Better Ore Truck AI [RA]
Type: Mod
Game: RA1
Posted by: Pritchy
This mod aims to improve Ore Truck AI, currently focusing on improving their behaviour surrounding docking and unloading at a Refinery..
What this mod does:
Stops Ore Trucks from 'reserving' a Refinery as soon as it finishes harvesting, meaning that Ore Trucks closer to the Refinery aren't blocked from docking. No more Ore Trucks waiting outside your Ref as another trundles across the map

Makes a full Ore Truck pick a Refinery based on a simple cost estimation, based on the distance each Refinery as well as how many Ore Trucks are waiting to dock.
The Ore Truck will then either dock and unload, or if the Refinery is busy, pick a nearby location and wait.
The Ore Truck will periodically recalculate their best refinery and re-position, meaning Refineries are much less likely to get gridlocked.
What this mod does not do:
No TD Support.
Ore Trucks can and will still get gridlocked at a refinery if there are a lot of them or if the pathfinding is particularly unfortunate; it's simply far less likely.
No changes to Ore Trucks picking an Ore Patch.
No changes to an Ore Trucks pathfinding. Yes, they will still gleefully wander through the enemy base

I'm certainly looking to make further improvements to their behaviour, but please keep in mind the current scope of this mod. Any further requests are welcome, as well as simply voicing your opinion on what you'd most like to see improved next.
Please remember to rate this mod