To start with, there's a large sum of different damage types used in Generals, each weapon does a certain damage type.
Infantry like redguards and rangers usually use SMALL_ARMS damage, tanks use ARMOUR_PIERCING, Jets usually JET_MISSILE, bomb EXPLOSION, this way there's a over 12 other damage types.
The Armor.ini file:
Armor NoArmor
Armor = DEFAULT 100%
^^That's how it looks like, on the first line we have "Armor", this says this is a bit of armor coding, followed by NoArmor, which is the name of the armor. The name of the armor can also be found in a units ini file, as it tells there that the unit will use that armour.
The seccond line is "Armour = DEFAULT 100%" simply said this line (if used) should always be the seccond line to ensure a functioning armor. What this line says is that from any damage type the unit will take all the damage.
The Third line says that if the damage type "HAZARD_CLEANUP"is encoutered we should ignore the "DEFAULT" value and use this one instead.
So if we would add another line like "Armor = SMALL_ARMS 25%", then also the damage taken from Light infantry(and the Quad Cannon and Tunnel Network) would be reduced.
The value 25% tells us that the armor will make the unit take only 25% of the damage given to it by that perticular damage type.
The Final line is "End", this tells the game that this is the end of this armor, the End word is very important, don't forget it, or the game will get confused and reject to even start up.
In the first lines of Armor.ini there's a list of damage types, please note that this is not a complete list, as there are even more damage types than noted in the list.
So as a small conclusion:
Armor (name of armor)
Armor = (Damage type) (Percentage to take of obtained damage)
Hope this helps people out