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Download The Latest Beta: 0.85X
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 7:52 pm    Post subject:  Download The Latest Beta: 0.85X Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

0.85X is certainly the version that brings more changes. This version is better than 0.84X to play online, because the cheat that allowed to the attackers get virtually blocked when the path between the center and the ship was mazed is gone.

This new version also includes an working AI (currently working only with Red Player). So, if you wanna play 1 vs 1 against AI, use player 5 for you and player 1 for AI (computer can be of any level... all of them play in the same way). Since it's a beta version, I've added texts to help me to debug AI, but this will be gone when 0.85X be finally officially released. If Red AI is alone in its team, it will start building at the center, near the ship. If AI is not alone, it will build in its standard position and the human player can build in teal or blue places.... (if you only put 2 AIs in force 1, you will be limited to 25 attackers, because AI supposes that other player AIs work). AI's defense will certainly vary depending on the side it chooses. It can play all the 7 sides, but if it plays as Fire, AI will be a n00b. If AI plays as Ice, AI will be quite hard. My tip is to not allow AI to build level 2 units at any costs, otherwise you will certainly have troubles and die, because AI builds huge ammounts of them. Unlike many other AIs from many games, this AI DOES NOT CHEAT. Yea, it plays fair... and well, if it uses Ice... I still have a lot to do to improve it in Blue's position.

So, here are the changes (0.85X built 12/09/2003 AFTERNOON #1):

- Special Ways enlarged (so, cases of units going to special way is reduced).
- Fix for the virtual land block where units got confused rather choosing the special way or normal way.
- Fix to all point values, tech ballanced, fire improved and all sides are upgradable, although tech, energy, stone and fire pays full price for upgrade.
- Fix for ice and poison that now slows enemy units.
- Improved Leaderboard (F1 and F2 stuff).
- Red AI works, but not 100% well yet.

Final Notes:

My plans for this version is to finish AI for all sides.

Wintermaul Wars 0.85X Beta
Built In 16/09/2003 - 12:26 PM BTZ

 Filename:  wintermaulwarsx.w3x
 Filesize:  170.2 KB
 Downloaded:  3112 Time(s)

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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

New Beta Released: Built In 16/09/2003 - 12:26 PM BTZ


Ballance Changes:

- Ice is quite weaker now. It was too strong before... I beat some guys in Bnet without even need to maze... just built 7 towers and I barely leaked... something that it's not fair, really... something like that no longer happens.

AI Engine Changes:

- AI now has maximum priority to keep the integrity of its maze. Whenever it looses a tower (a rare, but possible problem), it tends to replace it with an equal tower. (Although I have to fix this script for upgraded towers... tsk tsk tsk)
- AI now attacks better. It starts attacking 1 second before the round when it attacks begins... this assures AI to gain more income and attack with more units.
- Problems when upgrading towers are fixed.
- Fixed bug when AI (playing alone) finished blocking a side. It now continues to maze more... it blocks a side to not allow units from the right side to get into the special path.
- Added an anti-dragon feature for AI in blue position. The towers built in the last queue have their acquisition range lowered, so they will only reach units that are close to it. Instead of attacking land units that are away while air units pass, it will focus its firepower in the air units and will attack the land units only if they are close enough. Unfortunatelly, AI still focus more the land units than air and also this feature seems to loose effect in some types of upgrade... (something that I still need to work on)

Other Changes:

- Leaderboard design improved again.

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