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Welcome to C&C4 Mapping Discussion!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:52 pm    Post subject:  Welcome to C&C4 Mapping Discussion!
Subject description: Quick intro and tips for a better mapping!
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Welcome people! This forum was made to help people mapping C&C4. Basically, when you have any doubts about mapping or problems with your map, ask here. We do also welcome people's under construction work and screenshots to be posted here, since people may attach their files whenever they need. As soon as you finish your map, post it on C&C4 Map Archive. This forum is viewable to unregistered users, but you need to register to post.

When planning a map, have in mind some basic concepts:

- Plan the size, ammount of players and terrain before you start the map. Resizing the map should be the first thing to be done once you start the map. 350x350 is the ideal size for a 2 players map. Make it a bit bigger for more players.

- You can import a TGA as a map. Use greyscale colours to define the height map. Actually, the game only reads the amount of blue in the colour, so if you set a colour with too much blue, you'll have a huge cliff.

- Real world style maps are better than symetric, because the player will really need to scout the map and may expect surprises. Symetric maps are more ballanced, but very predictable.

- Lack of tiberium crystals ruins the gameplay your crawler sucks. Excessive tiberium crystals makes the map too easy and the crystals irrelevant. Make sure it's ballanced and all crawlers able to access it. Also, remember to place some TCN Nodes and other neutral contructions in the map to motivate players to expand and fight for certain locations of the map.

- Make sure each TCN Nodes has at least 2 different entrances. We recommend 3 or more. This increases the ammount of strategies and challenge of the map, making attacks less predictable.

- Make sure the border of your map is 30 feet high or higher, otherwise the map won't show up in the skirmish menu.

- Scripts provide life to a map and make it more dynamic. Use them to have higher quality maps.

- Choke points are places where few units are able to pass at the same time. They provide new tactics for the map. Use them, but do not abuse. Choke points where few units may pass at the same time usually provides problems and headaches. Avoid them.

- Beware when placing neutral buildings. Some of them may provide advantages for players of a specific side toward others, or players from a specific starting locations towards others. They are the easiest way to unballance a map. Beware when using them.

- Maps with cliffs, unstable terrains, trees, rocks, etc... are more real and more fun than plain maps. They increase the eye candy factor of your map, making your map more popular. Make sure you place them over your map and make it heavily textured. Use the option to blend the textures to make it look more realistic.

- Don't forget to add the players to the skirmish map before saving it.

- World Builder comes with a superb manual and quick readme file that includes the checklist of what needs to be done. Take a read at it. It's very easy to understand and it is full of tips.

That's it, folks and have fun! I believe there are points that I didn't covered properly. If you have something to add, post in a reply below. I hope it contributes to improve the overall quality of the maps posted on the Map Archive and in the rest of the community.

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