Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:50 pm Post subject:
Yuri's Revenge Mod [Old]
This mod will use Ares in the end, but my goals for this are basic ideas such as:
1. To enhance all of the countries with special units
2. To add new maps and modes.
3. To enhance the AI and of course gameplay.
New Modes so far...
- Defenses Are Worthless (no base defenses - pssh good luck as France or Libya)
- I Like Crates (crates are much more common, crate upgrades are enhanced)
- One MAN's Land (only infantry)
- High Tech Rocks (only high tech??? units, a twist on the common mode for lower tech)
- Great Armageddon (superweapon stats are greatly enhanced)
- Weakling War (half damage)
- Elite War (double damage)
- Air, You Say? (no aircraft, jumpjet infantry types, or choppers/top o' the factory units)
For the countries, this is what I have so far. Each country has a different speciality and the bolded words tell you. Each country also gets it's own super unit with a build limit of 4 while each faction can always get the faction super unit with a build limit of 1.
Right now I'll just post Allied.
11/29 edit! Changed up the specialties a bit.
1/10 edit!
The United States has the most well trained infantry and prism technology.
Special Buildings:Infantry Training Center
Special Units: Mortar Trooper, Prism Trooper, Chrono Commando(Super Unit), Prism Artillery, Prism Fortress (super)
Special Ability:American Paratroopers
Veterans:GI, Guardian GI, IFV, Battle Fortress, Prism Tank (main infantry and APC types)
The Koreans specialize in advanced aircraft and stealth technology.
Special Buildings:Patriot Missile System Mk.II (they also have the best anti-aicraft weaponary), Stealth Generator (replaces Gap Generator)
Special Units:Mobile Helipad, Black Eagle, Fortress Bomber, Storm Chopper(Super Unit), Stealth MLRS
Special Ability:Korean Airstrike (some know this one)
Veterans:Nighthawk Transport, Avenger, Aegis Cruiser(they are anti-aicraft), Mirage Tank
The French specialize in base defenses and plasma technologySpecial Buildings: Missile Bunker, Grand Cannon, Patriot Missile Mk.II, Plasma Tower, Rail Turret
Special Units: Plasma MLRS
Special Ability: <none>
Veterans: ...there is one...
The Germans specialize in advanced vehicles, naval forces, and chrono technology.
Special Buildings:<none>
Special Units: Tank Destroyer, Kruezzritter, Sonic Tank, Stormcaster(Super Unit), Battleship(Super Unit), Chrono Hunter
Special Ability:German Vehicle Repair
Veterans: Chrono Legionaire, Grizzly Tank, Destroyer, Atomizer Tank
Great Britain
The British specialize in long-range weapons. (that's new?)
Special Buildings:Sniper Tower, Howitzer Turret Mk.II
Special Units:Sniper, Howitzer, ICBM Launcher(Super)
Special Ability:British Bombardment (Off-map artillery )
Veterans:Prism Tank, Aircraft Carrier
The Libyans specialize in nuclear weapons and base defenses.
Special Buildings: Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Cannon
Special Units: Nuclear Artillery, Emporer Tank(Super), Nuke Carpet Bomber
Special Ability=Libyan Nuclear Airstrike
Veterans: Nuclear Tank, Desolator, Radiator Tank
The Iraqi specialize in flak weaponary and aircraft.
Special Buildings:<none>
Special Units:Flak Master(Super)
Special Ability:<none>
Veterans:Flak Trooper, Flak Track, Mig
The Cubans specialize in napalm and explosives and infantry.
Special Buildings:Flame Tower, Land Mine
Special Units:Flamethrower, Flame Tank, Terrorist Bomb Truck(Super) (demo truck is more radiant so it stays with Libya)
Special Abilty:Cuban Inferno Storm
Veterans:Conscript, Bazooka, Boris, Kirov Airship, Dreadnaught
The Russians specialize in tesla weaponary, vehicles, and navy.Special Buildings:Elite Tesla Coil
Special Units:Tesla Tank, Tesla Master(Super), Tesla Frigate
Special Ability:Russian EMP Cannon
Veterans: Tesla Trooper, Rhino Tank, Apocalypse, MLRS
Let's go to some units. I'll only post artwork credits to the completed info units.
*** General Allied Infantry ***
*** Country Specific Allied ***
*** Mortar Trooper ***
Cost: 660
Tier: 2
Country: America
Weak Against: NOTHING
Decent Against: Aircraft, Buildings (only with Primary weapon), Vehicles (only with Primary weapon)
Strong Against: Buildings (only with secondary weapon), Vehicles (only with secondary weapon), Infantry (both weapons)
Weapons: Advanced rifle for primary, Large mortar launcher for secondary
Armor: Advanced
Group Use: A whole group deployed together is a force to be reckoned with when facing anything (except they can't fire at aircraft when deployed) that
is unless you face a big burst weapon like Radiation weapons and Howitzers from afar.
AI Use: The AI uses these pretty well. They put them in Prism Fortresses, guard the base with them, attack with them in paradrops, and generally send
them with other American soldiers.
*** Prism Trooper ***
Cost: 800
Tier: 3
Country: America
Weak Against: Aircraft
Decent Against: Vehicles, Buildings
Strong Against: Infantry
Weapon: High-tech prism rifle
Armor: Advanced
Group Use: A whole group together is extremely deadly except when going up against weapons with high cell spread. Their rifles also give off prism
fragments when they fire at units.
AI Use: These are used offensively by the AI, never as an actual base guard. They put them in Prism Fortresses, attack with them in paradrops, and
send them in American attacks.
Description: British Snipers that perform well are shipped off to America for special precision training. They are then given a high-tech prism rifle
rather than a sniper rifle. Commonly seen in the American airborne infantry division and training camps.
*** General Soviet Infantry ***
*** Bazooka ***
Cost: 600
Tier: 2
Weak Against: NOTHING
Decent Against: Infantry
Strong Against: Vehicles, Buildings, Aircraft
Weapon: Heavy anti-armor bazooka
Armor: Medium
Group Use: A whole group together easily wipes out any force that comes in their way. Be it infantry, vehicles, or even aircraft. Keep away from bases
and super units however.
AI Use: The AI uses them greatly both offensively and defensively.
*** Country Specific Soviet ***
Cost: 700
Tier: 2
Country: Cuba
Weak Against: Vehicles, Aircraft
Decent Against: Buildings
Deadly Against: Infantry
Weapon: Flamethrower
Armor: Average
Group Use: If used in a group, five or so is the best choice. Now thirty of them together would burn each other and leave you with...five yeah see five is a good amount.
AI Use: The AI doesn't use them...somewhat useless for the AI.
*** Yuri Infantry ***
*** Gatling Trooper ***
Cost: 500
Tier: 2
Weak Against: Buildings
Decent Against: Vehicles
Deadly Against: Aircraft, Infantry
Weapon: Gatling Gun (AG and AA)
Armor: Advanced
Group Use: No aicraft fleet can withstand a group of Gatling Troopers together. Same applies to infantry. Vehicles may even have a problem and a group can do good damage to buildings if the base is unguarded.
AI Use: Offensively and Defensively. Used well.
*** Mutant Bear ***
Cost: 1500
Tier: 3
Weak Against: Aircraft
Decent Against: Well none apply to this level
Deadly Against: Infantry, Vehicles, Buildings
Weapon: Evil Poisonous Bite
Armor: Mega
Group Use: Being immune to poison, a group of these are extremely deadly against any force they can come up next to. With their special armor it shouldn't be a problem.
AI Use: They send these with Brutes to destroy enemy vehicles, and they do very well at it due to their high armor.
One gameplay screenshot at the moment.
Two screenshots of the Atomizer Tank.
True that most units are from public assets. I can see there won't be attention because of this. Hold on a moment.
Atomizer in action. Damage is actually after about four shots. Yeah, he is decent against buildings.
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View of Atomizer
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Taken on a modified Grand Canyon that holds 8 players(madness).
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_________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:54 pm; edited 6 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Toxin Tank
The Toxin Tank fires a toxic gun that is deadly versus infantry. (Pretty much a vehicle version of the virus)
Prerequisite:Yuri War Factory, Psychic Radar
Weak Against:Buildings, Vehicles (the gun)
Decent Against:Vehicles, Buildings (the toxins ; yes toxins hurt buildings)
Deadly Against=Infantry
Hellraiser Tank(Faction Super)
The Hellraiser fires a very heavy pulse cannon. A big tough unit that can run over other units like a Battle Fortress. While it's physically the weakest, the pulse cannon upon it has a very large damage radius so be careful of having these guarding your own base (If you get what I'm saying).
Prerequisite:Yuri War Factory, Yuri Battle Lab
Weak Against=
Decent Against=Aircraft, Buildings, Vehicles ; but nearly fifteen units could be affected by the attack.
Deadly Against=Infantry _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:06 am; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
---Removed by myself--- _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Sun May 01, 2011 9:07 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Edits don't bump topics though, however a credits list does NOT qualify as an update.
The Atomizer voxel looks terrible... but at least you're modding. Hope to see these plans in action, the divide between planning and ingame couldn't be bigger. Hence my own lack of real modding action since 2007. QUICK_EDIT
The Atomizer is a fun with turrets voxel. I'm going to be replacing the body of it because frankly, I don't know who created it. The turret is from Firestorm's Paladin Tank and the Barrel is a resized Chemical Missile. But
that is changed.
Current credits list
Holmes - Credited for Avenger voxel.
WeeRaby2k - Credited for Comanche voxel.
Ray Zorg - Credited for Bizmarck voxel.
Napalm - Credited for Orca Lift Truck and Orca Fighter.
Conman - Credited for Overlord Tank
Firestorm - Credited for Paladin Tank (turret) _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Yep new screenshots. As for the screenshots and assets shown...
1st : Showing that the AI is tougher, and I'm not THAT bad a player.
Public Asset : Tunguska...the voxel is the best I can find for a Russian Tunguska (I found it in Ultima Mod used as the Meteor Controller) but I have no idea who made it so it may be replaced if I can come up with something.
2nd : Cuba's super unit. Cubans like napalm and explosives. Artwork by Westwood.
3rd : He takes a punch.
Public assets in screenshot : Overlord Tank by Conman used as Libya's Emporer Tank, and uh the Tunguska(read above).
4th : Doesn't always work, death explosion.
5th : It's over...
Seems I've underestimated my new AI. Rhino Tanks don't stand a chance against Apocalypses and Tunguskas.
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No it's Cuba's super unit, the bomb truck (not demolition truck, ha unoriginal name but wise thinking).
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getting fired at.png
Get him into a base since he takes 2000 damage.
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And you can have four of these. Thing is, the explosion is the debris from him which doesn't always appear.
Well, I think that he's just sticking in proxies to the actual units. If he found those he would've definitely upgraded. It's just an adrenaline rush that makes modders want to do the unit first, then worry about the designs later. QUICK_EDIT
As for super units, you'd think they'd look like they could do something. I guess Soviet and Yuri's super units look threatening and large but I need to get some artwork for the super units.
Thanks for the offer AG but I'm going to try my own truck recolor for this one. It's pretty simple for trucks.
Is it possible to give the debris radiation? Radiation comes from RadLevel which is in the weapon but debris can't have a weapon. Therefore I can only have nukeanim.shp and nukedie.shp. See above image of explosion. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): QUICK_EDIT
Updated at last! Okay I'm sure I can work with that suggestion of your's.
Some other additions right now: Bazooker Trooper (Soviet, all), Tesla Frigate (Soviet, Russia).
A gameplay video (could use some work) playing as Libya against brutal AI. Looks like I should make them harder. Not going to link it directly...speaking of which I didn't even know I've had a YouTube account for over three years.
If Yuri could mutate infantry into Brutes, he thought of mutating common animals into works of evil. And posionous might I add.
Carpet Bomber for Korea.
Nuclear Carpet Bomber for Libya.
Tesla Cannon for Russia. Fires with an extremely power, slow-firng, electrical explosion.
Plasma Tower for France. Fires a high-toxic cannon (but hey I want to call it Plasma Tower anyways) powerful against all. BuildLimit of 4.
Shock Turret replacing Sentry Gun when playing as Russia. And yes the AI succesfully uses this as a defense only on Russia and other sides don't.
Missile Bunker replacing Pill Box when playing as France. The rockets are effective against infantry and vehicles so it makes a good improvement on the Pill Box.
Here are three recolored/resized anims used in the mod.
electropulse.shp (little kids say electricity HAS to be yellow)
prismexp.shp (I heard about the Prism Tower having a blue explosion originally. It's nothing like it but it's a blue explosion and it isn't custom. Figure out what it is and get a cookie)
redbomb.shp (I just like the looks of crivaexpb (or whatever it was that was unused) and it looks good ingame as an explosion and recolored to all redish)
Who cares anyway? Recolors are overdone and I will have some custom ones to show soon enough.
Hmm just be but I really think Britain should have the Navy but it's your mod =)
I assume the main issue with that is the fact that Navy, even more than Airforce, is rather limited in YR. I'd suggest give it to Britain instead of Germany as a side specialization though. QUICK_EDIT
Okay to be more specific, Germans specialize in know what...
Perhaps Germany should have a more heavily armored Destroyer instead while Britain can get the Battleship as they fire at long range. I'm up for it, and it comes close enough to your suggestions.
Anyone know where I can find a good projectile that resembles a sonic wave but doesn't actually use sonic logic? Sonic has problems with elevation but can hit multiple units. Right now as you can see it's the sub torpedo with a warhead that has a CellSpread of 1.
This post shall contain all changes until the end of October. No improved unit list right now.
10/13 - All changes
* General changes
- Some weapons are given the "Improved Target Lasers" (by Tratos). Specifically highly accurate gun weapons that use the lasers to show how accurate they are. Includes units like Deployed GI, Gatling Tank, and Sniper.
- Prism Tower has a blue explosion effect, based of the originally planned one as seen in the pre-release screenshots.
- Prism Support beams add less damage (about 50% instead of 100%)
- Paradrop forces have been enhanced to adapt to the new infantry and to be tougher.
- Secret Lab Section is updated with country-special additions. You may get weaker ones like the Tesla Tank or Howitzer, or possibly the tougher ones like the Sonic Tank or the Nuclear Artillery.
- Elite tanks would normally fire two bullets (and Apocalypse with four) and that was too overpowered. Now it is one bullet but nothing else has changed about them.
- CrateMinimum=3 instead of 1 (oh boy big change...)
- Special superweapon for each country (soon are not possible unless I get Ares).
Allied Changes
- Allied countries focus on specific forces of their army (idea just taken from whatever kind of special force that the original countries had)
- America has the best infantry, adapted from the Airborne superweapon
- Korea has the best aircraft and anti-aicraft weapons, adapated from the Black Eagle jet
- France has the best defenses, adapated from the Grand Cannon
- Germany has the best tanks and naval forces, adapated from the Tank Destroyer.
- Great Britiain has very long-range weapons, adapated from the Sniper.
And some other changes to show later. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
I honestly want to know, in simple and non-explained terms, what would happen if I released this mod? I think it's part ripfest but hardly any of it. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): QUICK_EDIT
That's what's going to happen. Really. Go and look at Project Phantom ( ) or at m7's mod, or at what other modders did in YR and try to make something similar.
For example, a small thing you could fix: the light. IIRC there was a tag at the beginning of rulesmd.ini in which you could have set up the light to 0 for voxels.
You could try and dig for more resources, and try to put them in a nice way.
If you go to Revora @ CnC Guild I'm really sure you'd find links to resource websites. I mean, really - make your mod look special. QUICK_EDIT
Well if there is any ripped mod stuff "private assets" then no I wouldnt release it, unless your willing to take all the heat that will follow. The mod will probably be removed anyway if there is any private "non-released" stuff, and you could possibly recieve a Ban from Banshee. _________________
The enemy shall be injected with toxic poison - Venom QUICK_EDIT
Okay, I've started simple by reworking the artwork. I started with the Disruptor which was taken from a mod (althought I think it is a public asset somewhere) and made a simple edit to the TS Disruptor and made it a little more RA2ish, larger, and some small additions to it.
I've had some people test this mod before (obviously local people using my laptop) and I believe I'd get more downloads than two...but what is this lightning effect on voxels? I can't really find it in the ini.
And Cranium...yep that's good info I've seen it happen to people before and be blacklisted and stuff. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): QUICK_EDIT
YR Argentina has an incredible amount of resources, there should be no need to 'rip' anything from any other mod.
That's what's going to happen. Really. Go and look at Project Phantom ( ) or at m7's mod, or at what other modders did in YR and try to make something similar.
These are wise words. Starkku and I started off like many others, scraping together stuff until skill was built up enough to make our own resources. Putting actual effort into what you're doing and learning something new is going to make your mod stand out a lot more than just some basic coding work. QUICK_EDIT
The ripped assets are from long ago. But for the past month or so I have been using YR Argentina and the like. I just may make my own artwork soon. I'm only at the beginning of the "improving exsisting ones" stage. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): QUICK_EDIT
Now here's a video I decided to get a clip of a week ago. Introducing the result of the AI sending a ton of Hellraisers.
Also, introducing the new Stolen Tech system. It was more advanced before until some of the stuff got transfered to specific Allied countries.
Country changes first...
America - Allied Infantry and Prism Technology
Korea - Allied Aircraft and Stealth Technology
France - Allied Base Defenses and Plasma Technology
Germany - Allied Armor (Tanks and Naval) and Chrono Technology
Great Britain - Long-range Weapons
Libya - Soviet Base Defenses and Nuclear Technology
Iraq - Soviet Aircraft and Flak Technology
Cuba - Soviet Infantry, Napalm, and Explosives
Russia - Soviet Armor (Tanks and Naval) and Tesla Technology
Yuri - Psionics, Toxins, and...Frost...
Then the new game modes as of now; at least the working ones.
- Defenses Are Worthless (no base defenses)
- I Like Crates (Crates appear very often, plus crate stats are enhanced by a lot)
- One MAN'S Land (Only infantry can be used)
- I Forgot Your Thoughts (no mindcontrol units available)
- Great Armageddon (superweapon stats are greatly enhanced, why a Lightning Storm could take out almost an entire base (and we're talking a fully constructed brutal AI base))
- Weakling War (damage is reduced to half)
- Elite War (damage is doubled)
Stolen Tech changes in this code for no reason whatsoever...
Allied to Allied
- ...there was one, the Chrono Hunter, but that got moved to Germany.
Allied to Soviet
- Chrono Shocker (a jacked up Tesla Trooper plus has the ability to teleport)
- Chrono Ivan (advanced Crazy Ivan plus the ability to teleport)
- Nuclear Mirage Tank (mirage tank with a nuclear gun instead...)
- Nuclear Tower (Prism Tower with a nuclear laser...amazing at elite)
Allied to Yuri
- Frost Mirage Tank (mirage tank with a frost gun)
- Psychic Drone (a robot tank with the ability to mindcontrol one unit)
- Frost Missile System (Patriot Missile with a frost impact)
Soviet to Allied
- Tesla Guardian (a tesla trooper with the ability to deploy (yes that exsisting one) and is slightly stronger)
- Storm Coil (a tesla coil-like building with a storm effect)
Soviet to Soviet
- Nuclear Trooper (what's to say..)
- Tesla Mig (awesome variation of the Mig)
Soviet to Yuri
- Anthrax Tank (toxin technology mixed with normal tanks)
Yuri to Allied
- Psi Commando (A Yuri Clone with C4s)
- Storm Cannon (Gatling Cannon with a storm effect)
Yuri to Soviet
- none right now
Also, this works along with the countries. For example, the Tesla Mig can only be gained by any Soviet country, but will be built as a veteran if you can get them as Russia.
If you thought the Hellraiser was tough before, imagine them now. I use the old giant heavy mech walker by MadHQ for the newly named Hellrasier Heavy Mech. It now fires a powerful cryo laser. _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): Last edited by PePsiCola on Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
And, here are the new object additions since the last update.
- Stalker (A laser fighter for all Allied countires, by Napalm)
- Shark (A laser shark for Yuri, by MadHQ)
- Nuclear Prism Tank (A heavy armored nuclear laser tank for Allied getting a spy into a Soviet Battle Lab)
- Toxin Hunter (A toxin cannon wielding hover tank for Yuri, by Bu7loos)
- Bezerker Medium Mech (A medium cryo mech for Yuri, by Bu7loos)
Here's also a bit of a change log, or a "what to expect" for the mod.
- Nearly 50 new units, aircraft, and buildings. A super faction tank, the Atomizer for all Allied countries, the Radiator for all Soviet countries, and the Hellraiser for Yuri. Also individual countries have super units.
* America - Prism Fortress and Chrono Commando
* Korea - Storm Chopper
* France - ...Plasma Tower at the moment?
* Germany - Stormcaster and Battleship
* Great Britain - ICBM Launcher
* Libya - Emporer Tank
* Iraq - Flak Master
* Cuba - Terrorist Bomb Truck
* Russia - Tesla Master
- Improved Stolen Tech system, as seen in the above posts.
American AI defending from Russian AI.
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Good old Triple Crossed.
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American Brutal AI partner sending their big prism attack.
Ithink tthat a problem withypur mod is that everything looks exaggerated
Otherwise I appreaciate that you put a lot of work into differentiating the countries and giving them a lot of unique traits to each one. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
It's been changed a lot since these pics were posted. I re-coded the AI (not from scratch). I have no screenshots to show but..
There are lots more changes and a few more new units. Here's a bit of the new units.
- Guardian Commando: all Allied sides get this, build limit of 4. Uses an MP5 undeployed, and a powerful dual missile launcher when deployed.
- Juggernaut: BRITAIN ONLY. Walker that shoots long-range tri-shots. Effective against all armor. (Art by MadHQ)
- Kirov Tank: RUSSIA ONLY. Shoots dual tesla cannon, effective against units
- Rail Master (France now has a super unit!): It's just a powerful railgun tank.
- Stealth Master (Korea too has a super unit now!): Powerful quad-missile launching stealth tank.
- Barracuda Chopper (Iraq also has a super unit!): Siege chopper with enhanced armor and instead of missiles, a powerful tesla bolt.
- Cryo Artillery: Yuri unit. Hovers and fires four cryo 155mm shots (Art by Atomic_Noodles)
- Firestorm Tank: CUBA ONLY. Much like a kirov tank, but fires inferno cannons instead. The shots leave behind fire particles.
Another change: All sides have a big team (old news), featuring the toughest units for each country.
Each country has a unique building that they must construct in order to begin building these forces.
- America: Infantry Training Center (infantry gain healing, Allied infantry side)
- Korea: Stealth Generator (cloaks surrounding area, Allied aircraft side)
- France: Plasma Tower (super advanced defense, France defense side)
- Germany: Repair Factory (vehicles gain auto repair, Allied vehicle side)
- Britain: Ore Purifier (they are the one side that needs no special building)
- Libya: Repair Factory (vehicles gain auto repair, Soviet vehicle side)
- Iraq: Industrial Plant (no need for special building, Soviet Aircraft side)
- Cuba: Infantry Academy (infantry gain healing, Soviet infantry side)
- Russia: Industrial Plant (no need for one either)
- Yuri: Cloning Vats (clones infantry units)
The only units/structures left to be added are some infantry for Cuba, maybe a defense for Iraq, a couple stolen tech objects, and that should be it. After that will leave coding and other enhancements.
After that I can take this mod to the next level and try out terrain. What do you guys think? _________________ Tiberium Uprising (a few missions for TS): QUICK_EDIT
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