I've not had chance to really test it I'm afraid. Some documentation or a tutorial for using it for those less familiar with the various modes of blender might go down well too. QUICK_EDIT
Well, THe template is working fine, I just have post template issues to deal with, like pallets and Shp making. _________________ I am Zengar Zombolt, The Sword That Cleaves Evil! There is Nothing I can not Cut! QUICK_EDIT
Is there a way to change the color of the render background? Make it easier to make stuff for TD/RA/ORA _________________ I am Zengar Zombolt, The Sword That Cleaves Evil! There is Nothing I can not Cut! QUICK_EDIT
@Phrohdoh: Use this mask node to scale canvas and remember to connect to the file output node and select the correct path. You can also change file subpath.
New CnC_Template version 2.05 which has a major improvement with lighting, AO and shadows. Grab it now! It's much better than all the previous versions. QUICK_EDIT
New CnC_Template version 2.06 with some nice fixes. Also added tutorial to increase texture quality:
By default Blender has a bit blurry texture filter which makes some texture details hard to see.
This can be fixed by setting all your texture 'Filter Size:' to 0.6 in Texture > Image Sampling.
I am using the cycles template and I think the results are looking great (my poor modeling skills notwithstanding).
It did take me a while to understand how to get the shadow frames to render correctly (for other newbies like me -> go to the dope sheet, press A to select all keyframes, press G to grab and move them beyond the non-shadow frame range).
One thing I noticed is that under cycles the reds on my textures appeared to have become slightly orange-ish and un-remappable when using the default settings in Open SHP builder and importing into OpenRA.
I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for workarounds? (I couldn't quite figure out how to make my own palettes)
Thanks again and keep up with the great work!
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_________________ AR2 - The Glorious Return of Nemesis QUICK_EDIT
You mean that part of your remap remains red / orange / brown?
Normally I fix that stuff manually, use replace colour... Alt q was its hotkey, you may want to create a personal scheme once you know what are the colours the builder set wrong, it saves a lot of time.
In my case all of the reds became orange and non-remappable, as in the group of white vehicles with orange stripes to the left of the screen cap. I was playing as green and the orange stripes are pure red in photoshop. It could be some settings with Cycles - I used default nodes with the photoshopped UV image as texture map.
The blue vehicle on the bottom are from a previous version using blender render _________________ AR2 - The Glorious Return of Nemesis QUICK_EDIT
One more question: does anyone know of a good way of rendering turrets? I suppose I will want the turret to cast a static shadow on the chassis but be invisible itself on the chassis frame.
Thanks! _________________ AR2 - The Glorious Return of Nemesis QUICK_EDIT
Related to the earlier part of the thread where we were discussing the camera projection of the RA units and structure, its seems that the shp format records the coords that the shp was originally drawn on a 320x200 canvas that was subsequently clipped to produce the final shp.
The second and third word in the shp file (2 byte long little endian words) are the x and y pos of the top left pixel in the larger canvas.
Admittedly this is all based on a single data point, the french and german versions of aftermath contain a broken carr.shp that wasn't clipped as it should so its possible to see where it was position in the larger canvas. Seems the correct english versions header contains the coords it was positioned at before clipping. QUICK_EDIT
@Chrono2: to render turrets in a way that it casts a static shadow, use Transparency -> Z Transparency: Alpha:0
and about the remap, I have no idea what causes it to turn orange because I wasn't able to reproduce it. However, when I render models, I use purple as remap instead of red and convert it to .SHP with a custom .pal file which has red remap gradient turned to purple gradient (or possibly even totally customized .pal for individual .shp files)
Short tutorial about custom palette:
1. In Blender, have all model (frames) with different colors placed around the template and turn off planes' render
2. Make sure remap is turned gray
3. Render
4. Open the rendered image in Photoshop or other photo manipulation software
5. Go Image -> Mode -> Indexed colour... -> Use 224 colours -> OK
6. Save image as .PNG
7. Export .PAL from the image with XCC Mixer
8. Open the .PAL file with OS Palette Editor
9. Move colours from remap area after at the end of used colours
10. Gradient Purple to remap area
11. Make sure blue (0,0,255) is first colour and black (0,0,0) is second and delete the rest blue colours
12. Fill end colours (from 240-) with a colour that the rendered image won't use eg. black or pink
13. Save the .PAL file and move it to OS SHP Builder\Palettes\User folder QUICK_EDIT
Version 2.07 released. It now allows RA2 stylish infantry rendering. Note: Infantry in RA2 has been rendered with falloff effect. Blender normally doesn't allow falloff to be added from Materials tab.
You need to add it manually via nodes. Follow the example above. Otherwise it'll appear same as the right infantry below.
Why do you need a template for this?
Just create a box, put a texture in png or bmp format on the box, export to 3ds and then 3ds2vxl should find the model and its textures.
Lightsources and cameras and other stuff are not necessary for 3ds export with following 3ds2vxl conversion.
for 3ds export its only necessary
-to have a model
-textures in png or bmp format (so 3ds2vxl can use them)
-texture filenames in 8.3 format (no long filenames as these are not supported by 3ds format and cause trouble) _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Something I noticed, if I want render shadows for a turret, I need to render a hiding blue vehicle body, but then it renders the shadow of the body. I'm sure I can render it without the hidden body and use GIMP with a body render to remove the extra shadow, but it would be nice if the template wouldn't render the shadow of an object with the hiding blue material. QUICK_EDIT
I checked that and for some reason I've done that material wrong (I don't know why), but you can fix it by turning off its nodes and unchecking Traceable. QUICK_EDIT
New version 2.10 release:
-Added nodes what can be used to mix & crop terrain tiles with a custom image (works with Mask and Output nodes)
-Fixed edge crop against background which previously resulted bad bad anti-aliasing with Alpha Convert
-Fixed Hiding Blue material which was broken and provided really bad blue anti-aliasing on edges
-Reorganized the nodes a bit QUICK_EDIT
Is there any way to resize the rendered image canvas? (not the resolution) _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Yes, you need to connect those dots, set your scale, select the right folder and change the file subpath. This will save another set of render to the chosen location, so I suggest you to check Placeholder from the Render tab to save space as the first set will be just blue.
You mean the option titled mask in the left, is where you change the render canvas size by editing both X and Y? the image shows it's X: 280, and Y: 280. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
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