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Suggestions for Retro
Moderators: SMIFFGIG
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Joined: 02 Feb 2004

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:02 am    Post subject:  Suggestions for Retro Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I`d like some feedback on what people think about these ideas. Don`t worry I won`t suggest anything that would go against the idea of the mod. No 'Subterrainian (spelt right?) Mammoth Tanks` or 'Laser Infantry.'
Here they are:
Return the normal light post image. Its a nice touch but really can get in the way. Also, drop the cost to 100. Looking at it in a mathmatical way, its a disadvantage to the player over the computer when they don`t need them and we do.
Get Mammoth Tank 'Tusk' Missiles to do an effective level of damage to aircraft. I`m sure they were intended to.
Tick Tanks could have a turret (same image as when deployed) even when they aren`t deployed. Credit to whoever thought that up first as I saw it in another mod.
A time delay on the Meteor Storm. It arrives too quickly. Theres no chance to scatter units. Also the Pyramid should be more expensive.
If possible I`d like to see one of two things done. 1, all buildings will automatically begin to repair when damaged. Or 2, even if you run out of money while repairing a a building, it will continue as soon as more funds become available.
Either teams SAM (preferably GDI) could be converted to an AA gun like in Red Alert. This would have the same total damage rate as a regular SAM ie. 10 times the firing speed with a tenth the damage.
All scud-type weapons like Tick Tanks and Mammoth Tanks should be changed to an 'Invisible Flight to Target' projectile like a Titan. Even fictional tanks shells are fired at ballistic speeds. Artilleries and Juggernauts should not be included in this.
Heavy Tank seems pretty useless. Tick-Tanks are the exact same price.
Make the Core Defender Buildable. j/k
Do something, anything with the Dropship. It HAS to be in there. Theres got to be a way. If not as a superweapon then as a manually controlled transport. Like a Carryall that can carry more than one unit.
I agree with what other people are saying. The AI doesn`t attack half as much as it should. I haven`t had a single Orca Bomber sent after me all week. And when I attack with Droppods they aren`t always (if at all) there to kill my infantry. The general idea seems to be survive a few Disruptors, Mammoths and Light Infantry at the start. Afterward, sit back and watch everything else get ripped apart by your Juggernauts/Artilleries.
Speaking of which Juggernauts and Artilleries seem to be back to what the Arty. was in Tib Sun- WAY too powerful, Never mising. I don`t like it, it makes base defence too easy.
Ghost Stalker Railgun has never been powerful enough. It`d be great if something could be done about that.
Walls geeting damged when an adjancent Component Tower is sold is irritating and nothing more.

Ok end of rant. But it would be great to see a few of these changes actually happen. But, if you don`t like them feel free to say so. I`ll probably remember more some other time.
I`ll end by saying this. I`ve tried over a hundred mods overtime for both TS and RA2. This is the best one I`ve ever seen, and it has the poential to be even better. Just think a little more about what we die-hard fans want and less about what Westwood were originally trying to acheive. Saying that don`t let this become another clone, which so far it definately isn`t.

"A'right Stirlin' oot the car!"-Supercop-In honour of the greatest comedian who ever lived.

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Cyborg Cannon

Joined: 21 Apr 2003

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'll admit I didn't have time to read but a few lines of that, but I saw some interesting thinking. Some people might scoff at posts like these, but I daresay, we need more thinkers like you to feedback TSR. Keep it up.

Over and out,

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The DvD Webmaster

Joined: 30 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

...hope that was clear Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Suggestions for Retro Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ghost Stalker Railgun has never been powerful enough. It`d be great if something could be done about that.
Walls geeting damged when an adjancent Component Tower is sold is irritating and nothing more.

*deep breath* I probably will give up half way through, but I'll say what I can, and I can't speak for Smiffgig, but I'll say my views....

I like the new lightposts? I agree with costs, but don't forget Retro is to be used online.. well, I do Very Happy
Tusk Missiles.. I'm already ahead of you. Problem sorted out in the new mini-update coming soon.
Tick Tanks.. if you go to another thread in this forum, you'll find it all about why the tick tank doesn't have a turret.. and I think Smiffgig is pretty adament that it still won't.
Meteor Storm delay? How so? From clicking, to point of impact? Or actually slowing down the meteors, so you can see where they will hit?
I am pretty fine with the Meteor Storm as it is.. even though its a damn pain in the ass.. but hey thats what its supposed to be like Very Happy.
About the buildings auto-repairing, or repairing again when the funds are avaliable.. I believe those are code problems, which can't be done in TS. The auto-repair I believe is a RA2 code.
The AA-gun sounds pretty cool, but I can't see anything wrong with either of the current sams?
I can see what you mean about the tank shells.. but I would think it would look better ingame if they did have an image. It would just be more graphically pleasing?
The Dropship is ingame. It is ingame as close to as it was originally going to be as possible, using the dropship bay feature. And this is more than any other TS mod (that I'm aware of) has done. I don't think it can be implemented in any other way?
I've had Orca Bombers sent to my base multiple times. And every time I get anywhere near their base, them send them against my units, including droppods.
I don't see what is wrong with the artillery. Are they not supposed to be that powerful? Perhaps, we could make them a bit more inaccurate against infantry and fast moving units..
Railguns are good.. you can't really make them too powerful, as it would ruin the gameplay, but I suppose a bit of powering up could be good Laughing but better let Smiffgig decide that.
Walls.. I've seen what you mean.. but I can't say I have any idea of what causes this, or how to prevent it. It happened in normal TS though.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

*head explodes due to lack of organization*

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John Galt

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

About the buildings auto-repairing, or repairing again when the funds are avaliable.. I believe those are code problems, which can't be done in TS. The auto-repair I believe is a RA2 code.


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Joined: 02 Feb 2004

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks Muldrake. Granted you dropped a turd on everything I said from a great height. But still, thats what I wanted-in depth replies.
Meteor Storm:
ANyway, the Meteor Storms. I mean that from when you click it (and the announcment is made?) there could be a few seconds, 10 or so, before the Meteors appear and start falling.
What about making the Pyramid more expensive? At the moment its way too powerful for it`s value.
Tanks etc.
Pity about the Tick tanks. I see they already have the turret, it just doenst` move. Ahh well, if you don`t like the idea its ok. I`m sure people can come up with a few Trekkie-style ideas about why ther aren`t there, but I still think it would look better from a gameplay point of view though.
My AA gun idea-it just seems silly that both teams use identical methods against aircraft.
What I mean about scuds, in real life, they are fired at the same speed as a bullet. A Titan shell reaches its target instantly in this game, and regular tank ones should to.
The Artilleries-If you have the time, remove all mods from your TS and start a skirmish in the non Firestorm game. Start a Buggy or bike moving and have an Arty force fire on it. Wham, bam thank you mam its dead no matter how fast it was going. Now try it on FS. Assuming nothing gets in the way, it will miss continually. This was a change made by Westwood for a reason.
Are you talking about he GDI missions? I never played them much lately so I didn`t see it. Whats the earliest level its on?
I`m serious about the AI, DvD agrees. It is weak now and way too inoffensive. Sorry but its true. Granted, I have quite a hard time beating the base of a lvl 2 comp, but they don`t get into mine either. Ever.
Dingo-It was 1am and I was getting tired. Sue me. Smile

"A'right Stirlin' oot the car!"-Supercop-In honour of the greatest comedian who ever lived.

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Cyborg Cannon

Joined: 21 Apr 2003

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

AI is definitely a high priority for 1.25.

Over and out,

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Joined: 11 Jan 2003
Location: Netherlands

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


The Artilleries-If you have the time, remove all mods from your TS and start a skirmish in the non Firestorm game. Start a Buggy or bike moving and have an Arty force fire on it. Wham, bam thank you mam its dead no matter how fast it was going. Now try it on FS. Assuming nothing gets in the way, it will miss continually. This was a change made by Westwood for a reason.

A GOOD REASON i dont like the impenetrable 50 arty defense and million samsites and then attacking with the rest!

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Supreme Commander

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I don't mean to turd your ideas Tsunami, and I certainly mean no disrespect to you. Its good to have people suggesting these things.
I see what you mean by the Meteor storm, and I agree, it could use with some more warning. That plus GDI does have the Space Station, surely they'd know when a bunch of Meteors are coming their way? And it would surely take a while for Nod to bring these babies down anyway.
And actually looking at the price, I think the Pyramid of Nod should be made more expensive.
*Idea I've just thought up* Do you guys think the Chem Spray guy should be built after the Tiberium Waste Facility is built? Makes sense, no?

Did you read that thread about the Tick Tank? If you look out what it looks like, you will see there is a slope at the back, meaning the turret would not be able to rotate 360' around.

Do different sides in real life not use the same kind of way to take down Aircraft? I really do like the idea of the AA-Gun, I loved it in RA. I just don't see any problem with the current missiles.

The tank shells.. I don't know. For myself, I find them graphically pleasing.. but in real life you wouldn't really see them. I don't know.

The dropship bay was not ingame originally, but Retro will implement this.

Artilleries.. didn't I say I agreed they should be made inaccurate?

I agree the AI needs improving, but recently I haven't noticed it much.. I prefer it when it doesn't attack me right now, as I'm mainly trying out new additions I'm working on.

Again, these are just my views, this is Smiffgig's mod, so wait to hear what he has to say. Smile

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Joined: 02 Feb 2004

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks Muldrake. I`m gonna look forward to 1.25. Seems like it`ll be great. Ok about the TT thing, I understand that 'futureistic realism:?:' is the aim in this mod. And I missed your Bit about the Artilleries.
As for that AA gun thing its just a dumb idea. Thought it would have been interesting.

"A'right Stirlin' oot the car!"-Supercop-In honour of the greatest comedian who ever lived.

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