I want to work on a separate project in which I can freely experiment with balance and tactical concepts from the ground up.
Instead of messing with my other mod files -- and potentially screwing them up (as I have a tendency to go too far) I will have some self control, create a second file - and second thread ----- and try to implement some of the following things
Allied Infantry
Hunter Gatherer- vs Animals
Primary: Melee Spear
Secondary: Throwing Spear
Amphibious (A little umiak for crossing rivers)
Trains from : Camp
Hunter Gatherer is a light infantry specializes in taking down ice age animals, and traversing difficult terrain on foot.
Hunting Wolf - vs Infantry
Primary: Dog Bite (Classic instakill)
Secondary : Dog Attack (melee vs animals)
Trains from : Camp
Hunting Wolf is a light response infantry that specializes in taking down infantry, most effective in packs of up to 5 individuals or in support of hunter-gatherers.
Dog Sled - vs Infantry/LightBuildings
Primary - Archer (Bow and Arrow)
Secondary - Flaming Arrows (vs Buildings)
Trains from : Camp
A light ranged unit, provides support to hunter-gatherers and wolfs, able to take down light non-stone structures with its flaming arrows.
Chronovet - Vs Infantry/Animals
Primary - Animal Healer for Friendly Doggies
Secondary - Chaos Injection (for enemy animals)
Chronoshift movement
Trains from : Stone Alter
An allied trooper from the future sent back to foil soviet plans. This one focusses on your animal units and is able to send enemy animals into temporary rampage against their soviet trainers.
Legionaire - vs heavy buildings/infantry
Primary - Devo Cannon (turns enemy infantry to neanderthals)
Secondary - Neutron Rifle (erases enemy structures)
Chronoshift Movement
Trains from : Stone Alter
A high tech allied trooper from the future sent back to erase soviet presence, this one focusses on de-evolving enemy infantry to a fightable standard, and erasing heavy units and structures.
Buildings ::::
Camp - (tier 1)
Tribal camp for training hunter gatherers, wolfs and dogsleds.
Stone Alter - (tier 2)
Jump location for legionaires and chronovets, (Trains them like kennels)
Stone Platform (tier 3)
A large jump zone for calling in true vehicles to the battlefield. Heaviest weapons factory with the most hitpoints (hard to destroy)
Time Machine Relay (tier 1)
for training infantry (keepers, trainers, Hunters)
Animal Pen (tier 2)
For training Animals (rhino, mammoth, war bear)
Portal Gate - (tier 3)
For calling in true vehicles. (terror drones etc) This structure has a built in tesla coil in which operates and defends the gate.
Soviet Infantry/Animals
Keeper - vs Infantry
Primary - Rifle (high powered ranged attack)
Secondary - Vet (animal healer)
Trains from : Time Machine Relay
Better than the hunter gatherer, but less tactical
Trainer - vs Animals
Primary - Whip (cellspread animal stun for small animals) Anti-Dogger

Secondary - (Large Animal Hijack) enters technical shp vehicle animals like mammoths < how soviet bring down its own units
Trains from : Time Machine Relay
Most effective in support of Keepers - helps deter wolf attacks.
War Bear -
Primary - Bear Bite (general melee attack)
Secondary - N/A
Trains from : Animal Pen
The most bland - yet most useful response/defense unit. Best available unit to counter Chrono Movement.
Rhino Mount -
Primary - Horn Melee (vs buildings, large animals and vehicles Like Brute)
Secondary - Mounted Gunner (vs infantry)
Trains from : Animal Pen
Causes low local damage at close range. Trample Damage. The medium organic tank, likes to destroy true vehicles the most.
War Mammoth -
Primary - Apocalypse Cannons
Secondary - N/A
Trains from : Animal Pen
Causes high local damage at close range, Trample Damage, Tank/Infantry Crusher (cant crush rhinos) The heavy tank, slow moving, Kirov-like tank. Likes to destroy everything, but ineffective vs hunter-gatherer.
I will expand on these ideas as concept further develops, and I begin to implement/ produce graphics.
Superweapons -