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Will's + VXLSE editor bug
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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 4:01 pm    Post subject:  Will's + VXLSE editor bug Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I normally use Will's editor for all of my work but I've started to use VXLSE III more lately & I've noticed that the a vxl saved in VXLSE will have holes/missing voxels when opened in Will's editor. When opened again in VXLSE or in game these gaps dont appear tho. So VXLSE seams to be saving parts of the vxl in a way that Will's editor cant read.

I know this is a problem with Will's editor & not VXLSE but its extremely irritating that I cant switch between the two programs when working on a single vxl. Any information or a possible fix (I know extremely unlikely) would be appreciated.


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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have no idea how Will's editor saved and loaded voxel models in first place. And I must admit that this is a part of the program that I wasn't willing to touch at all.

But... can you show screenshots of these gaps?

They do affect the viewer only or there are really unpainted voxels that shows up out of nowhere?

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yes they are unpainted voxels, re-saving the file in Will's makes the voxels disappear in VXLSE too, so Will's must not be loading or saving them.

I did some trial and error testing with different setting/tools & found that the voxels disappear if I use RA2 (type 4) auto-normals. Specificity Tangent plane, Influence & Cubed. 6-Faced & HBD dont suffer from this problem (HBD doesn't seam to do anything anyway?)

Filling the missing voxels in Will's & then re-applying the auto-normals in VXLSE results in exactly the same voxels disappearing. Tangent plane & Influence/Cubed remove different voxels tho.  

I can imagine that because Will's Editor was made for TS & not RA2 that it could have problems with RA2 normals, however manually fixing the missing normals instead of re-applying the auto-normals doesn't cause any problems.

Will's - VXLSE
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Will's - VXLSE
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Lin Kuei Ominae

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I assume Will's VE uses a certain normal value to define non-existing voxel.
e.g. TS Normals go till index 35 and maybe your voxel has index 36 normals for RA2 there, which Will used to define non-existing voxel.

I'm astonished that you actually still use Will's VE. Long time ago i also found it more intuitive than VSE. Especially the flipped coordinates in VSE are very confusing to me.
Though i would have guessed Will's being way too old to handle all the new big voxels with crazy sections and header settings.

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Will's does use a specific normal for none but VXLSE doesn't use it. Using it in Will's doesn't make the voxel disappear tho, it just makes the voxel stay one colour ingame. That non-normal also suffers from a similar problem that it gets changed to the last normal in the list if you open & save the vxl in VXLSE. It's only really useful for 1 voxel sized details tho so I dont use it much.    

Most of the voxels that disappear use normal 132 & 133, there are other parts of the the vxls that use those two but they aren't effected. Other normals that disappear are 130 & 196 but rarely & not on on every vxl. As mentioned above applying these normals to the affected areas manually doesn't cause any problems, It's only when they are applied via the auto-normals. BTW no specific colour is effected by this, it's happened on various vxls with different colour schemes.  

I can work a lot faster in Will's then VXLSE, things like the flipped coordinates, flipped depth view, limited keyboard short cuts & general lag slow down my work flow. I normally only use VXLSE to put a multi-section voxel together, lately I've starting using the RA2 auto-normals tool tho & noticed this problem.


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