GLOBAL CRISIS: is a reimagining of the Tiberium Universe.
The story begins after the arrival of Tiberium on Earth. It will have a prequel, of course.
After the allied victory over the Soviet Union (RA) and years after the arrival of tiberium, we are at the present time (2015).
USA is the biggest tiberium farmer, with large tiberium fields in South America, devastating whole ecosystems...
Russia is seen as a saviour, by attempting to destroy the fields all over the third world...
But they have other interests...
The technological level is based on current times.
While the world lives a planetary transformation, the most powerful nations fight for the control of Tiberium.
- A new mode of game for RA2YR....
-ammo in all units
-fear in all infantry
-Big and letal debris
-realistic explotions in the vehicles
-real scale unit-buiding
-.... and many more...

New terrain...
v1.0 (death)

v2.0 (in progress)

I search stuff for:
Special thanks:
-command and conquer: Rewire (terrain of version prealpha)
-Velf4 (help and advice)
-Apollo (help and advice)
-TiberFCSL (help and advice)
GLOBAL CRISIS is a total conversion!!!! total!!!!