Unit and structure powers would be cool to see. Like in the design plan for the Forgotten in the old WW build of CNC3:
The Forgotten had evolved to draw energies out of Tiberium directly in order to power their "unique" abilities. You can think of them like psionics and such if that helps (or even X-men lite), but they were going to have a lot of control over the battlefield and all the flora / fauna on it, as well as being able to negate a lot of Scrin powers via their abilities.
For tech, they used stolen GDI and Nod gear that they modified to their own ends. While not as strong as GDI or as fast as Nod, they were intended to be a very finesse-driven side, since your power pool for every ability on every unit and every production facility was shared (i.e. piece a unit together for 500 energy, or call an ion storm for 2500 energy, use ability X on unit Y for 1000 energy, etc.)
Having an Iron Curtain and Chronosphere SW logic would be a plus for those that want to make a Ra mod. IMO the Chronosphere should be like in the original Ra with "unknown side effects". Phase a unit from point A to point B and then after 2 minutes if the unit hasn't been destroyed yet it will phase back to it's original location. And the second part was the destructive Chrono vortexes that spawned at random locations sometimes when you've used the device. QUICK_EDIT
On PS1 it kind of looked like a blackish diamond thing that pulsated and changed shape slightly, wonder why it was different. However... I think we're getting off topic of Vef's Engine discussion here, sorry . _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Yeah I played RA on PS1. I saw that thing ones. Its look was so awesome, shape shifting and stuff.
I think it uses vescoroid(hunter-seeker) logic. And vescoroids were planed like a same thing. That makes players shit their pants. Appears on the map, growns and destroys your base.
Btw, that cloud can be defeated by attacking it? And pics of PS version? _________________ Lost Relic[mod] Lost Relic[game] QUICK_EDIT
But its eather the PSX or DOS that uses a shroud drawing logic.
Now that you said it, I barely remember something like a shape-shifting shroud in the PSX version. Or then it was in DOS, but it was cool anyway. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
1. Chrono vortex
2. Randomly changing the vehicle which u chronoshift to something else (Like a light tank would randomly change to a medium tank)
Anyone else remember this second one or am i just going crazy ? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 May 2008 Location: Scotland, starting a Revolution Cameo: metricon. Posts:???
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:25 pm Post subject:
Crimsonum wrote:
Would be quite interesting but unbalanced, think about a Ranger that turned into a Mammoth Tank x)
would it realy be unbalanced? now think about your mammoth turning in to a radar jammer :p _________________ Creator of TS:BoB and some other things that might be good when finnished. QUICK_EDIT
Its because it was possible to make 5 engineers and chronoshift them to enemy con-yard. Unbalanced indeed. _________________ Lost Relic[mod] Lost Relic[game] QUICK_EDIT
It wasn't just that, it was part of the whole Philadelphia experiment -theme where soldiers would fuse with solid objects when chronoshifted.
Hmm, does the same flag, that allows/prevents demo trucks to detonate when chronoshifted, allow infantry to be teleported inside transports unharmed? _________________ QUICK_EDIT
It wasn't just that, it was part of the whole Philadelphia experiment -theme where soldiers would fuse with solid objects when chronoshifted.
Indeed, I should have been more clear of what I meant... I didn't mean that as a complaint, I just forgot to include that specialty in my previous posts. QUICK_EDIT
RA AI could not build those. I think? You could specify those with triggers, but thats all. _________________ Lost Relic[mod] Lost Relic[game] QUICK_EDIT
Here's a new concept that would be cool: Tiberian Evolution
Basically you have fauna on the map that evolve into a new species after X amount of in-game time, and alternatively (or additionally) some event that triggers the evolution.
This is a gameplay concept that is planned to be featured in TS: Rising for C&C3. QUICK_EDIT
Would be a pretty cool concept. Could also do something where buildings can be taken over by Tiberium and damaged unless repaired or built onto concrete, similar to Dune 2000.
Could also do like fauna or green/blue crystal sludge stuff spreading up cliffs or transforming trees, even crystalising vehicles or buildings on the stuff. QUICK_EDIT
Would be a pretty cool concept. Could also do something where buildings can be taken over by Tiberium and damaged unless repaired or built onto concrete, similar to Dune 2000.
Could also do like fauna or green/blue crystal sludge stuff spreading up cliffs or transforming trees, even crystalising vehicles or buildings on the stuff.
The sort of thing that C&C3:TW "Tiberium" was only explained to do(was never put ingame). I think that gameplay wise the Starcraft principle of the Zerg "creep", that is the living ground, could be applied, I guess it could even be compared to the veinhole veins in this sense. It would not have any specific central point that needs to be eliminated like it is with the veinhole monster or the base buildings of the zerg, but rather it begins where the mapper decides, several places even, and starts "crystalizing" the terrain, to use the TW definition, and all buildings and terrain objects and living organisms and vehicles alike that come in contact with it have special "affection/damage" frames that show them being slowly transformed into the crystal, maybe three frames each that display the different phases of crystallization. QUICK_EDIT
Version 1.0 of the engine will be made with Gangsters mod RAll. And TS:LR with all those things I want to add will be 2.0. _________________ Lost Relic[mod] Lost Relic[game] QUICK_EDIT
Cool, yes. But IMO a Chrono device shouldn't be something you can carry in your portfolio. It should be big, heavy and bulky. Like the one in Ra Aftermath. QUICK_EDIT
Yeah I dont really like it just sticking out there.
It should work the same as in ra aftermath with full recharge bar and deploy and select location. I like when the hi-tech element is NOT a luxury for the allies, which it was in Ra2 unfortunately.
The only thing that makes this vehicle a chrono tank is simply that "dome" they stuck on top of it. Stupid design.
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