuff wrong or what. Or it could even be that I'm using Max2010/2011. But it seems no matter what, I cant get either Importer to properly import w3x files. They all come out so whacked outta shape I cant even tell what it is. I dropped this onto the makeski.exe and it said everything was successful, so I don't know. Just try for me, Please. Thanks in advance.
Another thing is the CNC Extractor doesn't allow me to extract the animation sources just the assets. Is that normal? just asking cause when i choose ImportAnimation using the Importer it looks for a .w3x file.
There is something wrong with the W3X.
W3X viewer refuses to open it, it shows this error:
Critical: XML validation error encountered in 'c:\program files\electronic arts\
command & conquer 3\mod sdk\art\np\npparachute_skn.w3x' near line 259:
The element 'W3DMesh' in namespace 'uri:ea.com:eala:asset' has invalid child
element 'Vertices' in namespace 'uri:ea.com:eala:asset'. List of possible elemen
ts expected: 'Normals, Tangents, Binormals, VertexColors, TexCoords, BoneInfluen
ces, ShadeIndices, Triangles' in namespace 'uri:ea.com:eala:asset'.
Press ENTER to exit
Needless to say I also got a jumbled mess when I tried to import it into Max 9. QUICK_EDIT
So what does that mean, I'm not gonna be able to import the parachutes? Could it be that theres no W3DCollision files associated with the parachutes? _________________
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i'm doing RA3 parachutes too. NPPARACHUTE_SKL.w3x, NPPARACHUTE_SKN.CHUTE.w3x, NPPARACHUTE_SKN.STRINGS.w3x, NPPARACHUTE_LAND.w3x are extracted, looks fine in W3Xviewer, but i can only import the skl and anim to 3DSMAX9, the hierarchical model and mesh are not shown.
edit:nevermind, everything works fine now. you must import skeleton first, then simple mesh, then animation(skl then anim). QUICK_EDIT
how did you get the NPPARACHUTE_LAND in w3x form? The C&C Asset Extractor only allows me to extract the assets and not the sources of animations.
[Edit] ok, got that one resolved. Seems I wasnt using the latest Extractor. So but back to original problem. When I extract the w3x files do I put them in the Art folder in the RA3ModSDK? _________________
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edit:nevermind, everything works fine now. you must import skeleton first, then simple mesh, then animation(skl then anim).
I dont know what you guys are doing that I'm not, but I cant get anything to work other than SimpleMesh forms that are extracted from StaticL.manifest and not Static.manifest. If I extract all files known to a structure into it's own folder then drop that folder on top of the makeskn.exe it combines them, but when I try to import them into Max "yes I choose the .skl file first, then the .skn" I always get an error.
Here's what I do and this is the results always with any model I try to import. Am I doing things wrong?
w3x error 1.png
54.74 KB
61332 Time(s)
w3x error 2.png
50.25 KB
61332 Time(s)
w3x error 3.png
56.78 KB
61332 Time(s)
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