Story: (If I ever get to making a Campaign)
The Giant Ants were somehow able to survive their supposed genocide from Red Alert 1 and have resurfaced from their hiding to cause wreak vengeance upon the human race.. Meanwhile as the Allies and Soviets were struggling with the fight against Yuri. A Sudden new enemy has appeared into the battle. The Giant Ants. Now with Four Sides locked into an epic battle who will emerge victorious?

COLONY (The New Side)
The Colony is a New Side composed of the Giant Ants and their various mutations. The Colony specializes in constant unit rushing and harassment of the enemy by sending out more and more of their units. They do not rely on Power unlike the other conventional Sides but in exchange they have more expensive units & buildings.
+ Bases do not rely on Power
+ All Units and Buildings are immune to Radiation,Regenerate and are very durable
- All Buildings and Units are more expensive
- Cannot capture or use Tech Buildings
Unlike conventional Armies. The Giant Ants do not use Power, instead they are able to increase their Monetary Income from their "Power Plants" instead. Colony Buildings cannot be captured by Enemy Engineers. (Being too unnatural to properly capture) Their Engineer Equivalent however can still repair buildings. The only Structure exempted from this is their equivalent of a Tech Lab which can still be infiltrated by enemy agents.

Colony Mound - [3000 - 4x4] – Base Expansion Facility
Every Ant Colony needs to start somewhere. This is where they all come from. From this mound. All buildings are planned for construction. So like the other ConYards. This is a prime target.
Ore Mound - [2000 - 2x3] – Ore Processing Facility
Much like the other Ore Refineries. The Ore Mound serves the same purpose as a drop-off point for Ore Collected and to be processed into nutrients to grow the colony swarm.
*Requires Bio Pillar
Passive Ability: Generates 600 Credits per minute.
Bio Pillar - [800 - 2x2] - Power Plant/Support Building
Instead of providing Power to the base like the other 3 Sides the Colony's version instead generates funds to further their war effort. These Buildings function similarly to Oil Derricks albeit watered down, slowly supplying a small amount of credits to the Colony Commander.
*Requires Colony Mound
Passive Ability:Produces 300 Credits per minute.
Hive Cluster - [1200 Credits - 2x2] - Radar Access/Aircraft Facility
The Hive Cluster provides Radar Capability to the Colony. Aside from this, The Colony can use their natural senses to reveal the terrain every few minutes. Aside from this, the Hive Cluster can send out a signal upon visible structures/targets a pheromone which alerts a Trio of Swarm Ants.
*Requires Outpost Hole
Ability - Hive Mind - Every 3 Minutes - For 10 Seconds, you will gain Full View of the Map.

Core Mound - [1800 - 2x3] - Advanced Unit Information Facility
The Core Mound provides to the Colony the ability to train further and stronger Units to be used for combat. Much like the other Battle Labs, the Core Mound also provides some Stolen Tech. Once the Colony Mound is created, Giant Ants created from the Assault Hole are now created more cheaply by 25% due to the streamlining of the genetic code.
- Allows production of:
Tesla Ants
Crusher Ants
Rad Ants
Psychic Ants
Passive Ability: All Units created from the Assault Hole will be created 25% cheaper.
*Allied Theft - Chrono Ant
*Soviet Theft - Tesla Warrior Ant
*Yuri Theft - Magneto Ant
*Colony Theft - Hive Ant

Ant Hole- [800 - 2x2] - Basic Unit Production Facility
The Ant Hole is where all the basic ants are produced by the colony.
*Requires Bio Pillar
Scout Ant
Worker Ant
Changeling Ant
Psychic Ant

Assault Hole - [2500 - 2x2] - Advanced Unit Production Facility
The Assault Hole is a production building that allows the larger variant of the Giant Ants to exit from the nest.
Warrior Ant
Spitfire Ant
Harvester Ant
Rad Ant
Tesla Ant
Crusher Ant
Beam Ant
Tunnel Ant
Stolen Tech Ants
Armory Buildings
Spitfire Burrow - [1000 - 1x1] – Defense Building (Anti-Air/Basic Ground)
The Spitfire Burrow is the Colony's Answer to a Defense Building. Much like the Gatling Cannon, This Building serves as both Anti-Air and Ground Defense. Every individual Burrow is normally guarded by 2 Spitfire Ants. But if the specific hole is alarmed of increased activity more Spitfire ants are sent to that hole to assist in protecting that section. A maximum total of 6 Ants will be posted on a specific Burrow.
*Requires Outpost Hole
Crusher Burrow - [1500 - 1x1] - Heavy Defense
To help protect Colony Groups against heavy assaults. Some Colonies dig out Crusher Burrows, As the name suggests, within these holes are Crusher Ants on guard providing Artillery Defense. The longer there are enemies within sight of the Burrow the faster the Crusher Burrow will fire their shells.
*Requires Hive Cluster

Colony Wall - [100 - 1x1] - Walling
Much like the other Sides walls. The Colony is able to create Walls themselves. However Colony Walls have the advantage of being able to regenerate and possess far higher durability.
*Requires Outpost Hole
Queen Chamber - [5000 - 4x4] - Superweapon
The Queen Ant is the mother of a colony. When this Building is constructed, the Queen is able to call out a swarm of Warrior Ants to dig under the ground to cause a powerful earthquake damaging enemy units in the target area. Unlike other Superweapons, The Queen Ant is able to protect itself from potential attackers protected by her Tesla & Spitfire Giant Ant Guards.
Ability - SWARM! - Every 10 Minutes - Creates a devastating earthquake underneath the targeted area damaging buildings,vehicles and infantry.
Colony Units
*All Giant Ant units are able to regenerate their Health thanks to their already enhanced mutation and being organic units.
*All Giant Ants are immune to radiation.
*And strangely... Giant Ants are able to traverse water despite their obviously new heavier body weight. So Naval Commanders beware.
*Giant Ants cannot garrison buildings.
Worker Ant – [800] - Engineer
Easily identifiable with their Black Legs,Antennae & Yellow Eyes, Worker Ants are the Colony's Version of the Engineer, Worker Ants fulfill the same duties as bomb defusing,Building Repair/Capture. Also, Worker Ants can heal Assault Hole. Much like the Scout Ant however they are more susceptible to infantry weapons due to their almost unarmored exoskeleton.
*Requires Outpost Hole & Bio Pillar
Scout Ant - [600] – Basic Infantry/Scout/Detector
Scout Ants are the the most lightly armored of all Ants, however they possess the best speed. Comparable to Terror Drones. The Scout Ant also attacks by spitting out rapidly sharp bits of shrapnel.
*Requires Outpost Hole
Changeling Ant - [1200] - Spy
The Changeling Ant is a strange variant as they can emit an optical illusion that lets them blend in with humans. Much like the Worker & Psychic Ant this Giant Ant has learned how to speak. Like other Spy Units, the Changeling fulfills the same role of Building Infiltration.
*Requires Outpost Hole & Core Mound
Psychic Ant - [2000] – Mind Control Unit
The Psychic Ant functions similarly to the Master Mind, albeit somewhat much better. For one thing the Psychic Ant does not overload. However they can only control up to 3 Units.
*Requires Core Mound
Digger Ant - [3200] - MCV
The Digger Ant is the unit responsible for building up Colonies. Much like the same role as to the other Three Sides using MCVs. However unlike other MCV's the Digger Ant can defend itself. Thanks to its large strong mandibles.
*Requires Core Mound
Tunnel Ant - [2500] - Support Unit
The Tunnel Ant is at best, considered a support unit. Once available they are able to dig into the ground creating an Assault Hole at the Ground.
*Requires Assault Hole,Hive Cluster & Core Mound
Harvester Ant – [1700] - Miner
The Harvester Ant fulfills the role of Ore Miner to the Colony. Carrying the much needed gold to process into nutrients to further the growth of a colony. Much like the War Miner, the Harvester Ant can defend itself from would-be attackers. They can carry up to 800 Gold or 1600 Gems.
*Requires Ore Mound
Warrior Ant – [1000] - Basic Tank
The Main Attack Unit of the Colony, Warrior Ants fight in close combat similar to the brute. These Ants possess a thick exoskeleton and they always tend to be sent in groups.
*Requires Ant Hole
Spitfire Ant - [800] – Anti-Air
The Spitfire Ant is probably the first major range unit a Colony will be able to deploy. Spitfire Ants also perform the role of Guard Duties(Spitfire Burrow) due to their versatility as being Assault and Defense Units.
*Requires Ant Hole
Tesla Ant - [1800] - Assault Unit
These Giant Ants were a high threat back in Great World War II, and they still are now, Owing to the natural electricity they generate within their bodies. The Tesla Ant boasts heightened movement and the natural ability to shoot Tesla Bolts from their Antennae.
*Requires Core Mound
Crusher Ant - [1500] - Artillery/Siege Unit
The Colony's answer to siege Units. The Crusher Ant is a unit able to lob large rocks towards their enemies from long distances. Much like Spitfire Ants. Some Crusher Ants are deployed as Guards (Crusher Burrow) for their Colonies.
*Requires Core Mound
Rad Ant – [1000] - Suicide/Assault Unit.
These Breed of Giant Ants were first found near Nuclear Facilities. After emerging, combat footage showed that these Ants are able to project a beam of radiation similar to the Desolator. Later footage also showed that when defeated they explode violently much in the same fashion as Demolition Trucks killing/damaging any other Ants or Enemies.
*Requires Core Mound
Swarm Ant - [1000] - Aircraft
The Airborne Unit of the Colony. The Swarm Ant attacks by bombarding their targets with shrapnel they can spit out at their enemies. Unlike other aircrafts. Swarm Ants are much more durable and still posses the same speed rivaling Harriers,MiGs & to a lesser extent... Yuri's Blaster Disk
*Requires Hive Cluster
Beam Ant - [2500] – Hero Unit
The Beam Ant is a Giant Ant that fires a concentrated laser beam at their enemies, the longer they focus on a target the more damage they deal.This Laser almost always kills infantry instantly and is very effective against Buildings and Vehicles. Beam Ants are a special breed and only one can be bred by a colony. (or two if they have an Assault Hole)
*Requires Core Mound
The Main Faction of the Soviet Empire. The USSR has access to high-tech Tesla Weaponry and Robotics Research has lead them to becoming the leading experts when it comes to robotic weaponry.
Hero Unit: Boris
Unique Units:
Tesla Tank
*Requires Radar Tower & War Factory
The Confederation is the Main Military Superpower of the Soviet Union on some parts of the east,west and mainly the middle-east. Backed up by Cuba,Iraq and Libya as it's main Nations the Confederation excel in demolitions technology and nuclear weapons.
Hero Unit:
Black Scorpion (Acrassicauda) - [1500] - Hero
Armed with a specialized Rad Cannon. The Black Scorpion is the Confederation's Hero Unit. Trained in the skill of sniping, The Black Scorpion is able to pick off enemy infantry & vehicles easily from the distance. For taking out key structures, the Black Scorpion is able to call in a Weak but still powerful Tactical Nuke by pointing his laser at it.
Unique Units:
Terrorist - [1000] - Covert Unit
After noticing the higher losses and inefficiency of the Terrorist Program. The Terrorist Program was revamped heavily. Terrorists were now trained in the arts of disguise similar to Allied & Soviet Spies. Along with this they were trained in the arts of demolition, destroying an enemy's base from within. Should they be discovered the packs of C4 they carry can be used as a last ditch effort of taking enemies along with them.
*Requires Radar Tower & Barracks
Nuke Cannon - [1500] - Siege Unit
The Nuke Cannon is the Confederation's Answer to a Long-Range Siege Unit,Unlike the V3 Launcher, the Nuke Cannon must be deployed for it to attack. When not deployed they are but easy targets. But when deployed the can fire off powerful nuclear shells that explode leaving behind a field of radiation.
Imperial Nations
The Alliance formed by the Eastern Soviet Nations, namely North Korea & China. The Imperial Nations play as the key faction fighting for the Eastern Area for the Soviet Superpower.
Hero Unit:
Unique Units:
Unique Buildings:
Repair Drone - [700] - Repair Unit - Vehicle
Further research in Robotics in the Soviet Union has allowed the Scientists to further improve their drone technology. The Repair Drone is a small hovering Unit that is armed with a small arm that can repair vehicles. Naturally thanks to their small frame and hover technology a Repair Drone can traverse water but also possesses very little armor.
*War Factory & Service Depot
*Tesla Troopers can now garrison and clear civilian buildings.
*The Spy is now a shared unit between the Allies & Soviet.
(Soviets use KGB Operatives)
*All Crazy Ivan type units can now throw their bombs a short distance and can promote themselves improving their throwing skills.
Backed up by the United Kingdom,Germany & France, The European Alliance forms the main forces of the Allies in the European Sector of the World.
Hero Unit:
Unique Units:
Grand Cannon - Defense Building
Hero Unit:
Unique Units:
Hero Unit: Tanya
Unique Units:
*Guardian GI's can now garrison buildings.
*SEAL can now clear Occupied Enemy Buildings
*Allies can now also build their own version of Tank Bunkers & Battle Bunkers

Infiltrator - [1000] - Spy
Even Yuri has joined into the Espionage Game. While both the Allied and Soviet Factions rely on Spies who use Disguise Kits. Infiltrators instead use a Pocket Stealth Generator that lets them hide completely from their enemies.Attack Dogs are still able to sniff out Infiltrators though so be vigilant for tracking these Covert Soldiers.
*Immune to Mind Control
*Requires Battle Lab
Blaster Disk - [900] - Aircraft
The Blaster Disk is Yuri's answer to a Jet Unit. Much to Yuri's liking for Old Sci-Fi Movies the Blaster Disk is also based on the UFO. Owing to It's lighter and smaller frame, The Blaster Disk has faster movement and allows it to fly more quickly letting it to travel faster than conventional aircraft's. However due to its miniaturization The Blaster Disk has only enough power to send out a single blast of energy and must return to the Disk Pad to Recharge the Cannon.
*Requires Disk Pad
Yuri Disk Pad - [1200 - 2x3] - Aircraft Building/Maintenance
Even Yuri has decided to assimilate a True Aerial Unit into his Army. This building lets Yuri build his own brand of Aircraft join in the fight.
*Requires Psychic Radar

Attack Dog - [400] - Detection/Anti-Infantry
Noticing how his lack of attack dogs has sometimes let spies slip into his base. Yuri now trains Attack Dogs of his own to help protect his bases.
*Requires Barracks
*Giant Squids are now part of Yuri's Naval Force
*Chaos Drones now attack by shooting their Chaos Gas by a Grenade Launcher, They also explode chaos gas upon destruction.
*Yuri Clones are renamed to Psi Corp
*Virus can now garrison & clear civilian buildings.
The Floating Disk's Laser is now Green (to make the infantry death more sense)
Stolen Tech Units
Magneto Ant - [2000] - Controller Unit - "Vehicle"
Another type of Ant created by experiments from Yuri Scientists. Magneto Ants are able to project a magnetic beam similar to the Magnetron.
*Gained by sending a Changeling Ant to an enemy Yuri Battle Lab.
Tesla Warrior Ant - [1500] - Assault Unit - "Vehicle"
A Tesla Ant that was captured and experimented on by Soviet Scientists. This Powerful ant retains the durability and deadly bite of the Warrior Ant but now has the electric powers of the Tesla Ant.
*Gained by sending a Changeling Ant to an enemy Soviet Battle Lab
Chrono Ant - [1200] - Assault Unit - "Vehicle"
A Giant Ant implanted with Chrono Technology by Allied Scientists. The Chrono Ant attacks much in the same manner as any Warrior Ant. But instead of crawling like other ants this Giant Ant can simply shift in time. Should a Changeling Ant infiltrate an Allied Battle Lab this unis is available for their use.
*Gained by sending a Changeling Ant to an enemy Allied Battle Lab
Hive Ant - [2000] - Assault Unit - "Vehicle"
Another breed of the monstrous Giant Ant. Owing to their Gigantic Size, The Hive Ant is able to crush most Vehicles, except for the gigantic ones like the infamous Battle Fortress,Apocalypse Tank & the Master Mind. Another feature this Giant Ant possesses is the ability to send out Groups of Swarm Ants to attack for it. Due to this symbiotic relationship with Swarm Ants it has lost the ability to attack itself and instead commands these specific Ants to do his bidding.
*Gained by sending a Changeling Ant to an enemy Colony Core Mound
Allied Units
Chrono Commando
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Allied Battle Lab
Tesla Commando - [1500] - Assault Unit - Infantry
The Tesla Commando is the birth of merging Soviet Tesla Weaponry and elite commando training by the Allies. The Tesla Commando is armed with a Tesla Cannon, just shy of the Tesla Tank along with some C4 Charges to take out buildings. Due to their heavier Armor, they cannot be crushed by Tanks and lose the ability to swim.
*Gained by Sending a Spy to an enemy Soviet Battle Lab
Psi Commando
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Yuri Battle Lab
Prism Ant - [1800] - Siege Unit - "Vehicle"
The Prism Ant is a breed of Giant Ant, most closely related to the Beam Ant. Unlike the Beam Ant, the laser they emit instead spreads out much like Prism Tanks.
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Colony Core Mound
Soviet Units
Chrono Ivan
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Allied Battle Lab.
Tesla Vanguard - [1200] - Support Unit - Infantry
Only by reverse-engineering Soviet Tesla Technology from defected Soviet Commanders are these new infantry available.The Tesla Vanguard are slow moving infantry who wield powerful Cannons which fire devastating Tesla Shells. The sheer weight of the ammunition and the gun slows them down and takes time to load the weapon but results have shown they are devastating against grouped units and structures.
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Soviet Battle Lab.
Magnet Vanguard - [1200] - Support Unit - Infantry
The Magnet Vanguard are an elite group of Heavy Assault Troopers. Available only to Soviet Commanders who have stolen Yuri's Magnetic Technology through their Agents. Magnet Vanguard are armed with the same powerful magnetic beam by Yuri's Magnetrons.
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Yuri Battle Lab.
Colossus Ant - [2000] - Assault Unit - "Vehicle"
Superior Soviet research has yielded them this giant Ant. The Colossus Ant is what some may say a successor to the Volkov Program. The Colossus Ant is fitted out with cybernetic inhibitors to keep it in from going rogue against Soviet Commanders. Along with this the cybernetics that also keep it in place also enhance the Ant's powers. The Colossus Ant is armed with the same weapons Apocalypse Tanks wield.
*Gained by sending a Spy to an enemy Colony Core Mound
Yuri Units
Chrono Corp - [1200] - Support Unit - Infantry
After stealing Allied Technology, namely the Chrono Pack Tech. Yuri is able to manufacture them to his Psi Corp Troopers.Select Psi-Corps are often drafted by Yuri's Commanders who have obtained this Stolen Tech. They offer the same powers of a normal Psi Corp but now have the convenience of being able to warp through time to travel more quickly.
*Gained by sending a Infiltrator to an enemy Allied Battle Lab.

Tesla Corp - [1200] - Assault Unit - Infantry
These special units serve Yuri's Army as assault units instead of providing Mind Control. Tesla Corps are able to project lightning bolts from their fingers of which they can send it to kill enemies. By equipping Tesla Technology hidden in their Robes they are able to channel Tesla Bolts that rival Tesla Tanks. Due to the heaviness of the Tesla Packs and their lack of physical strength. Tesla Corps do not wear armor. But however have great mobility thanks to their levitating powers.
*Gained by sending a Infiltrator to an enemy Soviet Battle Lab.
Psi Prodigy - [1500] - Support Unit - Infantry
The Psychic Corp has long always been Yuri's greatest asset in his Army. Psi Prodigy's are select Troopers who show promising talent and are given permission to further enhance their psychic abilities with Psychic Technology and further training. Unlike Psi Corp Troopers, Prodigy's can control up to 3 Units and have superior Range. However they are implanted with psychic inhibitors to keep their psychic powers at bay from trying to mind control too much or being able to mind control buildings much like Yuri.
*Gained by sending a Infiltrator to an enemy Yuri Battle Lab.
Dominator Ant - [1500] - Suicide Unit - "Vehicle"
By miniaturizing the Psychic Dominator Device into a more mobile version. Yuri can attach it to his captured Giant Ants. Much like the Psychic Dominator this contraption attached to the Giant Ant allows Yuri to fully control those within the Blast Radius and destroying any buildings within it. Should the Giant Ant be killed the Mobile Psychic Dominator will still detonate.
*Gained by sending a Infiltrator to an enemy Colony Core Mound
YR Argentina - Hosting the various SHP,Voxels I will be using.
Westwood - For creating Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge
Adobe - For making Photoshop CS5
Mental Omega - For providing some Inspiration for this Mod and some elements.
Mooman's Mod - For providing some Inspiration for this Mod and some elements.
-Allied & Yuri Battle Bunker,Soviet Tank Bunker
-Repair Drone
Dark_Elf_2001 - Deployable Sniper & Tesla Commando
ZombyDragon - Steel Desolator (Prism Legion)
Azri_Apoc - Mig29 (MiG)
napalm - Dozer
Mig Eater - Manta Ray (Sea Stalker)
The I Man - Attack Dog
Chrono Loony - Parasite SHP
Speeder - Yuri Airpad