Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:35 am Post subject:
Yuri's Revenge: Before Alcatraz
Judging by the eleventh Soviet mission (Red Revolution), Yuri was at that point far away from being as influential as he was in the opening of Yuri's Revenge. Presumably, many years passed between the games - only, we travel back in time in the very first mission, and thus we never see what happened to the world at large. But what if we could see that? Yuri's Revenge: Before Alcatraz intends to explore what happened between the conclusion of the Allied campaign of Red Alert 2, and the beginning of Yuri's Revenge.
Yuri's Revenge: Before Alcatraz
The Allied victory over the Soviet Union was swift, hasty, and not at all total. Crawling back from the brink of defeat by a daring chrono strike into the heart of the Soviet Union - Moscow - the Soviet leadership was apprehended in mere minutes, and peace was declared in mere hours.
The red armies, still occupying war-torn Europe, retreated to the east - ready to be sent west by the next premier. Oh, the USA kept watch over the Soviet Union, at first, but the bear was never declawed, and the USA could hardly occupy three continents.
North America was a place of peace and prosperity, and, though perhaps with too much grumbling, the USA saw fit to invest mightily into Europe, seeking to create a strong community of allies on the Soviet Union's border. But this drained the USA's resources, and more men and materials were redeployed to the west side of the Atlantic, as tensions in South America reached a boiling point.
Communist insurgents rose up all throughout the continent, and after a taxing and brutal struggle for years, peace was about to be declared on Isla Contadora. It was there that the Allied officials met an early grave, though it is unknown which side shot first. No matter who started it, the war was on again.
Was it Yuri's work? He was certainly behind the various independence movements in Africa and the Middle-East, speaking out against the imperialists and the neo-imperialists, the colonists and the capitalists. Soon, the Hurria movement, meaning 'Freedom' in Arabic, wrestled with both the Soviets and the Allies in the region. Which, inevitably, caused the two to clash in places such as Libya and Iraq.
As the powers that be occupied themselves with proxy wars, a Psychic Dominator rose up amidst the pyramids of Egypt. In the far east, untold billions were unknowingly poised to unite under Yuri at the push of a button. Even spy satellites couldn't catch the covert operations Yuri committed deep within Allied territory.
And then, one day, Yuri revealed himself to the world at large. His PSI Corps was ready to ascend to virtual godhood and govern the entire world. The ultimate peace, an era of prosperity for all, of science, of wonders and miracles undreamed of ever before. And it only required the activation of a dozen Psychic Dominators.
How easy it seemed - and how miraculously Yuri's plans were undone, thanks to time travel. But, suppose that the Allied airforce didn't disable the Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz Island. Suppose that the Allies weren't able to travel back in time. Suppose that all these years of hard work would have paid of, resulting in a humanity free of aggression, free of violence, free of anything negative at all?
Take a look at Yuri's hard work, culminating in this final glorious moment, and ask yourself: Is it not better to live in eternal happiness, with the great Yuri caring for you, as a father would, as humanity's very own god is wont to?
There are six sides. Two of these sides are aligned with each other, with the unofficial 'head' of this alliance having two countries, and the other part of this alliance having three countries:
The Allied Nations are at times still used to refer to the European, American, and Asian alliance of old, but as the European Union grows stronger and closer, the term 'Allies' refers more and more to the USA and its allies. These allies consist primarily of the Association of South East Asian Nations - ASEAN - with whom Japan is also aligned. As such, the playable countries on the Allied side are the USA and the ASEAN.
The European Union spans most of Europe - with the most notable exception being Yugoslavia, a nation feeling very much under siege as it is practically encircled by the European Union - and over time, the various nations of Europe have grown closer and closer to stand united against the Russian bear to the east. Primarily, the European Union is lead by three forces; the liberalism of the United Kingdom, the socialism of France, and the conservatism of Germany. Even in a world where communism is very much the enemy, social democracy has triumphed (though to a lesser extent than, say, the stereotypical Nordic model of our world). Unsurprisingly, the playable countries on the European side are the UK, France, and Germany.
The Soviet Union, restyled as the World Socialist Alliance, is still very much a project of Russia. Russia's little brother, Yugoslavia, is supposed to be the poster child of communism, but its advanced tesla technology is mostly used to keep the Yugoslavians inside (which is surprising, in that it is surprising that North Korea isn't facing billions of immigrants who want to reap the fruits of the glory of the Juche ideology - not very surprising, that). Russia is but one SSR, though, and eastern Europe and central Asia have plenty of other SSRs all joyously (or not so joyously) part of the World Socialist Alliance. Still, only Russia and Yugoslavia are playable countries.
Although the Soviet Union's presence in the Middle-East and Africa is very much under threat by Hurria (which is why Iraq and Libya aren't playable countries; they are involved in a civil war), much of the Soviet army was left in the Americas after the Allies seized the Kremlin with their Chronosphere. These armies were gradually pushed south by the USA, and very unsurprisingly, this coincided with communist revolutions breaking out all over South America. Loosely united under the Contadora Confederation, Venezuela can be seen as the main communist power in South America, with both Mexico and Cuba very much threatened - if not completely occupied - by the USA. All three of these countries - Venezuela, Mexico, and Cuba - are playable, though.
Yuri's PSI Corps operates from Antarctica, where it is nicely hidden from the rest of the world. Although there are many small taskforces loyal to Yuri operating all over the world, they consist of a handful of men or women. The only sizeable presence Yuri has outside of Antarctica is in Tibet, where a permanent taskforce has been tasked with disrupting relations between India and China (primarily, though if they get the chance, the Soviet Union and the ASEAN are nearby). And indeed, with most of the world's population living in India and China, these are very juicy targets for Yuri's mind control technology. As such, Antarctica and Tibet are playable countries on the PSI Corps' side.
A more direct influence on the world is Hurria, meaning 'freedom' in Arabic. Helped along by the mysterious Yuri - a former Soviet operative and now a great benefactor to the cause of freedom - these scattered cells reject both the capitalist-imperialist ideology of the Europeans and Americans, as well as the communist-imperialist ideology of the World Socialist Alliance. They want independence, primarily, and do not care overtly much about the rest of the world, so long as they are left along. Who 'they' are is a very fluid concept, though, but there is a large dose of pan-Arabism present and the differences between the various brands of Islam have been bridged to a surprising degree (and between Abrahamic religions in general as a consequence; Jewish people in particular are attracted by the Hurrian cause, having suffered centuries of discrimination). They are not the stereotypical terrorists, hell-bent on eradicating the Satanic west - or at least, they are not yet; ideology easily radicalises people. Egypt - where a certain prince Kassad lives, rumoured to be the leader of Hurria's largest cells - is playable, as are Saudi Arabia - an army is nothing without an economy behind it - and Pakistan - rather concerned with its own independence after the Soviet Union rolled over Afghanistan. Last edited by nlspeed on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Units & Buildings
I started out with working on the PSI Corps, then worked on Hurria, then the World Socialist Alliance, and then the Contadora Confederation. The Allied Nations and the European Union are largely untouched, only as a consequence of balancing other things (balancing basic infantry also requires changing GIs, for example). I haven't touched the navy of any side yet, though, except for the Amphibious Transports.
First a general overview of all units and buildings, as well as pictures of the sidebars and of a typical base. Thereafter, detailed descriptions that will also serve as exposition of lore and story. That takes a while to write, and I have only finished this description of the PSI Corps and Hurria, while I haven't begun working on the Allied Nations and the European Union yet.
Green indicates finished, including voice.
Blue indicates finished, excluding voice.
Orange indicates that no work has been done on this unit or building yet (note: This might in essence be the same as 'finished'; the Sniper, perhaps).
Red indicates that the name or concept might change (again, this might in essence be the same as 'finished'; the Cherub, perhaps).
Note the pictures in spoilers; they stretch out the page if they aren't within spoilers (a problem I thought to avert by making multiple posts, but alas).
Allied Nations GI Guardian GI Engineer Sniper Rocketeer Navy SEAL Tanya
Prospector Miner Grizzly Battle Tank Liberator APC Pridwen Bot Riptide Bot Disruptor Tank Prism Tank American MCV
Chinook Harrier Black Eagle
American Concrete Walls Pillbox Turret Patriot Missile Installation Gap Generator American Chronosphere American Weather Control Device
American Production Site Power Plant Boot Camp American Ore Processor Mechanics Bay American Naval Yard Service Depot Airforce Command Headquarters Tech Hookup Spy Satellite Arsenal of Democracy
European Union Peacekeeper Warden Engineer Sentinel Comet Chrono Legionnaire Paladin
Chrono Miner Guardian Medium Tank IFV Avenger Bot Mirage Tank Phantasm Comet Tank European MCV
Nighthawk Shepherd Meteor
European Concrete Walls Prism Tower Booster-esque building Grand Cannon Inhibitor-esque building European Chronosphere European Weather Control Device
European Production Site Hydroelectric Generator Thermoelectric Generator Training Grounds European Ore Processor Assembly Plant European Naval Yard Airbase Research Facility Ore Purifier
World Socialist Union
A typical World Socialist Union base:
Spoiler (click here to read it):
Conscript Flak Trooper Engineer Tesla Trooper Desolator Cannoneer Boris
War Miner Rhino Heavy Tank Flak Tank Tesla Tank V3 Launcher Armageddon Tank Soviet MCV
Dread Drone Kirov Airship
Soviet Brick Walls Shock Gun Flak Cannon Tesla Coil Soviet Iron Curtain Soviet Nuclear Missile Silo
Soviet Construction Yard Tesla Reactor Barracks Soviet Ore Refinery War Factory Soviet Shipyard Repair Crane Radar Tower Battle Lab Nuclear Reactor Industrial Plant
Contadora Confederation
A typical Contadora Confederation base:
Spoiler (click here to read it):
Revolutionary Insurgent Attack Dog Engineer Pyro Watchman Renegade Agent Orange
Flak Miner Coatl Light Tank Flak Track Terror Drone Arsonist Apocalypse Tank Confederate MCV
Siege Chopper
Confederate Brick Walls Sentry Gun Gun Emplacement Tank Trap Confederate Iron Curtain Confederate Nuclear Missile Silo
Confederate Construction Yard Tesla Furnace Armoury Confederate Ore Refinery Armour Depot Confederate Shipyard Operations Hub War Bunker Guerrilla Centre
PSI Corps
A typical PSI Corps base:
Spoiler (click here to read it):
Initiate Priest Engineer Ascended Angel Reborn Yuri Prime
Hurria Haven Bio Reactor Recruitment Post Raid Miner Workshop Hurria Submarine Pen Communications System Landing Strip Command Centre Battle Miner Last edited by nlspeed on Tue May 09, 2017 12:52 am; edited 21 times in total QUICK_EDIT
$100, Barracks
100 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 5
PPSh-41, AK-47, AKM (anti-infantry)
(largely unchanged, though far worse against non-infantry, like all basic infantry)
"For mother Russia!"
$500, Barracks
75 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 4
(sensor sight of 4, can detect disguise, can capture buildings, can defuse bombs, can drive)
"I know how it works."
Soviet Engineer's 'something needs fixing?', 'need a repair?', and 'I know how it works' voices extracted by tomsons26lv
Tesla Trooper
$500, Barracks, Radar Tower
150 strength, plate armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Shock gauntlet (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(better against infantry but primarily meant for anti-vehicle, immune to radiation, elite bolts are yellow and bounce, tesla bolts arc over walls, can overcharge Tesla Coils)
"2.000 volts coming up!"
Fixed Tesla Trooper (the Tesla Trooper had no unique frames for overcharging a Tesla Coil) made by Atomic_Noodles
Tesla Trooper's 'extra crispy' voice extracted by EVA-251
$1000, Barracks, Battle Lab
150 strength, plate armour
Speed 4, sight 5
'Sasha' radiation cannon (anti-infantry)
'Natasha' tesla cannon (anti-vehicle)
(long range, uses radiation-tipped shells against infantry and tesla-tipped shells against the rest, excellent against non-flying units, bad against buildings)
"I am heavy weapons guy!" (voice based on Team Fortress 2's Heavy)
Cannoneer made by MasterHaosis (modified)
$1500, Barracks, Battle Lab
200 strength, plate armour
Speed 5, sight 8
Customised AKM (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
Target painter / MiG strike aircraft (anti-building)
(detects disguise and stealth, shorter target painter range, gains experience from MiG-kills, MiGs are faster, is fearless)
"Boris has arrived!"
War Miner
$1400, War Factory
1000 strength, miner armour
Speed 4, sight 3
'Sickle' machinegun (anti-infantry)
(War Miner, elite weapon is now an improved machinegun as opposed to a cannon, can deploy to heal friendly infantry around it)
"The wealth must be shared!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3's Soviet Ore Collector)
Rhino Heavy Tank
$900, War Factory
400 strength, heavy armour
Speed 6, sight 4
120mm cannon (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(Rhino Heavy Tank, still the heaviest, strongest, slowest, et cetera main battle tank)
"We will bury them!"
Flak Tank
$500, Armour Depot
225 strength, heavy armour
Speed 7, sight 5
'Cloudpiercer' flak cannon (anti-infantry, anti-aircraft)
(like the original game's Flak Track, but fires slower, more powerful, longer ranged shots that are not inaccurate and that are vaguely capable - instead of wholly incapable - against vehicles, carries two passengers, size limit of one)
"You want it, you got it!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3's Bullfrog)
Flak Tank made by MadHQ (modified)
Tesla Tank
$1200, War Factory, Radar Tower
300 strength, heavy armour
Speed 7, sight 4
Twin tesla coils (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Tesla Tank, but faster, and with a longer range and a very fast rate of fire, excellent against units - provided they do not get too close - terrible against buildings)
"Maximum power!"
V3 Launcher
$800, War Factory, Radar Tower
150 strength, light armour
Speed 4, sight 4
V3 rockets (anti-building)
(V3, rockets fly faster, accelerate faster, have more strength, and are nuclear, leaving radiation when exploding)
"We have ignition!"
Armageddon Tank
$1750, War Factory, Battle Lab
800 strength, heavy armour
Speed 3, sight 4
125mm tesla cannon (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
'Surge' tesla coil (anti-infantry)
(Apocalypse Tank, but slower, with a shorter range and a very slow rate of fire, launches a barrage of six shells, extremely effective against buildings, has a short-ranged fast-firing tesla coil to kill any nearby infantry, omnicrusher, omnicrush resistant)
"Armageddon is here." (voice based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3's Apocalypse Tank)
Armageddon Tank made by raminator
Armageddon Tank cameo made by Speeder (modified - I am not 100% sure whether this cameo actually comes from Speeder, mind, but it's an old public asset everyone probably recognises)
Soviet MCV
$3000, War Factory, Radar Tower
1000 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 9
(MCV, omnicrush resistant)
"Building the Soviet empire!"
Dread Drone
$600, War Factory, Radar Tower
200 strength, light armour
Speed 24, sight 7 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
Radiation emitter (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(flying drone that spawns a small radiation field directly below it, detects stealth and disguise, has self heal)
*Clicks of Geiger counters flying off the charts*
Kirov Airship
$2000, War Factory, Battle Lab
2000 strength, heavy armour
Speed 5, sight 6 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
Blimp bombs (anti-building)
(Kirov Airship)
"Bombing bays ready!"
Soviet Brick Walls
$100, Soviet Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor
500 strength, steel armour
1 sight, 12 adjacency
(walls, with remap colours thanks to Atomic_Noodles)
Soviet Brick Walls made by Atomic_Noodles
Soviet Brick Walls cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Shock Gun
$500, Soviet Construction Yard, Barracks
500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
'Zap' electric machinegun (anti-infantry)
(ever so slightly less effective against infantry and more effective against vehicles than the Sentry Gun, cellspread of one tile)
Shock Gun made by MadHQ
Flak Cannon
$750, Soviet Construction Yard, Barracks
500 strength, steel armour
5 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
'Chornij' flak cannon (anti-aircraft)
(Flak Cannon, can target paratroopers)
Tesla Coil
$1500, Soviet Construction Yard, Radar Tower
750 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
'Mir' tesla coil (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Tesla Coil, equalised with the Prism Tower and Psychic Spire in that it drains 100 power instead of 75, overcharged bolt bounces)
Soviet Iron Curtain
$2500, Soviet Construction Yard, Battle Lab
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -300 power
(Iron Curtain, buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
Soviet Nuclear Missile Silo
$5000, Soviet Construction Yard, Battle Lab
5000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -400 power
(Nuclear Missile, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
Soviet Construction Yard
5000 strength, steel armour
9 sight, 6 adjacency, 25 power
(Construction Yard)
Tesla Reactor
$600, Soviet Construction Yard
1000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, 150 power
(Power Plant)
$500, Soviet Construction Yard
1000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -25 power
Soviet Ore Refinery
$2000, Soviet Construction Yard, Tesla Reactor
2000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(Ore Refinery, comes with a free War Miner)
War Factory
$2000, Soviet Construction Yard, Soviet Ore Refinery
2000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(War Factory)
Repair Crane
$1000, Soviet Construction Yard, War Factory
1000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 16 adjacency, -25 power
(automatically repairs friendly vehicles within its range - costs nothing, but isn't fast)
Repair Crane cameo made by Lefthand
Radar Tower
$1000, Soviet Construction Yard, Barracks / War Factory / Soviet Shipyard
1250 strength, steel armour
8 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
(radar, provides Spy Plane ability - Spy Plane is crewed by a Spy - buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
Battle Lab
$2000, Soviet Construction Yard, Radar Tower
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(Battle Lab, provides Force Shield ability, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
Nuclear Reactor
$2000, Soviet Construction Yard, Battle Lab
1000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, 1000 power
(costs more, has less strength, provides less power, and has a custom foundation instead of a square)
Industrial Plant
$2500, Soviet Construction Yard, Battle Lab
2000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(Industrial Plant, reduces the cost and buildtime of vehicles by 25%)
(description) Last edited by nlspeed on Sun May 07, 2017 12:42 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
$100, Armoury
100 strength, no armour
Speed 6, sight 5
M1 Carbine, AK-47, FN FAL (anti-infantry)
(faster and less range than the Conscript, identical otherwise)
"The oppressors must die!" (voice based on Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars' Militant Squad)
Revolutionary made by ArgCmdr (modified)
$400, Armoury
100 strength, no armour
Speed 6, sight 5
Bomb vest (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Terrorist, doesn't damage friendly units)
"We must revolt!"
Attack Dog
$200, Armoury
100 strength, no armour
Speed 8, sight 9
Sharpened teeth and a craving for human meat (anti-infantry)
(the formerly Allied Attack Dog, is trainable, can detect stealth and disguise)
$500, Armoury
75 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 4
(sensor sight of 4, can detect disguise, can capture buildings, can defuse bombs, can drive)
"Something needs fixing?"
Soviet Engineer's 'something needs fixing?', 'need a repair?', and 'I know how it works' voices extracted by tomsons26lv
$500, Armoury, Operations Hub
125 strength, flak armour
Speed 4, sight 5
'Hadouken' Flamethrower (anti-infantry, anti-building)
(short range, fast rate of fire, inaccurate, doesn't harm friendly units)
"Huddaaah!" (voice based on Team Fortress 2's Pyro)
Pyro made by Dafool (modified)
$800, Armoury, Operations Hub
125 strength, flak armour
Speed 4, sight 6
'Atlatl' Rocket launcher (anti-vehicle, anti-aircraft, anti-building)
(anti-vehicle and anti-air rockets, but can deploy to become stationary and cloaked, equiping a long-ranged slower firing napalm rocket launcher that lacks anti-air capabilities but is very effective against everything else)
"Keep an eye out!" (voice based on Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars' Militant Rocket Squad)
Watchman made by Rommel (modified)
$800, Armoury, War Bunker
150 strength, flak armour
Speed 5, sight 5
Dynamite (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(Crazy Ivan, faster, cloaked when not moving, can throw dynamite over a longer range, dynamite deals enough damage to destroy any unit it is attached to)
"Happy birthday!"
Renegade projectile made by Atomic_Noodles (modified)
Agent Orange
$1500, Armoury, War Bunker
200 strength, plate armour
Speed 6, sight 8
'Tonatiuh' Sniper rifle (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
Target painter / 'Quetzalcoatl' attack bombers (anti-building)
(incendiary sniper effective against groups of infantry and lightly armoured vehicles, can call in planes that carpet bomb entire areas with napalm, gains experience from airstrikes, detects stealth and disguise, is radar invisible, is fearless)
Agent Orange made by DaFool (modified)
Flak Miner
$1400, Armour Depot
1000 strength, miner armour
Speed 5, sight 3
'Umbrella' flak cannon (anti-aircraft, anti-infantry)
(storage of 30 - War Miner has 40, Chrono Miner has 20 - but is slightly faster and is armed similar to the original game's Flak Track)
"Serving the cause!" (War Miner)
Flak Miner made by Da Arg (modified)
Coatl Light Tank
$700, Armour Depot
200 strength, heavy armour
Speed 8, sight 4
'Salamander' napalm cannon (anti-infantry)
90mm cannon (anti-vehicle)
(uses the Lasher's weapon (ROF=30, Reload=90) including the faster projectile, but with a ROF of 90, and fires a long-ranged blob of napalm (Reload=270) that has three cellspread and is very effective against infantry)
"We got business." (voice based on Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight's Salamander)
Coatl made by Atomic Noodles (modified)
Coatl projectile made by Gamemate
Coatl warhead animation made by Apollo
Flak Track
$500, Armour Depot
225 strength, light armour
Speed 8, sight 5
'Blossom' flak cannon (anti-infantry, anti-aircraft)
(Flak Track, but 'spammier' in that it fires far weaker projectiles at a far faster rate, can fire on the move, carries five passengers, size limit of one)
"Let's clear the air."
Terror Drone
$500, Armour Depot, Operations Hub
100 strength, special robotic armour
Speed 8, sight 5
Scissor claws (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Terror Drone, can't affect robotic units, detects stealth and disguise)
*Scuttling sounds of approaching death*
$1200, Armour Depot, Operations Hub
600 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 4
'Inferno' napalm cannon (anti-infantry, anti-building)
(flamethrower tank, slow, strong, cellspread, very effective against infantry and buildings, omnicrush resistant)
"Everything will go up in smoke!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Inferno Cannon)
Arsonist made by MadHQ (modified)
Arsonist projectile made by Gamemate (modified)
Apocalypse Tank
$1750, Armour Depot, War Bunker
800 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 4
120mmx cannon (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
'Mammoth Tusk' twin missile pods (anti-infantry, anti-aircraft)
(Apocalypse Tank, uses missiles against infantry, has one longer range than the original, no self heal anymore, omnicrush resistant)
"The apocalypse has begun."
Siege Chopper
$1100, Armour Depot, War Bunker
300 strength, light armour
Speed 12, sight 6 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
160mm cannon (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
'Cochotl' machinegun (anti-infantry)
(Siege Chopper, machinegun can't target aircraft anymore, artillery cannon has incendiary charges, making it effective against all units, has self heal)
"Launching salvo!"
Siege Chopper's 'launching salvo!' voice extracted by tomsons26lv
Confederate Brick Walls
$100, Confederate Construction Yard, Tesla Furnace
500 strength, steel armour
1 sight, 12 adjacency
(walls, with remap colours thanks to Atomic_Noodles)
Confederate Brick Walls made by Atomic_Noodles
Sentry Gun
$500, Confederate Construction Yard, Armoury
500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
'Vulcan' machinegun (anti-infantry)
(Sentry Gun, but cloaked unless firing)
Gun Emplacement
$750, Confederate Construction Yard, Armoury
500 strength, steel armour
5 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
'Mayote' twin cannons (anti-aircraft)
(faster rate of fire but overall less damage than the Flak Cannon, though better against plate armour, cloaked unless firing, can target paratroopers)
Gun Emplacement made by MadHQ
Tank Trap
$500, Confederate Construction Yard, Armour Depot
1000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(Tank Bunker, without the damage and rate of fire boni, but cloaked (though it doesn't cloak a vehicle occupying it))
Tank Trap made by MadHQ and E1 Elite
Confederate Iron Curtain
$2500, Confederate Construction Yard, War Bunker
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -300 power
(Iron Curtain, buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
Confederate Iron Curtain made by BrianPrime
Confederate Nuclear Missile Silo
$5000, Confederate Construction Yard, War Bunker
5000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -400 power
(Nuclear Missile, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
Confederate Nuclear Missile Silo made by BrianPrime and COMMANDER
Confederate Construction Yard
5000 strength, steel armour
9 sight, 6 adjacency, 25 power
(Construction Yard)
Tesla Furnace
$400, Confederate Construction Yard
750 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, 100 power
(Power Plant)
Tesla Furnace made by Vinifera7
$500, Confederate Construction Yard
1000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -25 power
Armoury made by BrianPrime
Confederate Ore Refinery
$2000, Confederate Construction Yard, Tesla Furnace
2000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(Ore Refinery, comes with a free Flak Miner)
Confederate Ore Refinery made by Mig Eater (modified)
Confederate Ore Refinery cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Operations Hub
$1000, Confederate Construction Yard, Armoury / Armour Depot / Confederate Shipyard
1250 strength, steel armour
8 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
(radar, can be occupied by five infantry, provides Supply Drop ability - one Pathfinder (Revolutionary with a longer range and can infiltrate), six crates ('explode' upon reaching the ground, healing surrounding friendly units) - buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
Pathfinder made by Trans_C (modified)
War Bunker
$2000, Confederate Construction Yard, Operations Hub
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(Battle Lab, can be occupied by five infantry, provides Force Shield ability, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
War Bunker made by Factionmk (modified)
Guerrilla Centre
$2500, Confederate Construction Yard, War Bunker
2000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(enables bounty on all Confederate units, earning a Confederate player 25% of the cost of every unit the player kills with Confederate units)
(I toyed with using an excellent Red Alert 1 barracks and with using a recoloured Generals Propaganda Center, but so far I remain undecided) Last edited by nlspeed on Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
$200, Cerebral Dormitory
75 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Pyrokinetics (anti-infantry)
(like a deployed GI, but has less strength and is worse against unarmoured infantry and buildings - also no range increase when elite)
"Yuri is master!"
Yuri's basic infantry consists of legions of Initiates, but they weren't the first soldiers to be part of the PSI Corps' ranks; that honour goes to the scrapped Parasites. Much like these Parasites, the first Initiates couldn't really be called human, being more of a robotic shell controlled by a human brain. Yuri might be an unparalleled psychic, knowing more than anyone else about the brain, but His knowledge did not extend so far when it came to other aspects of the human being. He learned, though - he had to, in order to raise a proper army - and gradually, the newly built Initiates seemed to be more and more human.
Metal parts appeared to be wholly organic, except for when cut open, and with proper clothing, Initiates could walk around undetected around humans - though not yet past metal detectors. Eventually, human parts were fused, merged, replacing metal as organs and limbs were grown in vats, and then enhanced, as the human genome was fully decoded. Other vats were constructed in the Antarctic snow - Cloning Vats arose to replace the tedious procedure of growing body parts individually. In the end, only a few select surgeries were necessary to turn a human - or a clone, indeed - into an Initiate.
Initiates are, contrary to popular belief, incapable of using psychic powers; only their cybernetic modifications allow them to interact with the molecular level, to create friction, and thereby, to start a fire. Pyrokinetics. It is an uncontrolled interaction; an Initiate merely looks at a specific surface and 'thinks' of creating a fire. A pulse, a throb, something, is then felt inside the Initiate's head, as a burst of friction is applied. Normally, this would feel like a heavy blow to the head, and an ordinary human would suffer serious brain damage within a day - hence why Initiates undergo multiple surgeries to protect themselves against this.
It is as good as a psychic power, though far easier to achieve than spending weeks - at least - to unlock true psychic powers, which makes Initiates the perfect footsoldiers for Yuri. Especially since they do not have to be assembled anymore, as it were, and instead, can simply be ordinary humans - though modified. The long-term effects of being initiated, as it is called, remain unstudied. Initiates do have a tendency to suffer brain damage even with the additional protections, though, so it isn't a role to volunteer for. Even so, Yuri takes care of His followers; there are multiple paths to take for an Initiate, even when the Initiate is failing. One can go on to serve as an Ascended, or in a Brainchamber, or even in a Mastermind, for example. These are all honourable and glorious ways to further His will - and who wouldn't wish to further His will?
Fixed Initiate (the Initiate's muzzle fire used unlit colours) made by Atomic_Noodles
$400, Cerebral Dormitory
100 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Machine Spirit control (anti-vehicle)
Machine Spirit appeasement (heals vehicles)
(can mind control one vehicle or ship, deploys for vehicle healing psychic wave)
"I hear the Machine Spirit's voice!" (voice based on Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War's Techpriest Engineer)
Priests, or Tech Priests, hail from a small cult in Palestina. One of many such cults, Yuri originally thought, and he would have let Hurria deal with them - but then something caught his interest. On the surface, these Tech Priests are much like any other cult; religiously devout with clear Abrahamic origins. They worship a God-Emperor, whom they are searching, and they believe machines are inhabited by Machine Spirits. They insist that the rapid advances of the world, particularly those in robotisation, automation, and digitisation, will lead the world to its doom, as these Machine Spirits gain control over more and more tools and weapons. Ordinarily, this kind of Luddite doomsday cult wouldn't be noteworthy - but when these Tech Priests attempted to communicate with their Machine Spirit, they released an amount of psychic energy beyond what normal humans should be capable of. An amount of psychic energy that hardly rivalled Yuri, to be sure, but his interest was sparked none the less.
The Priests were quickly integrated within Yuri's ranks, and under his tutelage, their psychic powers grew. As they learned how to control their minds better, their rituals related to appeasing the Machine Spirits improved and diverged. On one hand, there were those who sought to sooth and please the Machine Spirits, with gentle caresses and whispers, tracing the imperfect human constructs their perfect souls resided in, seeking to perfect the curves and edges. Should their metal bodies fall apart, there would be no container left for them to inhabit, and the Machine Spirits would be condemned to scatter all throughout the void, broken, powerless, forever destroyed yet never dying. An incomprehensibly horrible fate, and one that the Priests would do their very best to avert. Besides, if they wouldn't, they might just awaken the Machine Spirits' wrath - and soon, a gun might accidentally fire, or a conductor might just explode, and a Priest may very well end up dead.
On the other hand, there were those Priests who grew in confidence - in arrogance, even. With Yuri's overwhelming psychic might behind them, the Machine Spirits could finally be neutered; instead of appeasing them, in the hopes that they might spare the Priests when the day of judgement arrived, they could now be controlled, constrained, bound to the wills of the Priests. Even with Yuri's training, however, it is strongly recommended for any Priest to only ever attempt to control the Machine Spirit (or Machine Spirits, if one is unlucky) of one single object, and preferably a small one at that. To attempt to control more is to inevitably lose control, in the most benevolent of circumstances - and the Machine Spirits are a vengeful and wrathful lot, never forgetting even the slightest slight. The Priest who wrongs them can be sure to have just lived his or her last week of life. Unless the Machine Spirits in question are rendered powerless first, by destroying their body or container.
These two diverging stances have lead to a schism filled with rage and hatred between the Priests themselves, but, although fanatically and dichotomically opposed, the Priests are too small in number to cause a lot of damage to Yuri's forces as a whole. And there is Yuri's influence as well, He who is perhaps the God-Emperor Himself, He who soothes them, who blesses them with peace and harmony, a tranquil and calm mind. For Him, they work together, just a little bit more, despite the blasphemic and apocalyptical ways of those other Priests, they will work together, until His plans are fulfilled.
$500, Cerebral Dormitory
75 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 4
(sensor sight of 4, can detect disguise, can capture buildings, can defuse bombs, can drive)
"Smooth operations."
Though Allied Engineers hail primarily from universities and often study for a considerable amount of time in the army before being sent on field work, and though Soviet Engineers often learn through practice, needing to learn rapidly lest the Shock Gun they just fixed explodes in a shower of deadly electricity, it might well be Yuri's own creed of Engineers that is the smartest of all. Lacking both the extensive studies and the exhaustive practical work, the Engineers of the PSI Corps none the less have a body of knowledge to fall back on that dwarfs anything the Allies or the Soviets have. Further, the psychic knowledge of the PSI Corps considerably speeds up the learning process, and a rumour spread around by Allied Engineers holds that these PSI Corps' Engineers are, in fact, part of a hive mind prototype. Certainly, directly interfacing with Yuri Himself could explain why the Engineers of the PSI Corps seem to be so knowledgeable in the most obscure of things. They never seem to be quite as focused as other Engineers either - perhaps because Yuri is whispering secrets into their very minds?
$600, Cerebral Dormitory, Psychic Sensor
125 strength, plate armour
Speed 12, sight 8 (note: This is not particularly fast, as flying units use a different speed measurement)
Pyrokinetics (anti-infantry, anti-air)
(anti-air and anti-infantry rocketeer, uses psychic pulses like the Initiate - an ascended Initiate)
"Witness my power!" (voice based on Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War's Psyker)
Before Yuri's Initiate program, there were the Parasites, little more than brains strapped into a husk of metal and cloth. These Parasites were prone to error; their brain, supposedly capable of identifying enemies, occasionally trod well out of established parameters, and directed pyrokinetic energy at anything ranging from snowflakes to fellow Parasites. Still, Yuri only needed a small taskforce to keep away the tiny few adventurers and researchers that sought to explore Antarctica, and for this, the Parasites were more than enough. As Yuri's facilities improved, however, the Initiate programme took off, and the Parasites were gradually phased out.
Still, some of the Initiates were prone to the same errors as the Parasites, getting stuck in a self-reinforcing loop of rage that triggers the pyrokinetic energy - and if fire causes rage, and rage causes fire... These errors appeared more frequently amongst damaged Initiates, and so, when the time came to reveal his presence, Yuri restored the Parasite programme, enclosing the damaged Initiates in Parasite-armour - with certain protections, to prevent the wholesale slaughter of his own forces by a crazed Initiate - and directing this flying armada of hate-fuelled flames into any concentration of enemies that threatened his interests.
As for the Initiates? It is certainly a great honour to enforce Yuri's will as one of the Ascended - that the aforementioned 'certain protections' slowly rot away the brain is of lesser relevance.
Ascended made by Chrono Loony (modified)
$900, Cerebral Dormitory, Psychic Sensor
125 strength, flak armour
Speed 12, sight 8 (note: This is not particularly fast, as flying units use a different speed measurement)
Psychic explosion (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
Psychic healing wave (heals infantry)
(jumpjet, long-ranged psychic pulses to heavily damage vehicles and buildings, psychic wave to heal infantry)
"He who stands with me shall be my brother." (voice based on Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War's Force Commander)
There is more to the mind than mind control, of course. In essence, it is will; the will to control someone's mind and the will to cause fire to spawn, for example. So, too, is there the will to simply rip something apart from the inside - like an explosion, but not like a rocket detonating upon collision with a tank's armour, but an explosion inside the tank itself, shattering its very structure apart, tearing the fabric apart on the molecular level. It is this power that the Angels have mastered, but there is more to the Angels than merely mastering one power over another.
Angels are human, much like the Reborn, independent and proud to serve in Yuri's ranks, believing in His vision of the future and seeking to realise it. They are humans whose psychic powers have been unlocked, but they are generally humans with less innate power than the Reborn. Whereas the Reborn are capable of fully enjoying the fruits of their minds, with mind control and other abilities, the Angels would have a hard time keeping control over an animal, and would run the risk of messing up someone's head by wrongly implanting ideas and suggestions. They are simply less attuned to the psychic, much like how some humans are better in sports and others are better in studying.
Where the Reborn are the commanders and the generals, the Angels are the officers and the captains. They have a role on the field, with the rest of Yuri's forces, but they should certainly not be underestimated. To be able to visualise something on such a deep level, to see that a tank is simply a collection of atoms, down to the very wave function that is everything, that is not something most humans can do. To then rip this apart, in a precise manner, so as to only cause damage to their chosen target - that requires in-depth training and modification of one's brain.
The Angels are the result. Usually hovering above their brethren - levitation is a lot less hard if you can move your self, every single atom that is you, upwards - to relay information to the rest, they can cause structures and vehicles to shatter from faraway. The smaller the target, and the more it (or its atoms) moves, the harder this is, hence why infantry is surprisingly resilient to the psychic powers of an Angel. As resilient infantry is to the destructive powers of an Angel, though, so receptive is it to the wave of soothing, calming, and healing, that Angels can naturally radiate outwards. Whereas Reborn overload the synapses of those around them - shattering their minds and their selves - Angels instead heal them, or at least, make them forget any pain or wound that might bother them. So all have a role to play in Yuri's ranks.
Blessed / Angel warhead animation made by Apollo (modified)
$1000, Cerebral Dormitory, Enlightenment Beacon
150 strength, flak armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Mind control (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
Psychic wave (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Yuri Clone, slightly longer range (8 instead of 7), psychic wave that harms vehicles and infantry, gains experience from mind controlled units, can infiltrate)
"Share your thoughts with me."
Some precious few humans have latent psychic abilities - or, more accurately, every single human has latent psychic abilities, but for some precious few humans, these psychic abilities are a little bit less latent. With the guidance of Yuri, a human's psychic ability can be fully - or partly - unlocked, but of course, Yuri has no time aiding billions of humans in this process. One unfortunate fact is that clones of ordinary humans lose their psychic abilities, and though it is probable that a clone of Yuri Himself would retain at least a modicum of psychic abilities - Yuri Himself once spoke of Greek mythology, of how the child of a god and a human was usually a demigod, a legendary hero, or at least, someone superior to human yet inferior to god - this remains untested.
The quest of filling the ranks of the PSI Corps with psychically attuned people is one that never stops, and fortunately, the most prominent psychics besides Yuri are capable of bringing forth the latent talents of others (though undoubtedly not as efficiently as Yuri Himself could do). Even so, it is a very slow quest, as the procedure usually involves a complete reconstruction of one's neural pathways, with the - tragic? - consequence of also completely rewriting one's personality.
It is worth it though, Yuri says. To have such an open mind, to be able to perceive, understand, know, so very much, to be able to link your mind to someone else's, to plant thoughts and ideas in their heads, to control them, even, to sense any living being around you, to influence them all at once, to overload and destroy the synapses of all those around you... That is the power that any so-called Reborn gets reborn with, after the neural reconstruction process is finished. Some are more powerful than others, of course, and most are reborn with a wholly different personality - but they are independent actors, with initiative, dreams, opinions, everything that makes a human human, and then so much more.
They are often assigned to commanding roles in Yuri's army, precisely because of their humanity, and no mindless creature could possibly go undercover and live amongst enemies, stealing their secrets under their very nose. Even the weakest of the Reborn is a wonder to behold. An artwork, really, of neural pathways and synapses. A masterpiece, created by Yuri, given to the world.
Yuri Prime
$1500, Cerebral Dormitory, Enlightenment Beacon
200 strength, plate armour
Speed 6, sight 8
Mind control (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
Psychic wave (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(Yuri Clone, but can mind control a maximum of three units or buildings, psychic wave deals slightly more damage to heavier vehicles, gains experience from mind controlled units, detects stealth and disguise, is radar invisible, is fearless)
"You will learn from me."
When the PSI Corps revealed its presence, conventional wisdom amongst Allied and Soviet soldiers soon held that the mysterious man in the hovering chariot was the root cause of all their troubles. When this man appeared, entire armies and bases would turn side. Regiments would feel disturbed, odd, unsettled. Tossing and turning in their sleep, hearing strange voices whispering in their heads as they marched. Forming odd ideas, losing their focus, finding themselves waking up from a trance... That is how Allied and Soviet soldiers knew of His presence in the area, long before - if ever - they actually saw Him.
He, of course, is Yuri, in the eyes of these soldiers. And if, if, they managed to kill Him, then the war would be back to normal, the psychic trickery finally over. Or so they thought. Informal contests were held and soldiers trained amongst themselves - but even if they would manage to kill this Yuri, it would all be for naught. For he is not Yuri Himself; he is but a clone of Him. One of the very few in existence, such as the one leading the operations in Tibet, or the one active in the Levant and dealing with Hurria. They are known as Yuri Primes, to muddle enemy intelligence, and they are psychically more powerful than anyone else except for Yuri himself.
They can mind control the crews of entire buildings and vehicles, as well as individual soldiers, and they can generate a wave of psychic energy that rips apart any solid object nearby provided it is small enough. Hovering across the battlefield, a Yuri Prime can quickly make himself scarce, leaving an entire force of mind controlled pawns behind to break through the enemy's ranks. Multiple bases have mysteriously disappeared in mere moments, when a Yuri Prime set his sights on it - just as all opponents will, until only the PSI Corps remains.
Blessed Mechanised Infantry
$800, Manufactory
200 strength, heavy armour
Speed 8, sight 4
Psychic explosion (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(no turret, psychic pulse that rocks vehicles like the Angel, very low strength, terrible against infantry, better against heavier vehicles and buildings than other main tanks)
"My knowledge is at your disposal." (voice based on Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War's Librarian)
The PSI Corps is specialised in - though certainly not limited to - three kinds of psychic energy. The imprecise desire to create friction, somewhere, and through it, fire. The imagination to see the universe for what it is, to attempt to rearrange molecules - an art very much not perfected, but if one replaces 'rearrange' with 'destruct', then it is an art mastered by the Angels. And finally, of course, the will to subsume one mind to another; mind control.
It is the second of the three, however, that is employed for the PSI Corps' main battle tank. The Blessed, as it is called, is designated as a 'Mechanised Infantry', and this is more accurate than one might suspect at first. The concept originates from the Mastermind; a vessel carrying a brain - or multiple brains, as is usually the case with the Mastermind. The Blessed is a far lighter version of the Mastermind, however, favouring speed over armour.
Carrying brains of fallen Angels, it is excellent at tearing down structures and vehicles; the larger, the better. This, unfortunately, makes the Blessed a bit lacking when compared to other main battle tanks. Lacking the ability to take to the sky, like an Angel, the Blessed also lacks the range of an Angel, and being confined to a somewhat unwieldy vessel, as opposed to one's own human body, the effectiveness of its psychic blast is reduced, especially versus infantry.
And yes. In eastern Europe, certain people whisper of Lucifer himself having come to scourge the world of all the faithless. He is, after all, the prime example of a fallen angel.
Blessed made by MadHQ
Blessed / Angel warhead animation made by Apollo (modified)
$500, Manufactory
150 strength, light armour
Speed 12, sight 5
'Psychostasia' psychic missiles (anti-infantry, anti-air)
(fast bike, fires missiles that create small psychic waves that slow down units - cellspread, marginally effective against everything, long-ish range)
"Hit and run!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Combat Cycle)
These fast hit and run trikes can pop up from practically nowhere, with their considerable speed, and they might well be the last sight one ever sees as the integrity of one's souls is judged against the power of a Psychostasia missile. The Psychostasia is the perfect hunter, outranging and outspeeding most, though they are somewhat prone to accidents if one isn't careful.
A well-placed shell can blow them apart, and it is easy to crash, driving at the high speed the Psychostasia goes. Being a unit relying on more or less conventional missiles, as opposed to psychic weaponry, and being a unit not very special or important, the PSI Corps initially recruited their newfound Hurrian allies for the task of driving the Psychostasia. As the PSI Corps' Cloning Vats expanded, this was no longer necessary, but it is an excellent way to keep abreast of the rumours and going ons in the various Hurrian cells, and it nicely reinforces their alliance.
The Psychostasia is armed with more or less conventional missiles; their payload, besides ordinary explosives, involves a certain kind of psychic energy - different than what is used by the brain - that slows down any and all movement until the energy dissipates. The same kind of energy is used inside the Brainchamber, to keep one's body in relative stasis while one's brain continues to serve Yuri. This makes the Psychostasia an even better hunter, especially as the Hurrian soldiers are well skilled in guerrilla tactics and harassment; exactly the kind of skillset needed to weigh the souls of all those unbelieving in Yuri's vision.
Psychostasia made by MadHQ
Proselyte Automaton
$400, Manufactory, Psychic Sensor
200 strength, special robotic armour
Speed 10, sight 5
Unlimited mind control (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(robot, cloaked, very fast, can mind control an infinite amount of units without decloaking, but instantly starts taking damage, has a psychic wave deathweapon, detects stealth and disguise)
*Excited hums of psychic energy*
Like an eager missionary landing on the shores of Mesoamerica, a faithful servant of God, there to convert the pagan population, so too does the Proselyte zip over the battlefield, eager, oh so very eager, to open up the minds of all to the glory of Yuri. And like the eager missionary, the Proselyte starts preaching, even to those covering their ears and cursing the psychic legions. One, and one more, and there, another one, and soon, entire cities have converted, entire armies fallen under the sway of the Proselyte. But other cities rise up in anger, anger at their culture, their religion, their livelihoods being suppressed - many, too many, converge upon the Proselyte, and in its eager drive to reveal the truth of Yuri to them all, the Proselyte meets a sad and unfortunate end. Not burned at a stake, but a violent explosion, unable to contain all the psychic energy it has amassed - psychic energy that now spills outwards, obliterating anyone nearby, but freeing those under the sway of the Proselyte with (usually) little damage.
The Proselyte Automaton may not be the best - or even useful at all - when it comes to mind controlling; in mere seconds, the psychic energy causes it to overload and explode. But it is invisible, and can mind control entire armies in the blink of an eye - literally so. When it comes to causing chaos, to give the PSI Corpse an opening to exploit, or to distract their opponents as Yuri's legions slip through the cracks, that is where the Proselyte shines. And after the chaos has died down, those opposing Yuri will find their lines to be breached, their ranks infiltrated - all that because of an excited, eager, and dare one say it, adorable, Proselyte Automaton.
Proselyte made by Bu7loos
$1000, Manufactory, Psychic Sensor
250 strength, light armour
Speed 4, sight 4
'Scythe' mutator (anti-infantry)
(only one can exist at a time, has permanently limited ammo, converts infantry into Brutes that can be sent into the Grinder for 500 or can fight pretty well)
"None can stand against the coming darkness."
The Reaper is a curious vehicle, meant to augment the PSI Corps' bases on the mainland, away from Antarctica. On Antarctica, vast rows of Cloning Vats spit out organic parts ready to be used for energy and recycled for mass, but away from Antarctica, prolonged PSI Corps presence requires very creative ways of funding. Lacking Cloning Vats, the PSI Corps might turn to the obsolete Floating Disk, or to carefully mind control civilians, but both carry a high risk of exposure and detection.
An alternative was made in the form of the Reaper, based on the PSI Corps research in biology and genetics. It was an approach of quality over quantity; if there cannot be a great quantity of ready resources, be they cloned, abducted, or mind controlled, then the quality of our existing resources must be improved. Simply put, it was designed to maximise the mass of any human being, so that a Grinder might yield the greatest profit.
The first few experiments would result in creatures that have since then been left loose in the Middle-East, to contribute to the Hurrian cause. Although many Hurrians very much disprove of these abominations, public opinion amongst the most influential cells is slowly turning, with these so-called Tributes now being an item of status, traded for influence and resources. An improvement upon these Tributes was the Brute, a colossal monster full of muscles, as opposed to the Tribute, that had a lot of gas filling it up. Extremely dense and extremely strong, one can choose to send these Brutes into the Grinder, of course - but it would be a shame to withhold such a mighty being from the opportunity use its gigantic strength to utterly crush any and all opposition.
The Reaper, a vehicle based on the Genetic Mutator, can transform any human into such a Brute. As the Genetic Mutator is not a device capable of operating continuously, neither is the Reaper; the Reaper's Scythe can only reasonably be expected to manage ten such transformations, after which its parts can be recycled by the Grinder to charge up a new Scythe. Though not a fast vehicle by any means, death eventually catches up to anyone, and the Reaper will have its due just as the grim reaper will. But as the Reaper's Scythe is pointed at you, you will know that your future lies not in the afterlife, but in the massive shape of the mindless Brute. You can only hope that the grim reaper swiftly grants you relief.
Reaper made by MadHQ
$1750, Manufactory, Enlightenment Beacon
600 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 4
Permanent mind control (anti-infantry)
'Catechism' missiles (anti-air)
(four passengers, has many powerful long-ranged anti-air missiles, can permanently mind control any infantry it gets close to, omnicrush resistant)
"I shall rally the troops to your cause."
Not all those who follow the Allied or the Soviet cause are irredeemable. Indeed, many simply happen to be born in the wrong country, and how could they know of Yuri's truth when they have never been exposed to His brilliance? To teach, one can turn to the method of catechesis, to the catechism, and to teach is exactly what the Catechism does.
A lumbering behemoth dwarfing most other units, the first thing one notices is not that a vehicle is approaching, but a massive visage of Yuri's head. Instinctively, one is drawn to His eyes, for the eyes are the pathway to the soul, and in His eyes, truth and beauty and visions of perfection are found. Many a soldier has been hypnotised this way, waking up from their old lives, finally seeing what He sees, finally seeing the righteousness of His plans and the truth of His visions. Taught thusly, these soldiers will fight in His name until their dying breath - which, in the middle of a battlefield, might approach rapidly.
This effect is rather weakened - or non-existent - for anyone whose sight is concealed, though. By the visor of a tank, for example. So too it is for anyone who cannot stand still; the wobbles of a helicopter are enough to mostly break the spell. While incapable of dealing with tanks - besides driving over them, crushing them under the weight of Yuri's truth and the burden he has taken up his shoulders for all of us - the Catechism can handle aircraft, sporting two racks of countless missiles based on the Allied AEGIS Cruiser and its Medusa missiles. It just so happened that one of the first to fall under the sway of the Catechism was an Allied Engineer who had worked on designing these missiles.
Now, this Engineer, and hundreds or thousands of others, are one with Yuri. The Catechism has taught them. And it shall continue its slow trek throughout the lands, and it shall continue enlightening all those on its path, until all speak the word of Yuri.
Catechism made by MadHQ (modified)
$1750, Manufactory, Enlightenment Beacon
600 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 4
Unlimited mind control (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
Psychic wave (anti-building)
(can mind control an infinite amount of units but instantly starts taking damage, can deploy to destroy itself and unleash a building-destroying psychic wave which is also its deathweapon, gains experience from mind controlled units)
"Let's have a meeting of the minds."
It would surprise many to know that the Mastermind started as a preserver of still working brains, a secure container, for the brains to wait until they could serve Yuri's cause once anew. But Yuri had other ideas; why wait, when they could serve perfectly fine now? Put on wheels, and sporting heavy armour, the amalgamation of brains now known as the Mastermind had a variety of roles, for not all brains are made equal.
Some Masterminds served as pyrokinetic flame tanks. Others as a mechanised variant of the Angel, rivalling even the famous Apocalypse Tank with its psychic explosion powers. But gradually, these Masterminds got their own designations; Brainchambers and the Ascended for pyrokinetic purposes, the Blessed Mechanised Infantry as a lighter and cheaper alternative to the Angel - and what was left became the true Mastermind; a vessel dedicated to the mind control of entire armies.
Curiously enough, this meant that the Mastermind turned from a container of healthy brains to a container of anything that had some remote psychic activity that might be used for mind control; psychic powers are very rare, and unlike pyrokinetics, rely on a calm and controlled mind. Instead of a simple impulse to cause damage somewhere, mind control relies on navigating the complex pathways of the mind, whispering, implanting, manipulating - it is an art, and it is very unlikely that any recovered brains, to be preserved in the Mastermind, was in a state whole enough to fulfill this task.
Using half-damaged brains means that the production of a Mastermind isn't terribly hard, despite the rareness of psychic power. Especially as the number of Cloning Vats increase and as the noosphere is further unlocked, it will become even easier, and one day, a Mastermind might drive around full of brains of the utmost quality. For now, however, the Mastermind will have to make do with less than perfect brains, with less than perfect neural pathways and synapses, and that means that it might overload and detonate in a psychic wave. A psychic wave of not one, but a massive amalgamation of brains, capable of shattering even the heaviest structures.
It is perhaps the scariest sight; to see your own army marching and rolling back to your own base, with an odd glint in their eyes, with their weapons pointed at you. And when - if - you have finally managed to throw off your own brothers and sisters, the Mastermind that was directing them unleashes a tidal wave of psychic energy, shattering your base even though you successfully slaughtered your former base. It is a traumatic experience, to those who survive. It is, without doubt, a masterplan.
$3000, Manufactory, Psychic Sensor
1000 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 9
(MCV, omnicrush resistant)
"Yuri is the master architect."
The PSI Corps MCV is of a radically different design than the Soviet one, where Yuri acquired His MCV-technology from, and just as the Soviet MCV resembles the design of Soviet buildings - blocky, heavy, fortified, strong and imposing - so too does the PSI Corps MCV resemble the design of the PSI Corps' buildings; triangular, yet smooth, with angles perfect for standing out as little as possible. Lacking the slabs of armour the Soviets put on their MCVs, the seamless design and the variants of reactive armour mean that the PSI Corps MCV is just as well protected - if not better, for the Soviet MCV is a lumbering beast easily visible from afar.
Originally, the PSI Corps MCV was meant to do more than gliding silently over the lands; it was meant to hover, for Antarctica is cut off from the rest of the world by a large body of water. However, it was far harder than anticipated to establish a strong foundation for the Construction Yard, if the MCV had to land first. However, with the aid of the speedy Journeyman Inserters, the PSI Corps can still transport their MCVs to any location of their choosing, and far faster than the hovering MCV itself would have travelled. From Antarctica, the PSI Corps spreads its tentacles all over the world - and the world will be blind to stop it, until it is far too late.
PSI Corps MCV made by Bu7loos
$1000, Manufactory, Psychic Sensor
200 strength, light armour
Speed 30, sight 6 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
'Brainblanker' cloaking device (cloaks friendly infantry)
(cloaked, fast, cloaks nearby infantry)
"Gliding over."
As the PSI Corps experimented with unlocking the psychic potential of humans and the enhancing of the brain, one of the many results was the so-called 'Brainblanker'; a device capable of masking all mental activity. This would eventually, in conjugation with the harnessing of the noosphere, result in the current-day iteration of the Brainblanker; a device capable of not only masking all mental activity, but all biological activity - provided one had a certain altitude. The noosphere is a fickle thing, and even now, subject to intensive studying. The Brainblanker needs to be close to the noosphere, to draw the energy needed for its cloaking operations without overloading and blowing up, and so must all those who would be cloaked be close to the noosphere.
The Brainblanker is carried by a fragile and thin frame, sporting only the bare necessities of keeping the Brainblanker afloat. The contraption as a whole is known as the Cherub, and speeds rapidly through the skies, hidden by the selfsame energies that hide the lifeforms flying with it - any larger, and the Cherub itself would be visible even if those accompanying it were not. With the Cherub attending those that fly with it, an enemy can be set on fire and torn apart by a host of Ascended and Angels, all perfectly invisible to those dwelling on a lower plane than the noosphere's mysterious energies.
Cherub made by MadHQ
$1750, Manufactory, Enlightenment Beacon
400 strength, light armour
Speed 12, sight 6 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
'Seraph' laser (anti-air)
'Hook' tractor beam (anti-vehicle)
(tractor beam against non-harvester vehicles, anti-air lasers against aircraft, flying infantry, and vehicles pulled in by the tractor beam)
"Levitation units online."
When the PSI Corps arrived in Antarctica, they busied themselves creating an arsenal not yet designed for offensive action, but instead, to guard the PSI Corps' presence until Yuri was ready to usher the world into His light. The precursor to the Seraph, but also the Parasite, for example, were but some of the designs to protect the PSI Corps' operations until Yuri was ready. This precursor, the Floating Disk, was used to covertly abduct humans and even raw ore from the Allied and Soviet refineries holding them. Used infrequently and with care, these actions remained largely unnoticed by the world at large, though UFO sightings increased remarkably. Still, it was always risky, and as the PSI Corps' presence and influence grew, the Floating Disks were discarded.
Or, more accurately, they were repurposed. The abduction equipment was discarded in favour of a magnetic (at)tractor beam that attracted all metal objects it was directed at - a different kind of abduction, one that lifted up even the heaviest of tanks to throw them carelessly back down onto the Earth below, be it land or water. This to counter the legions of Soviet tanks, far more threatening to the PSI Corps than a bunch of hapless soldiers. As to the Allies and their reliance on air power, the Seraph's lasers can easily pierce through any aircraft passing by. These lasers work exceedingly well in conjugation with the tractor beam, as helpless tanks can be lifted up to a height where the Seraph's lasers can shortly pierce a tank's armour.
Though the Seraph still lacks equipment dedicated to assault and siege, it can stop a convoy of tanks dead in their tracks and swat a squadron of aircraft out of the sky, instead of serving as a glorified harvester to be kept hidden behind the clouds. Yuri's opponents will need to come up with new tactics, should they wish to penetrate the Seraphs valiantly guarding His bases.
Seraph made by Bu7loos Last edited by nlspeed on Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:30 am; edited 3 times in total QUICK_EDIT
PSI Corps Citadel Walls
$100, PSI Corps Haven, Noosphere Tether
500 strength, steel armour
1 sight, 12 adjacency
(walls, with remap colours thanks to Atomic_Noodles)
Yuri relies on secrecy and stealth to carry out His operations. The massive slabs of brick augmented with barbed wire of the Soviet Union were therefore of little use to the PSI Corps, and when He posed that there is more safety in never being discovered in the first place, than in having enough fortifications to withstand a dedicated assault, the PSI Corps took a long and hard look at the concept of a wall. To protect something, yes, to ward it, to cut off access - all that is better achieved by hiding a base, so as to never be discovered, than by fortifying a base.
The angular and smooth shapes of most of the PSI Corps' structures reflect exactly that; shaped in such a way that the sun's reflection might hide them - shaped in such a way that true invisibility might even be achieved. Unfortunately, the technology for that isn't yet within the PSI Corps' grasp, though breakthroughs concerning the noosphere and its possible applications - the Noosphere Tether and the Cherub, for example - are very promising indeed. For now, the PSI Corps' walls remain just as any other wall, but perhaps one day, they might tap into the noosphere and cloak all of the PSI Corps' presence.
PSI Corps Citadel Walls made by Atomic_Noodles
PSI Corps Citadel Walls cameo made by Lefthand
$500, PSI Corps Haven, Cerebral Dormitory
500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 8 adjacency
Pyrokinetics (anti-infantry)
(requires an infantry unit inside to work, marginally better than a Pillbox / Sentry Gun, can detect cloaked and disguised units)
Nothing is so wasteful as discarding a perfectly fine brain just because a defect container has failed to carry it. And the human body is full of defects. Building upon the earliest Initiates - metal constructs carrying a brain - the Brainchamber is just that; a metal construct carrying a brain. Should an incurable servant of the PSI Corps find his or her way back to base, missing body parts, rendered immobile, perhaps mere moments away from death, then such a person may be directed into the Brainchamber. It is not quite a chamber of healing; more like a stasis to prevent one from dying. So long as the mind is intact, death can be waylaid, at least for a small amount of time.
This comes at a cost, however; one would lose sense of one's body as one's mind connected to the Brainchamber, and those that have been healed by PSI Corps doctors after having spent time in the Brainchamber's stasis often note that it is harder to function. That walking might need to be partly relearned, that hand-eye coordination is off, or that breathing sometimes takes conscious effort, for example. Still, they would be alive, and in a fit and healthy body - and there is a minority that has reported markedly different experiences; that the Brainchamber is like a virtual reality game, or that one's senses were noticeably heightened upon leaving.
Entering the Brainchamber involves letting one's head be surrounded by all kinds of machinery, soon losing any awareness of one's own body, but being aware of all that goes on around the Brainchamber, as if it is an all-seeing eye wielded by its occupant. Unrestricted by the need for mobility and a humanoid shape, the Brainchamber allows one to wield the powers of pyrokinetics without surgeries or permanent implants, and that at a greater power than a normal Initiate could.
Screening tools make sure the occupant isn't overcome by a sense of awe and might, taking in the world in a way that few ever experience, and knowing that one has the power to light up any spot in flames at the merest thought with the aid of the Brainchamber. This, perhaps, is why some liken it to a videogame. The Brainchamber isn't only a place for the wounded to contribute while their bodies await healing - if possible - but it isn't exactly advised to enter a Brainchamber without need; who knows how you might come out?
Brainchamber made by Quiet
Brainchamber cameo made by Quiet
$750, PSI Corps Haven, Cerebral Dormitory
500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
Sancti warp (anti-infantry, anti-light vehicles, anti-slow aircraft)
(very long range, spawns a drone that attacks enemies with lasers, rather ineffective, but useful as harassment and as a stationary counter to artillery and Kirovs)
As PSI Corps' influence grew over the world, a more sophisticated defence system was needed. Allied Prism Towers and Soviet Tesla Coils were iconic symbols of these blocs' technological prowess, but PSI Corps by and large operated in the shadows. Psychic Spires were well and good to protect bases too large to hide, preventing anyone from approaching lest they be mind-controlled, but PSI Corps simply didn't have that many full-fledged military bases. Instead, small outposts and small taskforces, nominally controlling a massive amount of territory, were the norm.
To this end, the Sanctum was developed; a mostly inconspicuous device capable of scanning a large area for any potentially hostile activity. Utilising knowledge acquired by reverse-engineering the Chronosphere at Point Hope, Alaska, the Sanctum is further linked to a massive complex of specialised Manufactories, pumping out nothing more than an endless stream of tiny drones. Fast and nimble, though vulnerable to mere glancing shots, these so-called Sancti drones are equiped with lasers based on the Seraph's laser. Should a Sanctum detect any enemy presence in the area, it can quickly warp in a Sancti fighter to deal with the threat, long before anyone has become aware of PSI Corps presence.
One should be aware, however, that this is very much a prototype system; not only does the Chronosphere-esque method of calling in the Sancti drones fall far short of the capabilities of an actual Chronosphere, but the Sancti drones themselves are extremely vulnerable and not all that powerful. While the Sanctum is therefore useful to cover the vast fields of snow and ice of Antarctica, a dedicated strike force can easily deal with the device. And though the Sancti drones are capable of targeting aircraft, the drones are so limited in their dogfighting capabilities that even helicopter pilots can outmanoeuvre them. Still, a large enough swarm would pose a credible threat to Soviet Kirovs.
Sanctum made by Droke
Sanctum cameo made by Speeder (modified)
Psychic Spire
$1500, PSI Corps Haven, Psychic Sensor
750 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
Mind control (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(Psychic Tower, equalised with the Prism Tower and Tesla Coil regarding strength, sight, name (Tower, Coil, Spire), et cetera; no longer detects disguises)
Whereas Prism Towers and Tesla Coils often ring around a fortified military base, openly boasting of the might of the respective sides, Psychic Spires may be found hidden, to snatch the minds of unaware passers-by and turn them against their former friends. Still, Psychic Spires are just as tall and visible as the Allied and Soviet equivalents, and so they, too, can usually be found around PSI Corps' bases - which is a downside, as the PSI Corps usually operates in secret, and wouldn't want to attract unwanted attention with Psychic Spires.
Therefore, there exist two schools of thoughts within the PSI Corps' ranks, divided over whether and when to use the Psychic Spire. When they are used, however, they may well inspire more fear than a Prism Tower or Tesla Coil; one might at least survive the effects of a thousand volts running across one's body, but to lose one's mind with certainty, to be rendered a slave, an onlooker, as one's body moves as if possessed... A far scarier prospect, that, to most. The Psychic Spire's mind control is one of brute force; no subtle suggestions or ideas, but fully, wholly, instantly taking control. From the safety of a PSI Corps Haven, a Reborn can then interface through the Psychic Spire with the newly subsumed person.
There is a limit to this; one can notice five stabilisers, inhibitors, or whichever name one would give them, designed to prevent an overload of the spire. Remarkably, the Reborn merely interfaces with the spire; it is the Psychic Spire itself, and not the Reborn, that does the mind controlling. And while a Reborn can generally only mind control one person at a time, the Psychic Spire can handle three - and directing three persons, instead of mind controlling them, that is something the expanded psychic capabilities of the Reborn can handle. One wonders where this marvellous piece of technology will lead to; mind control, without the need of any actual brains - soon, Yuri might truly be able to mass produce a simulacrum of His psychic powers.
Psychic Spire cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
PSI Corps Genetic Mutator
$2500, PSI Corps Haven, Enlightenment Beacon
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -300 power
(Genetic Mutator, buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
The Genetic Mutator comes as an offshoot of the various branches of research the PSI Corps pursued to set up an efficient economical and industrial base as quickly as possible. One possibility was by using cloning, and tearing the products down to raw materials with the help of the Grinder. This has long since been widely adopted amongst the PSI Corps, and the subsequent research has vastly optimised every part of this process; one only needs to look at the evolution of the Initiate, for instance.
But another possibility was by using genetic mutation, a possibility not at all explored to its full potential, as PSI Corps' limited amount of scientists needed to focus their efforts. Still, it has resulted in the Genetic Mutator, a weapon capable of inserting certain artificial particles - conceptually similar to capsules, really - into the air. When absorbed by a body, be it by breathing or through one's pores, the body will rapidly mutate into a gruesome being; the Brute.
Usually, these 'capsules' would be applied by the pin-point precision of a laser, but the whole idea behind the Genetic Mutator is to be able to target any organism in the vicinity. This does mean that the Genetic Mutator is a highly inefficient device; whereas the Reaper only needs to apply one such capsules, transported by its accurate laser, the Genetic Mutator needs to fill the air with hundreds of capsules. After mere microseconds, the capsules burst open and the particles escape harmlessly into the air, never reaching a body to mutate.
That the Genetic Mutator, as a consequence, takes a lot of time in order to expel the next bunch of particles upon unsuspecting humans, is but a small downside to an otherwise terrifying weapon.
Genetic Mutator cameo made by Lefthand
PSI Corps Psychic Dominator
$5000, PSI Corps Haven, Enlightenment Beacon
5000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -400 power
(Psychic Dominator with purple animation, only has effect after the animation has finished so that units can move away, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
The Psychic Dominator might be Yuri's greatest triumph yet - and it is but a prototype. Ideally, Yuri would mind control the world with the push of a button, removing any and all notions of violence, of aggression, of any kind of negativity, from the collective psyche of the human race. His research in the noosphere might aid Him greatly with reaching this laudable goal, and it might well be the key missing to bring the prototype Psychic Dominator to the heights Yuri desires it to be. To a height where one such device is capable of mind controlling entire continents.
Unfortunately, this remains but a vision for now. The current Psychic Dominators are only capable of mind controlling a small taskforce, and in this, they are not more impressive than a handful of hidden Reborn. But the Psychic Dominator's range is ever increasing, and already outranges any other mind control weapon by far. It also knows no limit to the amount of mind controls that it can sustain, opening up to harness the power of the noosphere directly - which, admittedly, is massively wasteful, but does provide it with enough energy to let it cool down and recharge, removing any risk of overloading. Unlike with the Psychic Spires, as the Psychic Dominator permanently mind controls all those affected by it, there is also no need for personnel to directly control those affected - an advantage the Catechism also enjoys.
The Catechism, however, is based on an older model of the Psychic Dominator, and relies on hypnosis amongst other techniques. Understandably so, as the current model of the Psychic Dominator requires so much power that, without further research on the noosphere, there is no way at all to miniaturise and mobilise it. But this does mean that the current Psychic Dominator is capable of mind controlling almost anything; most buildings have enough obstructions to protect the crew inside, and underground caves would also offer protection, but most vehicles certainly do not offer enough protection to shield their crew from the Psychic Dominator.
Yuri can try, though, to negate the protection that buildings might offer; the influx of psychic energy generates a psychic wave specially designed to shatter any structure in the vicinity, so that its occupants might still be exposed to His truth. In the end, as more and more Psychic Dominators come online, and as they are improved upon again and again, surely, all will be one with Yuri.
Psychic Dominator cameo made by Lefthand
PSI Corps Haven
5000 strength, steel armour
9 sight, 6 adjacency, 25 power
(Construction Yard)
MCV-technology is a highly guarded secret, and the primary reason for the Allies and the Soviets being the most powerful - and the only relevant - blocs of the world, despite having waged so many destructive wars. It is the ultimate logistical superpower, cutting production time and cost to practically nothing and being so very mobile as well. The sole downside is that it is so very miraculous, neither the Allies nor the Soviets want to use it for civilian purposes; the risk of MCV-technology falling in the wrong hands is simply too high. With it, and the right resources as well as sufficient manpower, even one man can amass an army that utterly dwarfs that of a country without MCV-technology.
Let that man be Yuri, having stolen the MCV-technology from the Soviet Union. More, He has reverse engineered it, and designed His very own army, an army designed to counter the strengths of both Allied and Soviet arsenals - using the strengths of Soviet tanks against them by mind control, negating the power of Allied aircraft with gatling weaponry. Yuri has seized the secrets of MCV-technology for Himself, and spilled the beans to his Hurrian allies as well. And now the whole world will be torn asunder, for want of one little secret.
Noosphere Tether
$400, PSI Corps Haven
500 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 0 adjacency, 50 power (+50 for 1 infantry)
(Power Plant, cloaks nearby friendly infantry, can be occupied by one infantry to double its power output)
The Noosphere Tether represents a hallmark achievement in the studying of the sciences. A pity, then, that the PSI Corps must keep its groundbreaking research under wraps, until Yuri's world can be realised. The noosphere, it is postulated - and confirmed more and more - is a sphere much like the atmosphere, a blanket wrapped around celestial bodies - possibly entwined with gravity - that humans unknowingly draw energy from. The concept of a soul, perhaps, is a primitive understanding of this phenomenon, and the question of how quantum mechanics can be so random as to depend on one's observation, as well as the age-old debate of whether free will exists, may be answered and explained by the existence of the noosphere.
There is a wealth of theory to be discovered still, but the PSI Corps has already managed to draw power from the noosphere. Power dependent on mind and soul, on brain activity, but power none the less. A Noosphere Tether serves two purposes; as an anchor, in a sense, perhaps best visualised as pulling a stream of energy downwards from up high where it flies freely. A magnet, perhaps. This energy can be used to generate usable power, much like friction can - and indeed, as it turns out, what would be called psychic power is often friction applied over a distance on a molecular level, with the aid of the noosphere. Reinforced by a human's natural ability to draw upon the noosphere - provided they are not braindead - the Noosphere Tether can double its energy output. However, being more like an anchor and less like a true power plant, it is incapable of storing fuel and instead continuously draws energy from the noosphere. Energy that must therefore be made use of in its vicinity, lest it dissipate into the environment and be wasted.
It would be wasteful to not make full use of such a fantastic power source, of course, which is why the Noosphere Tether at least doesn't let all unused energy go to waste; converging with research done on the Cherub's 'Brainblanker' device, the Noosphere Tether can hide those lifeforms near it from the naked eye - or, more accurately put, render minds not clued in to the PSI Corps' advanced radar systems incapable of processing what their eyes are detecting.
With only the PSI Corps even aware of the existence of the noosphere - though a secret Soviet research group has recently started investigating this phenomenon in Chernobyl - and with Yuri on the eve of mastering the noosphere for His own purposes, there is no telling what might happen in the near future. Perhaps His psychic abilities will be amplified to such an extent that His will be done immediately by all the billions of humans alive? Even if not, with such a mighty medium on His side, who could possibly oppose Him? His will be done, one way, or another.
Noosphere Tether made by Dark Elf 2001
Cerebral Dormitory
$500, PSI Corps Haven
1000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -25 power
The Cerebral Dormitory is less of a barracks and more of a... Well... This ís the PSI Corps. A division, originating from the Soviet Union, headed by Yuri, the master psychic Himself, concerning itself with psychic research. With biology and neurology - and lately, with Yuri's benevolent vision of a world without pain, without hunger, without fear; a world with only positivity and happiness. To realise this wonder, alas, sacrifices must be made for the greater good - but causalities are to be kept to a minimum, in Yuri's benevolence, for it is better to repurpose a brain than to waste it in death. Mind control, therefore, is a tool frequently employed by the PSI Corps to bring about their world of goodness.
Ah, but there is so much more wonder that Yuri and His PSI Corps can achieve. Such as cloning, so that no naturally born human goes to waste in the grimness of war - though every well-functioning brain is sacred, and so, little distinction is made between clone and non-clone. The outright creation of humanoids lies still beyond the PSI Corps' grasp, unfortunately enough, but they do command a host of related knowledge; imprinting memories, learned skills, knowledge, characteristics - almost the only thing they cannot do yet is to kickstart life. Whether that can be done by firing up a certain neurological process, or by adding a soul, not even Yuri Himself knows - but He has His theories on the essence of life, to be sure, and His theories often prove to be truth.
Regardless, practically any human being can be sent inside the Cerebral Dormitory, be it child or elderly, sickly and infirm or youthful and virile. Their minds can be reshaped, their bodies reforged, their organs enhanced and their senses strengthened - legions of almost superhuman soldiers can emerge out of the Cerebral Dormitory after but a few days and nights of peaceful and undisturbed rest, with bodies and skills no serviceman or -woman neither Allied nor Soviet could ever hope to match. This process is only limited by the speed of cloning and by the small population the PSI Corps started out with - in time, as more enlightened (usually mind controlled) humans join the ranks of Yuri, and as more Cloning Vats and Cerebral Dormitories are established, an inexhaustible horde of untold billions can descend upon the world to purge any and all trace of suffering, and indeed, upon the very stars themselves. Yuri is master - truly, He is master of all.
Cerebral Dormitory cameo made by Lefthand
$1000, PSI Corps Haven, Noosphere Tether
2000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(all infantry have a soylent cost of 125%, PSI Corps doesn't harvest ore but needs to produce infantry - or mind control units - to send them into a Grinder)
Antarctica, where the PSI Corps fled to, may contain a wealth of untouched minerals, but it contains precious little ore and other materials necessary for the construction of military bases and the conduction of research. Stealing resources, be it by traditional theft, by mind control, or by a Floating Disk specially designed for 'harvesting' purposes (both ore, stored in refineries, as well as human beings), was not a feasible way to build up an army for decades on end.
Humans, however, are imperfect creatures full of untapped potential, only using a tiny amount of their neurological capabilities. Not to mention that they often prefer to laze around, not even noticing as entropy eventually does away with their bodies, instead of being productive. All this wasted energy can be used to create mass, if one knows how to - and as it happens, Yuri is somewhat of a scientific genius. Oh, the Allied Einstein might know more of theoretical physics, and the Soviet Tesla is an able tinkerer and small-scale visionary, but Yuri... Yuri sees the bigger picture.
Is it immoral, to create clones whose only purpose is to be recycled, over and over? Is it more moral to let a man rot away in jail for his entire life, or to let him suffer the death penalty, than to make use of his body for science? Many people hand over their bodies to science, many people donate organs, many people research and invent - only, Yuri outclasses them and their conventional solutions by far. Yuri developed the Grinder.
Originally, this started out as a Soviet recycle facility, to be used in conjunction with their Industrial Plants; it would be more efficient to cheaply and quickly manufacture a new tank, while recycling an older or a damaged one, than it would be to repair this older or damaged tank. An entirely sensible idea, of course - and why not apply this idea to humans, horrible as it may sound? Not to any ordinary human, of course, but to humans - clones, if you will - specifically created for this, to humans whose life would otherwise be rendered null and void anyway, to all those who society already shuns.
Some might stare in awe, realising that the Grinder holds the means to reverse entropy (is that so, though?). Some might stare in horror, especially those people who are religious, and it is a very good thing Yuri's Hurrian allies are unaware of the network of Grinders operating on Antarctica and elsewhere. But perhaps Yuri knows more than anyone else, about souls, about the afterlife, about morals - about what is truly good and what is truly evil, in the grander scheme of things?
Grinder cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
$2000, PSI Corps Haven, Grinder
2000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(War Factory)
Traditionally, the great powers' War Factories are focused on producing their mighty arsenals as quickly and as cheaply as possible. The Allies, with their costly technology, focus more on cutting prices, while the Soviets, with their vast armadas of tanks, focus more on producing as much and as fast as possible. Yuri, however, focuses on something different with his Manufactory; the PSI Corps do not need to produce as much as fast as possible, for they are hidden, existing in the shadows. They have time to gather the required resources and time to produce their weapons. As such, the Manufactory is focused on statistics and analytics; the Manufactory can analyse the effectiveness of any vehicle it produces, tracking them even on the battlefield, and can make suggestions for improvements. Over time, this has yielded great improvements for the PSI Corps - and there is one last advantage to the Manufactory as well; should it fall into Allied or Soviet hands, the Manufactory is likely to sabotage anything produced by them. For in the PSI Corps, even the buildings serve Yuri.
Manufactory cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
PSI Corps Submarine Pen
$1000, PSI Corps Haven, Grinder
2000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 16 adjacency, -50 power
(Naval Yard)
With the PSI Corps lying low, it only made sense to forego the traditional Soviet Shipyards in favour of new Submarine Pens. The Submarine Pen lacks the industrial machines and manpower of the Shipyard, something that would easily undo the PSI Corps' hidden operations, but something that is also necessary for the construction of colossi like the Dreadnought. Lacking the ability to construct these capital ships, the PSI Corps relies on submarines for their naval presence.
Undetectable and untraceable - unless one was actively looking for them, perhaps - the PSI Corps now has many Submarine Pens hidden in the dark depths and corners of the world. Who knows what is hidden on the ocean's floor? Who knows which atol hides a Submarine Pen, who knows which floe hides a submarine? Yuri's forces could be anywhere, listening in on anyone, awaiting the perfect moment to breach the water's surface and reveal their might to all those who oppose Yuri's vision.
Psychic Sensor
$1000, PSI Corps Haven, Cerebral Dormitory / Manufactory / PSI Corps Submarine Pen
1250 strength, steel armour
8 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
(radar, provides Psychic Reveal ability, buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be, doesn't detect disguise, does detect stealth and orders in an eight-cell radius)
A device originally constructed for the Soviet Union during the Third Great War, though the Soviets were never truly aware of the purpose of the Psychic Sensor. The Psychic Sensor is a device that visualises the future actions of all those nearby. As a consequence, it necessarily scans the surrounding area for geometric, atmospheric, and other details, preforming all the tasks that a traditional radar system would in order to interpret - and make interpretable to humans - the information it gathers.
With it, one can see a certain subset of thoughts; those dealing with actions taking place near the Psychic Sensor - walking, running, shooting, anything that raises the heartbeat, including intercourse. Handy for keeping tabs on one's enemies, to be sure, knowing when their thoughts turn to besieging a base covered by a Psychic Sensor - but what about one's supposed allies within this selfsame base? What about that very first Psychic Sensor, assembled in the hidden basement of the Kremlin itself?
No wonder Yuri managed to almost replace the entire leadership of the Soviet Union by and with Himself. No wonder Yuri managed to escape in the perilous minutes before the execution of operation Chrono Storm. Would this first Psychic Sensor still be active? Is Yuri keeping tabs on the Soviet leadership, even now? Will we ever know?
Psychic Sensor cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Enlightenment Beacon
$2000, PSI Corps Haven, Psychic Sensor
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(Battle Lab, provides Force Shield ability, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
The Enlightenment Beacon is home to neither a crew of scientists nor to a network of computers. Instead, it is a controlled way of sharing Yuri's very own thoughts. To be certain, a crafty Engineer or Spy could extract vital intelligence on the PSI Corps' force composition, much like with any repository of knowledge, but the Enlightenment Beacon is more than that. Yuri Himself is connected to each and every Enlightenment Beacon, and can both amass any data gathered by the PSI Corps' bases around them, as well as spread all this data to the other Enlightenment Beacons. Yuri, as such, is the focal point of a hivemind consisting of Enlightenment Beacons.
A hivemind, for Yuri's highest ranking servants, most often those made in His very image - the Reborn - but also sometimes specially chosen Angels, can also interface with the Enlightenment Beacon, sharing thoughts and knowledge at the speed of thought. This allows Yuri to directly interfere on any given battlefield, provided an Enlightenment Beacon has been constructed. The Enlightenment Beacon, then, moreso than any other technology centre, is a target of the highest priority to all those who oppose Him. For should it stand long enough - should His servants need more and more time to conclude their operations - Yuri's eyes may be drawn to this tenacious threat, and a Yuri Prime or Yuri Himself might even appear. And as the people of Middle-earth learned so very well; one does not wish for His eye to fall on you, for it almost assuredly renders the remaining hours of your life countable on one hand.
Enlightenment Beacon cameo made by Lefthand
Cloning Vats
$2500, PSI Corps Haven, Enlightenment Beacon
2000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(clones infantry)
The PSI Corps under the Soviet Union was but a small taskforce, consisting of those loyal to Yuri, handpicked by Himself. As they fled from the Kremlin, eventually arriving at Antarctica, they had one big problem; population. They could hardly abduct women to breed more people for them, and abducting children to indoctrinate them was also a costly and inefficient option. Luckily, the Soviet Union had the means to alleviate this concern; Cloning Vats. A technology not wholly Yuri's own, He none the less played a key role in both the creation and the use of it, and without His knowledge of biology and neurology, the Soviet Cloning Vats soon fell into disuse. All that was needed was for the PSI Corps to seize one such facility and bring the technology back to Antarctica.
The next step was to acquire bodies to clone; to acquire different DNA, different characteristics and personalities, quirks and traits, not only to create a diverse population but also to improve the PSI Corps' knowledge of the human being. The so-called Floating Disk - a prototype UFO - was used to kidnap humans from all over the world, a selection as diverse as possible - no wonder that UFO sightings increased in this time. The human genome was soon mapped, and the precise working of the brain remained a mystery to everyone but the PSI Corps. With this knowledge, the many bodies that were cloned could be altered on any level imaginable, such as the physical or the neurological.
Clones could be made to excel in manual labour, to be slavishly devoted to Yuri, and even to be almost superhuman. Almost, for there is a large gap between a more or less normal human and a Brute, for example, and while improvements such as perfect health and psychical attunement were certainly possible, creating some kind of superhuman would result in a Brute-esque character. Even so, with the Cloning Vats - more and more coming online even to this very day - and an ever growing population base, the PSI Corps looks set to dominate the world before long.
Which is not a bad thing, as Yuri would remind anyone. For He is not, in fact, looking for slavishly devoted humans, devoid of any free will. No, quite the contrary; He values creativity, vision, intelligence, everything that makes a human human. Otherwise, why would He not be content with legions of cold robots? But what He does abhor is violence, jealousy, bigotry - Evil, with a capital E. It is not for nothing that He has taken a cult from Palestina - practically from the Holy Land itself - under His wings. It is not for nothing that he saw potential in a group of people striving for freedom, a group that has done more to bridge the divides between the Abrahamic faiths than any other group.
Is He an angel, sent by a god? Whether that Allah or Yahweh or another conception? He has never spoken on this subject - but it seems likely, to His followers. And if the only way to attain world peace is to nudge the whole world's population into the right direction, to subtly influence there where necessary, to mind control those who must be - well, isn't mind control far more humane than the choice between life in prison or the death penalty?
Cloning Vats made by CannisRabidus
Cloning Vats cameo made by Lefthand Last edited by nlspeed on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:53 am; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
$100, Recruitment Post
100 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Various scavenged rifles (anti-infantry)
(shorter range than Conscripts, cellspread of one tile, immune to chaos and virus)
"Hurria!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Rebel)
In the aftermath of the Second Great War, the Soviet Union had co-opted the many undercurrents of independence and self-determination, ensuring that nations such as the Socialist Republic of Iraq and the Libyan Communist Republic arose. Projects such as the Arabian Union - centred around Iraq and Libya, to unite all of the Arabian world under the banners of communism - failed, but relations between the various Arabian nations and the Soviet Union warmed considerably after the Uk and the USA banded together to assassinate the leadership of Iran.
Then, however, came the Third Great War. The Desolator programme is perhaps the best known example of the horrors the Middle-East suffered through, but most of the Middle-East was still in Allied hands by virtue of being colonies. And as the professional core of the Soviet warmachine was shipped off to the Americas or pouring into Europe, the Soviet soldiers active in the Middle-East were little more than hormonal teenagers and criminals convicted for rape and murder. In hindsight, it is no surprise that entire provinces were burnt out and razed to the ground, with nuclear waste piling up in the streets, chemicals flowing freely in the water, radiation poisoning the air...
As the Third Great War came to an end, the battered Allied armies were in no condition to hold on to their many colonies, and independence movements were supported by upwards of 90% of the (surviving) populace. After the first 'no' came back from the UK, it didn't take long for these movements to turn to violence, and in mere months, the Middle-East was burning once anew, this time in a fire of its own making. At the forefront of this movement is still the common civilian, having taken up whatever arms it could find - often, an abandoned Soviet Kalashnikov or a European Heckler & Koch. Lacking any training, even Soviet Conscripts manage to outperform these Militants - but make no mistake; their lack of accuracy may translate in a range disadvantage, but in the broken wasteland of Hurria, where rubble is as common as trees in a forest, fanatical zeal and a perhaps literal spray and pray mentality make up for this lack of training. Plus, operating in a land so heavily exposed to radiation, Militants do have the fortune of usually being better equipped than Conscripts, at least when it comes to gas masks and protective clothing.
Militant made by justsomeguy (modified)
Militant cameo made by MigEater (modified)
$200, Recruitment Post
100 strength, flak armour
Speed 4, sight 5
'Consanguinity' ECM device (anti-vehicle)
(can disable vehicles and ships over a long range, is fearless, can infiltrate)
As the Hurria movement grew, Yuri began to take notice, and found in Hurria the perfect force to further his aims. He made contact with Hurria's leadership, initially sending them shipments of weaponry harder to acquire than by mere scavenging of the streets, such as chainguns. It helped, of course, that Yuri was already in the process of manufacturing gatling weaponry; the perfect counter to both the Allied and the Soviet airforce. One piece of specialised hardware that Hurria was very eager to receive were handheld ECM devices; devices sending electronic countermeasures to stop vehicles dead in their tracks. This was useful, because until that point, Hurria had no real means of countering Allied or Soviet tanks sweeping the streets; booby traps and mines required prior preparation. It was even more useful, though, for there was a wealth of technology to be scavenged from intact vehicles - and a wealth of knowledge to be scavenged from intact drivers of said vehicles.
The alliance between Hurria and Yuri was solidified with the shipment of hundreds of these devices, and the first men operating them were trained by the PSI Corps itself. Some few elements within Hurria nicknamed these men 'conspirators', for conspiring with the ex-Soviet Yuri. One particular rumour that surfaced was that the ECM device is actually a direct data feed to Yuri, exposing everything happening around the devices for the PSI Corps to hear. That is most probably nonsense, but the device ís rather curious, in that it can uplink with the databanks of most known military structures, and either corrupt this data or send it back to any Hurrian (or PSI Corps...) presence in the vicinity. Though some darkly mutter about conspirators and selling one's souls, most have taken up the nickname of 'conspirator' as the first step on a path of alliance and mutual profit.
Conspirator made by Medalmonkey (modified)
$500, Recruitment Post
75 strength, no armour
Speed 4, sight 4
(sensor sight of 4, can detect disguise, can capture buildings, can defuse bombs, can drive)
"I'm your handyman."
Though Hurria excels at scavenging materials - from the ruined cities many Militants once called home, to the broken tanks and the husks of men that sought to oppress the Hurrian people - this is a skillset necessary for every Hurrian to survive. Recognising dangerous materials that might explode, or recognising when a building is prone to collapse, is wholly different from repairing them. As Hurrian forces are often on the move, knowledge of fortification and static defence is also somewhat lacking. Still, Hurria does have a few Engineers amongst it - how could it not, when the Hurrian movement counts untold millions amongst its ranks? These Engineers most likely do not equal the best of the Soviet Union nor the brightest of the Allied Nations, but they get the job done. And if they cannot repair a Tesla Coil, or if they accidentally cause a War Factory to collapse, instead of capturing it, well, there are plenty of other opportunities to perfect their craft.
$400, Recruitment Post, Communications System
125 strength, flak armour
Speed 4, sight 6
'Acolyte' chaingun (anti-infantry, anti-aircraft)
(invisible when not moving or attacking, inaccurate one-tile cellspread anti-infantry, no inaccuracy when firing at aircraft)
"Gun barrels spinning!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Gatling Tank)
There are men known as the Faithful for their unwavering dedication to the Hurrian cause. Unwavering, in that they can often go for days without moving even once, without as much as sitting down to eat or lying down to sleep. These are the Faithful, and with their chainguns, hidden in plain sight, they guard the skies of Hurria. Despite these chainguns being of Yuri's very own manufacture - one would expect nothing short of perfection - they are still chainguns, and chainguns are exceedingly difficult to operate in the hands of mere humans. That Yuri has managed to develop chainguns in such a way that they can, in fact, be operated by mere humans, is a laudable accomplishment in itself - even if the recoil renders the chaingun wildly inaccurate as a consequence.
Faithful made by Atomic_Noodles
$800, Recruitment Post, Communications System
150 strength, plate armour
Speed 4, sight 5
Various scavenged grenade launchers with nuclear waste grenades (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(short-ranged bursts of 3 inaccurate radiation grenades, very effective against infantry and vehicles, is fearless, is immune to radiation)
"Spread the misery." (voice based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3's Desolator)
Though Hurria's push into Iraq has so far only served to cause more death and destruction, what with a seemingly endless civil war that has seen anything from the meltdown of nuclear reactors to the proclamation of the independent city-commune of Baghdad, Hurria did grow intimately familiar with the Desolator programme. Initially, as the most prominent example of the horrors the Soviet Union had forced upon the poor Iraqi populace, but when the Soviet Union started strategically deploying troops in irradiated areas, Hurria needed a counter. Enter, the Extremist.
Sporting a somewhat ramshackle imitation of the Desolator's perfectly fused plate armour, the Extremist can none the less survive for some time in irradiated areas with relative safety (or perhaps Hurria doesn't have enough doctors specialising in radiation poisoning?). Though the highly advanced radiation weapon the Desolator makes use of is far beyond the capabilities of the fractured Hurrian presence in war-torn Iraq, a grenade launcher and a bunch of grenades is easy to acquire or manufacture. Add a few questionable substances - nuclear waste, chemicals, virus gas, whatever is on site - and suddenly, a small village flanked by a failed nuclear reactor, providing 'natural' defence in the form of a lethal radiation field, is vulnerable to Extremists emerging from precisely this lethal radiation field.
Soviet soldiers can only scream in horror as the homes they have occupied are filled with all kinds of materials violating any code of conduct in wartime, and Soviet tank drivers can only pray as their tanks literally melt under an onslaught of Extremist grenades. Fear not, innocent citizens, your liberation is at hand! That cloud of green fumes, poison and radiation and more, that marks the end of your oppression! And in time, you will come to love the green glow of the Extremist as much as you love the green of Hurria's banner.
Extremist made by Shadowfx78 (modified)
$1000, Recruitment Post, Command Centre
150 strength, plate armour
Speed 4, sight 5
'Hammer' cannon with chaos capsules (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
'Hammer' cannon with HE shells (anti-building)
(long-ranged chaos-shells, no damage versus units, good damage versus buildings)
"Bringing the Hammer." (voice based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3's Hammer Tank)
Sometimes, Hurria needs to stage an assault on well-maintained military bases. Sparkling with tesla electricity, ready to zap any unauthorised person, or filled with a grid of softly humming prism lasers, few would voluntarily come within range of these horrifying devices. Still, as the Iraqi civil war lasts longer and longer, more and more fortifications are constructed. And how better to mark that this street corner is under the control of this and that Soviet oppressor, than by constructing a shiny Tesla Coil to fry any brave citizen wishing to risk his life for the Hurrian cause?
To deal with this kind of oppression, veterans soldiers together with children raised specifically for military purposes were put into the Zealot programme. An idea suspected to originate from Saudi Arabia (with the children taken from the then-People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, now the Unified Kingdom of Yemen), in an effort to foster the flame of Arab nationalism and to make the Saudi dynasty the benevolent protectors of the oppressed Iraqi populace, the Zealot programme has quickly been copied by other Hurrian leaders. For indeed, who doesn't want virtual super-soldiers carrying cannons resembling the barrels of tanks, launching both capsules filled with a potent concentration of chaos gas and shells rivalling those of Grand Cannons, over a range surpassing that of most weapons in the world?
For the price of but a small part of the new generation growing up knowing nothing but the tough military life - and how do you think families fighting for Hurrian cells live? - every Hurrian movement so inclined can request shells and cannons from the Saudi arsenal, not to mention the products of research in chaos technology conducted in the many underground bunkers. Every Hurrian movement can unleash an army of Zealots upon unsuspecting enemies, causing entire armies to destroy themselves as they fall under the maddening effect of chaos, causing enemy bases to crumble as highly-explosive shells rain down upon them from miles away. No one is safe from the barrage of shells even a single Zealot can unleash. With the addition of chaos gas to the nuclear waste, all that is left of Iraq will soon be Hurria's.
Zealot made by ZombyDragon
$1500, Recruitment Post, Command Centre
200 strength, plate armour
Speed 6, sight 8
'Plague' sniper (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
Virus dynamite (anti-building)
(hero, sniper, but spawns virus clouds upon impact (not upon the death of infantry), kills drivers (not of harvesters, nor with her IFV weapon), has Crazy Ivan-esque dynamite, detects stealth and disguise, is radar invisible, is fearless)
"Here comes the plague."
Salam - though that undoubtedly isn't her real name - is a woman with unknown origins and an entire epic of stories too fantastic to possibly be true. Or so the Allies hope, at least. Salam has been known to operate all over northern Africa and the Levant. From slowly but surely eliminating the entirety of Morocco's government, from poisoning Italian authorities in Tunisia one by one, from blowing up oil rigs in Libya - it is even said that Salam led the first Battle Miner, scaring away the Allied presence with her poisonous darts, strategically eliminating those soldiers she deemed would rally their comrades in a desperate charge to drive Hurria away, and claiming a rich ore vein all for Hurria. Some of the more outrageous stories speak of sniping the pilot of a passenger plane flying by, of eliminating and then commandeering a convoy of Apocalypse Tanks handed over to the Allied occupation force, and of single-handedly almost provoking the Tuareg into open rebellion against the French.
Though it is hard to ascertain truth from falsehood, it can't be denied that Salam has a way of finding herself in places where she couldn't possibly be. Armed with nothing more than a presumably scavenged sniper rifle of Soviet manufacture, she employs her unparalleled knowledge of chemicals and toxins to clean out entire buildings by managing to fire a single dart filled with poison in a position calculated to quickly let the poison spread throughout the entire structure. Of course, the Allies and Soviets have guarded their buildings against these poisonous fumes - mostly successfully, though it is somewhat of an arms race - but for such heavy-duty work, Salam has ample explosives, all enhanced with the chemicals and toxins she is so well known for. It would take a very skilled crew to disarm her traps and tricks in time, before the entire military base is brought down by the hands of one single woman - Tanya has got nothing on the silent assassin that is Salam.
Salam dynamite cursor made by MustaphaTR
Raid Miner
$750, Workshop
500 strength, miner armour
Speed 8, sight 5
(mobile miner, two slaves with ten reload rate, immune to terror drones, can't be sold, can't be click repaired, doesn't self heal)
"Let's go on a raid!" (voice based on Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars' Raider Buggy)
Hurria is a largely unorganised and decentralised collection of cells ranging from the very west of Africa to the borders of China and India. There is no Hurrian state, and many of the countries they operate in are openly hostile to Hurria, hunting down any trace of Hurrian activity with extreme prejudice. Imagine, after all, that the European and Soviet governments would no longer control these countries by proxy - imagine that these colonies might know independence! Preposterous and dangerous, especially in modern times, with tensions rising and rising.
As a consequence, however, Hurria can't afford to set up long-term mining operations, like the Allies and Soviets do. Instead, Hurria relies on the fast Raid Miner, a truck capable of processing small amounts of ore at a moment's notice. Two workers - often drafted from the local populace at gunpoint - will try to gather as much ore as quickly as they can, stealing small amounts of ore here and there, right under the nose of Allied and Soviet authorities. Should they be detected, the workers might opt to join their 'liberators', but the Raid Miner itself should be able to quickly speed away to safer grounds.
Raid Miner made by datmax2014 (who got it from partyzanpauly, perhaps, while the included .txt ascribes credits to BKUS2003 - whoever did what, you're all thanked!)
Lasher Light Tank
$700, Workshop
200 strength, heavy armour
Speed 8, sight 4
'Whiplash' 90mm cannon (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(four ammo with a fast rate of fire, then a slow rate of fire until the ammo has been reloaded, projectile flies faster like in the original game, but the Allied Light Tank barrel and the Tank Destroyer sound have been removed)
"Prepare for your lashes!"
Originally in development by the Soviet Union to serve as a companion to the twin-barrelled Heavy Tank, the Second Great War came to an end before this light tank could enter production. With the advent of the Rhino Heavy Tank - combining the best of both worlds, and more importantly, being cheaper to produce than two separate tanks - the light tank was abandoned. But not by Yuri, who stumbled upon the almost finished light tank as he went through the Kremlin archives before his great escape. He saw in the light tank a tank that perfectly suited his needs; the speed to cover a large swathe of uninhabited territory combined with the firepower that small squads of light tanks could overwhelm any opposition.
Yuri was not the only one, however, who acquired the blueprints of this almost finished light tank. As part of one of the many military deals with India, the Soviet Union shipped the entirety of its notes, materials, and blueprints concerning the light tank to India, and a Hurrian cell in Pakistan was all too eager to ambush this convoy and get its hands on the light tank. For Hurria, too, saw the advantages of this light tank; as a large movement spanning almost the entire width of Eurasia, covering countless kilometres of empty desert, they needed a tank with the capability to rapidly respond to threats. Speed, then, was more important than armour.
Speed, and the ability to quickly deal with any threat before this threat could react and puncture the rather lightly armoured tank. As luck would have it, India soon began applying Chinese autoloaders to its newly manufactured light tanks - and of course, Hurria was only too happy to profit from this, nicknaming the resulting weapon 'Whiplash'. The PSI Corps would eventually settle on a different tank, but as for Hurria, they adopted the Soviet-Chinese-Indian amalgamation as their own. A speedy tank capable of rapidly unleashing four shells, no one should be able to get away from this onslaught - and if they do survive, well, there are plenty of able men around to commandeer these cheaply manufactured tanks; you wouldn't just send one Lasher Light Tank to lash your enemies, would you?
Gatling Quad
$600, Workshop
210 strength, light armour
Speed 6, sight 5
Twin gatling cannons (anti-infantry, anti-air)
(Gattling Tank, without an extra 't' and without the power it had in the main game)
"Let's take the guns for a spin!"
Hurria was in the unique position of needing to counter both the many squadrons of planes with which the Allied Nations dominate the skies, as well as the imposing zeppelins that block the very sun from shining down. And while Soviet flak is effective against the former, and Allied missiles against the latter, Hurria needed something that was effective against both - and easy to produce, too. The Gatling Quad aims to fulfill this role; as a lightly armoured and not particularly fast vehicle, the quad is easy to manufacture - even from scavenged parts, should the need arise - and its twin gatling cannons can shower the sky in a cloud of lead much like a Soviet flak cannon does, but it can also target individual aircraft with pinpoint precision, much like Allied missiles do. Indeed, the longer the gatling cannons fire, the more inaccurate they become - but that hardly matters when countless amounts of bullets pierce the clouds at any given moment. Not the toughest Kirov armour can withstand this death by a thousand cuts, and even the fastest plane would fly through this stream of bullets at great risk to itself.
There are but two problems with the Gatling Quad; overheating, which remains a serious concern for any driver of this vehicle, and the amount of bullets necessary for the Gatling Quad to fully come to its right - luckily, the Hurrian movement exists primarily in war-torn wastelands full of shells, cases, and all kinds of material that can be used as - or quickly reforged into - bullets. The Gatling Quad, then, is a brilliant piece of engineering, born out of necessity, but perhaps surpassing both the ingeniousness of the IFV and the simplicity of the Flak Track.
$700, Workshop
300 strength, light armour
Speed 7, sight 4
Chaos pile (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle)
(transports two passengers, size limit of one, comes preloaded with a Tribute, spawns chaos particles, has a chaos deathweapon)
"Our clan is strong!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Technical)
The Hurrian movement is popular all across Eurasia, with cells existing in the urbanised and prosperous north and west of Africa, as well as in rural and poorer central-Asia. Especially in this latter region, family matters. Clan matters. Entire villages are organised around families, and indeed, to an outsider, it all might seem to be very feudal. Still, even these regions contribute to the Hurrian cause, by shipping off sons of families to one of Hurria's Command Centres, for example, to be integrated into one of the many Hurrian armies. A vast network of paths and roads exist - though intentionally not maintained, making travelling quite arduous, but also making the paths and roads quite hidden - so that the Hurrian cells can stay in contact with each other. A logistic nightmare, this network none the less ensures that resources and manpower are almost always there where needed.
With the best trucks pressed into raiding-cum-mining duty, this transport usually happens with older trucks. And as ordinary trucks aren't hard to acquire, these efforts were soon integrated into the local economics, with families requesting supplies from other families in return for favours or other assistance. An outsider might draw parallels between peasant families offering tribute to their liege lords, and indeed, to an outsider, it all might seem to be very feudal.
Alongside food, materials, and other more mundane substances, the most influential families also trade in war technology; predominantly, Saudi chaos technology. Though dangerous when handled improperly, it is a useful substance to ward off areas from hostiles. Mostly, however, it has transcended into a status symbol, with trucks packed chock-full of chaos gas to showcase the wealth and might of this or that family - that this family is able to acquire highly valuable war material. Such a truck - known as a Clansman - might arrive on the battlefield to give aid to a Hurrian commander, increasing the influence of the family that sent this Clansman.
As the PSI Corps' influence on Hurria grows, the wealth and might of families is more and more often shown with exotic technology and artefacts hard to acquire. Such as those developed by or with the help of the PSI Corps. Clansmen from the most powerful families are now loaded with so-called Tributes; unstable creatures - humans? - filled to the brim with chaos gas, at risk of exploding in a soothing cloud of gas any moment, but capable of helping out with mundane tasks such as carrying messages or hauling heavy materials. A Hurrian commander could use these creatures to repair vehicles, or could use their gas to heal people (probably without any side-effects...), though some question the use of blasphemous mutants. And indeed, if this is what Clansmen are now filled with - where will it end?
Clansman made by raminator
Clansman cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Khirah Automaton
$400, Workshop, Communications System
130 strength, light armour
Speed 8, sight 5
'Khirah' bomb (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(cloaked when not moving, destroys itself by exploding when attacking, also explodes when destroyed, detects stealth and disguise)
*Incomprehensible beeps hiding the ticking bomb inside*
When someone needs to be put to rest, mines are a good answer. Someone would sleep safer, knowing that his home is warded by a minefield. And those who need to be silenced would forever stay silent, upon stepping on a mine. Of course, a mobile minefield would be more convenient, and indeed, the Libyan trucks full of explosives that outright blew up the ports and harbours, preventing the Europeans from landing in Libya during the Third Great War, proved to be most effective. Inspired by these Demolition Trucks, Hurrian scientists in Iran, under the leadership of the notorious Rodall Juhziz, developed what amounts to little more than a mobile mine - a moving bomb, as it were.
The Khirah is the result; a remote-controlled automaton that can become wholly invisible to the naked eye, like a carefully hidden mine, waiting for unsuspecting enemies to approach - and when they do, the Khirah can detonate itself in a glorious explosion, incinerating entire battalions of infantry. Marvel at the ingenuity of Iranian science, marvel at the demolitions of Rodall Juhziz - and worry, worry about the plains without craters, the fields without scorches, for it is there where the hidden Khirahs still lie in waiting.
$600, Workshop, Communications System
150 strength, light armour
Speed 10, sight 4
'Dust' rockets (anti-building)
(12 ammo, though starts with 6, inaccurate, not particularly good at being an artillery unit, and even a lone Conscript can destroy it at times, but it's something)
"Leave them in the dust!" (voice based on Command & Conquer: Generals' Rocket Buggy)
A very Hurrian unit; fast, cheap, lightly armoured, and armed with an almost endless supply of rockets - perfect for harassment and surprise attacks. Countless squads of Dustdevils patrol the Sahara, ready to strike against the helpless Allied forces at a moment's notice - Allied forces that know that, should they try to engage, to follow the speedy Dustdevils, that they will be trapped in unknown deserts cut-off from any help, like lambs in a butchery. And so the Allies buckle up in their bases, hoping that the latest rocket barrage won't kill them - the cowards.
From one perspective, these kind of attacks have little effect, in that few Dustdevils stick around log enough to actually do lasting damage; usually, a few days work of repairing - or a few moments of the marvellous repair function of MCV-technology - will see the Allied base all fixed and shiny. But from another perspective, how many messages will need to be sent back home - yet another Allied serviceman or -woman killed in an attack of terror? How many soldiers will be able to live, to serve, knowing that their best friends just died - and knowing that there can be no retaliation, lest they all die?
When will they break? How many rockets will be enough to send them past the breaking point, to utterly gut both morale and rational thought? When will they charge out of their fortified bases, rise up from behind their mighty Prism Towers and Grand Cannons? Hoping to destroy the offending Dustdevils and the Hurrian bases they emerge from - but knowing, deep in their hearts, that they are trapped, doomed, like prey, surrounded by endless sand and the distant laughter of eager Hurrian predators. It is a question of when, not if. Northern Africa will be liberated from the imperialists. It will only take a few more rocket barrages.
Dustdevil made by MadHQ (modified)
Dustdevil cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Battle Miner
$1750, Workshop, Command Centre
2000 strength, miner armour
Speed 3, sight 4
'Harb' cannon (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(Slave Miner, eight slaves with 25 reload rate, armed with an inaccurate heavy cannon, immune to Terror Drones, can't be sold, can be click repaired, does self heal, omnicrusher, omnicrush resistant)
"Mining ain't for sissies!"
The Battle Miner was introduced simultaneously in three separate places. In the north-eastern fringes of the Hurrian movement, where Soviet - and possibly Chinese - armour columns could easily lock down any ore fields. Especially as central-Asia isn't very rich in ore, and as Soviet tanks had already rolled roughshod over Afghanistan, there was a real fear that Hurrian operations here might collapse in full. In Iraq, in the desolate wastelands of ruined metropolises, where thick Soviet brick walls and towering Tesla Coils humming with the sound of death itself made any raiding wholly impossibly as a war of attrition emerged - something Hurria has little experience with. And lastly, in the west, in the vast and wide deserts, where there simply weren't enough resources to sustain Hurrian armies, except for the Dustdevils that needed a safe place to return to after their attacks.
The Battle Miner, as a gigantic mobile ore refinery armed with a heavy siege cannon, is the perfect solution for all three of these situations. For one, it can simply roll over any opposition, be it a measly Conscript or an entire Apocalypse Tank; it is, after all, a mobile ore refinery. This does mean that its speed is somewhat lacking, to put it in the best possible terms, but its fast-firing siege cannon, inspired by that of the Mahdi, can relentlessly pummel anyone that dares to intrude its ore field. Its ore field - but not for long, for the many workers part of any Battle Miner operation will have quickly cleaned out the entire field. While the enemy is marshalling his forces to drive away the Battle Miner, the Battle Miner has already harvested the entire ore field and returned back to Hurrian lands with the spoils of war.
Or, like an anonymous Pakistani said; it is like raiding, except that the raid turns into a brutal crushing of imperialist pigdogs fleeing with their tails between their legs!
$2000, Workshop, Command Centre
700 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 4
'Mahdi' chaos cannon (anti-vehicle, anti-building)
Abduction / brainwashing (anti-infantry)
(inaccurate short-ranged bursts of shells that spawn chaos gas, Chrono Prison abduction logic, five passengers, not open-topped, omnicrusher, omnicrush resistant)
"Let's make a warpath!" (Battle Fortress)
A vehicle - or a moving fortress, more accurately put - with a rather interesting story behind it, though few would know it. It was originally developed in China, to counter the Japanese equivalent that was being developed at the same time; the Giga Fortress. With the abrupt defeat of the Soviet Union in operation Chrono Storm, gradually, less and less funding was allocated to this mobile fortress (it never had a specific name, though it was mostly known as either the 'Battlemaster' or the 'Battle Fortress'), as both China and Japan chose to to focus on their economy and infrastructure instead of their military. Indeed, the two countries even spoke of cooperation and inclusion within ASEAN.
Eventually, however, tensions would rise in the world at large, and China recanted its amicable attitude towards ASEAN and the Allies, preferring the walk the line of neutrality (and in the event of hostility, the Soviet Union is far closer than the USA). With the rise of tensions came the rise of Hurria, though, and a daring cell operating from Akmola, Kazakhstan, raided just across the Chinese border where it stole the blueprints of this 'Battle Fortress'. Lacking any heavy armour to counter the Soviet divisions scouring Kazakhstan from Hurrian forces, this cell quickly set out to construct the very first working 'Battle Fortress'. With a few modifications, of course.
Instead of a light machinegun, a heavy artillery cannon was mounted on the fortress. This being a single Hurrian cell, they didn't quite have the know-how to create an actual artillery piece out of it - but then, their need was to counter the endless legions of Soviet tanks, not to lay siege to military bases. They opted to make use of the downsides of their not-quite-an-artillery-cannon by filling the shells with chaos gas; anyone would now think twice of coming close to a Hurrian formation escorted by a 'Battle Fortress', for no one would wish to lose their mind to chaos.
Still, it is not like the Soviets didn't have experience with protecting their soldiers from hazards; certainly for Hurria, Desolators were an all too frequent sight. As the 'Battle Fortress' - now called Mahdi, the redeemer, who will rid the world of evil and usher the world into a glorious Hurrian future at the day of resurrection - spread throughout the Hurrian cells, Yuri's aid was called upon; can he circumvent anything from basic gas masks to plate armour, so that nothing is safe from the Mahdi's wrath?
As it turned out, he could, and the next time a Hurrian force fell upon a troupe of Soviet infantry, these infantry found themselves to be abducted, whisked away into the Mahdi, fully exposed to chaos gas far more concentrated than that in the outside air. These infantry emerged, dazed, confused, but eternally loyal to Hurria; the chaos gas had permanently affected their minds. They had been judged, and resurrected, to redeem themselves, by the Mahdi. Perhaps ufologists could say more about this strange abduction process?
Mahdi abduction animation made by Apollo
Hurria MCV
$3000, Workshop, Communications Centre
1000 strength, heavy armour
Speed 4, sight 9
(MCV, omnicrush resistant)
"Where shall we make base?"
A design clearly given to Hurria by Yuri - as almost all of Hurria's buildings are - the Hurrian MCV is perhaps a bit more ramshackle than the PSI Corps' MCV, though it retains the sleek shape that allows it to glide almost silently through the sands of Hurrian deserts. Lacking the thick hull of Soviet MCVs, as well as the efficient and ingenious design of Allied manufacture, the sleek shape is just as useful at deflecting harm and at unfolding into a centre of operations from where Hurrian influence can spread. Like a ghost hidden behind sandstorms, the MCV can unpack itself in the night, for an army of Hurrian raiders to emerge from the treacherous desert at the brink of dawn - with the backing of the PSI Corps, the deserts have never been more dangerous.
$1250, Landing Strip
150 strength, light armour
Speed 12, sight 7 (note: Flying units use a different speed measurement)
'Sandstorm' chaos machineguns (anti-infantry, anti-vehicles)
(bullets effective against infantry that spawn chaos particles that are effective against formations of units, has a chaos deathweapon)
"With the wind."
The aerial counterpart to the Dustdevil, capable of sweeping down from behind the clouds, of sweeping up from behind the dunes, or indeed, of emerging unscathed from a perilous sandstorm. Much like the Dustdevil, the Sandstorm can suddenly fall upon an unsuspecting enemy, tearing them apart with bullets instead of rockets, escaping before anyone can react. Where they differ, however, is that the Dustdevil unleashes a barrage of conventional rockets, cheaply manufactured so as to be able to rain them down on an enemy's position, while the Sandstorm unleashes a barrage of decidedly unconventional bullets.
The idea of the Sandstorm originates from the Royal Saudi Air Force, that has been experimenting with arming their old aircraft with chaos weapons. Much like Pakistan uses chemicals to make the Soviet Union think twice of sending its men in to occupy the country, so Saudi Arabia could use chaos to make Iraq a death trap for the Soviet Union, finally liberating the oppressed people. While the vast majority of Hurrian cells lack a proper airforce, the cheap Landing Pads are easily capable of adding machineguns to the wings of the odd cropduster and other such non-military planes - and Saudi Arabia is easily capable of sending forth a shipment of small chaos capsules, to be encased within bullets.
Any Hurrian cell can then easily employ the Sandstorm, the bullets of which contain chaos capsules. Though they a bit scarcer than ordinary bullets, the Sandstorm usually only needs one flyby to trap an enemy convoy in clouds of red, and as the Sandstorm flies off into the sunset, behind it, its enemies will be committing suicide in a haze of chaos.
Sandstorm made by freedom fighter (modified) Last edited by nlspeed on Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:31 am; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Hurria Citadel Walls
$100, Hurria Haven, Bio Conduit
500 strength, steel armour
1 sight, 12 adjacency
(walls, with remap colours thanks to Atomic_Noodles)
Hurria makes little use of walls, and remarkably few Hurrian commanders wall off their Havens and Command Centres - something exploited by Allied Spies to at least retain a modicum of control over the north African coast. Still, larger strongholds - such as Isfahan, Dammam, or Karachi - have been fortified with walls, though these tend to be places that have been under Hurrian governance for quite a while and are under no direct threat. As Hurria often relies on mobility, usually no walls are present at their frontline bases - with the exceptions of Basrah, from where a gruelling war of attrition is taking place against Soviet-controlled Iraq, and the more mountainous areas of the east, such as Kashmir and the north of Pakistan.
Hurria Citadel Walls made by Atomic_Noodles
Gatling Cannon
$1000, Hurria Haven, Recruitment Post
500 strength, steel armour
5 sight, 8 adjacency, -25 power
Twin gatling cannons (anti-infantry, anti-air)
(effective against infantry and lighter aircraft, not really useful against heavier units even when fully spun-up)
As with the Gatling Quad, the Gatling Cannon is designed to counter both the Allied and the Soviet airforce. But the Gatling Cannon is further designed to fulfill a multitude of roles, so as to take up less space and require less energy than more traditional defences. From Shock Guns, gradually replacing old Sentry Guns, to Flak Cannons and Tesla Coils, the Soviet Union employs a host of static defence systems. No one who has ever gone up against them would ever question their effectiveness - but they are designed with the principles of Soviet tactics in mind; veritable castles, walled off by thick, spiked, barbed Brick Walls, gigantic military bases that augment MCV-technology with local industry and that even have their own Nuclear Reactor for a power source.
Hurria, on the contrary, generally trends to small outposts that can be packed up and moved in a moment's notice. Constructing so many defence systems is hardly a good use of the limited resources the average Hurrian commander can scrounge together. The Gatling Cannon may be more expensive than both the Shock Gun and the Flak Cannon, but that is because it fulfils both roles - and admirably so; it might well be better than both combined, and that for a cheaper price, for a lesser drain on the available energy, and for taking up less space and requiring less time to be constructed.
If designing the chainguns used by the Faithful was a small miracle of Yuri, then designing the Gatling Cannon was a small miracle of Hurria. No one knows who exactly came up with it, though prince Kassad likes to claim it was himself - which might be true - but some suggest that Yuri must have had his own plans for a Gatling Cannon, given how easily he created the 'Acolyte' chaingun. Still, whether it was designed in cooperation with Yuri or fully by Hurria's own efforts, the results speak for themselves.
The results? Uncountable casings of spent bullets, and uncountable corpses and crashed planes.
$500, Hurria Haven, Communications System
1000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -50 power
(cloaked bunker, can be occupied by five infantry)
Hurrian forces have become experts at barricading streets, fortifying structures, and establishing makeshift fortifications from rubble, as they slowly but surely seized control of their lands back from the Allied and Soviet imperialists. But in the sprawling deserts and plains that they control, they might need such fortifications as well, and it is generally bad policy for soldiers to occupy the homes of civilians. As such, the Citadel was designed, a vital structure part of the Hurrian MCV.
The Citadel is a hardened bunker, capable of withstanding even the fiercest assault - though only for mere moments, in such a case. It serves as a temporary lodging too, with a bit of food, some water, and a bed. Especially the Sahara is full of Citadels, earning them the nickname 'Oasis'. They have another nickname, though, owing to the fact that they are quite invisible to the naked eye; 'Mirage'. Though, once a soldier opens fire on unsuspecting enemies wandering by, the Citadel will of course be easily visible - but by then, it might be too late.
A Citadel, as such, is a safe place for any Hurrian soldier fleeing from pursuers - no wonder that so many Hurrian bases and outposts are ringed with Citadels, and that so many Hurrian taskforces dwell from one Citadel to another. A Hurrian commander once remarked that, if someone had a map of all the Citadels in the world, this someone could accurately predict the movements of any Hurrian force in existence.
Citadel made by MadHQ
Hurria Genetic Mutator
$2500, Hurria Haven, Command Centre
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -300 power
(Genetic Mutator, buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
Some might decry the use of mutants as sinful; humans should not be as Allah, should not create sentient lifeforms as only the Creator can. Fortunately, the jury is still out on whether Brutes and Tributes are sentient. Other arguments question whether the Genetic Mutator actually transforms humans into beasts; perhaps the human is somehow sent into Jannah, paradise, with a beast being pulled from Nar, hell, in its stead. That, of course, opens another can of worms, for it would imply the Genetic Mutator is interacting with Nar, so perhaps the beast simply comes from 'somewhere else'. Further, there is widespread debate on the nature of the soul and how the Genetic Mutator affects it, and so there are many more debates.
Yuri has been careful to not reveal the workings of the Genetic Mutator, and as only very few are in Hurrian hands - one somewhere on the Arabian peninsula, and another one in the hills and mountains of Pakistan, are the only two to have been confirmed to exist - the great controversy that the Genetic Mutator has caused has not yet torn apart the Hurrian movement. Still, it is not at all improbably that certain cells will take it upon themselves to destroy this abomination, this new tower of Babel.
And perhaps that is Yuri's goal? To sow discord and desolation, so that Hurria cannot grow too strong for his agents to control? He surely undermines the Hurrian cause, then, carried by the heartbeats of billions of men and women wallowing in oppression.
Hurria Psychic Dominator
$5000, Hurria Haven, Command Centre
5000 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -400 power
(Psychic Dominator with red animation, only has effect after the animation has finished so that units can move away, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
One of Yuri's later inventions, and although undoubtedly not as capable as the Psychic Dominators Yuri seeks to deploy all around the world, he none the less has granted Hurria a surprisingly potent weapon with this Psychic Dominator. Though Hurrian personnel couldn't begin to explain the inner workings of this device, it seems to create a psychic explosion similar to the - far less explosive - weapons of the Blessed Mechanised Infantry or the Angel, employed by PSI Corps. A peculiarity of this device, though, is that most humans - and indeed, their vehicles, even - emerge relatively unscathed, though wholly enslaved to Yuri. Or, in this case, his enforcers; Hurria.
This might indicate that the Psychic Dominator comes equipped with an advanced artificial intelligence - or, knowing Yuri, not-so-artificial intelligence - to precisely target the weapon. Even so, how can it be that a man would be unhurt, even when surrounded by buildings blown apart in the blink of an eye? Some of the leaders of the various Hurrian cells are a bit worried about lacking the answers to these kind of questions. They were quick to point out that this device is actually different, in that the psychic energy is of an orange shade, instead of the PSI Corps' purple. And then there was that odd rumour about an override function being present on these devices - to prevent Hurria from targeting places Yuri wishes not to be targeted? Why didn't he simply inform Hurria of this, then? Is there a more nefarious purpose for Yuri to be handing out weapons of mass destruction (or enslavement) to his allies? Perhaps to slowly but surely bind them to his cause - irreversibly?
Before the backing of Yuri, Hurria operated in cells, hidden from the world and hidden from each other, with even the members of each cell only aware of a part of the members of their cell. Hurria was a movement, of emotions, of feelings, and such a movement didn't need a command chain to coordinate the countless millions of Hurrians. Indeed, every single human being could be part of Hurria, simply by saying they were, and every act committed against the Allied and Soviet imperialists could be an act committed for Hurria, simply by saying that was the case. No matter that some sought to establish a republic where freedom of religion was upheld, where all cultures and all ethnicities were welcome, while others desired a gigantic empire of Islam only beheld to Allah, no matter that some wished for the old nations from before the colonial times to be restored, with a land for each ethnicity and each faith, while others wanted a post-Westphalianist state unshackled to European concepts of nation-states, seeking to return to the tribes of the past, or perhaps seeking to establish an anarchist paradise - no matter what, all were welcome under the banners of Hurria.
This worked, because all shared a common cause; the destruction of the imperialist apparatus imposed upon them by the Allies and the Soviets. All shared a common enemy. And yet, some cells grew larger than others, and some men held more influence than others, and naturally, leaders emerged. Leaders that, sometimes, saw in their fellow Hurrian just as much of a threat as their Allied and Soviet oppressors - or more, even, as the Allies and Soviets might be far away, while Hurrian cells are nearby. As one moves away from the frontlines of the Hurrian movement, as one moves around in the cities and strongholds of Hurria, safe from any hostiles, one might detect undercurrents of hostility, from brother to brother, all fighting under the same green banner. Political intrigue, assassination, and even open war between two Hurrian cells - a rare sight, to be sure, but not one that has never existed.
With the introduction of MCV-technology to Hurria, graciously bequeathed to them by Yuri, this accelerated. Very much so. There are those who grumble, and spread rumours, of how Yuri personally picked those cells that seemed to be the most loyal to him, the most malleable to his will. These cells received the first MCVs, which increased their power and influence a hundredfold. Operating from easily unpacked Havens - no need to spend years on constructing beautiful palaces for a centre of government, nor to construct a new bunker every other week to stay hidden from enemies - their forces spread like wildfire, easily capable of marching an entire day and having a fully-made base within mere moments of arriving at their destination. No longer did civilian buildings need to be seized, no longer did burnt-out cities need to be scavenged - no, the MCV contained everything needed, and so much more besides. Obviously, this made these cells far more popular with the civilian population as well, not needing to resort to looting and other such measures. That, in turn, meant a massive increase in numbers for these cells, increasing their power and influence even more.
Soon, the internal problems of Hurria had, by and large, been erased. Been rendered wholly irrelevant, unless the closely-guarded secret of the MCV could spread. But until that moment, those cells operating from Havens - Construction Yards - ruled over Hurria, with the gentle hand of Yuri on their shoulders.
Bio Conduit
$600, Hurria Haven
1000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, 150 power (+25 for 5 infantry)
(Bio Reactor, with a 'fixed' name much like the Psychic Spire (Power Plant, Tesla Reactor, Bio Conduit, instead of having two Reactors))
Perhaps the only downside of MCV-based technology are the power requirements. Especially for a movement as Hurria, relying on mobility and surprise, needing to rely on static power sources presents a problem. Though not able to do away with the problem entirely, Yuri's research in the human brain and body has presented Hurria with... An acceptable solution, to most. Perhaps, if not for the existence of Hurria, the PSI Corps would have chosen to construct their own Bio Conduits, abducting innocent people with a fleet of UFOs to power Yuri's psychic operations - but there would ever be the risk of exposure, and with Hurria acting in the PSI Corps' interests, the PSI Corps has time to build up, to research, to grow and plan and await the right moment.
In the meantime, Hurria's own operations are powered by the Bio Conduit; a structure rather easy to construct, taking little space and costing few resources. Because of this, it isn't capable of generating much power on its own - but unlike the PSI Corps, with their even smaller and even cheaper Noosphere Tether, Hurria can ill afford to litter their bases with dozens of Bio Conduits. Instead, a Hurrian commander should exploit the fact that Hurria exists in a state of eternal war, with the frontlines permanently in flux; no one would miss a single Soviet Conscript, nor would a single Allied civilian gone missing be very surprising, in times of war. The Bio Conduit is an able prison for such people, rendering them unconscious and unaware of their status as a power source, as all their brain activity - limited though it might be, what with their slumber - is converted into power for Hurria. Drawing upon the neurological energy of five living human beings, a Bio Conduit can almost double its power output
As far as anyone is aware, there are no negative side effects; no nightmarish dreams, no reduced mental capacity, no odd personality quirks... Perhaps it is too perfect to be true. Perhaps the PSI Corps has merely kept any defects hidden. But when in need, a Hurrian commander might well order the tubes of a Bio Conduit to be filled with five of his own comrades. For the greater good. For the cause.
Recruitment Post
$500, Hurria Haven
1000 strength, concrete armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -25 power
Though the Hurrian movement has traditionally spread by word of mouth, through families and friends, as Hurrian armies march on and the frontlines move farther away, newly liberated areas that have now become safe for Hurria to openly thrive in will often find themselves housing numerous military facilities. Workshops and industry, to manufacture and repair vehicles. Barracks and training camps, to organise the many soldiers of Hurria and give them proper training and armament. These things happen just behind the frontlines, to quickly reinforce the armies at the front when needed, and to be safe from enemy attacks as well. This way, Hurria has two reliable ways of reinforcement. One, by slowly picking out the most oppressed elements in enemy territory, those most open to liberation, who would stage an uprising from within when the time comes, and who would continue their rebellion, no matter the cost, until Hurria's army is there to secure their freedom for good. And two, by making sure Hurria's armies can be deployed quickly and flexibly, drawing on those liberated areas still full of revolutionary zeal.
With the advent of MCV-technology, a third option was added to Hurria's toolset; the concept of a barracks-esque structure, employed by all those using MCVs, though all with their own specialities. The Recruitment Post is, of course, very much based on the PSI Corps' design, as Hurria lacks scientists and engineers specialised in MCV-technology. This is a bit of a problem, as most of the PSI Corps' Cerebral Dormitory is wholly useless to Hurria; Hurria has no need of all the psychic technology, and further, doesn't even understand it (of course, that might be because the PSI Corps 'sanitised' the structure's design before handing it over to Hurria). Still, as a place to sleep and eat, it works well enough. The training facilities might be lacking, but then, there is no better training than a trial by fire.
Raid Miner
$750, Hurria Haven, Bio Conduit
500 strength, miner armour
5 sight, 6 adjacency
(mobile miner, two slaves with ten reload rate, immune to Terror Drones, can't be sold, can't be click repaired, doesn't self heal)
"Let's go on a raid!" (voice based on Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars' Raider Buggy)
Hurria is a largely unorganised and decentralised collection of cells ranging from the very west of Africa to the borders of China and India. There is no Hurrian state, and many of the countries they operate in are openly hostile to Hurria, hunting down any trace of Hurrian activity with extreme prejudice. Imagine, after all, that the European and Soviet governments would no longer control these countries by proxy - imagine that these colonies might know independence! Preposterous and dangerous, especially in modern times, with tensions rising and rising.
As a consequence, however, Hurria can't afford to set up long-term mining operations, like the Allies and Soviets do. Instead, Hurria relies on the fast Raid Miner, a truck capable of processing small amounts of ore at a moment's notice. Two workers - often drafted from the local populace at gunpoint - will try to gather as much ore as quickly as they can, stealing small amounts of ore here and there, right under the nose of Allied and Soviet authorities. Should they be detected, the workers might opt to join their 'liberators', but the Raid Miner itself should be able to quickly speed away to safer grounds.
The Workshop is a tinkerer's dream, easily exceeding the capabilities of the Allied and Soviet equivalents. To be sure, the Allies focus on efficiency, employing modular building blocks and just-in-time logistics to assembly their technologically advanced arsenal for a price not outlandishly more expensive than that of their communist enemies. This despite their lack of the massive industrial might packed into the Soviet War Factory, capable of rolling out an armada of Apocalypse Tanks thanks to the artificially optimised allocation of resources and the advantages in economics of scale that this brings. But while these two powers are focused on making their arsenal as cheap and as quick to produce as possible, Hurria has the advantage of already possessing the cheapest and quickest to produce arsenal.
The PSI Corps' Manufactory is focused on analytics, and though the more psychic elements of this were removed before handing over the designs to Hurria, Hurria's own Workshop retains the immensely detailed graphs and statistics that the PSI Corps enjoys as well. While the Workshop itself cannot analyse units and recommend improvements on its own, Hurrian scientists and engineers can certainly do so with the wealth of information the Workshop provides to them - if you have ever wondered why the nations on the Arabian peninsula are so interested in data scientists, and why India is exporting so many mathematicians, you now have your answer.
Though Hurria has little naval presence worth speaking of, there are still certain places worth fortifying with ships. The Arabian (or Persian) Gulf, for one, rich in oil and a strategic passage to the heartland of Hurria - it would be a disaster if Soviet ships could sail up all the way to Iraq, stabbing Hurria's presence there in the back. The Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, too, for what if Soviet-allied Ethiopia can be convinced to invade the soft underbelly of Arabia? As for the Mediterranean Sea, the European navy is far too strong, and European control of the coasts is far too secure - for now. That will change, one day. From Alexandria to Casablanca, the oppressors will be driven back, and the citizens will know the freedom to decide their own fates. When that moment comes, Hurria must be prepared, with thousands of ships to repel the Europeans.
How exactly that is supposed to be achieved, remains a mystery. The few Hurrian cells active in western and eastern Africa are largely self-sufficient, but they are also small, without the resources to build up a large navy. That might be to their advantage, because a sizeable naval force would surely attract the attention of the USA and the UK. Even so, there are Hurrian commanders who pride themselves on their navy; on the island of Soqotra, or on the coast of Gabon, for example. And others are showing interest; there are even fledgling rebels fighting to secure the independence of the Western Sahara from Morocco, who use a handful of ships to traffic goods to and from the Canary Islands.
All this isn't much of a concern for now, though; Hurria has many land wars to focus on, and the design of the Submarine Pen it acquired from the PSI Corps isn't optimised to produce a conventional navy like that of the Allies or the Soviets. Still, there are Turkish and Indian commanders sympathising with Hurria who would be open to helping out the Hurrian navy, should Hurria ask.
Communications System
$1000, Hurria Haven, Recruitment Post / Workshop / Hurria Submarine Pen
1250 strength, steel armour
8 sight, 6 adjacency, -100 power
(radar, provides Radar van Drop ability - drops a Radar Van that is good for scouting and can debuff enemy armour to 75% - buildtime is 1.5 times as long as it normally would be)
(I'm still looking for a nice building for this, so a description and a picture would be rather useless; for now it simply uses the art of the Psychic Sensor. Perhaps a recoloured Psychic Beacon would be fitting, with Hurria slowly falling under Yuri's control, but the yellow one on YRArg is a bit too yellow, I do not know if or how it is possible to download the one on Pixelops - - and I haven't gotten around to recolouring one by myself))
Radar Van made by MadHQ (modified)
Radar Van turret made by Zero18 (modified)
Landing Strip
$1000, Hurria Haven, Communications System
1000 strength, wood armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency
(can hold two aircraft)
As a movement spanning two continents, one would expect Hurria to have a large airforce. Hurria doesn't, however, perhaps because aircraft require the greatest amount of infrastructure; a buggy can be assembled in a backyard, a soldier can be trained at home, but the manufacturing of a plane and the construction of a whole airfield are highly visible and open to attack. Still, MCV-technology remedies this somewhat, as does the fact that all that the - rather lacking - Hurrian airforce needs is a cheap landing strip, as opposed to a proper airfield. Though still cumbersome and large, lacking the VTOL-technology of the Allies, the Landing Strip is at least easy to camouflage, for it is an almost entire flat structure - especially in the desert, it isn't hard to hide the Landing Strip underneath sand or behind dunes. As is so often the case, no one would see Hurria coming, until it would be too late.
Landing Strip made by Mig Eater (modified)
Command Centre
$2000, Hurria Haven, Communications System
2500 strength, steel armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency, -200 power
(Battle Lab, provides Force Shield ability, buildtime is twice as long as it normally would be)
When a Hurrian base is more than a temporary outpost, a Command Centre might well be established. In the Command Centre, the leadership of the local cells can assemble to, together, coordinate their forces as one army. They can requisition resources and manpower from others; the latest chaos technology from Saudi Arabia, for example, or the blueprints to the heaviest of vehicles, such as the Mahdi, or even the fearsome superweapons the PSI Corps has granted Hurria access to. Projects that take up a lot of time and material to complete, necessitating a coordinated effort. They can even send out a call for the feared Salam to come help them out, though it is doubtful that she would be nearby. Still, the Command Centre signifies a fortified base of operations with staying power. It signifies a place from where Hurrian influence can spread, but perhaps more importantly, it signifies that the surrounding cities are safe, their independence guaranteed, their liberty protected by Hurria. It signifies an influx of citizens from these cities, more soldiers to fight for the Hurrian cause, secure in the knowledge that their family is safe - because the war goes ever on, until everyone is liberated, until everyone knows ever-lasting freedom.
Battle Miner
$1750, Hurria Haven, Command Centre
2000 strength, miner armour
4 sight, 6 adjacency
'Harb' cannon (anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, anti-building)
(Slave Miner, eight slaves with 25 reload rate, armed with an inaccurate heavy cannon, immune to Terror Drones, can't be sold, can be click repaired, does self heal, omnicrusher, omnicrush resistant)
"Mining ain't for sissies!"
The Battle Miner was introduced simultaneously in three separate places. In the north-eastern fringes of the Hurrian movement, where Soviet - and possibly Chinese - armour columns could easily lock down any ore fields. Especially as central-Asia isn't very rich in ore, and as Soviet tanks had already rolled roughshod over Afghanistan, there was a real fear that Hurrian operations here might collapse in full. In Iraq, in the desolate wastelands of ruined metropolises, where thick Soviet brick walls and towering Tesla Coils humming with the sound of death itself made any raiding wholly impossibly as a war of attrition emerged - something Hurria has little experience with. And lastly, in the west, in the vast and wide deserts, where there simply weren't enough resources to sustain Hurrian armies, except for the Dustdevils that needed a safe place to return to after their attacks.
The Battle Miner, as a gigantic mobile ore refinery armed with a heavy siege cannon, is the perfect solution for all three of these situations. For one, it can simply roll over any opposition, be it a measly Conscript or an entire Apocalypse Tank; it is, after all, a mobile ore refinery. This does mean that its speed is somewhat lacking, to put it in the best possible terms, but its fast-firing siege cannon, inspired by that of the Mahdi, can relentlessly pummel anyone that dares to intrude its ore field. Its ore field - but not for long, for the many workers part of any Battle Miner operation will have quickly cleaned out the entire field. While the enemy is marshalling his forces to drive away the Battle Miner, the Battle Miner has already harvested the entire ore field and returned back to Hurrian lands with the spoils of war.
Or, like an anonymous Pakistani said; it is like raiding, except that the raid turns into a brutal crushing of imperialist pigdogs fleeing with their tails between their legs! Last edited by nlspeed on Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Purely to be inclusive, here are my ideas on the navies of the six sides so far. I haven't given much thought to them yet, and only touched the Amphibious Transports, but hey:
Allied Nations Venturer Transport (speed of 8 (instead of 6), light armour, 400 strength (instead of 300), can't crush infantry, can heal and repair?)
Destroyer AEGIS Cruiser Aircraft Carrier
European Union Venturer Transport (speed of 8 (instead of 6), light armour, 400 strength (instead of 300), can't crush infantry, can heal and repair?)
? (chronoshifting ship - or simply the Dolphin? But that seems odd)
? (prism anti-air, and deploys to spawn a lot of comet shrapnel around itself)
World Socialist Union Bulwark Carryall (speed of 4, ROT of 3 (instead of 5), heavy armour, 600 strength, can crush infantry)
Stingray (lightly armoured, relatively slow, short-ranged, but cheaper than the Destroyer and its tesla bolts bounce (with a special variant against Squids and Dolphins that bounces much much more and damages friendly units) - created as coast guard boats)
Seawolf (some kind of anti-air artillery, to keep with the Soviet / Confederate flak difference)
Contadora Confederation Bulwark Carryall (speed of 4, ROT of 3 (instead of 5), heavy armour, 600 strength, can crush infantry)
Typhoon (most couldn't make their way back to Russia, and so, docked into South American ports)
Sea Scorpion (cheaply converted coast guards, easy to produce)
Huitzilopochtli (battleship that fires nine inaccurate incendiary shells (slow ammo reload, very fast ROF), Apocalypse warhead animation + perhaps damaging fire that stays on the battlefield)
PSI Corps Journeyman Inserter (speed of 10, light armour, 200 strength, 9 sight (instead of 6), 6 passengers (instead of 12), can't crush infantry)
Giant Squid (would that work as a main naval unit? Otherwise something that spawns aircraft perhaps, like the Sanctum, but different of course)
? (anti-air submarine)
Boomer (less powerful)
Hurria Journeyman Inserter (speed of 10, light armour, 200 strength, 9 sight (instead of 6), 6 passengers (instead of 12), can't crush infantry)
? (short-ranged, fast, weak ship armed with a normal cannon - nothing special, except that it is very fast - or perhaps a suicide boat?)
? (the overused gatling anti-air ship?)
? (extremely slow ammo reload, extremely fast ROF, has six ammo to launch six capsules containing one Brute each on the battlefield (that instantly start losing health if possible))
Attached to this post are several Notepad files that I have used and am using. They are not written for an audience, may be partly incomprehensible, and are certainly partly wrong, but if you're interested, why not take a look.
RA2YRMod.txt contains various ideas, bugs, and things to check, as well as a list of all the units and buildings. Some of that is wrong - what I posted here is correct - but it might be a fun insight in how things started (though not all original ideas are preserved by a long shot). You're better off reading the above posts, but as of this moment, there is more information about the Allied Nations and the European Union in this Notepad document than there is on this forum.
RA2YR.txt contains many lists of things such as damage, rate of fire, and so on, usually meant for comparison. They might give you interesting insights in things, or cause you to scream 'overpowered!'. The farther you scroll down, the likelier it is that something is wrong - so perhaps read this from the bottom to the top to get the latest information (but even then, who's to say I always updated this document when changing things?).
RA2YRMyModDoc.txt contains a vaguely useful documentation of the changes I have made, though it is decidedly less useful (and simply incorrect, at times) when it comes to listing the changes I made to original units as opposed to general parameters and the like. RA2YR.txt probably trumps this document, if they both say something else. The documentation of general things may be interesting to read, though, and the credits are also in this document - both of those are up to date.
Sound.txt contains bits and pieces about sound effects (though most of that is simply in a folder named SoundEffects) and the soundtrack (I had to think of fitting names for the music from Command & Conquer: Generals / Zero Hour), but the main attraction is the unit voices in text; it lists, for example, that "I hold the secrets of the Machine." is iprisea.wav. It does not list how these voices are modified from the original voices, though; for example, the Zealot uses the Hammer Tank's voicelines, but with a sound far more befitting of a guy encased in a hulking suit of plate armour.
As you have probably noticed, many graphical assets of this mod are based on public assets (though most are at least slightly modified, hence the '(modified)'). When this mod is released, everything part of this mod will be available to others. From custom sound effects and cameos to modified public assets and even the code. I would only ask that the original authors are credited whenever relevant. You can read the credits in the unit and building descriptions, but here is the full list so far:
Remap walls made by Atomic_Noodles
Fixed GI (the GI's deployed machine gun's muzzle fire used unlit colours) made by Atomic_Noodles
GI's 'who's next?' voice extracted by tomsons26lv
Comet made by Speeder
Fixed Chrono Legionnaire (the Chrono Legionnaire used jumpy fire frames) made by Atomic_Noodles (modified)
Chrono Legionnaire's (and Tesla Trooper's) open topped muzzle flash made by Atomic_Noodles
Fixed Prism Tower (snow version, charge animation, build-up frames) made by Atomic_Noodles
Soviet Engineer's 'something needs fixing?', 'need a repair?', and 'I know how it works' voices extracted by tomsons26lv
Fixed Tesla Trooper (the Tesla Trooper had no unique frames for overcharging a Tesla Coil) made by Atomic_Noodles
Tesla Trooper's 'extra crispy' voice extracted by EVA-251
Cannoneer made by MasterHaosis (modified)
Flak Tank made by MadHQ (modified)
Dread Drone made by MadHQ (modified)
Armageddon Tank made by raminator
Armageddon Tank cameo made by Speeder (modified - I am not 100% sure whether this cameo actually comes from Speeder, mind, but it's an old public asset everyone probably recognises)
Soviet Brick Walls cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Shock Gun made by MadHQ
Cannoneer's nuclear projectile made by Gamemate (modified)
Iron Curtain cameo made by Lefthand
Curtain cameo made by Lefthand
Soviet Nuclear Missile Silo cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Nuke cameo made by Lefthand
Repair Crane cameo made by Lefthand
Revolutionary made by ArgCmdr (modified)
Pyro made by Dafool (modified)
Watchman made by Rommel (modified)
Renegade projectile made by Atomic_Noodles (modified)
Agent Orange made by DaFool (modified)
Pathfinder made by Trans_C (modified)
Flak Miner made by Da Arg (modified)
Coatl made by Atomic Noodles (modified)
Coatl projectile made by Gamemate
Coatl warhead animation made by Apollo
Arsonist made by MadHQ (modified)
Arsonist projectile made by Gamemate (modified)
Siege Chopper's 'launching salvo!' voice extracted by tomsons26lv
Gun Emplacement made by MadHQ
Tank Trap made by MadHQ and E1 Elite
Tesla Furnace made by Vinifera7
Armoury made by BrianPrime
Confederate Ore Refinery made by Mig Eater (modified)
Confederate Ore Refinery cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Armour Depot made by tekka warrior (modified)
War Bunker made by Factionmk (modified)
Confederate Iron Curtain made by BrianPrime
Confederate Nuclear Missile Silo made by BrianPrime and COMMANDER
Fixed Initiate (the Initiate's muzzle fire used unlit colours) made by Atomic_Noodles
Ascended made by Chrono Loony (modified)
Blessed made by MadHQ
Psychostasia made by MadHQ
Proselyte made by Bu7loos
Reaper made by MadHQ
Catechism made by MadHQ (modified)
PSI Corps MCV made by Bu7loos
Cherub made by MadHQ
Seraph made by Bu7loos
PSI Corps Citadel Walls cameo made by Lefthand
Brainchamber made by Quiet
Sanctum made by Droke
Sanctum cameo made by Speeder (modified)
Psychic Spire cameo made by Lefthand
Noosphere Tether made by Dark Elf 2001
Cerebral Dormitory cameo made by Lefthand
Grinder cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Manufactory cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Psychic Sensor cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
PSI Corps Submarine Pen cameo made by Lefthand (modified)
Enlightenment Beacon cameo made by Lefthand
Cloning Vats made by CannisRabidus
Cloning Vats cameo made by Lefthand
Genetic Mutator cameo made by Lefthand
Psychic Dominator cameo made by Lefthand
Blessed / Angel warhead animation made by Apollo (modified)
Militant made by justsomeguy (modified)
Militant cameo made by MigEater (modified)
Conspirator made by Medalmonkey (modified)
Faithful made by Atomic_Noodles
Extremist made by Shadowfx78 (modified)
Zealot made by ZombyDragon
Salam dynamite cursor made by MustaphaTR
Raid Miner made by datmax2014 (who got it from partyzanpauly, perhaps, while the included .txt ascribes credits to BKUS2003 - whoever did what, you're all thanked!)
Clansman made by raminator
Clansman cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Dustdevil made by MadHQ (modified)
Dustdevil cameo made by Mig Eater (modified)
Mahdi abduction animation made by Apollo
Radar Van made by MadHQ (modified)
Radar Van turret made by Zero18 (modified)
Sandstorm made by freedom fighter (modified)
Citadel made by MadHQ
Landing Strip made by Mig Eater (modified)
Fire death animation with shadow made by Atomic_Noodles
Virus death animation with shadow made by Atomic_Noodles
Feel free to credit me as well, but that is not a requirement; I am a firm believer that modding relies - and indeed, thrives - on cooperation and sharing. That is true for modding, and it is true for software in general as well - and arguably, for more and more things as the years go by. The fact that this game, a game released sixteen years ago (that is more than one and a half decade! Older than some of the people on this forum, perhaps), is still relatively-ish popular is entirely because of the modding community. Here, on Revora, and on other sites that have long since fallen by the way. So thank you, modding community.
From MooMan's Rules and CannisRules to the recent Mental Omega update, there's still life here. And it's quite nice to see that many of the people I saw, what, twelve years ago or so, are still active here. Are still working, designing, sharing assets and realising ideas - modding. Even Ares is still being worked on - and that, most of all, deserves credit, because the wealth of options that RockPatch, NPatch, and now Ares offers, is quite important for modding. So I would like to end this message with a thank you to Graion Dilach and AlexB (and others? I couldn't really find a development team, in the minute or two that I searched). Thank you.
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:30 pm Post subject:
Sir, the file is 20 bytes, REUPLOAD IT for ASSURED DOWNLOAD
(20 bytes? REALLY!!? Obviously something is wrong with the uploaded file, It's not like I want to download it anyway, I'm just making sure it's available to anyone in the community) _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
Sir, the file is 20 bytes, REUPLOAD IT for ASSURED DOWNLOAD
(20 bytes? REALLY!!? Obviously something is wrong with the uploaded file, It's not like I want to download it anyway, I'm just making sure it's available to anyone in the community)
Ah, no, that is correct! They are only text files for now.
I would like to only release this until the four mentioned sides are fully done - that means, until I have created or found a nice building for the Communications System and the Guerrilla Centre, until all the units have unique voices, and until I have added some more unique sound effects. And perhaps finetune the AI a bit.
Then, I would like to work on the final two sides, the countries - they are all the same for now - and take any criticism, suggestions, balance proposals, et cetera, into account from others. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:58 pm Post subject:
Oh, my bad... Maybe you should ask Banshee, the Administrator of this site for your own forums so that you can post updates about it there. That is if you manage to get him convinced, oh, why don't you practice your own voxelling skills so your mod could be partially graphic original, not all designs of public assets tend to fit together, making it loose the graphical appeal of the mod (I always look forward to the graphical appeal) _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
I'm not sure if this mod would warrant that much attention, because as you say, it is mostly a collection of public assets (though I believe for example OmegaBolt does that as well, so it isn't like it is bad per se, but even so).
I do think all the assets fit together, and I do touch upon them to make sure that they actually do - the most unfitting vehicle is probably Westwood's own Flak Track, but so many mods choose to replace all the vanilla units that I chose not to do so.
I can modify voxels, and I understand how normals work - at least, I understand the basics - but creating voxels from scratch is a step too far for me, let alone creating 3D models for SHP images.
I may eventually decide to touch upon the Flak Track by myself, though, but I wouldn't want to radically change Westwood's design. It is more that the Flak Track looks so glaringly white in certain positions.
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:24 pm Post subject:
Eh, Atomic_Noodles' Tsunami Tank dosen't look like it's fitting for a Terrorist side, maybe add a few scrap plates with spikes, making it near GLA style but not that far. _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
Mhhhm, no, Hurria is the GLA-esque side (though they aren't stereotypical Islamic extremist terrorists), while the Contadora Confederation is communist South America / Mesoamerica; rather normal nations that received an influx of Soviet soldiers as the war suddenly ended. Some of these nations are openly aligned under the Contadora Confederation, but others remain loyal to the USA and are trying to face of communist insurrections. That is why the Contadora Confederation has units such as the Revolutionary, the Insurgent, or the Watchman; they are both normal nations with a professional army, as well as waging a guerrilla war in the jungles and coordinating uprisings in cities. Plus, some of the old Soviet forces have become quite extremist, forever being pushed back by the USA, hiding in the jungles for months on end - they needed something to cling to, and that was their faith in Romanov and in communism.
So the Contadora Confederation is a mix of things, but a Lasher-esque tank made of scrap metal is not their style, as they aren't really a terrorist side like a GLA-stereotype side would be. But of course, this is a matter of opinion - and really, I highly value criticism and the like, so thank you either way! I would gladly hear more (I didn't know it was supposed to be a Tsunami Tank though - perhaps knowing that it is intended as that might make me view it differently?). QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:41 am Post subject:
Well, just maybe try to texturize it so it looks a bit more less of a repaint. _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
The fluff you wrote is awesome. It's incredibly detailed and will definitely help your mod to stand out.
But you might need to get better graphic assets. _________________ Aka DirtyChicken QUICK_EDIT
The fluff you wrote is awesome. It's incredibly detailed and will definitely help your mod to stand out.
But you might need to get better graphic assets.
Think you can help him out with that? _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Well, I do not feel constrained by the graphic assets publicly available, nor have I ever had to settle for anything that isn't what I wished for but will do, or somesuch.
The exceptions are the Flak Track - I'd like to improve upon it myself, in the future - and perhaps the Arsonist, for a Tiberian Dawn-esque Flame Tank might be better. And I need a nice building for the Guerrilla Centre and the Communications System, of course.
It's not as if I choose a random .vxl or .shp that is only vaguely fitting, and for many of my ideas, I already knew what I wanted to use before I had even finalised the draft phase of my mod (I am familiar with the assets that existed approximately seven years ago or so, and although sites such as raminator's are offline now, this forum hosts more assets in return).
However, I may be an odd person in that I do not give much value to 'are these assets original'. All I care about is that they are fitting and look good. And of course, there is no way I could produce .shps that are as brilliant as, say, Medalmonkey's, to name a random person. I would find it to be bad to settle for terrible self-made assets over good public assets.
I do not have any desire to pay people to produce assets for me, and I don't think I like the idea much in general... It's not a project that must be finished in a time limit with weekly deadlines and whatnot. I don't want to steal people's free time, so to say. And I doubt people here are sitting around being so terribly bored all day long, wishing for others to suggest to them what to design.
As for the mod, I tinkered a bit with the Soviet AI (all AIs are designed from scratch, as it was far easier to start from a blank slate than to adapt the original code - the Soviet and Hurrian AIs are fully functional, but that doesn't stop me from tinkering with them at times), and added sounds for a handful of weapons and animations... The Revolutionary's weapon, the Pyro's, the Watchman's - deployed and undeployed - Agent Orange's sniper, the Coatl Light Tank's napalm, the Arsonist's fire, the warhead animation of these three, the Siege Chopper's machinegun, the Gun Emplacement, the Militant's weapon, the Faithful's weapon, the Zealot's weapon, the Dustdevil's weapon, and the Sandstorm's weapon.
That leaves, to my knowledge, only the Psychostasia, the Extremist, and the Mahdi as using non-original sounds (as in, they have unique weapons but use similar sounds - something few would consciously notice, I suspect, but still). I had already given unique sounds to the few Soviet units that needed them (the Armageddon, for example). QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 Aug 2009 Location: Moscow State University
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:56 pm Post subject:
Woah. What a wall of text. And I never expect anyone that can write a long long introduction for just the MCV. Well written.
Just curious, do you have campaign plans so far? If the story can't be read from campaign game play but only from readme file, it will be sad. Also some stories can be made into unit features in a cooler way, I guess.
And to add something about assets: Hurria looks like a GLA kind of side, though sponsored by yuri, it currently looks only like yellowish yuri - kind of a country in yuri side, and took over some old yuri stuff: slave miner, lasher tank, gattling tank, etc. Usually they are considered very typical for a yuri side, maybe they should be replaced and given other names, so it wont remind people of yuri, but make a feeling of a stand alone side. Story is story, but you can hardly say a yellowish yuri war factory is different from original yuri war factory. _________________ Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself? Last edited by kenosis on Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:12 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Haha I get the same impression, he's writing a story and making a mod to use as diagrams/imagery for the story...
Seriously, story means absolutely nothing once you're playing, unless there's a guiding reason for knowing it at all, or like kenosis said: missions.
Rather than explaining your rationale over every irrelevant detail, just use that rationale to make the units, people will see it if you are thorough and consistent without having to be told. Either way knowing the backstory won't make someone feel better about using a unit, so it's a waste of time writing it. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Woah. What a wall of text. And I never expect anyone that can write a long long introduction for just the MCV. Well written.
Just curious, do you have campaign plans so far? If the story can't be read from campaign game play but only from readme file, it will be sad. Also some stories can be made into unit features in a cooler way, I guess.
And to add something about assets: Hurria looks like a GLA kind of side, but it currently looks only like yellowish yuri, and took over some old yuri stuff from psi corps: slave miner, lasher tank, gattling tank, etc. Usually they are considered very typical for a yuri side, maybe they should be replaced and given other names, so it wont remind people of yuri.
I do have tentative plans for the campaign, as you can see above. Of course, I will only start on this after the sides and AIs are fully finished. But yes, I would love to do more than mere storytelling - show, not tell, so to say. You can see this in many descriptions, actually; the way the Lasher Light Tank was acquired, the war of attrition in Iraq...
Indeed. In most of these units' descriptions, I allude to how Yuri helped Hurria create these or how Yuri might have had his own plans.
In Yuri's Revenge, except for the first mission, you are playing at the same time as Red Alert 2 happens. But the intro and the first mission happen after Red Alert 2 has ended. With this mod, I am trying to show what might have happened after Red Alert 2 has ended.
Consider, for example, the Psychic Dominator; some might have wondered how the Psychic Dominators from the intro were so very dangerous, while in-game, they are 'just' another superweapon. Well, that isn't an inconsistency; that is because at the time of Red Alert 2, they weren't fully developed yet, but at the time of Yuri's Revenge intro, they were. So I postulate that a bunch of decades passed between the end of Red Alert 2 and the intro of Yuri's Revenge.
In this time, Yuri would have fully fledged out his psychic arsenal. The Soviets, left in North America after the end of Red Alert 2, retreated southwards into South America. And the European and Soviet colonies started cracking under independence movements, causing Hurria to rise.
But then, in the first mission of Yuri's Revenge, we travel back in time to Red Alert 2. And suddenly, Yuri doesn't have such a fledged out arsenal at all. He needs to scramble, trying to use whatever forces he has at his disposal, to counter this time travelling threat. The Floating Disk, for example, is a prototype UFO only meant for claiming resources; abducting humans and draining refineries. It would have evolved into the Seraphim, as Yuri's forces grow strong enough to not need to rely on this kind of risky resource gathering - but with the player having travelled back in time, it is pressed into service as an offensive unit. Similarly, the Slave Miner is a stop-gap measure to at least be able to harvest some ore, having been caught wholly unprepared - but ideally, of course, Yuri wouldn't enslave anyone, but mind control them, and simply grow / breed / manufacture organic parts to process into resources.
Yuri is an odd side, in Yuri's Revenge, and you see this in many mods, I think. Most mods add something like a psychic subfaction and a chemical subfaction. Mental Omega has its Scorpion Cell, for example, which is a Yuri-aligned force operating from Africa. But it is explicitly not a force headed by Yuri himself, and I believe Mental Omega is setting them up to betray Yuri, in future campaign missions. I have a similar vision on this; enslavement and GLA-esque tanks aren't Yuri's style - but he uses them in Yuri's Revenge out of necessity, because he is so very unprepared.
MCV-technology should logically speaking be a secret far more tightly guarded than nuclear weapons, I would say. Yuri managed to steal it from the Soviets and completely reverse engineer it, to create his own arsenal. In this mod, Yuri has eventually gifted this MCV-technology to certain pro-Yuri cells from Hurria, causing these cells to become so dominant that Hurria is more or less aligned with Yuri (but Hurria has no idea about all the psychic things on Antarctica, and many Hurrians deeply question the technology behind the Genetic Mutator, for example).
Hurria hasn't yet had the time or means to reverse engineer the MCV-technology - and why would they? - so they are using the same buildings as Yuri does, more or less. Though the descriptions do mention that certain features are disabled, that certain buildings are unfitting, and so on - compare the Recruitment Post to the Cerebral Dormitory, for example. The descriptions are mostly written from the point of view of someone aligned to the respective factions, so they provide insights in how the factions operate and view things as well; the PSI Corps' descriptions take care to use a capitalised 'His' and 'Him' when referring to Yuri, and Hurria is far more ignorant about how the buildings work and what they are meant to do than the PSI Corps is, obviously.
Of course, there isn't a nice set of GLA buildings, for example, that I could use for Hurria. And so, I simply altered Yuri's buildings and gave the more brown-yellow looking versions to Hurria. But if a whole set of GLA buildings would suddenly appear, I wouldn't want to use them, as it simply would make less sense at this point. This also explains why the Contadora Confederation's buildings look similar to the Soviet Union's; their MCV-technology comes from the Soviets withdrawing into South America, only slightly altered - greyer, primarily - to be less noticeable to American aircraft flying overhead. And so it will be with European Union too, receiving their MCV-technology from the USA.
G-E wrote:
Haha I get the same impression, he's writing a story and making a mod to use as diagrams/imagery for the story...
Seriously, story means absolutely nothing once you're playing, unless there's a guiding reason for knowing it at all, or like kenosis said: missions.
Rather than explaining your rationale over every irrelevant detail, just use that rationale to make the units, people will see it if you are thorough and consistent without having to be told. Either way knowing the backstory won't make someone feel better about using a unit, so it's a waste of time writing it.
I'm not exactly sure what you are saying. These descriptions do not serve as a justification of my thoroughness or consistency, and obviously the backstory isn't in any way present in-game until I get around to designing a campaign. But modding is a creative exercise, and I have always liked creating my own worlds. I like drawing maps, writing stories, and designing games, and I have done all three often enough. Modding, of course, is a part of that. I could go into my whole lifestory, back to when I wasn't even ten years old, modding GTA2, designing my own GTA worlds and whatnot, but... It's just a theme in my life. Something I have always liked. I want to do more than merely put some units and code together - I want to create a living world, where things make sense, where progression and cause and effect can be seen. In a campaign, of course. But that first requires sides to be fully designed. And a part of that, for me, is thinking up how their arsenals came to be, what their motivations are, and so on.
Which is also why Hurria is explicitly not a GLA-stereotype; they are not Islamic terrorists hell-bent on destroying the west. Not primarily so. They are people who want independence from the colonial empires that, without a Second World War, continue to exist. Similarly, many Jewish people have flocked to Hurria, for without a Second World War, bigotry against Jewish people hasn't turned into such a hugely bad thing as it is in our world. Turning them into a GLA-stereotype is a trope, a stereotype, something everyone knows. I want to take them to a slightly different path, and allow the Contadora Confederation - another sort-of-but-not-really-terrorist-faction - to exist besides them. That was actually one of my first desires, along with fleshing out the 'what would have happened inbetween Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge' thought that I described earlier in this post.
You don't need to like all this lore, of course, and you are free to not read a word! But I am the kind of person who has literally spent more time in the Elder Scroll games reading the books than playing the games. And in the first place, a mod is a creative effort, not a challenge to create the best multiplayer RTS or such. You certainly do not need to feel better at knowing a backstory or not - but if you like it, then you like it, and if you don't, then you don't. I do like it, and you may not, and that is perfectly fine. QUICK_EDIT
Today I finished with adding unique sounds for the units that exist so far. I got the bright idea to add unique movestart sounds as well (as if anyone will ever notice ), which I did for twelve units. Apparently, harvesters do not have any movestart sounds at all. I wonder why.
I added a few more weapon and warhead / animation sounds. To the Quetzalcoatl - the napalm carpet bomber called in by Agent Orange - for example, as well as the Siege Chopper's artillery (so that the Mahdi and Battle Miner can use the original Siege Chopper's sound), and the Psychostasia. And possibly some more.
Finally, something I never quite got around to yet, I gave the Radar Van its own voice ('expanding service area', along with the the two crush voices, fit oddly well as attacking voices). The Pathfinder - another unbuildable unit - already had its own voice.
It's all not very exciting, but I like to go beyond the obvious (you might have noticed, what with the novel I wrote in the first few posts ). But now, it is bedtime! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 05 Sep 2013 Location: LocationNotFoundException at RealLife.Location.find() at line: -1
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:31 pm Post subject:
Nice work on the story! Too bad RA2 does not have something like the info/intel-menu thing from C&C3, which would be perfect for these things. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 Aug 2009 Location: Moscow State University
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:54 pm Post subject:
Yep, you are more of a story teller than a RTS game maker. That's my impression. Game-wise a mod should have multiple unique features for all units, specific functions and styles for each side, etc. While in story telling you can have similar tech trees as background, as game content they won't make much difference for players. Actually I think to tell such a story the old piece-of-crap engine can't do much. _________________ Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself? QUICK_EDIT
Yeah, C&C3's engine is better suited for the job. Maybe even Generals'. What about E:BFD tho? _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Such an intel database would be very nice, yes. But practically speaking, there isn't much difference between placing the description on a website - such as this forum - or in the mod itself, because the mod would be distributed through a website anyway.
kenosis makes a very interesting point - could you explain how exactly do you find the units to be lacking, I wonder? Technology-wise, the sides have their themes, such as fire for the Contadora Confederation and psychic weaponry for the PSI Corpse (and of course, within these broad themes, smaller areas such as mind control or the Blessed's and Angel's weapon). Then there are various things such as the PSI Corps being very reliant on infantry - and specifically, getting a jumpjet and rocketeer infantry with their radar - while lacking any vehicular artillery, the World Socialist Union obviously having heavier vehicles than others, Hurria having lighter and faster vehicles than others... No two units are functionally equivalent, I believe, looking at the main battle tanks, for example, or at at the basic anti-tank infantry, or at the available base defences for the sides, or at the differences between the rocketeer units. I will expand upon these later, if you wish, but I have university now.
Speaking of rocketeer units, I decided to touch upon some of the already existing units of the Allied Nations (i.e. the non-European Allies). The Sniper, for instance, now costs $1000 and can attack flying infantry as well - I am not sure how desirable this is, so this may be reverted - while the Rocketeer is armed with two rapid firing inaccurate machineguns, perfect for ripping apart a convoy of infantry or light vehicles, but incapable of attacking aircraft. The Navy SEAL, on the other hand, now requires the Tech Hookup (renamed Battle Lab), is slightly worse against infantry, but cloaks when not moving.
Going back to kenosis' point; the Allied Nations are the conventional 'western' military, with two robotic units instead of the usual one, and both of these being proper offensive units; one with a cannon like the Robot Tank, and one with a / twin machinegun(s). They are intended to be somewhat of an anti-infantry faction, and combined with the robots, they would perhaps be best against the PSI Corps, but obviously, all factions should be able to be played against all factions. Again, I can expand upon this later, this post is written in a bit of a rush. QUICK_EDIT
kenosis makes a very interesting point - could you explain how exactly do you find the units to be lacking, I wonder?
I'm Chinese and obviously my English sucks. I just want to express what I think. Sorry for my crappy English.
Kenosis and me discussed about how to write fluff after seeing your work, and he had said something about your unit design.
I think what he means is that most of your unit designs are just reusing stuff present in the original game. Lore-wise the units are full of stories and legends, but in game they are just rhino tanks/conscripts with different stats---no new mechanisms, no new ideas, just putting old technology and old weaponary everywhere.
I like the lore you wrote a lot, but the unit designs themselves are, to be frank, far from interesting. For example, I can see why you put strong emphasis on mind-controll-esque weaponary for your PSI-corps subfaction, but making literally EVERYONE a walking brain in a jar blowing up/controlling things with their brain in a whole subfaction is just dull. We know Yuri loves brain, but maybe he has something more to show, not just throwing out another brain guy/brain car/brain tank/brain jet/brain disc/brain boat/brain battleship controlling people or releasing rainbow-colored psychic waves damaging/healing stuff.
After all it's a mod. Players want cool new toys and you're supposed to make them cool and new. And just saying they are cool in the fluff is far from enough. They need to be cool in game, and that means, you need to come up with more creative unit designs: how they interact with the gameplay, not why they exist due to the fluff you wrote.
And i seriously doubt the idea of removing miners altogether and forcing PSI-corps player to build and grind their guys for money. It will inevitably break the balance and I'm not sure whether AI will correctly use this. _________________ Aka DirtyChicken QUICK_EDIT
I'm Chinese and obviously my English sucks. I just want to express what I think. Sorry for my crappy English.
Not to worry! Your English is perfectly fine, really.
Kenosis and me discussed about how to write fluff after seeing your work, and he had said something about your unit design.
I think what he means is that most of your unit designs are just reusing stuff present in the original game. Lore-wise the units are full of stories and legends, but in game they are just rhino tanks/conscripts with different stats---no new mechanisms, no new ideas, just putting old technology and old weaponary everywhere.
I like the lore you wrote a lot, but the unit designs themselves are, to be frank, far from interesting. For example, I can see why you put strong emphasis on mind-controll-esque weaponary for your PSI-corps subfaction, but making literally EVERYONE a walking brain in a jar blowing up/controlling things with their brain in a whole subfaction is just dull. We know Yuri loves brain, but maybe he has something more to show, not just throwing out another brain guy/brain car/brain tank/brain jet/brain disc/brain boat/brain battleship controlling people or releasing rainbow-colored psychic waves damaging/healing stuff.
After all it's a mod. Players want cool new toys and you're supposed to make them cool and new. And just saying they are cool in the fluff is far from enough. They need to be cool in game, and that means, you need to come up with more creative unit designs: how they interact with the gameplay, not why they exist due to the fluff you wrote.
I smiled at the rainbow coloured psychic waves.
But I see your point, though I do not entirely agree - but it might depend on what exactly you find to be unique; I may be thinking more of broad themes while you may be thinking of specific mechanisms. Even so, let's take the PSI Corps, as you used it in your example.
The Initiate is nothing special, of course.
The Priest is a unit that can only mind control vehicles, and thereby serves as the basic anti-tank infantry. That is pretty unique, I think, though it doesn't make use of a new mechanic. The Priest further has a psychic wave that repairs vehicles (as for the rainbow colours; blue psychic waves deal damage, purple psychic waves heal, that's the only difference ), which is a unique enough mechanic, I think.
The Ascended is more or less the commonly used Parasite, nothing special really.
But together with the Angel, it allows the PSI Corps to have an attack force consisting purely over flying units, so to say. Especially with the Cherub and Seraphim. That's a unique theme. Focusing on the Angel itself, it is a jumpjet unit, unlike the Rocketeer and Ascended, and jumpjet units do not exist in the original game. It has a long-ranged attack good against vehicles and buildings - a flying infantry artillery, as it were, which is again pretty unique, I believe. And it can land for its own psychic wave, this time one that heals infantry; every side has a way to heal infantry and vehicles, and psychic waves - of the Priest and the Angel, for vehicles and infantry respectively - is the PSI Corps' method.
The Reborn is simply a slightly improved Yuri Clone, nothing special.
Yuri Prime is capable of mind controlling multiple things, but the original game's Psychic Tower can also do that.
The Blessed Mechanised Infantry is the most bland of the new main battle tanks, to be sure. Its only uniqueness is the fact that its warhead's percentages are 'reversed', in that it deals the most damage against steel, then concrete, then wood, then heavy, then medium, then light, then plate, then flak, and then none... Well, roughly so, not exactly so. And it lacks a turret, but eh.
The Psychostasia's missiles have a slow effect, slowing down units that they hit, something not present in the original game.
The Proselyte Automaton takes the Mastermind's overload mechanic from the original game, but changes this mechanic in such a way that it instantly overloads. It is further cloaked, fast, and lightly armoured, turning it into a sacrificial unit to cause temporary chaos. That's a unique take on this, I believe.
The Reaper mutates infantry into Brutes, which is a common feature of mods, but makes use of something not present in the original game either.
The Catechism permanently mind controls infantry with a miniature Psychic Dominator animation / sound, which is something I haven't ever found in a mod. That isn't something I have ever found in a mod, though you might argue that it exists in the form of the Psychic Dominator super weapon.
The Mastermind is a combination of the traditional MAD Tank and the original game's Mastermind. Just like the Proselyte, the Mastermind starts overloading the moment it mind controls even one unit. So get it into an enemy base, watch as your enemy's units fall under your control, and wait until your Mastermind explodes in a building-destroying wave of destruction - a slightly unique take on the concepts behind the MAD Tank, the Demolition Truck, and the Mastermind.
The Cherub cloaks infantry, which adds to the earlier mentioned theme. The original game has no cloaking units or stealth generators or such, so in that sense, the Cherub is unique.
The Seraphim uses the magnetron's weapon (incapable of targeting harvesters, though) in combination with anti-air lasers (with the sole exception of being able to target infantry on the ground... A limitation that cannot be helped, alas). So its two weapons work together to deal damage. That might be unique, or it might not be.
We can look at a few buildings as well. The Noosphere Tether must be placed next to a building, and you will need many to generate enough power. They are very vulnerable, and can hold one infantry - just like the Bio Conduit holds five - to generate more power. They cloak infantry in a very small radius around themselves, though, so while an enemy might see a cluster of vulnerable Noosphere Tethers, perhaps you have hidden mind controlling infantry around them, and your enemy is now sending units into your trap.
As you point out, there is the whole economy, what with the Grinder replacing miners. Is that balanced? Maybe. Without a Cloning Vats, the PSI Corps really has a hard time generating any money, but with a Cloning Vats, it is quite fine. It adds interesting decisions though, for you need to train infantry to fuel your economy. But you also need infantry to put into your Noosphere Tethers, for power. And if you look at the PSI Corps' units, its artillery unit and all of its non-overloading mind control units are infantry. But do you train those, or do you train more infantry to send into the Grinder or a Noosphere Tether? Or do you use your mind controlling infantry to send your enemy's units into the Grinder?
The Brainchamber - the PSI Corps' basic defence - also requires an infantry to be inside to work. Again, a unique mechanic, and again, something to do for your infantry.
And finally, the Sanctum launches drones like the Aircraft Carrier does. That might not be so unique, as the Aircraft Carrier exists in the original game, but I have only seen this as a building in Mental Omega, and that wasn't the inspiration for this idea.
kenosis wrote:
Can you perhaps write something for EASB Hour? I quite got the impression of a professional writer.
That sounds like quite the honour! I would be willing to do so, but I would want you to be brutally honest with me. I do not think my writing - or anything creative - is very good when it is 'forced', by a deadline or such, or by needing to write about something specific, but I have a tendency to underestimate myself in that sense. So yes, it would be a nice thing to do, if I can find the time, but I would wish for honest feedback; if it sucks, then it sucks, and if you are unhappy with one tiny comma, then that is a valid complaint. QUICK_EDIT
I gave the Catechism its own voice, based on the Chaplain from Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War. To be precise, these lines, with a pitch decrease to 80%: - They nicely convey that the Catechism is some kind of 'missionary', seeking to convert enemy units to its side.
That could perhaps look nice, without the propaganda tower (Mig Eater's excellent work - the Red Alert 1 barracks comes from Atomic_Noodles, I believe, and the containers come from BySc), with perhaps some more crates or a campfire or somesuch scattered around in its place. But I'm not too sold on the design, so I'll keep looking for inspiration.
Other noteworthy things... Not really, besides some random rulesmd.ini and aimd.ini tinkering. It is silly that there is no trigger for 'AI has less than X amount of money' - why would that only exist for the enemy? Or am I simply blind, and does it in fact exist?
Joined: 19 Aug 2009 Location: Moscow State University
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:34 am Post subject:
OK. Let's first get the terms.......
By COOL and UNIQUE trans_c and I always mean that some combined logic or behavior that NEVER appeared in RA2YR game.
(starcraft 2 legacy, ascendant)
Old logics are used as components. Usually its the weapon code. If something uses single certain old logic/behavior, though it may not be used ever in a certain side/on certain kind of unit, it is for us (just for us) dull. Magnetic beam vs vehicle + missile vs aircraft on one unit is repeating the behavior of [TELE] and [FV].
Hmm, let's say, the Brainchamber of yours. The story says paralyzed infantry are put inside, to avoid death......but game-wise, whoever you put inside, a seriously wounded or a newly trained, makes totally no difference. And about stasis healing.....I guess there is no logic of healing passengers so far, so this part of the story remains on the article only. And from behavior point of view, it is just a normal base defense with an invisio projectile.
If I haven't read the story, it would be just "Basic defense structure requires operator. Extra micro. Extra money cost. Inefficient", especially when your base is attacked by paratroopers.
But still this is a big advantage of your descriptions - after our discussion, we underlined it. You don't spend quite much text describing why something works,how it comes, but the reactions of people, the usage of it in battle. These make the story detailed and real.
We are not talented enough to write such. In fact in the creation of EASB Hour we just first design(imagine) the in game unit behavior, then "translate" them into INI code. Not the usual process of first make up a story and then try to make it a game unit. Most of our stuff is made in this way but the lack of background story has become a problem - or not. I personally prefer the game play side. But a background story can always be needed. _________________ Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself? QUICK_EDIT
Ooooh! Yes, I understand what you mean, and I know which mod you mean! A few days ago, I found myself reading a very interesting discussion of someone - you, I think - arguing that making up mechanics and then creating a unit around it is superior to making up concepts of units and then try to create a fitting mechanic. What you say in your last paragraph. And come to think of it, you have a ModDB page full of such interesting mechanics, don't you? I saw that earlier this week, and with the example from your post, I think it is your page. It's quite awesome!
But yes, I understand your point. I suppose that it is easier to come up with units that you know can exist - which is why I read through Ares' documentation before doing anything - that it is easier to be usefully creative if you know what limits there are. It is very interesting to test out which kind of new mechanics you can come up with though, and I consider the little I have seen of your work to be very much worthy of respect. Especially as I lack the knowledge to create something like your example above (though, I did see a Brute-spawning ship on your ModDB's page, which is an idea I've had for a long time - now I am wondering if I wasn't thinking too easily about it, but we'll see ).
I agree with you, then. But I do not have enough knowledge of the possibilities of all that underlies your mechanics to come up with my own. And it would be a bit late to change so many things of my mod now (perhaps an overhaul, after release, as I touch upon certain voxels perhaps as well?). But yes, I understand your point.
You are spot on with your analysis about my descriptions. It is rather uninteresting to write that this tank uses 80mm shells and this tank uses 90mm shells, and such technical things that do not speak to the imagination. A description is not an instruction for medicine, but instead, a canvas, a painting, worked on by both the writer and the reader. Everyone knows what a Lasher Light Tank is, just as everyone knows what role 'chaingun infantry for a Yuri-aligned side' fulfils. For those units that do not instantly draw up an image in someone's mind, there are pictures above the descriptions to easily give people an impression, and using public assets here is advantageous in that, for example, the Extremist quickly reminds one of the Desolator, and thus the association with 'irradiated hellhole' is drawn.
Often, it is not the unit that needs to be described, but the context that the unit operates in. The most basic example would be that if one knows some Arabic, or Islamic terminology, one would associate the Khirah and the Mahdi with something before even reading the first word. But take for example the Extremist; it is based on the Iraqi Desolator, wearing a somewhat ramshackle variant of its armour with a grenade launcher easily found in war-torn Iraq. That is a paraphrase of the functional part of the description, and that already contains the words 'ramshackle' and 'war-torn', drawing up images of context. But even the functional description is couched in a paragraph that might make someone imagine a Power Armoured soldier trekking through the Fallout world, or perhaps someone is reminded of Dr Thrax, what with the mention of 'doctors specialising in radiation poisoning' in combination with 'questionable substances' and examples of chemicals and such. A description doesn't need to describe everything if the reader already knows it, so long as the reader draws the right associations and images.
Sometimes the description adds to the side's theme; everyone knows what a 'Barracks' is, but how do the six sides differ in this, and what insights does this give in the side's psyche? Sometimes the description adds to the lore; Yuri himself might have been working on various things that he eventually abandoned or changed; gatling technology, the Lasher Light Tank, and the Floating Disk, are three things from the original game that differ here - why did Yuri have them there, but not here? And the Parasite programme comes from the cut content / concept art. Sometimes the description sets up possible campaign missions; the Lasher Light Tank's description, for example, or the Mahdi's. Sometimes there are irrelevant references that hold no meaning; if one reads the Mahdi's description, one might associate the Battle Fortress with the Battlemaster Tank. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 Aug 2009 Location: Moscow State University
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:54 am Post subject:
Actually the brute launcher is a stupid idea back to 2011 or earlier. It is realised on NPExt - if you directly use makeinfantry on warhead anim, it will have no owner, and I managed to find a workaround, when there is no available Ares to public. Years have passed.......It is easy now Ares. Use the animtoinfantry thing and MakeInfantryOwner on warhead exlposion, simple as that. _________________ Tired of grabbing my random SHP conversions? Why not learn to create SHPs for yourself? QUICK_EDIT
Actually the brute launcher is a stupid idea back to 2011 or earlier. It is realised on NPExt - if you directly use makeinfantry on warhead anim, it will have no owner, and I managed to find a workaround, when there is no available Ares to public. Years have passed.......It is easy now Ares. Use the animtoinfantry thing and MakeInfantryOwner on warhead exlposion, simple as that.
Yes, that was my idea; a battleship-esque units that launches inaccurate capsules that explode into / release a Brute with AnimToInfantry and MakeInfantryOwner, as you say. It seemed very simple, and so I was surprised to see it on your ModDB.
In other news, Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War continues to be a good source of voices; with the Chaos Sorcerer - - the Reaper now belies a darker side to Yuri's self-professed benevolence, and a campaign mission to expand upon this practically writes itself. QUICK_EDIT
In other news, I had - and will have; I'm not done with the animations, and I shouldn't have applied the shadow frames like that - fun creating a naval power plant based on a modified version of Xgamer's power plant on YRArgentina. The European Union will have a Thermoelectric Generator and a Hydroelectric Generator, both simply requiring a European Production Site (Construction Yard):
The conyard has too much blue on it. Make the blue a lighter tone
EDIT: Like the PreRA2 CY _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
I couldn't really find what you meant with the Allied Construction Yard of PreRA2. This is included in the asset dump, but it looks to similar to the normal Construction Yard to serve as the European one, not?
I think I like a bluer colour scheme for the European Union though, be it with remap - such as the Construction Yard - or simply with blue like the Training Grounds (Barracks). But I'll see what works best to create a fitting theme.
Speaking of the Training Grounds (made by The I Man), the arctic, buildup, and animation of that were all wrong, so I fixed those. If I ever figure out how to properly create shadows on such a flag, I might create a special EU flag for it, but an ordinary Allied flag works well enough. I also finished the animations of the Thermoelectric Generator and the Hydroelectric Generator.
Spoiler (click here to read it):[/img]
Last edited by nlspeed on Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:58 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
While the remap/blue on the CY looks nice, it 'stings' in the eye everytime you look at it. That's why I said go for a lighter blue or lighter remap. The same will have to go to the barracks now that I notice it, but you don't need to change the tone as much as with the CY
Also: while blue maybe the Allies' color, please post images of the same objects but in a different color, so people can know better which parts are remap and which ones aren't _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Mhhhm... Do you mean this, then? I shifted the remap 'intensity' (as in, colour number 16 is the brightest remap, and that is now colour number 20, and so I moved them all up by four) of the Production Site / Construction Yard and the Training Grounds / Barracks, leading to this (you can compare it with the picture in my previous post):
And in red, because you asked:
Thanks for your feedback, by the way! It is helpful. QUICK_EDIT
I'll just say this: RELEASE MOD
_________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:53 am Post subject:
But nlspeed might not have finished the code yet. May take some time, that's why he's posting his progress here, let's just wait for a beta, you can't expect a full release without betas, there needs to be feedback about gameplay first. _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
Aye, I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. I will release this once:
Agent Orange has her own voice (Natasha might fit, I may look at that tonight or tomorrow)
The Cherub has its own voice
The Conspirator has its own voice (parts of the ECM Tank would fit, but...)
The Sandstorm has its own voice (I should see whether Chaos' Raptor fits here)
The Guerrilla Centre has a fitting .shp
The Communications System has a fitting .shp (I'll manually recolour the Psychic Beacon, as I can't download the Yurified one on Pixelops, and this would be fun for the campaign)
In the meantime, I thought, why not work a bit on the two remaining sides.
If you have any suggestions as to the remaining voices or .shps, I'll be more than happy to know!
And yes, balance is definitely a thing you'll have to judge for yourself; I am 99% sure the Zealot is overpowered, for one, and I do have a few ideas for what to do with it, but I'd like to see what people say first before changing it. QUICK_EDIT
In that case, please make sure you have various backup-copies, should your hard-drive suddenly decide to hate you.
By the way: do need any help? I'd be happy to help you out (but nothing graphic related, please. I might have the hang of Art(md).ini flags, but other than some recoloring I suck at arts) _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
I could use suggestions for the above mentioned voices and graphics.
... Speaking of backing up, while I was testing my recoloured Psychic Beacon, somehow, the text and sound files reverted to those of the original Yuri's Revenge. Now, I have a backup from nine days ago, so not that much has been lost, and I store all the sound files in a separate folder, so those that have been lost are easy to restore... But how could this have happened? Is XCC Mixer just unreliable? Or...? QUICK_EDIT
Odd. Anyways, I can help out with unit voices too, I think. Just send me the script.
Regarding the Beacon... That wasn't supposed to happen. Sure you didn't mix-in some older files with the newer ones? I don't have any other possible explanations regarding that. (Except maybe for not launching Ares properly)
Also, try making back-ups after ever change or work-session, making sure you don't get rid of anything, even old code you don't need. To browse faster thru them, 'Save as...' "Rules YearMonthDay HourMinutes.ini" (you'll need the Time especially when making changes to unstable/critical sections). And instead of deleting old flags/values, add a ';'.
BuildSpeed=.9 ;.01;.7
Now you probably hate me for telling you this, but before you insult me for being a smarta**, please consider the advice, even tho I'm not really in the position to talk about appreciating and taking advice from someone else. I just do care about mod progress. It's all we have left to keep us and the forums alive in heart and mind (and soul) _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
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