Yes, the externalised textures have fixed the issue.
Thank you very much for your efforts.
Eevee is a bit funky with my Repair Facility at the moment. For some reason, a few faces, most notably on the corner-lights, are invisible for some reason. Cycles doesn't have that issue.
Also, is it intended that reflective/metallic materials have that blue-ish kind of tint?
In the coming days, I'd like to test each script in the Tiberian Sun scene to see if there are still any issues aside from the already mentioned issue with the two shadow scripts.
On a more personal note:
This Blender template is a dream coming true for me.
I already wanted to make buildings for Tiberian Sun 10 years ago but I lacked the skills necessary back then.
Despite the current issues, this template really is a game changer for me. Blender is the 3D program I feel the most comfortable with and I have lots of fun modelling and animating in that program.
So I highly encourage you to keep working on the template, so that it becomes the best template it can be. It really has a whole lot of potential.
I really can't wait to being able to import my buildings into TS with a working shadow pass.
But take all the time you need. There's no rush in finishing.
Cycles has no issues aside from that blue-ish tint on reflective/metallic materials.
why is that concrete octagon column below the repair facility having a completely different lighting than the prism tower?
The SE side is much brighter than the SW side. It should be vice versa.
Somehow the repair facility is following a different lighting than the prism tower. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
why is that concrete octagon column below the repair facility having a completely different lighting than the prism tower?
The SE side is much brighter than the SW side. It should be vice versa.
Somehow the repair facility is following a different lighting than the prism tower.
That column is the hole, which is supposed to be seen only in the buildup animation.
The strange lighting may be caused by the fact that the normals are pointed to the inside rather than the outside.
(Note that I've placed a point light inside the hole so that it is visible at all.)
I have yet to place a plane with a hole on the scene again to cover up the parts which are not supposed to be seen. I did that in earlier versions of the scene-file.
However, I'm waiting until the most critical bugs are fixed.
Oooo, nice! I'll download it right away. I'll make some critical changes to the template since I've been waiting for holdout shader for Eevee and some other features.
TS shadow layer didn't work because the Render Layers node wasn't connected.
Blue tint shininess for specular materials is intended because I'm trying to have more realistic approach, metals reflects the blue sky (especially in RA2, but I'm not sure about TS, I'm thinking of using different sky for it). I recommend you to decrease specular and metal values if you don't like the blue tint.
EDIT: Using boolean modifier on the plane works better than manually cutting it. You can use any shape you want as the boolean cut object. QUICK_EDIT
For TS I gave my reflective metal materials a slightly yellow tinted color for the specular color (something around RGB 255,255,220).
Due to the yellow sky shown in most WW renders and the more sandy barren environment which would be reflected as well. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Good point about the booleans. This should make life much easier.
I've decided to fiddle a bit with Photoshop to tint the studio sky in a yellow-ish tone for TS. It may still need a bit of fiddling but it doesn't look so bad.
I think I should look into making this effect a bit more subtle.
If you'd like, feel free to use the photoshopped sky for the next version of your template.
Edit: I've found the unconnected renderlayer and reconnected it. Thanks to pointing me towards it.
The shadow pass after re-connecting the renderlayer.
@LKO: Thanks for the feedback, I made a special environment texture for TS scene, so it'll have a tint of yellow instead of blue.
@FekLeyrTarg: Thanks! However, as I stated above, I already made one and will release another alpha at some point.
Here's some update, added background textures (procedular) for preview 2 script, so it'll be easier to match the assets with the game itself. A little taste:
Just tested it on AO pass and result is really nice as AO is normally really noisy. Thanks for the tip!
You're welcome.
I've talked to LKO about my renders.
It looks like the template does some anti-aliasing when rendering, causing blue edges to be visible on the object.
Do you know what's causing this?
I've rendered everything in PNG 8-bit.
Yeah, it's caused by old method to render buildups in Eevee, I used Keying node to remove the bg color, but I replaced it with Holdout plane right after Blender 2.81 was released. Here's another alpha with some more fixes and tunings:
Decided to change to Blender for all future modelling since it has a built in sculptor and I've tried all your templates and so far I've understood how to control the cycles one best (I can't figure out how to render more lights in the newest Eevee alpha posted above). One thing though, I'm a little stumped on why the shadows are coming out wrong. It's rendering them correctly until it clips to pure black, any idea how I can fix it or should I stick with Eevee for the future?
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_________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 06 Jun 2020 Location: Jausiers, Alps, France
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:31 pm Post subject:
Very nice ! Are u interested in 3d modèles of dune building and units for blender ? I posted some preview in c&c remastered mod section, if u want I can put blender models in a topic
Do u ever made a tutorial for rendering and camera placement for exporting png ? I would be very interested !
It's rendering them black on purpose, but I think I'd change that in the future to match the color with game palette shadow.
you shouldn't do this for RA2, since RA2 has this stupid blue background and the very very similar blue shadow color.
It would be better to change the RA2 palette and make the backround color purple/pink or change the shadow color to avoid color conversion issues. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 06 Jun 2020 Location: Jausiers, Alps, France
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:20 pm Post subject:
Hi !
I dont know if i do wrong, but i have a script error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\modding\tools\3D editors\models\CnC_template2_11.blend\Render.shadows", line 3, in <module>
AttributeError: 'RenderSettings' object has no attribute 'use_antialiasing'
Error: Python script failed, check the message in the system console
Will there be any stable release for the template? _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Thank you for the new release! However, when i tried to render a "building" with both the eevee and cycles, they gave me the exact same result: everything is black.
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_________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Strange, as if nothing is fixed, the render results still show the render, but the custom resolution version that i need (the 128x128 one) still shows black, same goes to "Run Script" button.
EDIT: I noticed that the template has its "Run Script" disabled, omg, how didn't i notice it all the time? >n< maybe that's why it's rendering nothing but black screen, is there a way to fix this? whether you or me? _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
It's working for me much better than the last, thanks DA.
_________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
If you guys have issues with the node canvas cropping then I'd suggest using this addon I made instead (I actually recommend using this instead):
@PussyPus: RA2 had two links cut instead of one, did you connect both?
If you guys have issues with the node canvas cropping then I'd suggest using this addon I made instead (I actually recommend using this instead):
@PussyPus: RA2 had two links cut instead of one, did you connect both?
@4StarGeneral: Nice!
You mean scenes? Layers? Something else?
DonutArnold wrote:
@PussyPus: Do you have the newest Blender release installed?
Yes, i have 2.90.x. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Last edited by PussyPus on Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
RA2 scene. Composite tab where you connect links to crop canvas.
I've connected the blend mode tab to the file output, and the composite tab is also connected to the same blend mode tab, so, anything should work fine, but as for me, it didn't work, it's still disabled.
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_________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Does the normal rendering work? If yes, then pick the addon I posted above and try it instead. Then you don't need to use composite canvas cropping at all, so you can just cut the links. QUICK_EDIT
Does the normal rendering work? If yes, then pick the addon I posted above and try it instead. Then you don't need to use composite canvas cropping at all, so you can just cut the links.
Yes, the normal render works, only the "cropped" render (128x128) doesn't work. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
I tried the add-on, i expected it would work but it didn't, what i just done before rendering, is that i moved the render output from the output properties (not from the compositor tab), but it doesn't automatically save it, what only works is the normal render and also i can manually save it, other than that, nothing works.
EDIT: Strangely, run script is disabled, but when i run a script, it actually works this time after installing this add-on, still, i should manually save every render.
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_________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Blender 2.90.1 was released recently, will you make another template for this version? This new version has tasty changes and additions that makes modeling easier than other previous versions. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
2.90.1 is minor version, the template is already compatible with that as it's made in version 2.90. I'll wait for 2.91 to see if it has something that will benefit the template... QUICK_EDIT
I tried the add-on, i expected it would work but it didn't, what i just done before rendering, is that i moved the render output from the output properties (not from the compositor tab), but it doesn't automatically save it, what only works is the normal render and also i can manually save it, other than that, nothing works.
EDIT: Strangely, run script is disabled, but when i run a script, it actually works this time after installing this add-on, still, i should manually save every render.
This happened to me with 2.90.0 which's older than 2.90.1 that FINALLY fixed the exact error I encountered, the run script button for all other scripts is disabled, it's bugged, but this time it actually works though it still shows as if the button is disabled. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Hello, dude.
I want to add point light to add interior light to the building, but no matter how I add it, it didn't works. How to solve this problem plz _________________ hello sleepwalker QUICK_EDIT
i use point lights all the time and it works just fine. the one problem i had was that it was causing extreme lag
when in look dev mode or eevvee render engine mode, but you can fix that lag problem by turning down the
cube size and cascade sizes of shadows under the context menu. QUICK_EDIT
@insane_future: I assume you're using the 2.79 version of the template, so you need to add the lights to the scene's light group. It's kind of a workaround for a bug in Blender that makes all scenes share their lights. QUICK_EDIT
@DonutArnold ?thanks a lot. may i Do I need to upgrade my software version or continue to learn about version 2.79 and other basic knowledge?
At present, I can hardly find the 2.7x teaching video on the Internet.
The Chinese mainland has 2.8 or even 2.9 versions of the online course teaching video.
However, 3D workers in the Mainland generally use Maya and 3dmaxs, and mod is mostly made with 3dmaxs. Blender community in the mainland almost exists in name _________________ hello sleepwalker QUICK_EDIT
@insane_future: I recommend updating to newest Blender version 2.91 and downloading the most recent template version alpha6. You'll get the newest features and the template has reworked lighting with HDRi environment texture.
I uploaded an image of Soviet Tesla Reactor comparison.
- Fixed RA/TD camera angles 55->50
- Reduced shadow darkness value in all scenes except TS, RW and D2K
- Added Dune 2000 and C&C Remastered scenes
- Set default scene to Red Alert 2
Good news:
Three of my buildings have been successfully implemented into TS and I've got you to thank for, @DonutArnold.
Without your template, I wouldn't have been able to do this in the first place.
Thank you very much. QUICK_EDIT
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