If you want to help..... join my Discord!
PPM is dead..... join my Discord!
Before you go to bed..... join my Discord!
Abandon this place..... join my Discord!
I told you I will joke at you. I still did not forget about that
And now time to report. I did some testings today.
That CreateUnit= logic works only for vehicle type. I can spawn from warhead vehicle, but I cannot infantry type. And in description clearly says Unit, not Vehicle. Also, whole logic does not work on Building's active anims at all, no vehicle is created at all.
Regarding Initial health. It works here
Also, PowerPlant Enhancer seems to work here.
I tested on allied battle lab.
PowerPlantEnhancer.Amount=50 - I built 4 power plant of 200 power, it was 800 power. After Battle Lab is built, I got 1000 power, because 4 of them got 50 power bonuses.
PowerPlantEnhancer.Factor=1.25 - same, it enhanced power plant's power by 50. I got 1000 _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
The short answer is when it's ready. The long answer is we don't have any schedule for this stuff because we're doing things for fun. We don't yet know what will we need to have completed for 0.3 and we can't give any estimates because of that. For now we're just doing stuff in devbuilds. _________________ Using MagicaVoxel to create voxel models :: Phobos YR Engine Extension
This doesn't look like a joke, more like an unfriendly mocking.
Oh come on, do not take everything seriously. You forgot that you wrote this:
Kerbiter wrote:
Haha sure, jokes are nice in my book
If you spend more time on PPM enjoying this awesome site, rather than Discord you would take jokes better. We are friendly, funny, and hey, we can make songs for you. that is not happening on Discord.
Kerbiter wrote:
Internally Unit = Vehicle so that may've introduced some confusion.
Oh yeah, man, no problem, that happens. Word ,,Unit" in C&C, has a wide range of understanding. Someone understands it as any unit, such as ground or air, some like you guys there perhaps as vehicle type. I consider it as infantry and vehicles (although ships and aircraft are units), so as far I remember, in Ares, it was specifically written each type to avoid confusion. When they wrote [TechnoType] that meant global.
In your case, you actually wanted CreateVehicle= but named it CreateUnit= then I thought that it works for infantry as well, and were testing it few times, and could not find result that is not big deal.
By the way, I was thinking something. That CreateUnit could be very potential stuff.
Imagine this: CreateUnit=CIV1,CIV2,CIV3,CIV4,CIV5 on active anim with slow rate.... And from time to time one random civilian will appear near the building! And city will be alive!
Now imagine putting this in a jungle map, zoo building or cave, which spawns random animals!
And now imagine this: Halloween map, and you put some Halloween themed building with active anim which spawns one of tons of monsters I made (and few other people). And monsters have various abilities, and wander around map, you need to adapt. Or building like graveyard spawning zombies, or evi llaboratory....
Or put into desert map where GLA or any rebels are to spawn them from time to time.... Or even infantry, light vehicles combo.... Or even Jurassic map, I mean possibilities are limitless! And fun.
Then I just realized it is for vehicle only.... And not supporting active anims, just warhead and death anims... _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
those are cool ideas but would be way better if you used map scripting for them since you would have way more control. after all, using
active anims would do nothing more than spawn a unit ever X number of frames, and spawn it on the center cell of a buildings foundation,
which would be weird anyways.
spawning buildings and inf would be a cool feature though. one of these days i should make an anim for a vehicular drop pod to really
give the unit spawning logic some practical function. anyways keep up the good work, kerbiter and team. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
McPwny, thanks. At least I am not the only one who finds such a feature useful. Oh, I forgot to mention that I put into civilians IsCow=yes tag, so they wander around the map. Spawning them periodically won't overrun that position as they do not stand in place.
Since it is not possible now, I am thinking of possibilities. There is one in my mind:
I planed to make building which have weapon, friendly fire, 255 range etc, very large ROF. ... It should create animation wich spawns neutral vehicle with instant health 1. That vehicle will have DestroyAnim.Random=yes, so it could randomize anims which will be converted into few other possible vehicles with 1 health. each of those vehicles would have its own passengers via initial palyload. It gets automatically destroyed, passenger exists... and you should get randomized infantry from time to time... In theory... _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
one time i made a trigger that had 3 events and two were local variables, one would be set if the civilian 'team' was destroyed and the other if
the building it spawned near was destroyed. the third event was a random time delay. in short, the trigger would repeatedly spawn some civilians at a
waypoint in front of a building if the building existed and there wasnt already an alive team from there. i then cloned the trigger a bunch of times and used
it on every building in a city. it took a few hours but i was able to control not only the exact script of the units, but how many could spawn at a time.
its kind of off topic from the original post, but maby it will give you some mapping ideas. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
Yes but you have to do triggers for all maps separately, while in direct way you attach it to techno type, and just put it in any map. No triggers, no anything. _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
In release version (build 23) and release v0.2.2.1 (build 21), LaserTrails don't work, but in build 22 they do. What's up with that? _________________ aka SavebearingBoss QUICK_EDIT
Kerbiter! It is nice to see you alive man! Seems that you forgot about us! I missed you here, seems.... too much Discord lately?
By the way, have you seen this thread? Some assets here use Phobos+Ares combo, which promotes this product as well. _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
Thank you very much. Do we also have range or damage bonus for individual building in the future? Currently we rely on [GENERAL] some tall buildings should have higher range bonus than a short one. QUICK_EDIT
There are a lot of tank-destroyers/assault-guns that have limited turret traverse, meaning they can't rotate fully around. It could be an interesting logic to have limited rotation, forcing the vehicle to turn beyond that range to the next facing in order to follow the target.
Ideally this would be paired with separate turret rotation and unit rotation speeds, so that you shouldn't run into a problem where the unit rotates back if the direction change is faster with the turret. It could be an explicit ROT+nn modifier, or a distinct TurretROT setting that must be higher than ROT. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Limit traverse would be cool but I'd imagine it would be a pain to code & might introduce some lag as the game would have to constantly be recalculating the relative position of both the body & turret in relation to each other at all times.
Limit traverse would be cool but I'd imagine it would be a pain to code & might introduce some lag as the game would have to constantly be recalculating the relative position of both the body & turret in relation to each other at all times.
Not really, the turn would be entirely restricted to the turret until some limit is reached, whereupon the turn is restricted to the unit for some duration/degees, then switched back to turret.
I do recall Ares having a turret speed change, but I was being more specific in that the speeds should explicitly be higher for the turret rotation than the body - if none is specified, to auto-adjust it higher by some default value. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Love the old jumpjetControl is back. Thank you very much. May I ask that is it possible to make a seperate JumpeJetControl like Customizable Radsite and color that you did before. Right now I can make Magntic Singularity, Magnetic Satellite but can do only 1 at a time. Because playing jumpjet control affect all these SW and Magnetron behaviour. QUICK_EDIT
Love the old jumpjetControl is back. Thank you very much. May I ask that is it possible to make a seperate JumpeJetControl like Customizable Radsite and color that you did before. Right now I can make Magntic Singularity, Magnetic Satellite but can do only 1 at a time. Because playing jumpjet control affect all these SW and Magnetron behaviour.
Any unit can have custom JumpJet controls by default, even if they are land units, they don't need the JumpJet=yes tag. Can use it on land vehicles to customize (aka nerf) Magnetron's effectiveness vs certain vehicles. _________________
ayylmao on Discord QUICK_EDIT
Love the old jumpjetControl is back. Thank you very much. May I ask that is it possible to make a seperate JumpeJetControl like Customizable Radsite and color that you did before. Right now I can make Magntic Singularity, Magnetic Satellite but can do only 1 at a time. Because playing jumpjet control affect all these SW and Magnetron behaviour.
Any unit can have custom JumpJet controls by default, even if they are land units, they don't need the JumpJet=yes tag. Can use it on land vehicles to customize (aka nerf) Magnetron's effectiveness vs certain vehicles.
I did set the jumpjet control but that effect magnetron and other weapons that using magnetron logic that’s why I want to be able to customize them right now i am using jumpjetcontrol to pull all the tanks quick enough to the center of the black hole or maybe vacuum imploder but it also effect the magnetron magnet weapon too. So magnetron also pull the tank very quick like being drag by a black hole. QUICK_EDIT
SW.Ammo={Integer} << This defines how many shots it will fire before reload.
SW.BurstDelay={Frames} << In frame the delay between shot.
This should at least reduce the job of having so many spawner to call single superweapon to fire multiple time. Not support PsychicDominator and LightningStorm.
Another thing.
SW.FireNext=(SuperWeaponName) << After this superweapon is fired which SW to fire next.
SW.FireDelay={Frame} << The Delay (frames) to fire another superweapon. Set to 0 to fire another superweapon in immediately.
This should at least reduce the job of having so many spawner to call multiple superweapon to fire at the area at the same time or with some delay.
Not support PsychicDominator and LightningStorm. FireNext will come in action after SW.Ammo reached 0
As we don’t have the invisible designator building anymore.
We should add these tag So SW will act correctly
On_target : will fire SW at the selected Target/lLocation
Around_target : random fire similar to LightningRandom
Random : random between on_target and around_target
SW.AroundTargetRange={integer} << act like designator the area for SW to fire around the selected location.
With this will actually solved so many uses of invisible building “UnitDelivery” to be the designator and to fire multiples SW and it can be control by amount of shots fire per reload. SW.Shots only defines how many times superweapon can fires through out the whole battle.
Rework IsLocomotor to have Separated IsLocomotor weaponry.
this should at least making magnetron weapon with different properties.
Who knows we could have vacuum imploder, black hole, magnetic singularity and magnetic satellite in the same game with different IsLocomotor settings.
Or if you can drag all units within CellSpread towards to firer… LOL
I have a lot more idea but I chose the interest and good one. if I know the coding I am gladly to help everyday to make it real. QUICK_EDIT
After seeing this in the document. I am fly... Took me long enough to notice it LOL
I tried with the nightly build, the cons would be that the speed is fixed, so i can't make the projectile faster, also without ProjectileRange, it flies off failing to hit the target, although that makes it a tad realistic by missing the target especially if the warhead can instakill a target QUICK_EDIT
Help. my unit doesn't select weapon properly. I have both weapons with different warhead and such but in game it seems that they ignored the secondary weapon. It only uses Primary. Even I switched place it still uses the Hammer but never the Knife weapon.
These features are not in Phobos build 24 but in the latest developmental branch.
I see. Thanks. I found them in Doc so I thought it was included. Now I understand why some of them are not working. Maybe in Doc have a prefix like Ares doc to know which feature is in development orin which build QUICK_EDIT
Can Phobos makes the animation damage to respect the projectile in case we want them to be airburst or splits also debris spawn too. for animation damage and custom missile (Ares) they both seems to ignored MinDebris, MaxDebris. QUICK_EDIT
Possible to bring back StandingFrames and DeathFrames back to RA2 the original code doesn’t work with RA2 and YR. StandingFrames only reads 1 frame and DeathFrames doesn’t work at all.
So we can do more with shp vehicle, make them more lively than just another vehicle. QUICK_EDIT
Radiation weapons require RadLevel= in order to function, and must be set higher than RadLevelDelay or else you will get an IE. Also you must set RadType= to one of the entries of [RadiationTypes] in order for the weapon to use the radiation type. QUICK_EDIT
Radiation weapons require RadLevel= in order to function, and must be set higher than RadLevelDelay or else you will get an IE. Also you must set RadType= to one of the entries of [RadiationTypes] in order for the weapon to use the radiation type.
So that's why i end up with an IE, i tried adding RadLevel but doesn't show the Custom Radiation, might check on it again QUICK_EDIT
Looking at how many cool things Phobos provides, i can't resist to ask: if there is a chance(maybe in future) Phobos will allow a mechanic to select a bunch of infantry, push a shortcut, and make infantry garrison nearest structure/transport?
I've been dreaming about such ability for years and as Phobos added couple new shortcuts, interface info improvements and some scripting, i just wonder. QUICK_EDIT
Thank you very much. Can you help bring back these logic.
and These tag StandingFrame only play 1 frame and no DeathFrame is play at all.
DeathFrameRate=15 QUICK_EDIT
Why don't you file an issue in the Phobos GitHub page linked in the first post, as everyone else with a feature request should do. Members who are interested will take up the request and those who aren't interested won't.
I feel like I've seen this question a few times, and maybe that will better help you in your search for where to ask. QUICK_EDIT
Well, what m7 says. But I am afraid that here is rarely some ,,two-sided" conversation, as only a few modders discuss, while, no one from Phobos team actually writes anything here except when the new buildup is ready. See Kerbiter's posts for example, his last post was Sat Oct 09, 2021 and Aug 23, 2021... And now in Dec 13, 2021... That is once in two months! While people actually do have conversation in this thread regarding Phobos itself. But not word from them.
Now, I am not blaming Kerbiter, not anybody else. He is not obligated to do that. Maybe man has his other issues, real life, modding, coding, and such... I am not nitpicking or accusing anybody. I am just trying to prove my point that they appear once in two months in this very thread regardless of what people have to say here. And as result, someone like Mr.Hymn and few others request and discuss stuff here. With no answer from the other side. Nobody told him ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, we will look at it" ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, sorry, we are overwhelmed, we cannot look at this" ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, please go and request those stuff at GitHub" etc etc... They just appear once in two months with ,,New Build is here" and thats all. I think that communication should be little better and more frequent when needed, to avoid that, thats all. _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
Well, what m7 says. But I am afraid that here is rarely some ,,two-sided" conversation, as only a few modders discuss, while, no one from Phobos team actually writes anything here except when the new buildup is ready. See Kerbiter's posts for example, his last post was Sat Oct 09, 2021 and Aug 23, 2021... And now in Dec 13, 2021... That is once in two months! While people actually do have conversation in this thread regarding Phobos itself. But not word from them.
Now, I am not blaming Kerbiter, not anybody else. He is not obligated to do that. Maybe man has his other issues, real life, modding, coding, and such... I am not nitpicking or accusing anybody. I am just trying to prove my point that they appear once in two months in this very thread regardless of what people have to say here. And as result, someone like Mr.Hymn and few others request and discuss stuff here. With no answer from the other side. Nobody told him ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, we will look at it" ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, sorry, we are overwhelmed, we cannot look at this" ,,Hey Mr.Hymn, please go and request those stuff at GitHub" etc etc... They just appear once in two months with ,,New Build is here" and thats all. I think that communication should be little better and more frequent when needed, to avoid that, thats all.
Agreed! I am also in the discord it seems to be the only way to ask, I did ask them a few times but chat kept going up from many devs.
I am also learn the coding so I can make something like this too. QUICK_EDIT
I am also in the discord it seems to be the only way to ask, I did ask them a few times but chat kept going up from many devs.
And that's what the issue tracker is for. If you have a serious feature, you should be willing to post it up and hope it gets acknowledged or offer to help with testing other features to sway a developer to help you out.
I think that communication should be little better and more frequent when needed, to avoid that, thats all.
I quit posting my mod's updates here because PPM is a slow, mostly inefficient form of casual communication. I do not have time or interest in keeping the 5-10 active members up to date on my mod when you can find it in other locations (Discord, ModDB)
When there is:
A.) social media app (Discord)
B.) a website you can follow development in detail and offer input on (GitHub)
C.) a separate website full of documentation that is being improved upon (ReadTheDocs)
Why should developers who could be spending their valuable time working on features or trying to solve bugs in the engine have to come repeat themselves here when they have all these other sources of knowledge and resources for the 5-10 people who still use post on PPM? It is not the Phobos staff's responsibility to answer your questions for you if you won't make the attempt to join in on more active conversations or participate through the official channels.
I am not a developer or involved in the development of Phobos aside from targeted testing as requested from time to time, but it's not hard to figure out that this is a mostly inactive forum and not worth constantly updating.
Now, I am not blaming Kerbiter, not anybody else. He is not obligated to do that.
Name dropping does, in fact, sound like you are blaming him and have shown in your previous posts to have some problem with the way he communicates here. Maybe if you didn't antagonize him so much, he would be more inclined to update this thread and answer the same questions that get asked over and over with disregard to how the developers have asked for things to be handled. QUICK_EDIT
So basically I just explain that I do not blame anyone and why, and tried to be nice without accidentally offending anyone, and yet you come accursing me for doing this! And all that after you wrote that PPM is dead, inneficient and what not, basically the same agenda as before ,,leave this place and join my Discord" _________________ PPM Halloween Season 2021 QUICK_EDIT
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