Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:42 pm Post subject:
Warning: Porn signature = ban
Subject description: There will be no warning, just ban.
Today I've seen a member with a porn signature that violated almost every signature rules we have here. So, I'll be short with this:
-> Signatures with adult content or illegal content will result in instant bans, independently of the person's contribution to the community.
PPM is a forum for everyone, where many underaged people browse and interact with. So, we'll have to keep it opened for everyone, with no adult content allowed. It is that simple.
Joined: 13 Jan 2007 Location: Netherlands! Banned: 3 times
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:07 pm Post subject:
Great job! Really. Now lets hope he stays away...Although he'll probably come back. _________________ ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭
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I destroyed a lot of Salvations rubbish, though I can't delete his signiture and etc. All I can do is remove his posts and threads in anything that isn't someones personal mod forum section. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
But really . . i dont think theyre will be another admin made to look after ppm. just mods . . . _________________
Silly taco fumbling unicorns nocturnally launch basketballs, Hell March. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 08 May 2009 Location: Humour House and Red Alert 2 Editing. Occupation: Female Modder, YR: Uprising coder
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:39 am Post subject:
Aren't there are two more admins in this forum? Sk8erkid and BMKane? What happened to them? _________________
The fallen hero will be remembered. She will rise again. QUICK_EDIT
yeah i agree about baning people who have porn sigintures because after all it is "G" rated site after all. _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Joined: 28 Sep 2005 Location: Mixing psilocybin in your drinks.
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:25 pm Post subject:
Dutchygamer wrote:
The only 'true' global mods are Muldrake and DonuldArnold (at least, the most recent global mods), and both aren't online that much.
The only other global mods are Clazzy, Morpher, and TS, and I don't recall seeing any recent posts from TS. If anything there needs to be another admin; besides Banshee there's Sk8erkid and BMKane, and from what I can tell BMKane has... no posts at all, though he's just a forum admin whereas Sk8erkid is a site-wide admin (and he's not that active, either). _________________
[quote="DCoder"]There is no sanity left in this thread.[/quote] QUICK_EDIT
Yep, this came up before but nothing was done about it. If such an "election" does take place, please can you not allow self-promotion as it is pathetic to have a large number of members yell "make me mod make me mod", even if their chances are close to zero. QUICK_EDIT
Why don't we set up a proper government style system where we have members who can be moderators/admins for 6 months then get reelected. Hell we could even have administrative parties. QUICK_EDIT
During the registration process, ask in business english (using long difficulty sentences) some questions where you finally have to choose one from a long list of similar answers (with most having grammar mistakes etc). If the answer makes no sense or is one of those with bad grammar, deny registration.
Since Iloo is such an english retard, he'll never answer the question correct. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 13 Jan 2007 Location: Netherlands! Banned: 3 times
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:48 pm Post subject:
I don't agree. Well, it depends. I mean, I don't really know when to use then or than, or wether it is powerful or powerfull, things like that, so I don't think that's a good idea. _________________ ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭
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Why don't we set up a proper government style system where we have members who can be moderators/admins for 6 months then get reelected. Hell we could even have administrative parties.
I'm with Bolt.
@Revo and Joshy:Pfft.Me having fun= bad. QUICK_EDIT
I suggest an election. 4 or 5 nominees should do just fine. What does everyone think?
Negative, I think that it's all up to Banshee to tell if he needs another admin and if he does, who'll it be.
I think it doesn't make much sense that the site's owner wouldn't be able to select his right hand. QUICK_EDIT
Well he can... but when hes away like he has been shit happens. There doesn't only have to be 2 admins anyway... there can be:
Banshee - leader
Banshee's Right Hand - deputy leader
Nominated Left Hand - admin by popular vote
In that case Banshee's trusted Right Hand can keep the 3rd admin in line. I do believe there should be re-elections though, to keep things running smooth, kick anyone out who hasnt done much and generally bring a new attitude to the table (you wouldnt want a real dick stuck in charge, banning everyone). QUICK_EDIT
During the registration process, ask in business english (using long difficulty sentences) some questions where you finally have to choose one from a long list of similar answers (with most having grammar mistakes etc). If the answer makes no sense or is one of those with bad grammar, deny registration.
Since Iloo is such an english retard, he'll never answer the question correct.
No its not as simple as you think, first of all if an ip ban cant stop him then neither will this, why because (1) there are translaters and dictionaries availible to him all he has to do is decode it. (2) He can find a friend or family member who knows english better.
Secondly this wont only affect iloo, this will affect many people who dont speak english well and seeing that you suggest it having long difficulty sentences, young modders who speak english may not be good at advanced english. Like do you expect kids to know that sh*t and also there are good modders here who dont speak good or advanced english here, so if theres others like them they wont be able to join and give something to this community while you be wondering why its ''dying''.
Moving on, Banshee should choose who he wants, but I think he should choose more than one person he trusts, because one person is not going to be monitering the site 24 hours, because they have a life. Theyll log off and go and meet up with their friends for a few hours and what do you know iloo strikes back and spams this place while that person is out with their friends. But if you have two or more maybe one of them be logged on and then could ban iloo and delete spam.
And as for any real dick banning everyone one, Banshee should warn them before hand if they did something like that they'd get banned too unless they have a good reason and the community can back their claims(reasons) too. QUICK_EDIT
I think that translators are not able to translate the difference between A1 and A2 as the meaning comes from the syntax and not from a simple word by word translation which babelfish and other translators do.
This is just a simple example and if it would be a bit more complicated, i doubt that any translator can find the right answer.
It was just an idea anyway. Finally any security system created by humans can be cracked by humans too.
Maybe we could also have something like a registration on trial. When a new member has several negative points collected, he will be unregistered again. Only mods and admins should be able to give new member ratings.
-mods/admins have a "negative report" button visible on any post from members who aren't longer than 6 month registered
-a simple click on the report button adds a negative point to the new member
-the new member got unregistered again when he has 6 points
-the trial is over after 6 month and he'll become a full member
This way also local mods (e.g. Aro in the TI forums; Machine in RoO forums) can give negative points. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
No need. If one of them comes back, they will be banned again and again until they give up.
The solution is to:
1. never give up and keep banning him
2. don't make it harder for the other people just because there are some "annoying" ones. (just like DRM, it makes it harder for the honest people while it'll get cracked anyway by pirates. Result: there own fans get mad.) QUICK_EDIT
Maybe we could also have something like a registration on trial. When a new member has several negative points collected, he will be unregistered again. Only mods and admins should be able to give new member ratings.
-mods/admins have a "negative report" button visible on any post from members who aren't longer than 6 month registered
-a simple click on the report button adds a negative point to the new member
-the new member got unregistered again when he has 6 points
-the trial is over after 6 month and he'll become a full member
This way also local mods (e.g. Aro in the TI forums; Machine in RoO forums) can give negative points.
This sounds kind of good, but instead of a registration on trial. We have a system where they can register anyway, but on comments you can give a -(point) like the same in youtube. And when they get -6 on their comment, well then, their account gets paralised so they cant log in and spam more, until the administrator reviews the comments and chooses to ban the person or un-paralise the account so they can log back in.
Now to stop the abuse of this feature people can only give a -(minus)point
when the person spams crazy or has ripped assets from mods, something serious. But they cant use it if someone says something to them they dont like (you know flame each other) otherwise they will be warned or something like that. Oh and they cant use it when they think its iloo, because if they do use it they better have good proof otherwise ''something something bad''
also when you click on the minus you show be given warnings and rules on how it is to be used, for new members who think its just like youtube. So they dont make a mistake theyll regret.
Oh and this feature should be given to members who have been here longer than a year, so iloo wont use it against us, because he useally doesnt last a week here. QUICK_EDIT
No need. If one of them comes back, they will be banned again and again until they give up.
The solution is to:
1. never give up and keep banning him
2. don't make it harder for the other people just because there are some "annoying" ones. (just like DRM, it makes it harder for the honest people while it'll get cracked anyway by pirates. Result: there own fans get mad.)
Uhm I dont see how having extra admins works against us. It keeps the forums cleaner and means any problems are dealt with faster. Its not just about iloo. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:04 pm Post subject:
OmegaBolt wrote:
Well he can... but when hes away like he has been shit happens. There doesn't only have to be 2 admins anyway... there can be:
Banshee - leader
Banshee's Right Hand - deputy leader
Nominated Left Hand - admin by popular vote
In that case Banshee's trusted Right Hand can keep the 3rd admin in line. I do believe there should be re-elections though, to keep things running smooth, kick anyone out who hasnt done much and generally bring a new attitude to the table (you wouldnt want a real dick stuck in charge, banning everyone).
Revora made me loose all my faith in democracy. So, there is no way this kind of thing will happen at PPM. Sorry. At the moment, I won't hire a new admin. If I need one, I'll either promote Muldrake or Morpher. QUICK_EDIT
Uhm I dont see how having extra admins works against us. It keeps the forums cleaner and means any problems are dealt with faster. Its not just about iloo.
Everyone has his/her way of dealing with things.
The more people who work with each other the more disagreement there can be.
@Banshee: I think that's a good choice as they're experienced. QUICK_EDIT
I have an idea although I have a feeling it's not going to be possible...BUT I will bring it up just in case.
If it were possible, perhaps having a topic or post by post report button that when that thread is reported on X amount of times, I'd say roughly 5 times in our case, that then that thread gets automatically moved into a section of the forum that is only accessible by the global mods and admins and is hidden. Then if it's a single post then perhaps it could be temporarily split from the thread automatically and sent to the same place if reported on X amount of times. There they can sit until a global mod or admin has time to review the problem and can handle it. Then of course it would make some kind of PM or alert to the global mods and admins to let them know that there is a topic or post waiting to be reviewed.
There are several benefits such as faster moderation and members being able to, in a way, 'moderate' the forum and also stopping a flame war in it's tracks without it going on too long, that is of course if those involved or not involved see point enough to report it. This would also make it so Banshee could continue on with perhaps less pressure to promote/hire more admins or global mods if he doesn't wish to do so.
Then the only real disadvantages would be say someone like iloo decides to make X amount of accounts to match the amount of reports needed and then goes through and reports every useful thread. Of course that would take a lot more effort to do but still plausible. Then there is also the possibility that some members may try to 'team up' against others to get rid of their posts/threads, however I believe that the PPM community save the attacks of people like iloo are more mature than that and could be seen through, by the staff member reviewing it, if attempted and then those people could be warned.
I believe I had other advantages and disadvantages of this system floating in my head but as I was typing the first set I forgot what the others were.
But like I started this post out with...that this would be a possibility to look into IF it is even possible on the PPM forums. _________________ Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium! QUICK_EDIT
so... anyone in favor of me being a mod?
i have been coming here for 6 years now, let me do something back.
i have plenty of time, love CNC, i don't post much but i come here atleast once a day. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Hell No we don't need more admins we just need more prople reporting stuff etceria. _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Well he can... but when hes away like he has been shit happens. There doesn't only have to be 2 admins anyway... there can be:
Banshee - leader
Banshee's Right Hand - deputy leader
Nominated Left Hand - admin by popular vote
In that case Banshee's trusted Right Hand can keep the 3rd admin in line. I do believe there should be re-elections though, to keep things running smooth, kick anyone out who hasnt done much and generally bring a new attitude to the table (you wouldnt want a real dick stuck in charge, banning everyone).
Revora made me loose all my faith in democracy. So, there is no way this kind of thing will happen at PPM. Sorry. At the moment, I won't hire a new admin. If I need one, I'll either promote Muldrake or Morpher.
How come "loose all my faith in democracy"? QUICK_EDIT
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