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RA2: Frontlines
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Cyborg Firebomber

Joined: 10 Mar 2015
Location: Canaderp

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:13 am    Post subject:  RA2: Frontlines
Subject description: Yuri's Revenge Enhancement WIP
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So i figured i may as well start posting about this here... Note that there is a possibility of notable changes to happen along the way, and potentially being fixed up for proper public releasing.
Until then, i'll use this as a dumping ground.
Main information will all be updated here, so there isn't a need to dig through the posts unless you wish to respond~

I am currently looking for someone willing to assist in working on the visual end of things (particularly with the japanese faction) Smile

Basic concept: to fix up many things within the base game concepts to enhance gameplay.
What's new: expanded arsenal, altered balances, extensive overhaul to civilian tech buildings and garrisonable structures.
Aspirations: to create a newly envisioned Japanese faction.

(note that this mod's very concept is potentially subject to change)
Uses Ares 0.9

The Secret Lab
Starting from the top, the secret lab.  These structures were never really that special and weren't much of a boon when captured.  The origin of the idea was to have this serve as an additional tech tier to each faction with unique unlockables to strengthen defence and arsenal.  The Secret Lab will be revealed to everyone once captured, it is heavily fortified and has various outfittings, such as being immune to all forms of radiation. It gives the player a free force shield special power as well, so even if you lose much of your base there is still a backup (doesn't require power to activate).  All standard base defences will be constructed with initial veteran.

Each faction gets enhanced defences from sec:
--Allies can build the Mayan Prism Pyramid, with a build limit of 2.
--Yuri can build the Yuri Bust, with a build limit of 2
--Soviets can build the Paris Tower, as well as the Psychic Amplifier, each with a build limit of 1
Fixed damages, overpowerability (they all have large power requirements, but can be kept active with tesla troopers, the paris tower has an OP bolt like tesla coil).  The Psychic Amplifier serves the same purpose as yuri's psychic sensor, except has a much larger sensor radius.
>All of the above super-defences reveal to everyone, so strategies can be planned to eliminate them or avoid them.

--Yuri can build a Command Center which allows them to make the Reaper Tank
Similar to an apocalypse or mammoth tank except way more heavy duty. It has extremely powerful cannons and improved missiles, it can crush tanks, and when elite it fires semi-nuclear shells which decimate it's foes. Very slow moving. Build limit: 1
--All sides can warp in a Time Machine.  The stuff the time machine gives is mostly for fun, but can be useful to a certain extent.  The time machine makes T-Rex available, along with Professor Einstein and Premier Romanov (which are utterly useless other than nobody will automatically attack them, so they can be used for scouting or something... ps: romanov is a boomer.), as well as my test unit the Rift Legionnaire.
The Rift Legionnaire fires homing energy projectiles which move slowly and have a wide curve that impact causing a micro-rift, tearing to shreds whatever is caught in it.
--Soviets and Yuri can make Cosmonauts
--Allies can make Secret Service.  Super cheap and good for blobbing or distracting. "I'll take the bullet"

For now, but subject to change
--Allies and Soviets can build Howitzer Artillery
Soviet Howitzer has longer range and semi-nuclear warheads when elite, but is slower to turn.
Allied Howitzer has shorter range and electrical warheads when elite, but is quick to turn, has a turret and fires accurately when elite.  Good for hit and run tactic.
--Soviets can build Hinds (this one needs work) which serve as clunky aerial transport gunships...
--Allies can build a free-flying Osprey, which is a minor transport with missile pods.

Additional Civilian and Tech Structure Enhancements
--Hospital grants initial infantry veterancy, and the availability of Arnie Frankenfurter, Sammy Stallion, and Flint Westwood as hero units, each with a build limit of 1.
--Machine Shop grants initial vehicle veterancy, and the ability to produce Police Cars. These annoying vehicular devices are armed with crappy pistols but are ignored by base defences and units unless told to fire or are shot at by the law.
--Airport grants paradrop as usual, but also grants initial aircraft veterancy.
--Oil Derricks grant the ability to build 2 additional derricks.  ;subject to change
-- ; wip: tech defence turret, either engineer or infantry gunner.
--Classified Private Hospital, cloning vats and heals all infantry (stacks with civil hospital, your infantries heal crazy fast).
--Tech Power Plant serves as POWER for tech trees.

Various garrison structures grant abilities or unlock tech as well.
--Communication Centre functions as a spy satellite, and serves as RADAR in tech trees.
--LAX grants paratroopers
--Car Dealership allows you to make police cars and school buses. Buses are also ignored by base defences etc, and can serve as ninja assault transports, if you happen to not notice all the yellow.
--Einstein's Lab lets you have Einstein as well, and to construct the Time Machine
--Kremlin Palace lets you have Romanov
---Easter Egg: Shinto Shrine, lets you take command of Youmu Konpaku to slice and dice your enemies with instant movement and a powerful sword. "shoubu desu!"
--Barn lets you have Monkeys, Alligators, Bears and Lions - Oh My!
Animals wander, default area guard like dogs, bears can sniff out disguises, monkeys and alligators are ignored by defences and auto-attack.
--Many infantry have newly discovered ability to open doors.  Garrison is expanded across numerous infantry types.

--Added japanese civilian structures

Enhancements to Base Factions
For Soviets:
1) Forces, Tech, and Naval.  |  Initial veteran on certain tanks and infantry, full military arsenal, tesla technology and Iron Curtain, full navy.
2) Terrorism and WMD.  |  Use of suicide units like demolition truck, as well as enhanced crazy ivans etc, and the Nuclear Missile Silo (enhanced), limited navy.
For Allies:
1) Tech faction.  |  Chrono technology and prism technology
2) Forces.  |  Initial veteran tanks and infantry, black eagles and stronger naval.

New Buildings
--Soviets can build a Psychic Beacon, with limited mind control ability. Build limit 1.
--Allies can make Guard Towers, a weaker base defence that has long range and more efficient anti-infantry than the pillbox.
--Return of the Soviet Cloning Vats
--All sides get Primeter Alarms, good old fashioned klaxon and stuff, lights up enemies when they get near your base and alerts you of their presence, detects disguise and cloak at short range.
--All sides get fully functioning gates that can place properly within walls - walls are house-coloured.
--Yuri has service depot
--All sides can make sandbags and Hedgehogs (really big adjacent, build fast, nice and cheap.)
--Mini Nuclear Reactor for legion of terror
--Thermal Reactor for allied tech
--New look for American Air Force Command
--Allied Tech Center
--Epic looking new barracks for soviet tech union
--Mobile redeployable weapons factory for legion

New Units
--Allied Grizzly Tank replaced with M1A1 Abrams.  ;crusader tank voice from generals
--Soviet Rhino Tank replaced with T-80.  ;pamir tank voice from earth2150 "down za middle, and up yours!"
Abrams has a bit more armour, but also has improved range, where it picks up lacking in raw firepower, making it able to have strategic advantage.
Both tanks gain a machine gun when elite that deals with infantry and can fire on aircraft.
--Allied forces get Humvee, has one transport slot. Very fast.  ;humvee voice from generals
--Soviets get Vulcan tank, heavy armour and sentry turret.
--Soviet tech get Phalanx Hover MLRS, a light and fast flanking missile tank.  ;phal.vxl
--Soviet legion get Demolition Tugboats, frightening little buggers, can only build 3(5?) at a time, but they are not suspected by their enemies and surprise attack.
--Yuri gets Hover Discs, the classic UFO, except quicker and hovers on the ground. Cannot drain buildings.
--Yuri gets Magnetic Discs, a flying magnetron. More functional than the traditional magnetron.
--Soviet tech get Kirov Gunships, airborne artillery, build limit 2.   ;kirov airhsip voice from ra3
--Soviettech get a Tesla Cruiser, a tough cruiser which excels at eliminating other naval units, build limit 3.
--Allies get a cruiser with a heavy artillery gun, build limit 5.
--Soviets have a spy as well now.  ; "their security is false"
--Soviet Tech Union has Natasha Volkova instead of Boris. she's armed with a modified anti-materiel rifle.
--Soviet Tech Union have Tesla Vanguard, a heavy tesla trooper with heavier armour, his weapon has bouncey bolts, but does less damage overall. serving the duty of a vanguard.
--Return of the medic! both allied factions, and soviet tech union get medics.
--Soviet tech get repair bot

--You can construct Soviet MIGs if you have both an allied airforce command and a soviet tech centre.

-- ; wip: laser gatling tank and railgun tank (dunno where to use yet)

-- ; wip: alternative for flak aa
-- ; wip: new sov apc(s)

--Standard base defences are trainable.
--refineries and tech structures drop crates
--certain buildings can slowly self-heal (most notably construction yards)
--Crazy Ivan throws his dynamite with a bit of range, and can throw from inside buildings.  ;plan to scrap the terrorist in favour of improved ivans
--Conscripts automatically guard the area, they chase enemies, so they behave differently than GI's.
--Flak troopers fire their AA cannon at ground, rather than just puffing it out.
--All infantry except AA can garrison in buildings.
--Dogs now have UCBark, they bark at people when inside buildings, causing them to prone (surprisingly useful)
--Large naval units have build limits.
--Apocalypse and Prism Tank have improved visuals.
--Tesla tank 'fires both barrels'
--Lasher tank can knock down walls
--IFV has enhanced turrets, as in flak gun for flak trooper, tesla for tesla trooper, etc. Moo.
--Terror Drone is infantry, can claw at buildings for melee damage.
--both Cosmonaut and Rocketeer have grounded versions.  ;will be able to switch between if ares makes this possible.
--Prism Towers can support for up to a chain of 2 towers.
--Technicians come from certain buildings sometimes. Pistol and ivan bomb disarm, faster moving.
--Engineers and spies move faster
--Boris airstrike sexier that ever, new supersonic aircraft, flies faster and sends veterancy bonus to Boris.  (Tanya is still pointless haha)
--Spies (should) reveal what the owner is building from the infiltrated structure. No veterancy from infiltration.
--Flak turret shoots ground with flak track gun
--Patriot Missile can shoot it's missiles at ground, but only if shot at, no ground targeting
--Cloning vats can be captured, but russians and yuri cannot build eachother's vats, only way to get 2 is to capture it.
--repair units repair more efficiently when elite (don't expect them to get elite without a crate tho)
--Prerelease Nuclear Missile Silo
-- ; wip: improved nuclear missile, enhanced visuals and potentially EMP as well. See here for effect.
--Monkeys are type-immune, so they just slap fight.
--tank bunker given to legion of terror
--gattling tank given to legion of terror
--boomer sub given to soviet tech with new look (borei)
--spy satellite removed, visuals given to robot control
--Battle Fortress and Tank Destroyer have new visuals

--Several units FLH fixed
--cameos for everything!  (i take requests for cameos btw)

Fun strategy examples:
-stick a bunch of police cars or school buses with ivan bombs and rush (loaded buses even?), terror drones in buses?
-monkey swarm! kill the infantries!
-distract units with armies of secret service while your chrono units get out of time lag
-run tugboats unnoticed past enemy naval defence to destroy cruisers/carriers

General Enhancements
--Crate powerups buffed.  larger radius, money crates less common, cloak crates enabled, veteran crates promote straight to elite. Spawn more often.
--Various defences and units improved with sensors to detect the cloak.
--Lengthened SW timers in favour of strategy over mass destruction tactics.
--Changed various sounds and animations:
Prism weapons have lens flare impact (vtmuzzle) and light people on fire. You don't 'prism' particle weapons. Elite muzzle flash replaced with something new.
BruteDie animation red for blood.  Dogs and terror drones cause this as well.
Mininuke replaced with RA1 a-bomb. now has explodey sound instead of firey sound.
TWLT070 and TWLT100 have explosions sounds that match their size.
Missiles have proper projectiles and no longer look atrocious or nonexistent.
Some unused animations fixed up and restored.
Animals don't cause 'piff' animation.
PIFF and PIFFPIFF have bullet impact sounds.
;wip replacement for "infantry explodes" animation, need a bloody explosion that's not excessive.
--Return of fires! Some fires do damage to infantry and stuff. Spawned by prism, tesla, and other hot weapons.
--Prism weapons shoots orange-yellow for standard, blue for Mayan Prism, and green for Yuri Bust.
--Machine guns burst fire or fire fast, no fully automatic weapons show 'piff' even if they're most effective against infantry.
Bullet warheads rebalanced to do less damage to to armoured targets.
--Ore drills are less... well, terrible.
--Hover height reduced a lot, hovercrafts floated way too high. Reduced bob   ;this needs some bugfixing, it twitches
--Bears are polar bears in snow climates, and grizzly in all the others.
--Spies default to disguise as themselves.
--Spies and Seals don't announce their creation
--Chrono Legionnaire announces it's creation.
--Secret Tesla Trooper voices added: "Extra Crispy!" "Congradulations you've been discharged."
--several infantry have various theatre art (desert gi, snow cons/flak, snow/desert ccomand, snow slave, temperate seal)
--radiation weapons and gas clouds kill drivers at medium hp
--tesla weapons kill drivers at very low hp
--Red Alert 3 Soundtrack in 44.1kHz!   (i will share this with anyone who asks)
--Lunar Terrain Expansion
--Temperate Terrain Remake

Here a little show off of cameos i'm using cuz why not: (the separated ones at the bottom i didn't make)

Factions  ;additional countries are scrapped
unmentioned things are unchanged
;units that require special tech to unlock

    Soviet (Tech) Union  ;Russia
    Perks: More income, faster builing&defence construction, cheaper buildings, more armour to buildings/defences

Soviet Tech Union is the collaboration of the Soviet Army along with various research divisions. They specialize in Tesla weapons, and know how to operate the Iron Curtain.

Flak Trooper
Tesla Trooper
Tesla Vanguard
Vulcan Tank
^-heavy tank with sentry turret
Flak Track  ;subject to change
^-ts nod repair bot
Phalanx MLRS
^-light hover missile launcher
Siege Chopper
Kirov Airship
Kirov Gunship
 ^-kirov, with arty
Typhoon Sub
Sea Scorpion
Tesla Cruiser
^-cruiser with tesla coils
Boomer Sub
^-new look
^-prereq: secret lab   ;subject to change
;Comosnaut, Grounded Cosmonaut
^-prereq: secret lab
;Hind   ;subject to change
^-prereq: secret lab

Tesla Reactor
Union Barracks   ;diablo barracks
Industrial Plant
Nuclear Reactor
Sentry Turret
Tesla Coil
Cloning Vats
Iron Curtain

Veteran Units
Tesla Trooper
MIG (Airfield)
;Grounded Cosmonaut

    Legion (of Terror)  ;Iraq, name subject to change
    Perks: Faster infantry&units construction, notably cheaper infantry, faster moving infantry&units

The Legion of Terror is a soviet splinter group which has no boundaries to morality, and will to whatever it takes to obliterate the opposition.  They are more than willing to suicide bomb their enemies and utilize Nuclear Ordnance despite the WMD taboo.  Their relationship with the Soviet Union is shaky at best.  They aren't very effective at establishing strong outposts, but work well in mobility.

Flak Trooper
Crazy Ivan
Terror Drone
Gattling Tank
Demolition Truck
Kirov Airship
Sea Scorpion
Demolition Tugboat
^-what is says on the package, not automatically targeted
^-prereq: secret lab   ;subject to change
;Comosnaut, Grounded Cosmonaut
^-prereq: secret lab
;Hind   ;subject to change
^-prereq: secret lab

Mini Nuclear Reactor
Soviet Barracks
Mobile Weapons Factory
Battle Bunker
Tank Bunker
Nuclear Missile Silo

Veteran Units
Flak Trooper
Attack Dog
Crazy Ivan
War Miner
Sea Scorpion
Kirov Airship

    Allied Forces  ;America
    Perks: More income, faster unit and air&units construction, faster moving air&units, slightly cheaper infantry

The Allies Forces are primarily based in the USA.  They use effective military power and surgical strikes to deal with their enemies efficiently.

Guardian GI
Grounded Rocketeer
Navy Seal
Tank Destroyer
Robot Tank
Black Eagle
Aegis Cruiser
^-heavy cruiser with double barrelled battleship turret
Aircraft Carrier
;Howitzer (turret)
^-prereq: secret lab   ;subject to change
^-prereq: secret lab

Allied Power Plant
Allied Battle Lab
American Airforce Command
Guard Tower
Grand Cannon
Weather Controller   ;subject to change

Veteran Units
Attack Dog
Grounded Rocketeer
Aircraft Carrier
;Howitzer (turret)

    Allied Tech Division  ;Germany
    Perks: Faster defences&buildings construction, cheaper units, more armour to buildings/defences

The Allied Tech Division, primarily based in central Europe, takes advantage of all of the experimental technologies the engineers are working on to date.  They make full use of Prism weaponry and have experience in challenging the difficulties of controlling teleportation technology.

Guardian GI
Grounded Rocketeer
Chrono Legionnaire
Mirage Tank
Prism Tank
Robot Tank (trainable)
^-can promote
Black Eagle
Aegis Cruiser
;Howitzer (turret)
^-prereq: secret lab   ;subject to change
^-prereq: secret lab

Advanced Power Plant
Allied Tech Lab
Airforce Command
Ore Processor
Prism Cannon

Veteran Units
Guardian GI
Mirage Tank
Robot Tank (trainable)
;Chrono Commando
;Chrono Ivan

    Yuri  ;will be scrapped if japan is made
Additional Units
Hover Disk
^-low hovercraft with standard disk laser
Magnetic Disk
^-airborne magnetron
^-can fire and drag things while moving, lifts units to destination location while moving.
^-prereq: secret lab
;Reaper Tank
^-like apocalypse on nuclear sterroids
^-prereq: yuri command center

Additional Structures
Service Depot
;Yuri Command Center

Veteran Units
Attack Dog (yuri versions)
Lasher Tank
Boomer Sub
;Psi Commando
^-prereq: secret lab

None of the visual assets belong to me, and i -believe- they are all public releases (some stuff is many years old), credit belongs to their respective owners.  pretty much everything i have is from ppm or argentina!
Audio i hijacked from bloody everywhere.

I will eventually be posting screenshots.

Gonna say it right from the get-go:
You're welcome to take ideas/inspirations of mine, but nothing hugely compromising.  I don't care if you credit, if it gets used, it means it was good enough, the end; even for the assets that i will end up making myself. Just don't be stupid enough to say you made it, just use what you use.
...Noted i haven't done anything super substantial yet, but from what i've seen in various mods, there are some right-down simple yet fundamental re-envisions that are not common.

    -Current Plans for Future-
Smaller changes/additions
--scrap yuri faction
--A-10 Airstrike for Allies, may replace weather controller
--Radio blips for vehicle speech

Bigger plans:
--Spacedocks and spacecraft for lunar space maps.
--Adding SWGB mountains for various theatres as overlays
--Adding SWGB volcanic theatre

--Return of the Rising Sun
Rebuild a new Japan faction to replace Yuri, and to fit within the RA2 style. Less cartoon more cool. Befitting the visual quality of the stock game.
There are 2 possible manifestations of this:
1) A technological Japanese faction befitting or minorly superseding the themes of RA2
2) A supernatural Japanese faction with traditional structures (magic armoured) and numerous hero units
1.5) Japan having 2 distinct subfactions... one of each.
2.5) A blend of both.
Discussed here.
When/if the japan faction is made, i may decide to call it "Emperor's Revenge" or something like that lol.
Look here to see the sort of standards i like to have, i don't do many projects and i don't model, but when i do make things, i do it properly.  No fooling around.  That is a Sky Fortress WIP for RA3 using the floating fortress segments and so on and lifting it up into the sky.  I haven't worked on it for a while, but it's never leaving my to-do list until it's done.

--Possible Auditory Overhaul ;purely hypothetical atm, i may decide i don't want to, but it's a possibility if i can't get enough good material for japan's voices in english
Replacing Soviets with russian unit voices (using russian localization from various games), and adding Japan with japanese unit voices (i'll have to dig up stuff).

-On a short break till i finish re-reading negima-

ps: lol that edit count ?[youtube][/youtube]

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:42 am; edited 80 times in total

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Defense Minister

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This sounds to me like another one of those "service pack" type mods...

Maybe you have a few ideas in there worth adding, but you're replicating a lot of work done by the others.

I'm also not a huge fan of unit limits, we're talking about the resources of whole nations at war -- don't tell me they can't count past 3.


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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Haha, well sorta, it's still service-packey for now...
I'm not exactly sure what the 'lot of work done by others' is but i wouldn't be super surprised.
Things like ivan projectile i'm aware isn't fresh because i got the shp from someone who mentioned that some people wanted it.
A bunch of things like enhanced garrisons and restored fires are sorta "goes without saying" territory, so i get that.
Thus far it's just been me picking away at random stuff.

My personal advantage currently is on the audio front i think though.

I hate blob warfare, and i hate base raping superweapons (real warfare is about having the most effective offensive, with the least resources and losses.
The age of swarm warfare ended with the world wars.

It prevents someone from abusing mechanics like ThreatPosed=0 or Insignificant=yes because you have to click fire on every one, they don't auto-attack it.
It's not meant for everything, just substantially powerful units, to prevent blobbing.
For suicide units, it keeps you from having 20 go at once, you use a few, and build a few more right away.
The limits and costs and damages etc will need balancing ofc... But those tesla cruisers are pretty powerful, more damage than tesla tank.  And the cruisers flatten bases like shoguns in ra3.

And for the defences, even if the Paris Tower is $5000, it'd still be frightening if they had 6 of them. They can 3-shot a rhino, 2 shot a grizzly with my settings, and have only 45 rof.  And that is those tanks with machine shop on, and possibly elite as well.  The point is to out-range it, or kill it with air.  The soviet buffs are a bit heavy, because they sorta needed it.  Allies were OP if you used them right.

The point is to make you make good use of your units.  Someone like me wouldn't want to build more than that at a time anyways, i'd rather have elite units than swarms.  (I take on hefty bases in ra3 with just 5 shogun and like 25 seawing escort, all in how you utilize them.)

Basically, i like a lot of the stock game's strategy/tactic designs, especially that of allies and soviets (some yuri things are fun too)... So the intention is to keep the original game's spirit, rather than going nuts and making another total conversion.

ps: random thought lol i should totally make a dalek voxel, and have a dalek as an easter egg unit XD

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:02 am    Post subject: Re: RA2: Secret Labs (name subject to change) Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

GenesisAria wrote:

--Machine guns burst fire or fire fast, no fully automatic weapons show 'piff' even if they're most effective against infantry.

I think the implication of the animation/sound/frames of all the automatic infantry weapons is that they are already firing in 3-shot bursts (which is the most commonly used burst setting in assault rifles), but instead of using Burst=3, they simply rolled it into the animation/damage/sound/frames. Assuming the 15 base damage of the basic infantry weapons, single-bullet damage in RA2 can be assumed to be 5. Which - incidentally - hooks up with per-bullet damage in GEN/ZH, but the weapon there fires 3 shots, giving the same damage output (GEN/ZH's unit stats and balance is mostly the same as RA2, apart from some large deviations). So, if you make those weapons full-auto via ROF or Burst, keep in mind that you would have to balance it at around 5 per-bullet damage (unless you're intending a balance overhaul anyways).

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Burst 3 = reduce damage by 60%.

Again, the alternative is to go crazy and use per-bullet... though there's only so many frames to work with haha.  ROF is also generally improved so they don't just shoot and then stand there and then shot again.
Maybe throw in some burstdelay0
the particular 3 burst is mostly aimed and conscripts who just kinda fire a bunch and then stop to figure out what's up and fire again... that and pillboxes/guardtowers...
When/if ever this mod becomes more publish-worthy i'll work on fine-tuning details.  For now it's general improvements and streamlining, as well as throwing in some new units and things that are faithful to the RA2 style.
Using it as a test-base along the way as well.
(i'm not mega experienced in RA2 modding, so there's a lot of finding the boundaries)

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Full-automatic is probably accurate for anything with a stationary MG, such as pillboxes and sentry guns.
Although at the combat ranges of RA2 (like what? almost point-blank range for small arms fire if you don't overhaul the range too), automatic fire would make sense. And conscripts do use SMGs (as per their sprite), so that would fit.

If you use Burst= for the Conscripts, keep in mind tho that the FireUp frames would be played for each burst. It will look very weird (as I pointed out in that other thread about firing frames).  

Also, PIFFPIFF only makes sense if the burst is already rolled into the damage/frames/sound. If you have a unit firing 3 single shots and each of them does multiple impacts (ie the PIFFPIFF animation), it will be strange...
You could use PIFF of course, but I found that looked strange too because of timing and all shots pretty much hitting the same place... I probably wouldnt have noticed if I didn't have PIFFPIFF to compare it to, but once you have seen PIFFPIFF, it just looks so much better to represent burst-fire than 3 individual PIFFS.

Mao Zedong wrote:

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.  

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sounds don't match the number of piffs. so overlapping piffpiff anims with a chain of firing sound and it's less noticable.  I've already stated how i felt about the conscript twitching, it's not worth worrying about, but if someone can throw me a pre-done fix then i'll gladly take it heh.

PS: i added quiet impact sounds to piff and piffpiff as well

When i go about adding adio blips, i'll also have to add "control=interrupt" and "priority=high" to like all of the voices lol.  the unit voices get drowned out by lots of effect sounds on screen lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

For full-automatic weapons it will not be noticeable... for things that you actually want to fire in bursts, having a chain of three burst-fire sound effects and three seperate multi-bullet impact animations will look like a brief period of automatic fire... but will only damage like 3 shots.

Not that that even matters of course - it's purely an artistic choice. It's just me obsessing over consistency really.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Lol, conscripts aren't going to be firing in trained controlled bursts.
and pillboxes would lay down auto fire for longer bursts.

Thinking about auto-fire weapons, after having played various games, like Renegade X, it's kinda making me want to cook up a legit A-10 airstrike, with the vulcan and bombs following, the whole works with the real sounds (that split).
I wonder if it's possible to re-produce the yak firing from RA1...
No idea how to go about airstrike special powers though.

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Some of them were nice ideas, like UCBark. Very Happy

But some of them were common ideas...

Humans were born for two things: to pray and be productive.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well i never said it was about being fresh and original, more like i'm trying to "hit the right spot," ya?

Whittle away bit by bit.  When i start posting screens, you'll see that like, the howitzer (stock graphics) is probably my ugliest unit, everything else is stock or better.

The difficult part is showing off sounds (this game is a pain to record, it either destroys bottom half of screen with ddraw installed, or the game runs slow with it not)

Hard to get across just by saying it when you get sounds and visuals and scripting to just link together like they belong together.  Even for simple things... like i changed the cannon shot sound for the t-80(rhino), and that together with that unit voice, suddenly a generic tank is glorious~

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm just saying, it'll look more consistent if you model the auto-fire via low ROF on infantry, opposed to Burst. Because of the attack stance frame issue, it'll look buggy either way, but one is better than the other at least.

For Yak
(I believe this is what you want)




Verses=0%,0%,0%,0% etc

Some real weapon

It does look good enough with just having a main gun with SA warhead and invisible falling projectiles though.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I meant where the bullets go in a line I'd want to replicate that if i wanted to have an A-10 flyby.

It's called BurstDelay0=, makes it a bit less twitchy, but it's to fire more than burst, but make it less consistent than continuous fire.

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Do you know what BurstDelay does? Just asking.

If you want visible bullets, you can use the Banshee's weapon setup and just replace the ProtonTorpedo with an invisible dummy SHP with a bullet-line colored LineTrail (I personally like to use the unused 50CAL.shp for these bullets).
You can modify the weapon's Range to determine the angle at which bullets should hit the ground.
I personally think PIFFPIFF looks bad for these single-bullet impacts and PIFF is clearly too small, so I like to give weapons like that a small explosion and explain it as AP bullets. That's infact just what my A-10 does too.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I don't care if it's piffpiff, i just mean how do you make it hit the ground in a line as it flies by as opposed to one spot... Like,first hitting in one cell, next hitting in next cell, next hitting in next cell and so on.

BurstDelayX like modenc says, is the delay in frames between burst hits... if you make it burst 3 without a small delay then it kinda spams.

PS: i just realized i linked the wrong thing for youtube in my last post ffs.  look again, it's a RA1 video.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Aka DirtyChicken

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Oh... well unless that is using NPatch again... I can think of a few ways to do this, probably Vertical projectile with IsMeteor trailer animation that has PIFFPIFF as Expire animation? With ARES I'd add ProjectileRange to it, but not sure how you've done the range part.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Omg, those things you guys do are so hilarious, plus that random loli pic you somehow pasted onto the ground, that's like my favourite artist XD
That stuff all makes me jelly... i could get mega creative with implementing a lot of the hacks you got...

I could think of  very derpy ways i could make something pretend to work but not... like fir eon one spot, and then have the piffpiff be a supidly crazy offset FLH muzzle XD

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Alot of it can be done with the tags we have in Ares, and yes, FLH would be a pretty smart approach to this.... didn't think of that.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It'd be really clumsy and weird lookin.... And nothing would line up...

Para bombs or Para-mines seem so much easier.....

I still haven't figured out if there's a way to make an aircraft able to to circle at a target but also be able to land at airfield... lol

(you should work on ares instead of ur modified npatch DX)

On top of that, i still haven't accomplished my friggin railgun weapon...  the actual railgun part fires well, and the second shot that's supposed to fire at the same time (virtually) also works correctly, but i can't find a compromise between the ROF and stage time to make them fire consistently or even at the same time... I even tried just making is spam, so it'd fire both as often as possible with like no duration on gattling, but no dice, it just chooses one weap and fires it the whole time.

Oh dude, i just realized... the FLH idea, just make it invisible ballistic or vertical projectiles so it splodes on the ground!!  that crap may not even need their patch... although i'm not entirely certain how to do fly-by weapons that fire lots...
thinking about it though, it can't be too difficult...

one issue though, is how does one have a firing muzzle flashy at the nose of an A-10 while doing that? (would have to accomplish the gattling spam probably, fire a dummy with muzzle, then fire the weapon with no muzzle, then fire a dummy with muzzle, then fire weapon with no muzzle... having the first part of the chain trigger the good old vulcan buzzing....
main barrier: still got the gattling issue.
......So here comes the question: how to make gattling fire many different weapons in rapid succession? (one every frame or 2 preferably)

Allies are gonna need stuff like this, because i'm probably gonna scrap the lightning storm (i wonder if ares has a way to trigger it via warhead or something)... At the very least, it doesn't belong with the faction that isn't the tech faction imo... and sovs already got iron curtain one and and nuke the other for my plan.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Gattling logic can only be applied to VehicleTypes and BuildingTypes.

Aka DirtyChicken

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Blehh, i guess you couldn't spoof it as a baloon hover, cuz then it wouldn't flyby would it...

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Our Yak is AircraftType. And we do use the technique of moving the firing FLH far away.
It has no muzzle anim so no worry.
We've got several ways to implement it though.

Aka DirtyChicken

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

and who says this yak is np?it can be done even on ra2

GenesisAria wrote:

(you should work on ares instead of ur modified npatch DX)

and you cant give us a good reason. can you?

Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself?

Last edited by kenosis on Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:56 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I know it can, i already figured out how to do it, but you can't have a muzzle anim at the same time. (only if it's on the voxel/shp itself perhaps)
unless maybe if it's a splitting weapon? that splits into vertical projectiles?
the idea is having the weaponfire precede the aircraft, so just dropping it won't suffice.

Although, without gattling logic, i can't make a-10's fire vulcan followed by bombs can i?
Although could just have more than one type, one that shoots vulcan and one that drops bombs....

Regardless of inability to add gattling to aircraft, i still need to get rapidly succeeding weapons off gattling...

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

lol. My nonsense-o-meter erupted upon the original post like crazy.

Either way, if you indeed grasped TransC's aircraft, you know the answer to have a plane with mguns and bombs.

If you don't, stop pretending you do.

Hint: I can have an A-10 with mgun and bombs.

"If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

"Nonsense" because your opinion is somehow superior?

Not everyone has been doing this for years, sir.  Is cynicism fun or something?

It depends on the method... having really far forward FLH vertical weapons won't fire both so far as i know, not as an airstrike in sucession... as an individual unit you just make it attack different things with different weapons... but we're talking airstrike special power here.

I've never experimented with splitting weapons.

I'm good at thinking meta-concept, i'm terrible at getting down and dirty with the details.  Half the stuff i find out wasn't working just because i missed a tag, or typo'd somewhere.  I'm just making stuff because i want to and i enjoy having some awesome stuff that's made the way i like it.  Don't assume someone's dumb just because they dunno the same things you do.  If you have nothing to say there's no reason to say anything... Just go "oh look, aria is posting again" -ignore-. lol.

The sooner i get past the pesky known issues, the sooner i can work on 'new' things, and contribute knowledge myself.
I'd rather converse with people about it, and get ideas rolling and so on, than hide away doing my own thing.

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nonsense, because you groundbreakingly gamebreaking tech buildings. And you're dumb because you feel that's okay.

Yes, cynicism is fun when it can bait the noob attention-whore.

I'm not perfect either, (I atm in the process of shoveling a complete new logic in my project to get T1 tanks useful - and it does have the danger of breaking meta completely) however I don't talk into thin air, something you and your friend Millennium does.

The fact that you two spam all topics back and forth is just outright irritating. Get a room.

Back to the A-10: You don't need splitting weapons if your second weapon would be a bomb. Even in real life, an A-10 strife is about that first the plane does  an mg run and when it gets above the target, only then drops the bomb.

Which you can do with a forward FLH weapon with some thinking about how stuff works. Especially if you are aware of the magic word which let LKO did his airstrike in DTA or Kenosis's crazy airplane mechanics.

Which would work really well for this, since it does not promote.

The fact that you call spoonfeeding as "pesky known issues" is also irritating and I don't expect you getting better at this. You rely on spoonfeeding too much.

"If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Rely on some shared infos (for example resources like modenc), or spend excessive hours testing something someone else has already done.  I'd rather ask someone who knows. If i was the one who knew, i'd rather they just ask me instead of screwing with it for untold hours.
That's also how the scientific method works. Everyone shares their information so we're not all re-discovering the same crap constantly.  If you know there's an easy solution, you could just say it, as i would or anybody could.  It's not like we earn a big fat shiny medal for our hard work.  The value a mod gets is once it's being played by others and they like or don't like it. The "medal" is for the result, not the efforts.  Nobody who picks up mods to play for fun without knowing how to make them themselves gives a damn what effort was put into it, they just appreciate the product and those who can make them, and move on. (you didn't really spoon-feed anyways because you beat around the bush anyways).
Just like with the nuke anim, i ask first, nobody gots, ok fine i'll make it myself.
Graion Dilach wrote:
Yes, cynicism is fun when it can bait the noob attention-whore.
what a waste of energy lol.

I'm aware i'm sorta post-spamming... but i have enough discussion in most subjects to be fit for a busy community. It's not my fault other people don't talk enough to make up for it.  I've been trying to shovel it into threads that i update rather than making new ones all the time.  And again, you're more than welcome to ignore me.
(if millennium would actually be on skype we could have more back and forth discussion there >.>)

It's funny how uptight people can be over the silliest things.

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I suggest you to use ares because everyone says it's cool?

Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself?

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You can have as many weapons as you like on an aircraft with Splits/Shrapnel/airburst chains. Ie:


; The Plain Explain Plane!


Dropping=yes ; this is needed since Splits only counts horizontal distance, not vertical



...and so on
and so on...

If you want some more exotic stuff, like lasers, you must use Splits/Airburst to invoke the weapon stages, and Shrapnel to hold the actual weapons, because some weapons do not work or are not drawn when fired as AirburstWeapon, but only as ShrapnelWeapon. OTOH, consider Splits offers RetargetAccuracy, while Shrapnel just randomly fires at nearby objects. That's the shortcoming really.

Some special weapons are not drawn at all (radbeams I think, and waves?), so you're limited to the more simple weapons, but you can have many many of those in a chain...

GenesisAria wrote:

Oh dude, i just realized... the FLH idea, just make it invisible ballistic or vertical projectiles so it splodes on the ground!!  that crap may not even need their patch... although i'm not entirely certain how to do fly-by weapons that fire lots...
thinking about it though, it can't be too difficult...

Strafing aircraft are hard-coded to fire their weapon 5 times per pass, but you can simply use Burst (and BurstDelay) to make it fire more often. Such aircraft will only consider the Burst setting on the FIRST shot of a strafing pass, ie if you set Burst=10, it will fire 10 shots on the first firing, but only one on the other 4.


one issue though, is how does one have a firing muzzle flashy at the nose of an A-10 while doing that? (would have to accomplish the gattling spam probably, fire a dummy with muzzle, then fire the weapon with no muzzle, then fire a dummy with muzzle, then fire weapon with no muzzle... having the first part of the chain trigger the good old vulcan buzzing....
main barrier: still got the gattling issue.

Edit the animation itself to have a muzzle flash at the firing unit and impacts on the ground. To align it properly, you will need to make one version of that animation for each facing.


......So here comes the question: how to make gattling fire many different weapons in rapid succession? (one every frame or 2 preferably)

CyclicGattling, low stage durations or high Up value.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I've seen mods with extremely unnecessarily spammy cluster weapons everywhere... Which imo, is pretty gross. It's all just wanting to blow everything up, instead of making some modest and well-designed gameplay.

Making the vulcan fire precede the plane is easy.
Making a split weapon for bombs would be unideal.  You'd have to time them for the plane's pass-over... Apparently there's an easy way to drop the bomb but it's not coming to me, the way weapon choosing happens.

Millennium wrote:
Edit the animation itself to have a muzzle flash at the firing unit and impacts on the ground. To align it properly, you will need to make one version of that animation for each facing.
you mean a humungo animation that includes ground impacts -and- muzzle? that's attrocious...

Millennium wrote:
CyclicGattling, low stage durations or high Up value.
i did that, it didn't work... although i didn't touch rate-up or rate-down, i have them as 1. i tried many number combinations of things and it never worked.

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Those cluster weapons are a tool... if you use it to make a giant blow-up-everything machine or use it to simulate other features is up to you.

An easier way with more than 2 weapons? No, not possible. And not with firing more than one weapon against the same target. You can certainly have different weapons against different targets on aircraft.

kenosis wrote:
and who says this yak is np?it can be done even on ra2

I was asking... (゜▽゜; )

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ofc they're a tool, i was just clarifying i have zero intention of getting exotic.

GenesisAria wrote:
I'm aware i'm sorta post-spamming... but i have enough discussion in most subjects to be fit for a busy community. It's not my fault other people don't talk enough to make up for it.  I've been trying to shovel it into threads that i update rather than making new ones all the time.
That said, i am being a little arrogant in saying, coming into a forum that wasn't super chatty to begin with... But unfortunately there isn't really such thing as a "busy community" for RA2 modding. :<

kenosis wrote:
I suggest you to use ares because everyone says it's cool?
i cooked a bit on that but not entirely sure what you meant. if you mean you suggested it to me, i had already been considering it for a while, just didn't want to deal with custom launcher nonsense, and wanted to freshen up on basics first.  But yeah using now and glad i am. Lots of things are just... more available now.

And as far as supposedly 'game breaking' things go... I don't really care what technicalities say, gaming is about having fun.  If it's not fun ur doing it wrong.  Make things enjoyable, make things dynamic if that's what suits ur fancy, just make sure it's not too one-sided so that nobody is butthurt that something is too OP.

I just seek to make stuff that feels good to play. Doesn't have to be showy and super unique and original and using all the fancy new features nobody else has accomplished... That's just trophies to throw in your box room. I rather try and make the room a more interesting layout, even if it's not very furnished.  You can make good strategic gameplay without all the fancy weapons and stuff.  This is just the beginning.

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Last edited by GenesisAria on Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

GenesisAria wrote:

Ofc they're a tool, i was just clarifying i have zero intention of getting exotic.

Then there is, as far as I know, no way to have an aircraft fire multiple weapon at once, or have more than 2 weapons.
Of course, animations can be very complex and have bullets and missiles in them so maybe you could just fake a huge weapon array hitting an area.

I'm not sure... I would also vote to support Ares because it has alot of options and is still being developed. But of course I have no say in how they will make their mod and if they feel their mod needs the particular set of options that NPatch offers that Ares doesn't have, that's totally fine.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread
Who said you had no say?

It only needs to have 2 weapons. Vulcan and bombs, and needs to fire them both on fly-by. vulcan at distance, and bombs on fly-over.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No say in what engine modification kenosis uses, I mean.
And outside of animations, I don't think your desired weapon setup is possible. Bombs that are dropped constantly while firing the gun, yes. But guns that fire at a distance and bombs that ONLY get dropped when over the target, it's not possible to my knowledge. Maybe someone else will have an idea.

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I can do it, Millennium. It's simple. Really. I already implied it. I'm cba to showcase it atm but tomorrow I prolly do it just to prove it. It needs much trial and error to get the timing right and I'm tired to do it tonight.

GenesisAria wrote:
Rely on some shared infos (for example resources like modenc), or spend excessive hours testing something someone else has already done.

Then go and rely on some shared infos, not asking for them all the time. You could learn a lot if you'd read comments and not spam, but I don't think you ever read back other topics or used the Search button.

GenesisAria wrote:
That's also how the scientific method works. Everyone shares their information so we're not all re-discovering the same crap constantly.

Laughing Oh wait, you're being serious?  Laughing  Laughing

No, scientists does not share information. Data yes, but information not, and many times people tend to rediscover stuff. There is a thing called "impact factor"  - how many times a scientist was quoted in other articles - and it usually comes into play when they secure funds for a project.

Being the first or the last author of a particular article is a bonus, and more rewarding in the long run. Commonly the last author is the consultant and the first author is the one who did the most, but if this wasn't the one who came up with the matter, then welcome in hell.

Articles are not about sharing information but the tool to gain reputation and reputation gets the payment for a scientist. Discoveries needs proof and depending on the subject and the method, it could be enough lengthy as a process that someone else could steal the credit just because of having a better proving method/being faster.

Not to mention that the articles published today are about a year or so old results usually because it takes time to write them, to get picked up by a publisher which then checks them with their own scientists. Reviewing is also slow.

Don't worry, I never expected you being into R&D and this is really a common misconception, but seriously... don't talk stupid.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I mean. Who are you to say:  you should work on ares instead of ur modified npatch. What you know about our mod? If you mean my laboratory, then, my mod? You imagine about certain exe hacks for it so you go jelly... and you could get mega creative with my exe? oh. Just go ahead and take the exe from the mod and search for any tags you never know in it.

You certainly daydream a lot, and does few real work, and speak nonsense without giving any reasons.

my yak is not that way. It promotes.
But speaking about timing thing, I'd do the gun-bomb run as well. Even not used in EASB Hour. Smile

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Graion Dilach wrote:
I can do it, Millennium. It's simple. Really. I already implied it. I'm cba to showcase it atm but tomorrow I prolly do it just to prove it. It needs much trial and error to get the timing right and I'm tired to do it tonight.

Ok, thank you! I'm very curious to see it.
I think I may have found a solution for it by now also though, it's a "falling bomb" animation set as Next on the firing animation, with some delay between firing animation and bomb animation. I see why timing that would be difficult, you have to factor in Range, aircraft's Speed, ROF. Then again, it's not useful because Genesis explicitely wanted it to work without animations... and I really have no solution for it. So, looking forward to seeing yours.

And let's not talk about the rest of your post...

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

em humm.

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Last edited by kenosis on Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yes, I just explained how I would do that. Not sure if you did it differently. I would maybe know another way in Ares, but not without.
Is this without any animaton-related settings?

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That is "your" way, Millennium. I'd do this same. There's ofc much ways to refine this, using particles to limit firinganim spawning, and whatnot.

"If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Since you considered it NP magic exe hack. So then, not the same as you think.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I considered NPatch a magic exe hack?
exe hack, per definition, yes, but I don't get how that ties into this topic.
The few times I talked about NPatch at all, I was just asking about the functions.
I'm going to try and interpret your post as meaning that this is enabled via NPatch. Thank you.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

What does NP_Ext have anyway?
True vehicle conversion, customizable flakscatter radius, bunkerbuster weapons, warheads for animation damage, and the separation of Airburst= and AirburstWeapon= tag, and some other minor things.
There is no magical tag like IsYak=yes or IsYuyuko=yes in NPExt.

All these Yaks can be easily done in original RA2.

Aka DirtyChicken

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I never said that there was. I don't know how that impression got across. Quote me on it if you keep claiming I said something like that. Kenosis (and you, maybe?) seem to understand me asking "was NP involved in making this unit?" as "oh yeah, right, it's easy for you because of NP". But that is not what I mean at all! When I ask "was NP involved?" I really mean just that question - it's important to know for knowing if a unit can be re-created. And if kenosis challenges me to re-create certain functions (as he did in the other thread), it is important for me to know if my engine even theoretically allows them to be re-created.

I can just look up the NP documentation I guess, but I never considered it harmful to just ask. If you two feel offended by it, I'm sorry.

I'm also certainly not jealous of NP (again, quote me on it) because I personally - for my mod - believe Ares is superior (I've said that) and missing functions will likely be added to Ares sooner or later.

And about the Yaks, I explained how I would do them, like 4 posts ago. My question was wether kenosis did his via Animations-related settings, or some other way. NPatch wasn't even involved in my question until kenosis brought it up.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ah never mind.
And yes it uses animations-related tricks heavily.

Aka DirtyChicken

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

--Hospital grants initial infantry veterancy, and the availability of Arnie Frankenfurter, Sammy Stallion, and Flint Westwood as hero units, each with a build limit of 1.

When reading this I think of using the Movie Theater (CALA07) as a tech building to make these heroes buildable, and maybe even as a barrack which can train only them!
Also Car Dealership (CALA08) could provide some civilian vehicles.
(Just making ideas. Such tech buildings wouldn't be good for my mod except for maybe being bonus content on certain maps)

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

GenesisAria, maybe try this:



; Yak's weapon firing
Range=X; whatever you like, but...
ProjectileRange=X ;...these two should be identical

DetonationAltitude=20000;tweaking this may be helpful... I've not determined yet what this actually does.
Cluster=1 ; however many impacts you would like

; Yak's weapon impacting

Cluster=Z ; however many impacts you would like

I hope this is helpful for you! Using Airburst may be preferable to Splits, because Splits tends to ignore Range on AirburstWeapons and prefers to hit objects rather than empty cells, making the shots less random. Inaccurate/FlakScatter may help alleviate it.

I've only done very superficial testing of only the projectile and I realize it needs much work still, so you are on your own for most of the settings, but it should work.

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Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.  

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