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Embedded C# IDE
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Pulsar Claudius Einstein

Joined: 13 Jul 2020

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:26 pm    Post subject:  Embedded C# IDE Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Would it technically be possible to implement a lightweight embedded C# IDE  inside OpenRa with the OpenRa GUI to be distributed with the SDK so that OpenRa could compile itself?

You could then use C# as scripting language in the map editor instead of lua.

The IDE could even look like you where playing C&C with EVA sounds for compile errors etc. or have the look / style of the current mod.

There is currently no actively maintained open C# IDE on windows (Visual Studio Code does not count, Sharpdevelop is abandoned, Monodevelop cannot be compiled on windows by non-experts).

If you have to use a closed IDE or another OS for open source, it is not really open (faux-open).

Who controls the IDE controls the language. Who controls the language controls the program.

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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 28 Feb 2015

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Integrating a C# IDE inside OpenRA sounds completely unfeasible. People have mentioned getting a Lua editor to make life easier, but that's still not really in the realm of possibilities.

Using C# as a scripting language will greatly increase the complexity of map scripting and greatly raise the entry bar.

There are multiple reasons why there are so few C# IDEs and those include the great complexity of making an IDE and the availability of some great ones already. Visual Studio has a free license, so I don't see a problem there. Visual Studio Code is in fact great, is completely free and actually open-source! (Why do you just exclude VSCode out of the gate?)

As far as I gather, you are on Windows, so I don't really get the "using another OS makes it not really open source", sorry  Confused

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Matthias M.
Stealth Laser Trooper

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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Rocket Infantry

Joined: 06 Feb 2015

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The problem is that there is no such thing as a "lightweight C# IDE" nowadays - IDE environments that meet modern usability/feature requirements are hugely complicated, and require teams of many full time staff to develop and maintain.

Its not surprising that volunteer projects are no longer maintained, because they simply can't keep up.

OpenRA already includes build scripts that can be used for compiling and packaging projects without depending on an IDE.

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Pulsar Claudius Einstein

Joined: 13 Jul 2020

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

penev wrote:
Integrating a C# IDE inside OpenRA sounds completely unfeasible. People have mentioned getting a Lua editor to make life easier, but that's still not really in the realm of possibilities.

Using C# as a scripting language will greatly increase the complexity of map scripting and greatly raise the entry bar.

There are multiple reasons why there are so few C# IDEs and those include the great complexity of making an IDE and the availability of some great ones already. Visual Studio has a free license, so I don't see a problem there. Visual Studio Code is in fact great, is completely free and actually open-source! (Why do you just exclude VSCode out of the gate?)

As far as I gather, you are on Windows, so I don't really get the "using another OS makes it not really open source", sorry  Confused

No. You are wrong. You are just not paying enough attention, sorry. It went under your radar.

"Visual Studio Code" is the name of a closed source project "built on" the the open MIT-source project "vscode".

Just like Xamarin Studio is built on Monodevelop.

They are not the same programs, there are subtle differences. The name, buttons, a few features and the license.

VSC has a very bad closed licence that strictly chains all updates to MS servers and openly allows spying. Read it!

"Visual Studio Code" != "vscode". Vscode (under MIT-license) is just as abandonend as Sharpdevelop. Who uses "vscode"? Anyone?

If I wanted to use an abandonend, unmaintained IDE I could use Sharpdevelop.

Visual Studio Code is NOT open source. That is just a simple marketing-trick.

Monodevelop is NOT cross-platform. Another simple marketing-trick.

If we were living in the Dune Universe then Oracle would be House Ordos and Microsoft would be House Harkonnen while Linux would be the small House IX^^

If you subtract all Java + Dotnet programming languages from all actively used languages today, how much ist left?

C, C++, Pascal and a few little lesser known irrelevant or web languages.

Not much really.  And IDEs are also heavily monopolized. As we all know monopolies have always been wonderful (sarcasm).

Common language runtimes are really like heartplugs.^^ Who controls the heartplugs controls everything. Game over.

Every language gets one but you can choose beetween an Ordos-Oracle-java-heartplug or a Harkonnensoft-dotnet-heartplug.

Wonderful (sarcasm).  OpenRa also has a Harkonnensoft-dotnet-heartplug.  Really no problem. No worries.

Unless someone, some day decides to "pull the plug", so to say. ^^

Nameless Harkonnensoft servant: "Sir, he just kept repeating that word AMIGA"
"The Beast" Ballmer: "Who is this .. AMIGA?" ^^

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Matthias M.
Stealth Laser Trooper

Joined: 15 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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