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A Metroid Universe Based Mod ? (RA2/YR , Ares )
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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:03 am    Post subject:  A Metroid Universe Based Mod ? (RA2/YR , Ares )
Subject description: Possible , Good Idea , Legal ?
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Hi all

Recently I've been searching the internet for unit ideas / concepts and using games I've played in the past as a basis for these searches.  After going through various RTS games , I ended up looking at the Metroid series ( mainly the Prime trilogy ) and I thought it would be good to have a mod with a Galactic Federation Side vs a Space Pirate Side.

As there are nearly no vehicles seen in Metroid games I imagine having mostly infantry with a few aircraft ( although I'd need to have " Harvester " & " MCV " types of vehicles ).

The Galactic Federation would have various kinds of Marines ( Standard , Missile , P.E.D. etc ).  The Space Pirates would have various Troopers ( Standard , Aero [ Flying ] , Grenadier etc ) as well as various Phazon Enhanced Troopers ( Prime trilogy ).

I also imagine replacing ore/gems with harvestable Phazon ( from the Prime trilogy again ).

As yet this is only an idea , so any input would be appreciated.

P.S. I have a bad feeling about the legality of this idea , would changing the names help with this ?

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Defense Minister

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

So why Metroid then? Sounds like you already have plenty of reasons not to go that way before the legal stuff.

Further, why are you insisting on making a mod at all, are you bored with life? I mean making a mod is like getting married, your lack of commitment will be evident.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MadHQ's Graveyard - Click here!
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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@ MadHQ Very Happy

Yeah I was aware of your Samus Hunter Gunship , I even made an attempt at making a Samus .SHP to maybe go with it but I never got round to finishing it. ( was having difficulty with Idle anim ideas & such ).

I also want to point out that I've come up with ( so far ) 18 Galactic Federation unit ideas and 20 Space Pirate unit ideas , these are mostly drawn from the Prime trilogy although there are a few from else where ( for example the B.O.X. Securty Robot encountered in Fusion ) , most are infantry but I see no reason not to have an infantry heavy mod.

I'll post a list when I've worked out what weapons / abilities the various units could have.

Samus Example.png
Excuse the odd colouring that is part of my texturing process
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Samus Example.png

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Rocket Cyborg

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Quiet wrote:
I thought it would be good to have a mod with a Galactic Federation Side

I have an alien side in my mod but never had a good name for it and here i found the name.

Also i have 3 sides which hasn't been announced. heh....

Lin Kuei Ominae wrote:
@Pussypus Talking to a wall is more fertile. Face palm!  Wall bash!

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Heres a Provisional list of units , most are from or based on things found in various Metroid games although I have added a few made up ones too.

Any suggestions about these or things I should add / remove are welcome , as well as any other comments.

PS sorry in advance for the ton of text.

    Galactic Federation : 21 Units

    Barracks Produced Units : 10 Units

    Marine :
    - type : Basic Light Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Garrison Structures
    - game(s) : Prime 2 / Prime 3
    - description : The most basic of GF Infantry , Marines form the backbone of GF police and military operations

    Missile Marine :
    - type : Support Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Missile Launcher ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : GF Infantry able to provide greater damage against armoured targets

    Demolition Marine :
    - type : Explosives Specialist
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Plant Explosives ( vs Ground )
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : The GF's demolition experts able to plant remote detonation explosives , great for either destroying obstacles , enemy structures or laying traps

    Engineer Marine :
    - type : Engineering Specialist
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Capture & Repair Structures
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Marines specializing in the repair of structures and the capture of neutral & enemy buildings

    Heavy Weapons
    Team :
    - type : Heavy Support
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All )
    Light Rail Cannon ( Deployed ) ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low - Medium
    - ability(s) : Deploys
    Spawn 1 Marine on Death
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Able to provide mobile heavy weapon support anywhere its needed , if one of the marines manning the weapon is killed the other will abandon it and continue the fight as a regular marine

    Echo Operative :
    - type : Disguised Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Advanced Assault Rifle ( vs All )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Permanent Marine Disguise
    - game(s) : N/A ( Loosely Other M )
    - description : Sometimes refered to as " deleters " , Echo Operatives are often inserted into marine squads to carry out covert missions , to this end they are usually seen wearing regular Marine armour

    PED Marine :
    - type : Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Laser Rifle ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : " Hypermode "
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Equipped with the " Phazon Enhancement Device " , PED Marines are able to activate a " Hypermode " which improves their firepower & speed but causes damage at the same time to the marine

    Cryo Marine :
    - type : Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Freeze Gun ( vs Infantry )
    Freeze Gun ( vs Vehicle )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( weapon from Other M )
    - description : GF research into Chozo technology has allowed for the creation of the Freeze Gun , capable of temporarily immobilizing enemies , it appears it doesn't have any effect on structures however

    Plasma Gun Team :
    - type : Advanced Support
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All )
    Quick Fire Plasma Gun ( Deployed ) ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low - Medium
    - ability(s) : Deploys
    Spawn 1 Marine on Death
    - game(s) : N/A ( weapon from Other M )
    - description : Another result of GF Chozo research , the Plasma Gun provides heavy damage to targets as well as temporarily setting them on fire , but due to the slow firerate of one person models it was decided to produce larger two man versions to remedy this problem

    Reverse Engineered
    Power Suit :
    - type : Experimental Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Shock Coil ( vs Ground )
    Missile Launcher ( vs Air )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( based on concept art for Other M )
    - description : Resulting from more research into the Chozo , the Reverse Engineered Power Suit although more bulky then true Chozo designed Power Suits still provides considerable mobile protect and firepower

    Vehicle Factory Produced Units : 8 Units

    B.O.X. Combat Robot :
    - type : Infantry Support
    - weapon(s) : " Plasma Burst " Grenade Launcher ( vs Infantry )
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Structure )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Fusion
    - description : Similar to the B.O.X. Security Robot found guarding many GF facilities , this warfare ready version sports an enhanced Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher

    " APC " :
    - type : Battlefield Infantry Transport
    - weapon(s) : Dual Laser Gun Turret ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    - game(s) : N/A ( Based on Aliens Marine APC )
    - description : The safe movement of Infantry to and from the frontline has been vital for centuries , the GF are no different in this regard and have produced this vehicle to fill that need

    Ferro-Tank :
    - type : Armoured Combat Vehicle
    - weapon(s) : Shock Coil Turret ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Phazon Injection System
    - game(s) : N/A ( Loosely Other M )
    - description : Produced by the same manufacturer of various heavy plant machinery found all over the galaxy , the Ferro-Tank combines firepower , armour & manoevrability in equal measure , its weapon can be temporarily improved further by the injection of Phazon Energy

    Phazon Harvester :
    - type : Resource Harvester
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Harvests Phazon
    Self Heal
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Able to safely collect and transport Phazon , GF Harvesters are equipped with a nanite self repair system should they become damaged

    " MCV " :
    - type : Mobile Construction Unit
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Deploys into " Construction Yard " Structure
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When the GF need to setup a more permanent presence on a planet they will deploy one of these vehicles , usually with a strong defensive force for its protection

    Reconnaissance Drone :
    - type : Reconnaissance & Surveillance
    - weapon(s) : Light Assault Gun ( vs All )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Stealth Detection
    Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : N/A ( concept from trailer for Prime 3 )
    - description : Used extensively to patrol the space lanes , these drones can also be used to seek out Space Pirate hideouts as well as other duties such as search for lost ships

    Anhur Class Dropship :
    - type : Rapid Strike Transport
    - weapon(s) : Burst Firing Dual Energy Pulse Turret ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Often used on lone patrol missions with a squad of marines onboard , these vessels can easily be used for hit & run raids against lesser Space Pirate bases

    Griffin Class Frigate :
    - type : Heavy Aerial Combatant
    - weapon(s) : Dual Rail Cannon Turret ( vs Vehicle )
    Artillery Missile Launcher ( vs Structure )
    4 Burst Firing Energy Pulse Turrets ( vs Infantry , vs Air )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Actually the smallest GF fleet ship , the Griffin class is more than capable of operating in an atmosphere and is thus able to provide heavy bombardment support when attacking enemy bases

    Airpad Produced Units : 3 Units

    Caestus Class Fighter :
    - type : Light Strike Fighter
    - weapon(s) : Assault Gun ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( Prime 3 logbook entry reference )
    - description : Now becoming outdated , the Caestus class is used to attack enemy infantry and lightly defended positions

    Stiletto Class Fighter :
    - type : Advanced Fighter
    - weapon(s) : Dual Burst Firing Energy Pulse Cannons ( vs All )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Slowly replacing the Caestus class , Stilettos are designed around their Energy Pulse Cannon armament , this results in increased firepower but does slow down maintenance

    Aries Class Strike Craft :
    - type : Heavy Attack Craft
    - weapon(s) : Dual Rail Cannons ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Related to the Anhur class dropship  , the Aries trades transport capablilities for firepower , it operates best against hardened targets and structures

    Space Pirates : 23 Units

    Barracks Produced Units : 16 Units

    Militia :
    - type : Cannon Fodder
    - weapon(s) : Forearm Scythes ( vs Ground )
    - armour : None
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Created by combining one of the Space Pirates slave races with a cybernetic exoskeleton , Militia are the first into a fight and the first to leave ( in pieces )

    Trooper :
    - type : Basic Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon ( vs All )
    Photonic Power Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Garrison Structures
    - game(s) : Prime 1 / Prime 2
    - description : Unlike Militia , Troopers are true Space Pirates and can be found carrying out raids across the galaxy as well as guarding Space Pirate Installations

    Preed :
    - type : Cybernetic Patrol Organism
    - weapon(s) : Nohadin Gas Blast ( vs Ground )
    - armour : None
    - ability(s) : Gas Release on Death ( vs Ground )
    " Hovering "
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Bioengineered lifeforms are a common area of research for the Space Pirates and the Preed is one of the more sucessful , able to expel noxious gas upon destruction this often acts as an early indictator of enemy activity

    Sentry Drone :
    - type : Reconnaissance & Security Drone
    - weapon(s) : Light Galvanic Accelerator Cannon ( vs All )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : " Hovering "
    Radar Jamming
    Stealth Detection
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Sentry Drones are another more reliable form of securing base perimeters , carrying out scouting missions and raiding enemy positions

    " Jolly Roger " Drone :
    - type : Combat Drone
    - weapon(s) : Light Beam Laser ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : " Hovering "
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : A more advanced drone ( based on stolen GF designs ) , the " Jolly Roger " has improved survivability and firepower although does lack the Sentry Drones ECM Suite

    Grenadier :
    - type : Support Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Grenade Launcher ( vs Ground )
    Melee Attack using Launcher Barrel ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Armed with a ballastic Grenade Launcher for greater firepower , Grenadiers do suffer when in close combat and must rely on the Grenade Launcher's barrel as a blunt melee weapon

    Engineer Trooper :
    - type : Engineering Specialist
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Capture & Repair Structures
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Considered a form of punishment amongst the Trooper ranks , Engineer Troopers are forced to repair structures and capture neutral or enemy buildings instead of carrying the fight to their enemies

    Aero Trooper :
    - type : Aerial Raider Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon ( vs Infantry , vs Flying Infantry )
    - armour : Low
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Aircraft , vs Structure )
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 1 / Prime 2
    - description : Able to go anywhere thanks to their jetpacks , Aero Trooper raids against unwary enemies can be truly crippling , against effective defences , less so

    Shadow Trooper :
    - type : Stealth Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Photonic Power Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Permanent Cloak
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Equipped with a " Chameleon Manta " Cloaking Device , Shadow Troopers rely on stealth and melee attacks to eliminate their victims

    Commando :
    - type : Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Pulse Cannon ( vs All )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : " EMP Blast " ( vs Ground )
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Trained and equipped to " Hunt the Hunter " , Commandos are the elite of the Trooper ranks , commonly deployed in small hunter killer squads often from a Shrike class skiff

    Power Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Power " shot bursts ( vs All )
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Power damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Power version

    Ice Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Ice " shots ( vs Ground )
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Ice damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to being frozen
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Ice version

    Wave Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Wave " shots ( vs All )
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Wave damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to EMP
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Wave version

    Plasma Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Plasma " shots ( vs All )
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Plasma damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to being set on fire
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Plasma version

    Elite :
    - type : Phazon Enhanced Ranged Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Plasma Artillery Cannon ( vs Ground )
    Wrist Bayonets ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Self Heal
    Phazon Heal
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : One of the first succesful Phazon based experiments , Elites are infused with Phazon giving them increased muscle mass and aggression

    Phazon Elite :
    - type : Phazon Enhanced Melee Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Wrist Bayonets ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Wave Quake Generator Blast ( vs Ground )
    Self Heal
    Phazon Heal
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Phazon Elites forgo the Plasma Artillery Cannon in favor of pure close range destruction using their Wave Quake Generator to damage and destroy whole enemy formations

    Vehicle Factory Produced Units : 5 Units

    Phazon Harvester :
    - type : Resource Harvester
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon Turret ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Harvests Phazon
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Able to safely collect and transport Phazon , Space Pirate Harvesters are equipped with a defensive armament

    " MCV " :
    - type : Mobile Construction Unit
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon Turret ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Deploys into " Construction Yard " Structure
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When the Space Pirates target a world for conquest they will deploy these vehicles to gain a permanent foothold , usually with a strong defensive force

    Shrike Class Skiff :
    - type : Infantry Transport Platform
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    Current Onboard Infantry may use their weapon
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Based on captured GF blueprints , the Shrike allows for the quick deployment of Infantry , their protection however appears far less important

    " ATC " ( Assault
    Tactical Carrier ) :
    - type : Infantry Strike Transport
    - weapon(s) : Tribeam Cannon ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    Current Onboard Infantry may use their weapon
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Developed to correct the clear failings of the Shrike class , the " ATC " provides increased protection and added firepower

    " Assault Skiff " :
    - type : Attack Gunship
    - weapon(s) : Tribeam Cannon ( vs Infantry )
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Air , vs Structure )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : A heavily modified version of the " ATC " , these aerial craft support Space Pirate ground operations with their heavy armaments

    Airpad Produced Units : 2 Units

    Fang Fighter :
    - type : Multi-Role Fighter
    - weapon(s) : Homing Missiles ( vs All )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( Prime 3 logbook entry reference )
    - description : Equipped to combat GF aerial craft as well as ground targets , the Fang Fighter provides all round aggression for the Space Pirates in a relatively small package

    Tusk Bomber :
    - type : Ground Attack Bomber
    - weapon(s) : Phazon Infused Bombs ( vs Ground )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When its clear that ground forces aren't enough Tusk Bombers are used to bombard targets with their Phazon Infused Bombs leaving areas iradiated with Phazon energy

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If you're going for this, take into account gameplay and balance. There's too many times here that one unit just does another unit's job, but better, so change up the weapons and their jobs (anti-air, anti-ground, manipulation, micro-based, etc). There's also: "unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Wave version", while there is no Wave energy being used on the Galactic Federation side, so this point is moot, unless against itself.

"Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything."

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I take your point about there being many similar units doing the same the job as others but is this not the case in vanilla RA2/YR ? i.e.
-Rhino Tank / Apoc Tank : Apoc is " just " a harder tank with missiles
-GI / GGI / SEAL : Basically increasingly better as you go up but hardly that different
-Grizzly Tank / Robot Tank : Robot Tank can hover and can be Powered down but is just another tank

Also I'll point out again that its a Provisional list so these are exactly the kind of things I need opinions on

What I should have written / pointed out is that I'm assuming the following :
-" Power " damage is just a " special " type of damage
-" Ice " damage is anything to do with cold and is able to imobilize a target ( ie EMP with special anim )
-" Wave " damage is anything electrical related and is able to " EMP " mechanical targets
-" Plasma " damage is anything fire / flame related and is able to " set fire " to targets

As such the I intended the Galactic Federation to have :
-Both the " PED Marine " and " APC " acting as " Power " damage capable
-The " Cryo Marine " doing " Ice " damage
-Both the " Reverse Engineered Power Suit " and the " Ferro-Tank " with their Shock Coil weapons doing " Wave " damage
-And both the " Plasma Gun Team " and the " B.O.X. Combat Robot "'s Grenades doing " Plasma " damage

The Space Pirates are intended to be able to counter the unique armours of enemy " Power "," Ice "," Wave " & " Plasma " Troopers by :
-Use of the players own " Power "," Ice "," Wave " & " Plasma " Troopers
-The large number of Melee weapons available to Space Pirate players
-Phazon based attacks from the " Elite " & " Phazon Elite "

Also I intend both sides to be able to do damage to " Power "," Ice "," Wave " & " Plasma " Troopers by aircraft based weapons too

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The general problem I see with converting linear-progression games (such as FPS, RPGs, shooters, brawlers) into RTS is that a large degree of license has to be taken in unit design to approach balance between factions and units. While in-faction unit progression can be approached by a tier mechanic, there's no comparative mechanism to accomodate the power differential between progressive-game factions in an RTS.

Is it possible to make a Metroid-themed RTS? Certainly.
Is it possible to faithfully conversion of the Metroid universe into an RTS that adheres to the usual rules of playability of the genre? I don't think so.

As regards the legal aspect:
If you make it public, yes, it will be infringing on Nintendo's IP. In that case, however, get in line. There's a halfton of mods which do, although they are mostly inactive projects by now. The Tiberian Sun modding community, during its early days, was awash with Star Wars mods, iirc.

Mao Zedong wrote:

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.  

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Heres a Revised Unit list , I've removed various units ( Heavy Weapons Team , Echo Operative & Caestus Class Fighter from the Galactic Federation.  Militia , Preed & " Jolly Roger " drone from the Space Pirates ).

I've also tweaked various weapons and weapon capabilities to hopefully balance out the unit roles ( as well as a more in depth versus description for each weapon ).

I'd still like to know if changing all the names ( side names , units etc ) would help with any legal problems , maybe make this an " inspired by " rather then a " directly related " mod ?

Anyway heres the revised list :

    Galactic Federation : 18 Units

    Barracks Produced Units : 8 Units

    Marine :
    - type : Basic Light Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] ) does " Power " damage
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Garrison Structures
    - game(s) : Prime 2 / Prime 3
    - description : The most basic of GF Infantry , Marines form the backbone of GF police and military operations

    Missile Marine :
    - type : Support Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Missile Launcher ( vs Ground [ strong vs Vehicles & Structures , weaker vs Infantry ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : GF Infantry able to provide greater damage against armoured targets

    Demolition Marine :
    - type : Explosives Specialist
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] ) does " Power " damage
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Plant Explosives ( vs Ground [ strong vs anything caught in blast ] )
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : The GF's demolition experts able to plant remote detonation explosives , great for either destroying obstacles , enemy structures or laying traps

    Engineer Marine :
    - type : Engineering Specialist
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Capture & Repair Structures
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Marines specializing in the repair of structures and the capture of neutral & enemy buildings

    PED Marine :
    - type : Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Phazon Laser Rifle ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Structures , weaker vs Vehicles ] ) does " Phazon " damage
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : " Hypermode "
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Equipped with the " Phazon Enhancement Device " , PED Marines are able to activate a " Hypermode " which improves their firepower & speed but causes damage at the same time to the marine

    Cryo Marine :
    - type : Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Freeze Gun ( vs Infantry [ quickly freezes ] ) does " Ice " damage
    Freeze Gun ( vs Vehicle [ slower to freeze ] ) does " Ice " damage
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( weapon from Other M )
    - description : GF research into Chozo technology has allowed for the creation of the Freeze Gun , capable of temporarily immobilizing enemies , it appears it doesn't have any effect on structures however

    Plasma Gun Team :
    - type : Advanced Support
    - weapon(s) : Rapid Fire Assault Rifle ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] ) does " Power " damage
    Quick Fire Plasma Gun ( Deployed ) ( vs Ground [ strong vs all ground targets ] ) does " Plasma " damage
    - armour : Low - Medium
    - ability(s) : Deploys
    Spawn 1 Marine on Death
    - game(s) : N/A ( weapon from Other M )
    - description : Another result of GF Chozo research , the Plasma Gun provides heavy damage to targets as well as temporarily setting them on fire , but due to the slow firerate of one person models it was decided to produce larger two man versions to remedy this problem

    Reverse Engineered
    Power Suit :
    - type : Experimental Advanced Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Shock Coil ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , weaker vs Structures ] ) does " Wave " damage
    Missile Launcher ( vs Air )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( based on concept art for Other M )
    - description : Resulting from more research into the Chozo , the Reverse Engineered Power Suit although more bulky then true Chozo designed Power Suits still provides considerable mobile protect and firepower

    Vehicle Factory Produced Units : 8 Units

    B.O.X. Combat Robot :
    - type : Infantry Support
    - weapon(s) : " Plasma Burst " Grenade Launcher ( vs Infantry ) does " plasma " damage
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Structure , vs Aircraft [ strong vs Vehicles & Aircraft , less so vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Fusion
    - description : Similar to the B.O.X. Security Robot found guarding many GF facilities , this warfare ready version sports an enhanced Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher

    " APC " :
    - type : Battlefield Infantry Transport
    - weapon(s) : Phazon Laser Gun Turret ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Structures , weaker vs Vehicles ] ) does " Phazon " damage
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    - game(s) : N/A ( Based on Aliens Marine APC )
    - description : The safe movement of Infantry to and from the frontline has been vital for centuries , the GF are no different in this regard and have produced this vehicle to fill that need

    Ferro-Tank :
    - type : Armoured Combat Vehicle
    - weapon(s) : Shock Coil Turret ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , weaker vs Structures ] ) does " Wave " damage
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Phazon Injection System
    - game(s) : N/A ( Loosely Other M )
    - description : Produced by the same manufacturer of various heavy plant machinery found all over the galaxy , the Ferro-Tank combines firepower , armour & manoevrability in equal measure , its weapon can be temporarily improved further by the injection of Phazon Energy

    Phazon Harvester :
    - type : Resource Harvester
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Harvests Phazon
    Self Heal
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Able to safely collect and transport Phazon , GF Harvesters are equipped with a nanite self repair system should they become damaged

    " MCV " :
    - type : Mobile Construction Unit
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Deploys into " Construction Yard " Structure
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When the GF need to setup a more permanent presence on a planet they will deploy one of these vehicles , usually with a strong defensive force for its protection

    Reconnaissance Drone :
    - type : Reconnaissance & Surveillance
    - weapon(s) : Light Assault Gun ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Stealth Detection
    Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : N/A ( concept from trailer for Prime 3 )
    - description : Used extensively to patrol the space lanes , these drones can also be used to seek out Space Pirate hideouts as well as other duties such as search for lost ships

    Anhur Class Dropship :
    - type : Rapid Strike Transport
    - weapon(s) : Burst Firing Dual Energy Pulse " Turret " ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs other ground targets ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Often used on lone patrol missions with a squad of marines onboard , these vessels can easily be used for hit & run raids against lesser Space Pirate bases

    Griffin Class Frigate :
    - type : Heavy Aerial Combatant
    - weapon(s) : Dual Rail Cannon " Turret " ( vs Vehicle )
    Artillery Missile Launcher ( vs Structure )
    4 Burst Firing Energy Pulse " Turrets " ( vs Infantry , vs Air [ strong vs both ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Actually the smallest GF fleet spaceship , the Griffin class is more than capable of operating in an atmosphere and is thus able to provide heavy bombardment support when attacking enemy bases

    Airpad Produced Units : 2 Units

    Stiletto Class Fighter :
    - type : Advanced Fighter
    - weapon(s) : Dual Burst Firing Energy Pulse Cannons ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry & Aircraft , weaker vs Vehicles & Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Stilettos are designed around their Energy Pulse Cannon armament , this results in increased firepower but does slow down maintenance

    Aries Class Strike Craft :
    - type : Heavy Attack Craft
    - weapon(s) : Dual Rail Cannons ( vs Ground [ strong vs Vehicles & Structures , weaker vs Infantry ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Related to the Anhur class dropship  , the Aries trades transport capablilities for firepower , it operates best against hardened targets and structures

    Space Pirates : 20 Units

    Barracks Produced Units : 13 Units

    Trooper :
    - type : Basic Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon ( vs All [ strong vs Vehicles & Aircraft , weaker vs Infantry & Structures ] )
    Photonic Power Scythe ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Garrison Structures
    - game(s) : Prime 1 / Prime 2
    - description : Unlike Militia , Troopers are true Space Pirates and can be found carrying out raids across the galaxy as well as guarding Space Pirate Installations

    Sentry Drone :
    - type : Reconnaissance & Security Drone
    - weapon(s) : Light Galvanic Accelerator Cannon ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : " Hovering "
    Radar Jamming
    Stealth Detection
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Sentry Drones are another more reliable form of securing base perimeters , carrying out scouting missions and raiding enemy positions

    Grenadier :
    - type : Support Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Grenade Launcher ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Structures , weaker vs Vehicles ] )
    Melee Attack using Launcher Barrel ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Armed with a ballastic Grenade Launcher for greater firepower , Grenadiers do suffer when in close combat and must rely on the Grenade Launcher's barrel as a blunt melee weapon

    Engineer Trooper :
    - type : Engineering Specialist
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Capture & Repair Structures
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Considered a form of punishment amongst the Trooper ranks , Engineer Troopers are forced to repair structures and capture neutral or enemy buildings instead of carrying the fight to their enemies

    Aero Trooper :
    - type : Aerial Raider Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon ( vs Infantry , vs Flying Infantry )
    - armour : Low
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Aircraft , vs Structure [ strong vs Vehicles & Aircraft , less so vs Structures ] )
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 1 / Prime 2
    - description : Able to go anywhere thanks to their jetpacks , Aero Trooper raids against unwary enemies can be truly crippling , against effective defences , less so

    Shadow Trooper :
    - type : Stealth Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Enhanced Photonic Power Scythe ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , weaker vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Permanent Cloak
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Equipped with a " Chameleon Manta " Cloaking Device , Shadow Troopers rely on stealth and melee attacks to eliminate their victims

    Commando :
    - type : Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Pulse Cannon ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , less so vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : " EMP Blast " ( vs Ground [ effects all ground targets ] )
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Trained and equipped to " Hunt the Hunter " , Commandos are the elite of the Trooper ranks , commonly deployed in small hunter killer squads often from a Shrike class skiff

    Power Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Power " shot bursts ( vs All [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs all others ] ) does " Power " damage
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Power damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Power version

    Ice Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Ice " shots ( vs Infantry [ quickly freezes ] ) does " Ice " damage
    Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Ice " shots ( vs Vehicles [ slower to freeze ] ) does " Ice " damage
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Ice damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to being " frozen "
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Ice version

    Wave Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Wave " shots ( vs All [ strong vs Vehicles & Structures , weaker vs Infantry ] ) does " Wave " damage , has a weak EMP effect
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Wave damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to EMP
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Wave version

    Plasma Trooper :
    - type : Reverse Engineered Power Suit Tecnhology Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Galvanic Accelerator Cannon firing " Plasma " shots ( vs Ground [ strong vs all ground targets ] ) does " Plasma " damage
    Forearm Scythe ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium Special
    - ability(s) : Only Vulnerable to " Plasma damage " , Phazon , Aircraft & melee attacks
    Extremely vulnerable to being set on fire
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Developed using scan data , hacked GF research projects and scavanged parts , the Space Pirates were able to creat their own versions of Power Suits , unfortunately each suffers from being vulnerable to same energy type it is capable of making use of , this being the Plasma version

    Elite :
    - type : Phazon Enhanced Ranged Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Phazon Artillery Cannon ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Structures , less so vs Vehicles ] ) does " Phazon " damage
    Wrist Bayonets ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , less so vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Self Heal
    Phazon Heal
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : One of the first succesful Phazon based experiments , Elites are infused with Phazon giving them increased muscle mass and aggression

    Phazon Elite :
    - type : Phazon Enhanced Melee Elite Infantry
    - weapon(s) : Wrist Bayonets ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Vehicles , less so vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Wave Quake Generator Blast ( vs Ground [ strong vs Structures , less so vs Infantry & Vehicles ] ) does " Phazon " damage
    Self Heal
    Phazon Heal
    - game(s) : Prime 1
    - description : Phazon Elites forgo the Phazon Artillery Cannon in favor of pure close range destruction using their Wave Quake Generator to damage and destroy whole enemy formations

    Vehicle Factory Produced Units : 5 Units

    Phazon Harvester :
    - type : Resource Harvester
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon Turret ( vs Ground [ strong vs Vehicles , weaker vs Infantry & Structures ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Harvests Phazon
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : Able to safely collect and transport Phazon , Space Pirate Harvesters are equipped with a defensive armament

    " MCV " :
    - type : Mobile Construction Unit
    - weapon(s) : Quantum Assault Cannon Turret ( vs Ground [ strong vs Vehicles , weaker vs Infantry & Structures ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Deploys into " Construction Yard " Structure
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When the Space Pirates target a world for conquest they will deploy these vehicles to gain a permanent foothold , usually with a strong defensive force

    Shrike Class Skiff :
    - type : Infantry Transport Platform
    - weapon(s) : N/A
    - armour : Low
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    Current Onboard Infantry may use their weapon
    - game(s) : Prime 2
    - description : Based on captured GF blueprints , the Shrike allows for the quick deployment of Infantry , their protection however appears far less important

    " ATC " ( Assault
    Tactical Carrier ) :
    - type : Infantry Strike Transport
    - weapon(s) : Tribeam Cannon ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry , weaker vs Vehicles , weaker still vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) : Infantry Transportation
    Current Onboard Infantry may use their weapon
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : Developed to correct the clear failings of the Shrike class , the " ATC " provides increased protection and added firepower

    " Assault Skiff " :
    - type : Attack Gunship
    - weapon(s) : Tribeam Cannon ( vs Infantry )
    Homing Missile Launcher ( vs Vehicle , vs Air , vs Structure [ strong vs Vehicles & Aircraft , less so vs Structures ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) : Permanent Flight
    - game(s) : Prime 3
    - description : A heavily modified version of the " ATC " , these aerial craft support Space Pirate ground operations with their heavy armaments

    Airpad Produced Units : 2 Units

    Fang Fighter :
    - type : Multi-Role Fighter
    - weapon(s) : Homing Missiles ( vs All [ strong vs Vehicles & Aircraft , weaker vs Infantry & Structures ] )
    - armour : Medium
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A ( Prime 3 logbook entry reference )
    - description : Equipped to combat GF aerial craft as well as ground targets , the Fang Fighter provides all round aggression for the Space Pirates in a relatively small package

    Tusk Bomber :
    - type : Ground Attack Bomber
    - weapon(s) : Phazon Infused Bombs ( vs Ground [ strong vs Infantry & Structures , less so vs Vehicles ] )
    - armour : Heavy
    - ability(s) :
    - game(s) : N/A
    - description : When its clear that ground forces aren't enough Tusk Bombers are used to bombard targets with their Phazon Infused Bombs leaving areas iradiated with Phazon energy

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