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Doom Chat
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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:56 pm    Post subject:  Doom Chat
Subject description: surprised the Doom games dont have their own sub-forum yet
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I know we have a good fair bit of Doom fans in here based on previous threads posted about Brutal Doom.

So figured I'd start some basic game talk about Doom....such as:

What's your favorite levels in the classic Doom games? (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, and hell we'll even include Doom64 since it is essentially the same set up)

How about your favorite Doom WAD? (ya know loading up those fan made edits be them just maps or full blown edits and what not...)

And Finally...have you ever tried to edit/make any Doom WADs yourself? If so what programs did you use and do you have any tips/tricks?

I figured since I'm considering getting into editing the classic Dooms a bit myself now, that i'd ask and get some discussion going on here at PPM. Currently I'm using Doom Builder 2 and have started with editing the first level of Doom2 just to get used to the level editing. Been kinda interesting so far and actually the basics in creating new rooms and adding in more monsters and items is rather easy. Haven't messed with teleporters or other things yet though.

soo uhhh yea Doom discussion...

Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No seriously, when you have played this mod, vanilla Doom looks so clean #Tongue
Also, have given multiple attempts at making Doom maps/WADS, but never finished a series of maps (also due to not knowing certain stuff).

Last edited by Dutchygamer on Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Lin Kuei Ominae

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yeah Brutal Doom really is very good... I can't say I've played many WADs TBH (especially not to completion). I prefered Doom 1 to 2 as well, in terms of atmosphere etc, though the Doom 2 baddies and weapons were a load of fun.

My favourite music is definitely E1M8 from the Ultimate Doom, just so forboding and a cool tune.

Also my first Doom level is still up on PPM. #Tongue

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Someone needs to make a Doom1 WAD with Doom2 stuff thrown in (if it doesn't exist already) #Tongue

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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

OmegaBolt wrote:

Also my first Doom level is still up on PPM. #Tongue

ahh i actually recall that post now! downloaded and will probably play and take a look at it.
Did you make it using Doom Builder 2? (I think there's other editors as well...haven't taken much of a look myself yet as I just found Doom Builder 2 and went at it. lol)

So far the only real issue i've had was trying my hand at making doors before looking at the official level doors to see how it's suppose to be done. lol I still  have one door despite being set up exactly like them now that's still giving me issues but I have a feeling it's some stupid mistake i'm making.

So far I've nearly doubled the size and amount of monsters on the first Doom2 level though.
Now that I (should) have doors down, I plan on adding some ambush spots to make sure I can tag things to open correctly when you enter into a certain spot for example.

Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium!

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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Doom Builder 2 is the way to go. Look around for some tuts, or analyse the existing maps.

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Also Known As: evanb90
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

-Favorite maps? I loved Go2It once I figured out how to access it. Crazy fun. DOOM 2 had some good ones in the Industrial Zone, Suburbs. I liked the TNT: Evilution mapset as a whole, just because of the elevated monster counts. But I guess that falls into the second question...

Some of my favorite WADs...In no particular order-
Combat Shock 1 and 2
Hell Revealed 2
Plutonia Experiment 2
Deus Vult I and II
Russian Overkill

Combat Shock, Sunder and Deus Vult are compilations of "slaughter maps", where a players face hundreds, often thousands of monsters, and I don't mean pushover imps/zombiemen, etiher.
HR2 and PE2 are very well designed and extremely difficult mega-wads...The over-the-top monster counts aren't there, but the design lends to some very difficult battles.

Russian for stress relief. Tank cannons, vodka powerups, portable ion cannons, nuclear weapons, all that shit. Perfect for those slaughterfests I listed above. (

As for mapping, I actually have a map-set I've been working on and off since 2012 but can't seem to motivate myself to finish...

YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Those look like some fairly detailed maps Eva. lol

Still working on just editing the original Doom 2 maps by adding my own areas and working out how to do things myself. Think I have most of everything down. I have yet to try scripting though. But the basics in terms of doors, switches, teleporters, teleporter traps, stairs and making switches create a series of stairs and all that stuff I have down. though occasionally I make a stupid mistake like forget to tag something.

Right now I'm having a small problem in terms of testing. I started off with editing Map01 of a copy of the Doom2.WAD. I eventually got to a point where I decided I should move on to the next map and try my hand at creating a whole layout addition  (that eventually runs into the normal Map02 of Doom2) that way I could try my hand at making an actual layout and not just adding small areas here and there. So creating that went well so far. However, despite saving it in the same WAD as I was with Map01. It won't open my edited version of Map02 when testing with Brutal Doom. All my edits to Map01 are loaded but nothing for Map02. Yet loading the same WAD without brutal doom allows my edited map02 to load.

Anyone with a little more expertise in editing/creating Doom levels might know the cause of this?

If not...then no worries as I can always just run it without using Brutal Doom but I kinda enjoy the faster pace that Brutal Doom brings. (though it also throws off judging the difficulty scale seeing as the rifle in brutal doom is so much stronger than the pistol it replaces but I don't plan on publishing anything until I've made a complete level or two of my own.

Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium!

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Also Known As: evanb90
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yeah, I guess it was a little ambitious for my first DOOM mapping project in about 10 years.

The original map had all these areas as part of one map, but I realized I was limiting my options with sector detail and key use.

Ixith, you're making a PWAD, right? map02 is named map02, right?

YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Looks cool, wouldn't mind seeing proper screens of it. #Tongue  I guess 3 is like some kind of cave area?

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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Woah, talking about complex maps o.0

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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

EVA-251 wrote:
Ixith, you're making a PWAD, right? map02 is named map02, right?

1)No...I simply made a copy of my Doom2.WAD file and put the original in another folder and then opened Doom Builder and loaded the Doom2.WAD that was in my Zandronum folder and edited the levels from it. (figured that way I could edit the official levels and see how they did things while working on new sectors of my own until I felt confident or willing enough to make a level from scratch)

2)Well...when I load it from Doom Builder it says Map02, so I assume yes.

However, I managed to get it working with Brutal Doom. Not sure what made it not work but all I did was remove the Doom2.WAD i was editing and then copy it back into the folder after removing it.

Anyways, below in pictures are my simple addition to the 2nd level of Doom2 so far. It's pretty much a small cavernous area that you start in and then it opens up to a lake valley like area that you have to traverse to get the yellow keycard to gain entry into the normal level. I'll probably remove the original level at some point and create my own part for that and then port the level into a PWAD and what not.
I do have one graphical glitch. Pictures below but essentially a dead imp can be partially seen through a wall as when the imp died it fell into the wall. So if there's a known way to prevent this that I'm overlooking and one of you guys knows that'd be cool to know. It was seen during a run with Brutal Doom of course so it might just be a result of the way things can be killed with that.

of course other input would be awesome on what can be seen of my edits so far. (I know not much can be seen really but meh. I do know that I need to add more vertices to the rock walls so I can make them look not quite as blocky when they're meant to curve like in the cave area)

anyways some pictures.

the glitchy part of the dead imp
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the dead imp
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looking out of the cave into the poisonous lake
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the Doom Builder look with 1024mp scale lines showing.
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Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium!

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Also Known As: evanb90
Joined: 20 Feb 2005
Location: o kawaii koto

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ixith, I'd recommend you make your maps as part of a blank PWAD, not a copy of an IWAD. That said, I like your additions. The open area looks well designed

Here are some shots of the first 3 maps of my set.

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YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead Developer Star Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007)

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