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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:31 pm    Post subject:  New Alert Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

O hai guys. here, I am ready t present you my modification, here is private though, because I am busy with college so I do not have time of making it public completely. Because I do not know if mod is going even to be finished.
If it goes finished, then I will then switch to public forums.
Because here we do not have our own forums with separated topics. Then I will use double posting, so each post will represent each faction, so it wont be messy with all stuff in one topic. I will have one post for general changes, this one, second post for Tech buildings and civilian changes, third one for Yuri, fourth for Allies and Fifth for Soviets. When I need to update infos or such, I will edit them. So this will prevent my posts to mess with yours.
Anyway, lets go to general changes:

General changes:

-You can now start with maximum of 20 units instead of 10
-You can now start with 20 000$ at max instead of 10 000$
-Color selection in menu increased from 8 to 16
-New Spy effects (Ares Enhancements)
-Fixed veteran logic:
1.No more Elite weapons,just veteran,elite abilities to increase speed,rate of fire,damage,sight...
2. Unit must deastroy 2x of self cost value to become veteran per level, rather than 3x.
For example: Unit which costs 500$ must destroy something worth 1000$ to get promoted,rather than 1500$
3.Promoted unit got 50% more damage rather than 20%
4.Promoted unit got increased sight by 20% rather than just 1 cell
5.Promoted unit got rate of fire decreased by 50% rather than 40%
So basically, I balanced it, so one elite unit wont kill few of such thanks to its unbalanced elite damage.
It is calmed down now. But you got promotions more often now and some of abilities got increased.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Tech buildings and civilian additions/changes:
Comming soon


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Allied addtions and changes:
comming soon


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Soviet additions and changes:
comming soon


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yuri additions and changes:


-Tank Bunker cannot be build anymore immediately after constructing construction Yard. Now requires War Factory too. Also he got cost increase from 400$ to 500$.
Also, units inside tank bunker damage and rate of fire increased by 50% rather than 30% previosly.

-Gattling Cannon got redesigned weapon. Now logically has fixed warhead to deliver more damage, and logically rate of fire decreased by each stage.
For example, weapon 1 had 16 rate of fire, weapon 2 had 8, and weapon 3 had 4.
Gattling Cannon also got range increased by 25% against air units, as following logic that anti air defenses should have more range than vehicles, which has more range than infantry.
As Patriot, Flak and others Anti Air weapons range is like that 12,10,8 (Base Defense, AA Vehicle, AA infantry), but Gattling cannon has less range 10,8,8 (Gattling Trooper has same range as gattling tank)
Can be placed further away from buildings (now 4 cells, rather than 2),has radial indicator, so when you select it, you will see his range, ground only, however.

-Psychic Tower can be placed further away from buildings (now 4 cells, rather than 2), has radial indicator, so when you select it, you will see his range.
No longer detect disquise such as Spies or Mirage tanks, Strenght got increased from 450 to 600, to match Soviet tesla Coil and Allied Prism Tower, and power drain got decreased from 100 to 75 to match them.
Also, mind controlling link from psychic tower to unit will begin from top of tower (from spining spike), not from down base of tower. No longer detect spies.

-Slave Miner's cost got increased from 1500$ to 2000$, speed got increased from 3 to 4 and can't be promoted anymore.
Also has 6 slaves instead 5. Slave's strenght got decreased from 125 to 100, and speed got increased from 3 to4.
Slave Miner can be build further away from base (now 4 cells, rather than 2) if build from buildings menu.
When Slaves deliver ore to miner, yellow smoke is released.

-Bio Reactor cannot hold anymore 5 soldiers as bonus power production. Now it holds only one to increase power production by 100%
Previosly it produces power: 150+5x100=650. Now it produces: 150+150=300
Do not be dissapointed by those changes because you have now Yuri's Command Center as giant power production building.

-Psychic Radar no longer serves as early psychic sensor, but now you can have psychic reveal on every 2 minutes instead of 4.

-New Building: Psychic beacon.
Psychic Beacon serves as psychic Sensor now. Since Yuri overloaded same psychic radar with multiple purposes, resulting psychic reveal to have long time, now psychic sensor abilities has been moved for this building.
Yuri Battle Lab is required for this building, and costs 1000$
(Credits: The I Man)

-Cloning Vats got new design and moved to structures tab. Also when gets damaged, it releases blue smoke.
When got destroyed, it explodes with blue explosion killing nearby infantry and damaging nearby vehicles and buildings. Also releases blue gas clouds in simmiliar manner to Virus clouds, but those ones damages even vehicles.
(Credits: Cannis)

-New Building: Yuri Ore Refinery
Now, Yuri has Ore Refinery too, because Slave mining operations has advantages but disadvantages too. So, Yuri wanted to use Ore Refinery/Miner combination as Soviets and Allies.
When constructing Ore Refinery, you will get Hover Miner.
Also, you can build Slave Miner from War Factory. Now we can talk about who can collect money faster!

-New Building: Yuri Statue
,,Sweet Stallin! Yuri has turned those monuments unto weapons!" Comrade Sofia said when saw those first time in Yuri's Island!
Cause Yuri has specific defense system such as psychic Towers, gattling Cannons which shoots both in air and ground, and tank bunker, there is still hole left for heavy units and especially those who are immune to mind control.
So Yuri's engineer designed those Mysterious Statues. Yuri Statue as abnormal strenght, and shoot powerful Laser beam which deals same damage than prism towers, but has less rate of fire which means that fires laser miuch quicker and faster, which means that is more powerful than prism towers!
Advice when facing those: Attack them from air or artillery units. Attacking them without many heavy tanks would be suicide. Also, protect them from artillery and air attacks if you are Yuri player, as Statue is expensive, it costs 2500$
Statue drains 150 power, and has 3000 strenght!

-New Building: Yuri Fortress
Yuri's Fortress supposed to be building where is Yuri hiding. ,,He is hiding in his fortress in Transylvania! he is like monster from movies, yes!", Romanov said!
Well, monster or not, even I would like to have such building... From my mod of course.
Building is ultimate building which means that it can be build only one at time, costs lot, 5000$ and has plenty of abilities which are available only when you capture tech Buildings!
First, Fortress's strenght is 4000 (in last mission is 5000, but it is Yuri's personnel one), it acts like one machine Shop meaning that your units will get auto heal. Fortress also acts like Hospital meaning that your infantry will get auto heal all time.
Fortress also acts like Oil Derricks meaning that you will get money incoming all time! Always build one! it is worth for its high cost!

-New building: Yuri Airpad
Yuri Air Tower is one of new additions to his structures. Yuri is specific in many ways, now in this one too.
Air tower is small airfield which has slots only for one plane, his new Chaos Bomber. Anyway, as he was lacking at Airfield and aircrafts, this addition is nice.
Air Tower can be build after estabilish Psychic Radar at cost of 500$.
(Credits:The I Man)

-Psychic Dominator got double more capturing range, and explosion shakes screen.


-New Infantry: Attack Dog
Yuri realised some of drawbacks, so he decided to use his versions of Attack Dogs as early scout units and anti spy units.
Since Yuri Clone and psychic Towers lost ability to detect spies, now dogs are here for that purpose.
(Credits:The I Man,Cameo: Lao Tze)

-New Infantry: Gattling Trooper
Yuri realised his lack at anti air infantry. So he ordered rescaling gattling technology so soldiers can wear those gattling guns, and ordered training gattling troopers as regular army.
Gattling Trooper costs 300$ and can take off aircraft and infantry.
Voices:some of GLA Rebel from Generals

-New Infatry: Siege Trooper
Yet again Yuri, and his weird and differ stuff from Allies or Soviets.
Allied and Soviets are using vehicles mostly as artillery units, Yuri is using this time Soldiers!
Yuri needs secondary artillery unit, also infantry which wears anti radiation suit, which can walk to the Moon.
Siege Trooper has two weapons. First weapon is ,,mobile mortar", similiar as Flak Trooper, he can shoot long range High explosive grenade.
Second weapon is his deployed mortar. It is same personnel mortar, with Yuri's high technology system, which deploys mortar making it almost double bigger. Siege Trooper cannot move with it until got undeployed, but weapon is itself much powerful and fires at greater range High Explosive canister.
Voices:some of GLA RPG Trooper from Generals

- Brute now requires Psychic Radar to be trained. His sight got decreased from 8 to 4, and strenght got increased from 200 to 250.
Also got new icon and image. He is green rather than grey

-Virus's gun got redesigned. Range has been improved from 10 to 12, elite weapon's decreased from 16 to 14, rate of fire increased from 100 to 150.
Virus clouds deliver double more damages, and no damage to tank or vehicles.

-New Infantry:Saboteur
Saboteur is Yuri's version of spy. Saboteurs are former members of KGB which are loyal to Yuri, and left with him. So they now train new ones for infiltrating purposes.
When Saboteur enters:
1.Command Center, his owner will see production of building though infiltrated command center.
Just click to infiltrated command center, and icon of building which enemy builds currenlty will be snown.
2.Radar, he will reset enemy's radar, so shroud will appear like in startup of game. Also, Saboteur's owner will enemy's units revealing shroud like their own!
3.Airfields, his owner will see aircraft prodcution though infiltrated Airfield.
Just click to infiltrated Airfield, and icon of aircraft which enemy builds currenlty will be snown.
4.Superweapons, then superweapon timer will be reseted.
5.Battle Labs, then his owner will get additional technology.
6.Barracks, his owner will get his further trained infantry to get trained at veteran level!
Also, his owner will see training of infantry though infiltrated barracks.
Just click to infiltrated Barracks, and icon of infantry which enemy builds currenlty will be snown.
7.War Factory,his owner will get his further produced units to get trained at veteran level!
Also, his owner will see producing of units though infiltrated War factory.
Just click to infiltrated War factory, and icon of unit which enemy builds currenlty will be snown.
8.Power plants, Nuclear reactors. Then Power will be disabled at 1 minute and 30 seconds!
Voices:GLA Saboteur from Generals

-Yuri Clone renamed to Psycho. Also got new icon. He cannot detect spies anymore.

-Yuri Primer's strenght got increased from 150 to 200, no longer plays sound when move, cannot mind control buildings anymore, but can control up to 3 units, just like Psychic Tower. basically mobile and hover version of Psychic Tower.
Cost increased from 1500$ to 2000$


-New Unit: Hover Miner
Since Yuri added Refinery/Miner as Ore mining system too, he needed Miner type where Slave Miner normally cannot go.
So, here comes Hover Miner. Hover Miner somehow floats over ground, making him cabaple of passing over water, which other miners cannot do.
Also, he collects 750$ money!
Voices: Some of China Supply Truck from Generals
(Credits:ArgrCmdr, Cameo:Speeder)

-New Unit:Assault Trike
Assault Trike is Yuri's fast vehicle designed for hit and run tactics! This is the fastest vehicle in game, but wek armored, like artillery units, has good machine guns, and costs 500$.
Trikes are designed to be in groups, as alone doesnot stand chance. But in groups, they can outspeed any vehicle, especially infantry which can kill them in seconds!!! Also, if weak against vehicles, Trikes can bypass them thanks with their amaying speed with little loss. Also they often can bypass enemy defenses, jumping in bases and make havoc

-Slave Miner's cost got increased from 1500$ to 2000$, speed got increased from 3 to 4 and can't be promoted anymore.
Also has 6 slaves instead 5. Slave's strenght got decreased from 125 to 100, and speed got increased from 3 to4.
Slave Miner can be build further away from base (now 4 cells, rather than 2) if build from buildings menu.

-Lasher Tank got strenght decreased from 300 to 250, sight decreased from 8 to 6, speed increased from 7 to 8, weapon's damage got decreased from 65 to 50, rate of fire got decreased from 60 to 50.
Also, now costs 600$ nstead of 700

-Gattling Tank got redesigned weapon. Now logically has fixed warhead to deliver more damage, and logically rate of fire decreased by each stage.
For example, weapon 1 had 16 rate of fire, weapon 2 had 8, and weapon 3 had 4.
Now, he has 16,12,4. But more damage.
Also got new yurish icon to fit with other vehicles rather than being blue colored

-Completely redesigned unit: Magnetron, now called Infernal
Yuri needed artillery vehicle which can deal with any ground targets, ar at least try. Magnetron could not shoot at infantry, making him very vurneable unit. Also Magnetron could not enter in Tank Bunker to enhance its range and firepower.
So, Yuri and his followers have to consider making completely new artillery vehicle.They made Infernal, based on magnetron, but it is only visual style, same vehicle aero dynamic body, nothing else.
Infernal shoots three incendiary shells from long range, which explodes with termal explosion, making infantry and light vehicles burn! Those incendiary shells are also good as buildings mainly, as termal explosion heavy damages materials of which most structures are made! Infernal can be placed into Tank bunker to get more damage, faster firepower and range!
Voices: Inferno Cannon from Generals

-MasterMind cannot overload himself anymore, but can mind control up to max 4 units, and range got increased from 6 to 7, to match psychic towers and Yuri clones and Prime.

-Yuri MCV is now immune to mind control and radiation

-New Transport Unit: Yuri's Tonque
Yuri realised his lack at transport unit which cost him lot in previous battles. Now, since Soviets une ground transport unit, Allies uses air, Yuri got briliat and unique idea: Subway transport!
Yuri's Tonque is subterranean transport unit, which means that can transport up to 5 units beneath ground Earth, burrowing and unburrowing straight in the middle of enemy base! it needs only single free land patch cell to surface! So watch out.
Yuri's Tonque can be build at cost of 1000$

-New Unit: Mammoth Tank
Finally even Yuri has one powerful tank, designed for close tank to tank combats!
Since lasher Tank got even lighter, there is not tank at Yuri's disposal which can fight other tanks and can sucessfully destroy enemy's buildings and defenses from close range.
With his engineers, Yuri started working on Apocalypse Tank project which Yuri made himself, sending you in Soviet mission to defend it until Apocalypse tank project got completed.He still has that project of course. So, based on Apocalypse, they made Mammoth Tanks! Like Soivets used them long time ago, in Stallin time.
mammoth tank is little weaker version of Apicalypse tank, its cannon, missiles and armor are 20% weaker than Apocalypse. Also cost is 1500$, Still, Mammoth Tank is the most powerful tank Yuri has! His place in powerful tanks is right after Apocalypse!


-Floating Disc now plays ambient sound same as one when moving except it is lower than moving sound. Still, he is not silent anymore, so you can recignize him in shroud now because he is spining all time.
Also got small damage increase from 90 to 100. Elite weapon now deals more damage, 150, rather than being same as normal weapon, and has bolded laser effect.

-New Aircraft: Magnetron Disc
Yuri realized his lack at Aircraft, since FLoating Disc cannot destroy most of buildings, so basically Yuri cannot win with him. So, to fill that drawback and hole in aircraft, Yuri designed new Type of Flying Saucer: Magnetron Disc itself! Since Yuri replaced Magnetron with Infernal, magnetron's abilities has been moved to Flying Saucer for fully potency! Magnetron Disc is basically Flying Magnetron with higher damage against buildings.
Now Magnetron is fully support and combo with Floating Discs, as they can shoot at buildings from long range, and drags vehicles closer, so Floating Disc may shoot them, or mind control units to catch them. Or simply throw them at some building, destroying both building and vehicle!
Magnetron Disc comparing to magnetron has many advantages: First, it is flying unit. Second, it may go over water, muntains and cliffs. Third, chance that dropped vehicle will shoot at Disc is minimal, which cannot be said for original Magnetron. Forth, Magnetron could drop ships to groun, but Disc may drop tanks into water too!
Of course, Disc has two disadvantages still: Huge cost, 1750$ and still cannot shoot with magnets on infantry.
(Credits: SpiderMan_999)

-New Aircraft: Chaos Drone
Yet again some weird stuff from Yuri, weird and dangerous at same time. He introduced to his army planes finally, but this time specific type of plane!
Unlike All of planes which are designed for bombarding buildings and precision strikes against vehicles, this Chaos Bomber is totally different! It cannot target buildings at all!
But it is designed for another purpose: To bombard large groups of tank and infantries with chaos bombs, releasing halycinogen gases which causes all infantry and vehicles to got ad and berserk for some time, so they start immediatelly fighting to each other, considering their firends as enemies!
Like good old Chaos Drone which has been removed active production, but this replacement is even better! Like Chaos Drone, this plane is without pilot, it is controlled by computer. meaning that without pilot cabin, it has more space for chaos gas. So, when you destroy it, it will fall to ground exploding that chaos gas last time, and releasing few chaos clouds, similiar to virus ones. When that could affects non hero or non robotic unit, it will be under effect of chaos Gas, so be careful.
This plane is rather expensive, 2000$ plus requires one Air Tower to be build on, so one tower 500$+2000$ which plane costs turs out 2500$!

-New naval unit: Sea Sled
Yuri realized his lack at early cheaper anti naval vessel and naval scout. So this time, his army got Sea Sled! Fast and mobile unit, it fires torpedo same as Soviet Submarine. But be warned that facing submarine alone, Sea Sled wil loose, due to its ligh armor.
Cost of Sea Sled is 700$

-New Naval Unit: Gattling Ship
Yuri realized his lack at anti air vessel. Now he can rip of aircraft over sea with his new Gattling ship. Same as Gattling tank, it spins and fires faster and faster making him serious treat to aircraft.

-New Naval Unit: Magnetic Ship
Yuri's Technology at his finest! He madaged to build Magnetic Ship, Ship wich fires powerful Magnetic beam from long rangedamagin structures and vehicles.But be warned, as Magnet cannot shoot at infantry!
You can build Magnetic Ship at cost of 1200$
(Credits:ArgrCmdr, Cameo:Speeder)

-Boomer Submarine is buildable later. Now requires Battle Lab rather than Psychic radar. Also, Cruise Missile's range got increased from 20 to 25 to match Dreadnought's range.

You will get better info with more pictures and screenshots and infos about new units!

NOTE2: I have permission from Speeder using his Trike from Mental Omega in those promotional screenshots and infos only! Which means, if I turn mod public, then I will use public trike, another voxel!
I also send PM to FS-21 on Revora about using that chaos bomber privately, and no response yet. Which means that he read PM and doesnot care, otherwise he would tell me not to using this.


PPM Halloween Season 2021

Last edited by MasterHaosis on Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Why does Yuri have Mammoth tanks? Makes zero sense really.

Best to create a heavy tank that actually fits Yuri's style.

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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ixonoclast wrote:
Why does Yuri have Mammoth tanks? Makes zero sense really.

Best to create a heavy tank that actually fits Yuri's style.

Man, did you play RA2 campaign?
You remember soviet mission when you have to defend your base from infiltrating.
More precious, Allied Spies are going to infiltrate your battle lab to Stole Apocalypse Tank project. You need to protect battle lab before Apocalypse tank got finished, so you can build there first prototypes!
Point is that Yuri send you on that mission, and Yuri showed you plans for that Apocalypse Tank, therefore Yuri made Apocalypse tank himself!
Well, if Yuri can make Apocalypse tank himself with his engineers of course, then why cannot he make Mammoth Tank based on Apocalypse tank?
I told you that I am going to write all infos and explanation for new units. Well, info for mammoth tank will be there too.
Mammoth tank is same as old mammoth tank, his strength, rockets and cannons are 20% weaker than Apocalypse's, and cost is 1500$. All those vehicles you saw are weak, except mammoth tank. Mammoth Tank is only one strong tank, strongest Yuri has, and available only to him. maybe as secret lab boon. he is still weaker than Apocalypse. Soviets will get improvements too.
And yeah, Mammoth Tank is gold schemed, I simply like him being gold. Anyway, that Miner and Megnetic Ship are in Mental Omega (Gravi Miner and Kraken) and they are golden schemed too.
Do not worry, updates will come soon.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sounds like a good mod dude. Keep up the good work.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks man! I will update Yuri buildings and units with cameos, and some screenshot maybe. Stay tuned!


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well give it a different name other than Mammoth Tank. As RA2 really doesn't follow RA1 Mammoth Tanks didn't exist... why not call it Armageddon, Doomsday or Ragnarok, something to show it a sister tank to the Apocalypse.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yuri's Tongue.



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Defense Minister

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Speeder wrote:
Yuri's Tongue.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MasterHaosis wrote:
Ixonoclast wrote:
Why does Yuri have Mammoth tanks? Makes zero sense really.

Best to create a heavy tank that actually fits Yuri's style.

Man, did you play RA2 campaign?
You remember soviet mission when you have to defend your base from infiltrating.
More precious, Allied Spies are going to infiltrate your battle lab to Stole Apocalypse Tank project. You need to protect battle lab before Apocalypse tank got finished, so you can build there first prototypes!
Point is that Yuri send you on that mission, and Yuri showed you plans for that Apocalypse Tank, therefore Yuri made Apocalypse tank himself!
Well, if Yuri can make Apocalypse tank himself with his engineers of course, then why cannot he make Mammoth Tank based on Apocalypse tank?
I told you that I am going to write all infos and explanation for new units. Well, info for mammoth tank will be there too.
Mammoth tank is same as old mammoth tank, his strength, rockets and cannons are 20% weaker than Apocalypse's, and cost is 1500$. All those vehicles you saw are weak, except mammoth tank. Mammoth Tank is only one strong tank, strongest Yuri has, and available only to him. maybe as secret lab boon. he is still weaker than Apocalypse. Soviets will get improvements too.
And yeah, Mammoth Tank is gold schemed, I simply like him being gold. Anyway, that Miner and Megnetic Ship are in Mental Omega (Gravi Miner and Kraken) and they are golden schemed too.
Do not worry, updates will come soon.

its not about about how yuri get the mammoth, but that not fit yuri style IMO. maybe change the name and graphic to be more yuri?


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You should probably fix the Psychic Tower from BaseNormal=yes to BaseNormal=no so it can not be used to construct buildings off of it. It's also fair to note that Repair Tanks don't fit into the entire concept of a scrapped together light army that Yuri has built.

You should also make sure that the artistic style of Yuri stays the same across the board, since you don't want a mismatched army. It removes from the unit cohesion within the group and shows you're doing little to make public assets your own for your own mod. The Mammoth Tank should definitely see a complete texture rehaul to match Yuri, and your Yuri's Tongue should be checked for consistency. It's also hard to judge the look of a voxel based on black and white voxel viewer shots.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sorry guys, I do not have time to reply now on your topics, I am busy with those stuff.
I will when I find free time. But I am reading your posts, and consider tham.
Guys, look at those updates:
New updated infos for:
-Psychic Beacon
-Ore Refinery
-Yuri Statue
-Yuri Fortress
-Yuri Airpad
-Attack Dog
-Gattling Trooper
-Siege Trooper
-Hover Miner
-Magnetron Disc
-Chaos Drone
-Yuri's Tonque
-Mammoth Tank
-Sea Sled
-Gattling Ship
-Magnetic Ship

Also, new screenshots, infos, cameos and such!
Check out thread in Yuri's section!
It is now almost complete, I only need to include screenshots in battle, but it will come later, when all factions got completed!
Also, in mod there are superweapons, I did not unclude in infos because I do not play with superweapons.
Anyway, added info for psychic dominator change too.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm not loving the Mammoth Tank either. The infernal also looks a little strange...

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ah good to know... So, I should replace it most likely.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Gatling is spelled with a single "t". Don't be Westwood.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Everything m7 says is the truth.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You can keep the Mammoth Tank as a unit I just think the skin doesn't fit very well. Your logic for it seems sound though

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Crimsonum wrote:
Gatling is spelled with a single "t". Don't be Westwood.
But that's part of the goofy RA2ness of the game, like Flak, the spoof names of the monuments (Paris Arch of Winning) and Hollywood actors.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Huh? Flak is an existing word, derived from the German acronym for AA-artillery.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ah, I thought it was spelled "flack".

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Good looking mod dude. I like the tanks and units.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

OmegaBolt wrote:
Ah, I thought it was spelled "flack".

Short for Flugabwehrkanone Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Dutchygamer wrote:
OmegaBolt wrote:
Ah, I thought it was spelled "flack".

Short for Flugabwehrkanone Wink

Fliegerabwehrkanone, Flugzeugabwehrkanone, meh..

but as said by Obolt, Gattling give funny thing in RA2, keep it :p


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Allied General

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Control Centre and Organisation ftw.

I.e. British spelling ftw


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Allied General wrote:
Control Centre and Organisation ftw.

I.e. British spelling ftw

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Nikademis Von Hisson

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

so the ranked up unit is now more powerful than before?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This mod has striking similarities to my first private mod...

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Time for some replies before next update!
OmegaBolt wrote:
Well give it a different name other than Mammoth Tank. As RA2 really doesn't follow RA1 Mammoth Tanks didn't exist...

Apocalypse is renamed mammoth Tank, except it cannot shoot infantry with rockets, but has more armor and stronger cannons.
Also, do not forget when you are installing RA2 that intros about RA1 how Soviets under Stalin invaded Europe, and British were only last free people in Europe.
Also, do not forget that picture Stalin with Yuri! Yuri was in Stalin's time. Soviets then used mammoths, Yuri is using them now too. Also, in storyline they are used later by GDI.

Speeder wrote:
Yuri's Tongue.


Subterranean transport.

iamn00b wrote:

its not about about how yuri get the mammoth, but that not fit yuri style IMO. maybe change the name and graphic to be more yuri?

Death Cultist wrote:
You can keep the Mammoth Tank as a unit I just think the skin doesn't fit very well. Your logic for it seems sound though

Guys, he is recolored in Yuri's scheme. I will post changes later.

hotrods20 wrote:
Good looking mod dude. I like the tanks and units.

Thank you Smile

Nikademis Von Hisson wrote:
so the ranked up unit is now more powerful than before?

No man, I removed their elite weapons. I only enhanced little veteran/elite abilities, but since they do not have elite weapons anymore, they are not so overpowered anymore.
For example basic tanks and Apocalypse with elite weapon could destroy anything, even infantry in one or two shoot. That is not possible anymore!


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MasterHaosis wrote:
Also, do not forget when you are installing RA2 that intros about RA1 how Soviets under Stalin invaded Europe, and British were only last free people in Europe.
Also, do not forget that picture Stalin with Yuri! Yuri was in Stalin's time. Soviets then used mammoths, Yuri is using them now too. Also, in storyline they are used later by GDI.
I know that but it's not a very good bridge at all. RA2 is simply a Red Alert spinoff... remember that during the campaign the Chronosphere is basically reinvented, technologically both factions have started from scratch and there are World War 2 memorials and monuments which of course would not have happened if RA1 had taken place. Also IMO RA2 does NOT lead into TD in any way. RA2 is simply a spin-off title, much like RA3 in that the storyline is essentially self contained.

If Yuri had any mention in RA1 then of course I would accept it, but photoshopping him into a photo and then claiming he was in the RA1-timeline is not valid. And no, Yuri Molotov from the RA1 expansion is not psychic Yuri. #Tongue

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

OmegaBolt wrote:
Also IMO RA2 does NOT lead into TD in any way. RA2 is simply a spin-off title, much like RA3 in that the storyline is essentially self contained.

I said about that Mammoth Tank appears in RA1, then in TD. But in time line RA2 is between those two. So he cannot be skipt. He still exist but under another name.
Anyway TD/TS is after RA1 because Nod appears since Soviets. Remember that Kane is with Soviets, he is there with Stalin at first place. They just wait Stalin's death to bring Brotherhood on next level.

OmegaBolt wrote:

If Yuri had any mention in RA1 then of course I would accept it, but photoshopping him into a photo and then claiming he was in the RA1-timeline is not valid.

Tell that to Westwood, Very Happy
Seems that they Photoshopped everything! For them that is valid haha


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well the timeline has been discussed many times on PPM. RA2 does not lead into TD or any Tiberium game at all, it's simply a way to exploit Red Alert and create additional C&C games. RA1 may well have been intended as a TD prequel but RA2 was not.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Red Alert 2 wasn´t made by Westwood you know. It was made by EA LA.

The more you know.

Hence why RA2 lacks that semi-serious sarcasm and opts for pretty blunt direct humour.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Redd Alert 2 and Yuri's revenge are made by Westwood! It is on my loading screen and box, Westwood's sign, not EA.
Also, Westwood made Generals, thats why game do not sucks as it should be if EA made it.
Just before they released generals, EA closed them and changed their name to EA pacific or something like that.
Read here:
,,The company was bought from Virgin Interactive by Electronic Arts (EA) in 1998, and closed by EA in 2003."

,,Along with Westwood, EA had also acquired Virgin Interactive's development studio based in Irvine, California.[1] It was managed by Westwood and became known as Westwood Pacific, and later EA Pacific. Westwood Pacific developed or co-developed games like Nox and the Command & Conquer: Red Alert's sequel Red Alert 2, which takes place in an alternate universe to that of the original title Command & Conquer."

Selected games developed by Westwood

BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception (1988)
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (1990)
Blade Runner (1997, computer game film adaptation)
Circuit's Edge (1990, adaptation of George Alec Effinger's novel When Gravity Fails)
Command & Conquer series (1995–2002, up to Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge and Command & Conquer: Renegade)
DragonStrike (1990)
Dune series (1992, 1998, 2001, based on David Lynch's 1984 movie Dune)
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (1992)
Earth & Beyond (2002)
Eye of the Beholder series (1990, 1991, minus Assault on Myth Drannor)
Lands of Lore series (1993–1999)
The Legend of Kyrandia series (1992, 1993, 1994)
The Lion King (1994)
Monopoly (1995)
Nox (2000)
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat (2002)
Resident Evil (1996, Windows port, uncredited)
Young Merlin (1994)


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Along with Westwood, EA had also acquired Virgin Interactive's development studio based in Irvine, California.[1] It was managed by Westwood and became known as Westwood Pacific, and later EA Pacific. Westwood Pacific developed or co-developed games like Nox and the Command & Conquer: Red Alert's sequel Red Alert 2, which takes place in an alternate universe to that of the original title Command & Conquer.

My bad. EA bought a studio, renamed it Westwood Pacific, got it to make RA2, and after that renamed Westwood Pacific to EA Pacific.

Either way, EA got Westwood the people to make RA2, and Westwood did the management.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

LOL, dude...seriously? You like, made yuri even more OP than whe ever was!

For example, now he doesn't have any weakness with mining, he can even carry much more than others! Even if he's without power, he can defend his base easily with gattling OP guys and tanks. o-o

The virus with range increased will also be much more OP.

Yuri like...lost all his minor weaknesses. =x

IMO, you should make him weaker, not more powerful than what he already is. =/

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Actually, if the Magnetron is out, Yuri's major strength is now gone. It was Yuri's mix centering around the Magnetron that made him so devastating against everyone else. Drop the Mag and Yuri is far less dangerous than he was before. In fact, he'd be underpowered if not for the new units.

Trust me, I know YR balance and online play. Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

FurryQueen wrote:
Actually, if the Magnetron is out, Yuri's major strength is now gone. It was Yuri's mix centering around the Magnetron that made him so devastating against everyone else. Drop the Mag and Yuri is far less dangerous than he was before. In fact, he'd be underpowered if not for the new units.

Trust me, I know YR balance and online play. Wink

Indeed, but the Boomer is still OP...and he made it even more OP.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

FurryQueen wrote:
Actually, if the Magnetron is out, Yuri's major strength is now gone. It was Yuri's mix centering around the Magnetron that made him so devastating against everyone else. Drop the Mag and Yuri is far less dangerous than he was before. In fact, he'd be underpowered if not for the new units.

Trust me, I know YR balance and online play. Wink

The fun thing is that he didn't remove the Magnetron.. he made it fly. Laughing


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Defense Minister

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Speeder wrote:
FurryQueen wrote:
Actually, if the Magnetron is out, Yuri's major strength is now gone. It was Yuri's mix centering around the Magnetron that made him so devastating against everyone else. Drop the Mag and Yuri is far less dangerous than he was before. In fact, he'd be underpowered if not for the new units.

Trust me, I know YR balance and online play. Wink

The fun thing is that he didn't remove the Magnetron.. he made it fly. Laughing

Yeah, but now it's no longer invulnerable. Think MM+Magnetron. There's no more protection for the Magnetron now Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Uhh, why is that? Ground AA units can still get mind controlled and the magnetic disc can simply fly away behind friendly units in any case.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ixonoclast wrote:

My bad. EA bought a studio, renamed it Westwood Pacific, got it to make RA2, and after that renamed Westwood Pacific to EA Pacific.

Either way, EA got Westwood the people to make RA2, and Westwood did the management.

Ah, not problem man. EA anyway made this mess with often name changing of Westwood and such!
I think EA was idiots for closing Westwood! EA sucks. Late C&C games prove that


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

..and Magnetic Disc is a bigger threat because it can easily destroy enemy units by pulling them over water (tanks) or ground (ships). #Tongue


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