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Ideas Ruswolts
Moderators: Carnius
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Joined: 29 Jan 2015

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:51 am    Post subject:  Ideas Ruswolts
Subject description: My ideas and suggestions to the developers of fashion
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Hello, my name is Sergey, I'm from Russia. Me in the head took the idea of a new story. Many wanted Slavik was still alive and that McNeil participated in the new part. But EA have done things differently, as you know.
Now, from the original company you want to change the beginning and the end.
That is, the first and last act.
In the first act for GDI: to postpone action in Europe, where you need to defend themselves from the forces of nod.
In the first act for the nod: you have to leave in America, but you need to add the mission to destroy the Pentagon and the mission to release the army of nod from the environment GDI troops.
And add a sixth act, which will be re-invasion Screenshots, ascension Kane and videos from C&C 4.
All videos must be re-vocalized to not lost the sense of campaigns. To change the card companies, so that they were similar to the mission of Tiberian Sun and not released C&C 3 Tiberian Twilight.
To do the bonus mission, showing the background of the new company, with clips from the Wrath of Kane. Here will be discussed that Slavik won Marcion, saved his life and prevented collapse of the brotherhood. Slavik was able to preserve some of the old technologies and seize them, and GDI because of the threat of troops Slavik not stopped funding the army and military technologies and developments. Kane is associated with Slavik and orders to release him from the bunker of Cabal, destroying GDI troops who began reinforced excavations of this place. After his release, Kane orders Slavik to activate cyborgs, which are based on GDI in the blue zone, and then to steal Tacitus base of Phoenix.

So. It was about the company, but I still would like to touch units. In particular the design of their models.

1.Let's start with the unit "Shadow" (hopefully correctly named) faction of nod. I think the old model from EA is pathetic. I believe that the model soldier nod from Westwoods, is a better choice. Although the shoes look a bit ridiculous - I think they can be replaced.

2. Unit GDI Tank "Mammoth". Here EA also made a couple of mistakes. As if EA didn't try to make something of their own in terms of design, all their models of units similar to some cores and toys for three year olds. Now, I think you need to tank "mammoth" to put the model from Westwood. Of course it needs to be sanded and bring to a Shine, so it was perfect. And to balance this tank, with a nod avatar, I propose to add to the tank Mammoth booth for units: - a specific unit will be installed on mammoth modules: machine guns, advanced pistol shooting at ground targets and supplementing the attack air targets, the engineering module, flamethrowers, etc.

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