Just downloaded Tiberium Essence 1.4 about a week ago, and I have to say this is the most amazing mod I've played in some time.

The new (or in some cases, old) units and additional upgrades/abilities add a new layer to the game. The added effects like blood and gore, additional shrieks and groans of dying infantry, missile trails, "classic" tiberium modeling really enhance this too. But best of all, the music of Frank Klepacki is back (It just isn't C&C without his music IMO), with an excellent selection of tracks, though I kind of wish "March to Doom" and "Prepare for Battle" from Tiberian Dawn had been included...I'm also a bit more partial to the original "Act on Instinct" track rather than the Kane's Wrath remix. Still, I can't tell you how much fun I've had with this mod, stomping through a Nod base with my upgraded Mammoth MkII Walker (Thanks!

Would it be possible to have any additional music from Frank Klepacki play during the main menu, or at the strategic map when choosing battles? It'd be awesome to hear the map music from Tiberian Sun playing in the background when listening to either Kirce(GDI) or Ajay(Nod) lay out the details of your next mission. Also, am I the only one that's bummed that C&C3 doesn't have an option to select the various tracks while in game, like they did on the earlier C&C games? Just my two cents.
The return of the Jump Jet infantry is great, along with the Nod cyborgs, and medics for GDI that help complement the forces. For example add the medics to the GDI rig/battle base and you have a complete mobile center for fixing up your battle scarred forces after a tough fight, ditto for the Nod mobile repair vehicle(forgot the name). I noticed that the medics and GDI commando can't be airlifted though, even though they're supposed to be. Is this a bug? I also concur that it would help if the medics can repack their infirmary so they can stay on the move with the forces when doing a long range patrol or assault. Also, I can't seem to get the Jump jet infantry to get healed by medics or go into any of the barracks or infirmary for healing.
I don't know how anyone feels about this, but could the GDI engineer be armed like the combat engineer was in Kane's Wrath? Just a pistol so he can defend himself, maybe also get the same armor suit upgrade like the rest of GDI infantry. He'd still be rather squishy, just not as much. Also, I don't know if this would even work at all, but what about heavy weapons platoons for the various factions, like mortar or heavy machine gun teams? I guess an example would be like the GI in Red Alert 2. I don't know if it's even doable though, or what impact it would have on the gameplay or anyone would even like the idea, just thought I'd throw it out there.
Also, would it affect game balance if their was an option for GDI riflement to use the grenade launchers that are supposed to be underattached to their rifles? Unfortunatley GDI already has grenadiers, so I don't know if it's doable. Maybe an upgrade power that grants a limited ability to launch a grenade volley with an effect of some kind, perhaps just a small area-of-effect weapon? Just a thought.
The other land and air units are great, though I noticed that air dropped Predator tanks only appear as regular, not veteran like they're supposed to be. Another bug? I also like that the artillery concept has been implemented for the factions as well, i.e. the Cobra, Juggernaut and Scrin equivalent (again, forgot the name). They're slow, and don't do so well against moving targets, but have better range and really do work in the fire support role like they were meant to be. I always have several Juggernauts providing long range fire support now whenever I launch an assault on a Nod stronghold, preferably with Mammoth tanks as the spearhead.

I'm glad to see the Wolverine back, replacing the Pitbull, makes a good deterrent agains Nod's massed infantry charges (can you say Banazi charge now? Yikes.) Though I miss the mortar upgrade the Pitbull had, might the Wolverine get something like this?
I'm also very impressed with the work that's gone into the mutant faction, happy to see the return of Ghost STalker. I heard mentioned that we might see Umagon again too? That'd be great, maybe she'd be like a rapid fire version of a sniper perhaps? She didn't have detpacks, but maybe she could be configured for the mutant hijacker role, but not sure if that's doable.
I'm sorry if this felt like a long winded post, but I just wanted to get everything out there. Again, this is by far the BEST mod I have seen in a while, this is what C&C3 should be! Congratulations Carnius for a well done mod!
Peace through Power!