Never played Essence, but gonna give this version ago. From the screenshots it looks like the best C&C3 mod i've seen yet. If anyone wants online games I'm up for it.
BTW I hope Scrin aircraft can no longer outrange AA defences... that was some bullshit, especially when they were also effective against vehicles... one of the reason I got put off from C&C3. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:57 pm Post subject:
Man Carnius, you gave your best and here is the result, a one perfect mod. I was stunned when I played it. It is so well ballanced.
The jumpjet infantry is what gdi needed against scrin and their aircrafts. Falcon is great and his emp grenades, nod units are great, everything is great.
I supose that tiberium essence 1.5 wouldn't be needed because you made tiberium wars as it should be. There is no thing left in the game to modify.
However there are few things that I dont like, but there are only few compared to many great things that you made.
First, new avatar look i don't like it is now big headed, but that is just cosmetic. The old reaper is better and this new doesnt look like it is firing rockets, but the mortar grenade is absolutely nice.
For GDI, I was surprised that you actually built in my suggestion that medics build field hospital like in red alert 3, and for that I salute you but they need undeploy button, because you need them with your forces.
And for scrin the only complain is that you should remove mothership and place your new mothership insted of old one, old one is overpowered and in many rounds it is boring to play with only him. The new one is breath taking. How did you designed that, it is fantastic. Like a real scrin unit.
These are just the things that I don't like but all other, like conqueror, new mammoth mk 2 look, new look of every vehicle, new weapons, and even ts 2 music, man your mod is epic.
Also I think that you should start modding a new upcoming command and conquer 4 because we all know that it will be one piece of CR*P. And with your magic it could be perfect like this one. QUICK_EDIT
Awesome release. Definitely one of the best so far, with loads of new Scrin stuff.
Some light initial feedback:
The main menu logo would be better with a transparent BG. Something like this watermark:
The new orange-brown and khaki are too dark. Use brighter colours so that they are more visible on radar. The purple is almost perfect, just a bit brighter for radar visibility...
If its not too much to ask, would it be ok to remove the green smoke coming from GDI and Nod harvesters? I once suggested similar thing to Stygs for TWA. The harvesters look weird emitting those large clouds of smoke (look at the Scrin one it has no funny smoke)
Excellent music choice, using the calmer TS tracks for ambient and the more fast-paced ones for combat.
Rename the hospital to "Field infirmary" A hospital makes me think of a huge building.
The Goliath seems a bit puny, like the C&C 4 APCs. Try making its body a bit longer. Gun turret also looks rather big relative to body size.
The Falcon IMO feels like it overlaps with the Titan a lot, in fact now I use Falcons much more since they cost less and are more mobile. Also the Falcon's body looks rather flat.
There is a bug with Falcon locomotor, it cannot crush fences. It moves like infantry, unable to go through fences.
Nice job on the new Black Hand visors. Subtle but good.
IMO I don't really like the new Cobra that needs to deploy. If you really want to have a deploy mode at least give it still the ability to attack while moving, but with less range and damage, while deploying increases the range and firepower. Also the deployed version needs a firing radius aroudn it like defences.
Awesome Razorback. Definitely nicer than the creepy crawlie that was the Gun Walker.
Conqueror and Defiler doesn't seem to be healable by Corruptors. Razorback's ok it's healable.
The Conqueror's laser muzzle flash is too small for its enormous beam. From many angles you can easily see the beam cutoff because the muzzle flash doesn't cover it
Assault mothership doesn't benefit from ion storms (healing or otherwise) _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
I know its not perfect yet that is why i said i will support 1.4 properly with patches.
Not sure about CnC4 Apcs, i dont watch that game too much, but i can always scale Goliath up
I was thinking about cobra that way too, but finally i decided is not as needed hence is artillery, it suppose to fire at great distance and Nod got lots of things to fight in short range combat. But i can give it try once more.
But mothership benefit from ion strom she creates, its only not displayed on model, i got some troubles with that shader. I will keep working on that. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:20 pm Post subject:
Carnius wrote:
Not sure about CnC4 Apcs, i dont watch that game too much, but i can always scale Goliath up
I was thinking about cobra that way too, but finally i decided is not as needed hence is artillery, it suppose to fire at great distance and Nod got lots of things to fight in short range combat. But i can give it try once more.
Cobra is nice, it is same like the old artillery, first you need to deploy and then fire. If by me, you don't need to change it, excep maybe to give a little bit longer turret, nothing more.
For Golliath I think that only cannon should be a bit bigger, the body is good sized. If it is lareger, it would be bigger tham mammoth. QUICK_EDIT
I only wanted its body to be longer by a tiny bit, not larger. Currently it looks puny like C&C 4 reckoner. you can see the size comparison:
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
When it is 3 on 3,Nod harvesters will stop harvesting. Also sometimes the Planetary Assault Ships lightning will not work once they have moved. QUICK_EDIT
Awesome. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. Last edited by Destiny on Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:42 pm Post subject:
I propose the idea to make the Gdi Juggernaut deploy before fire as is in FS.Both Artillery pieces must deploy for firing not only the Nod one.This would cut down the spamming of Juggernauts by GDI players.
2. Idea give similar ability of Snipers targetspotting for Juggernaut to an Nod squad or vehicle (Stealth Tank?;vehicle would be original),should spot target for Cobra.Not the beacon placing in KW,works as Sniper's ability.
& lets move the Mortar upgrade in Mutant hovel,make it upgrade for Mutant Pitbull .
Im thinking upgrades for Mutants,will come and say if something logical falls on my mind. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I propose the idea to make the Gdi Juggernaut deploy before fire as is in FS.Both Artillery pieces must deploy for firing not only the Nod one.This would cut down the spamming of Juggernauts by GDI players.
In that case why not have the Devastator deploy to fire as well? It's an artillery too, and among the deadliest in the game. Yesterday on Wrecktropolis I levelled an entire Hard AI Nod base with just 2 Devs.
btw is there any difference between the 2 modes for the Jump Jet trooper aside from flight vs walking? _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:08 am Post subject:
Valdez wrote:
In that case why not have the Devastator deploy to fire as well? It's an artillery too, and among the deadliest in the game. Yesterday on Wrecktropolis I levelled an entire Hard AI Nod base with just 2 Devs.
btw is there any difference between the 2 modes for the Jump Jet trooper aside from flight vs walking?
For its a spaceship it cant deploy but could have an sort 'firing-delay'(works so:Weapon charges a energy-bar each time before firing and must stand still to fire,otherwise mobile)
btw no i havent seen anything more yet,will comply here if happens(played 5 times with GDI yet only ) QUICK_EDIT
But Juggernaut is now so unprecise and it would be bad to add deploy button to him. Besides cobra is not an assault unit, it is stealthed, perfect for base defense or for ambush, just deploy it and wait.
Juggernaut is more like assault unit, first he can crush almost every vehicle, and has more armor. Last edited by ilic stefan on Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
For its a spaceship it cant deploy but could have an sort 'firing-delay'(works so:Weapon charges a energy-bar each time before firing and must stand still to fire,otherwise mobile)
That's just a "realism" issue.
Realistically modern artillery units don't need to deploy either. Carnius either added the deploy function for balance (since it's now really deadly to vehicles) or simply for a TS feel.
Still, the lack of mobility is a really big downside for me. I find myself using Stealth Tanks more since they are also cloaked and they are very dangerous on bases once they have the Tiberium Warheads.
btw does anyone have a list of the tracks used in the mod? Just for reference... _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Having to deploy is a good thing since other units can't move it away from it's position, which is perfect for a turtler. However each faction's artillery units are not the same. The Juggernaut may do crap damage and have crap range but it's bombard ability is it's key point. The Devastator Warship is a flying artillery unit, plus shields and boosted by Ion Storms but you know how fragile all aircraft are.
Also the Juggernaut already deploys to fire. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. Last edited by Destiny on Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:56 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
I downloaded and I love it but what I dont like is Nod laser upgrade what ruins buggy, venom and scorpion tank weapon. _________________ Welcome to the unit, I´ll see you around.
Tiberian Sun 2.05: QUICK_EDIT
Realistically modern artillery units don't need to deploy either. Carnius either added the deploy function for balance (since it's now really deadly to vehicles) or simply for a TS feel.
This was just one reason, but at firs place i wan to avoid using cnc3 deploy style unit AI. I cant explain why exactly but this part of code its somewhat screwed. Considder juggernout. Sometimes he moves while still deployed, (animations just not work right with artillery) and sometimes when he act on his own he deploys to fire at advancing enemy units but intead of firing he lost target and undeploy, then again and again, your base is swarmed with enemy units and he dont get to fire until you order him, very annoying. Non of these problems occur with cobra now. But i cant do the same for juggernout because of his bombard ability unless i remove it which is unacceptable.
Lack of mobility is downside but its siege unit after all and its not designed to be stand alone unit but used in combination with avatars or stealth tanks which protect her while she ruin enemy base.
Valdes wrote:
btw does anyone have a list of the tracks used in the mod? Just for reference...
Joined: 05 Mar 2009 Location: GDI Bunker K-12 A Bosnia
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:09 pm Post subject:
Yeah, the new units doesnt heal with corrupters and the juggs are way too unbalanced. just 4 took out my entire base in my last game, yet i cant stop it. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 05 Mar 2009 Location: GDI Bunker K-12 A Bosnia
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:17 am Post subject:
no i dont it;s just that i hate countering juggs in TW. They are over powered. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 05 Mar 2009 Location: GDI Bunker K-12 A Bosnia
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:23 pm Post subject:
no, just get 4 with scouts and your opponent will be defenseless, add yo that, they will have to send units outside as defenses are useless. Lol, add sniper team and it will be even more epic _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:42 pm Post subject:
You never encountered air units countering your Juggies I guess? Juggernauts are great when supported, but not on their own. Against fast units they miss, but against static targets (stationary vehicles and structures alike) they own. QUICK_EDIT
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