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Joined: 17 Apr 2009

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This doesn't look like a joke, more like an unfriendly mocking.

This is very clearly being told that your jokes are not appreciated or coming off as jokes, and then you wonder why no one will communicate here with you. This is someone telling you that they are uncomfortable with the way you are communicating with them. No one wants to be heckled in every post on the same point every time.

basically the same agenda as before ,,leave this place and join my Discord"

Funny, I never said anything about leaving PPM as I'm still here to sit and argue with you to kill time. I think I just told you that if you wanted to communicate with a development team that has an established system that allows for organization and efficiency in handling issues. Of course, my words are not my own I suppose when you can boil them down and twist them as you see fit.

PPM is dead

Also words I never said, just ideas you took from my words. If I had intended to say PPM is dead, I would have said such. Considering I know many people still use it, I made a point in my post to mention it has low activity from active posters but is not dead in any capacity.

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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holy shit man! I can reply tons of stuff in way you just did, but I wont. I have huge respect for this site and for Banshee, and Mig Eater whose gonna clean this. Just to say frankly, I am disappointed. Because this is 2021. year and you act like a spoiled child who cannot handle proper conversation without that ,,macho" style. And you think that this will either impress or scare anyone. ,,OMG you told him! Look what you did to him you nailed him down!" This ain't 2000s man. With that arrogance you won't get anywhere here.

m7 wrote:
no one will communicate here with you. This is someone telling you that they are uncomfortable with the way you are communicating with them. No one wants to be heckled in every post on the same point every time.

Whoa whoa! People communicate with me almost daily via PMs and yes we use PPM private messages for that. Regarding assets, modding, real life etc... If you do not believe me I can call them here to confirm that. But proving anything to you is pointless.

m7 wrote:
as I'm still here to sit and argue with you to kill time.

m7 wrote:
I fully expect an over-reaction ban and for this part of the thread to be sanitized, so I'm here for the fun as long as you are.

This is why I and nobody else here should take you serious. You actually proved here that you are here to ,,kill time arguing with me" and ,,to have fun" which that fun is offending me currently and making this thread to go shit. And the most important part here is ,,I fully expect an over-reaction ban" - and do not try even to twist that how am USING YOUR WORDS HOW I FIT when you clearly write that you EXPECT! Yes that is it. You are doing something KNOWING what punishment may be, and you are still doing this. On purpose! You are breaking here rules on your own.

m7 wrote:

I mean, you keep PPM active alone posting shitty rips of Halloween assets that do not fit the game in the slightest.

OMG! I mean Oh my God! You are really out of mind. And you now go personal, insulting my work. Excuse me sir, (regardless the fact that even they provide some assets and have some downloads especially older releases), I apologize for not being perfect as you! You just showed to everyone your perfection!


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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Joined: 01 Feb 2007
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


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Joined: 17 Apr 2009

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holy shit man! I can reply tons of stuff in way you just did, but I wont.

That didn't take long to fail.

People communicate with me almost daily via PMs and yes we use PPM private messages for that.

Good thing I was talking about how you communicated in this public thread with Kerbiter, and that has no bearing to the point I wanted to make anyways.

which that fun is offending me currently and making this thread to go shit

I mean, it was already a shit thread. That is why no one bothers to update it.

This is why I and nobody else here should take you serious.

I'll keep that in mind, next blue moon I decide to post at PPM.

I like that in all of this, you failed to address any real reason the development team should come here other than "because we posted here and this is how we do it at PPM" when this isn't a PPM project.

You are breaking here rules on your own.

And I'm totally okay with that, based on my prior attitude in the thread this should have been very clear to you. This is not my first account, so obviously my presence here in the first place is a violation of the rules. This should guarantee that ban and keep you happy, so I'll edit this part in.

You just showed to everyone your perfection

Not that I said I was perfect, just that your assets are bad. I'm actually pretty bad at asset creation, so I feel real qualified to call a shit asset when I see it.


I mean, he ain't wrong. Myself included. Doesn't bother me if someone on the internet thinks less of me or doesn't like what I have to say.

I'm off to bed, that's all for tonight folks. Tune in next time on /ppm/ shitposting 101!

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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Guys, PPM is not dead. We do not have "only 10 to 5 active members browsing the forum". There are at least 50 registered members daily plus the ones who browse as guest (and that is much more than 50 people).

PPM's server and the response have sped up considerably during this year. But, it is true that PPM might not be the best communication service for casual communication. Forums are not the best kind of tool for it, and PPM is no exception. PPM has several other advantages over Discord:

1) It exports posts. So, if you have a post with relevant news, your post might be promoted as news here and will show up on other places such as Mod Haven Discord Channel, other community sites (sometimes replicated, sometimes adapted), search engines, Wayback Machine, etc.

2) By not being a disorganized casual communication service, it is easier to maintain posts relevant to the topics they belong. If someone decides to write about something completely different out of nowhere, it will not demotivate those who don't want to change the subject from talking. Topics can be split.

3) By not being too much popular, your posts receive more attention from those who are browsing the forums. Quality over quantity.

4) PPM is not attached to a commercial business that sells your consuming habits. In short, your privacy is respected here and we are not any kind of attention whore that stimulates addiction to the use of our services to collect your personal data or habits.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that PPM and the services that m7 mentioned in his posts are not meant to be the ultimate solution for any kind of project. These places complement each other and their existence only completes each other. It is important to keep all of them alive for a healthy and stronger community.

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Joined: 04 Jun 2021

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

m7 must be having a bad day and decided trolling is a good exercise. No serious devs would use discord over a forum. Messages scroll up and die while on a forum they stay forever as reference, it makes a big difference in development and others can track your progress.

Most info I got about this game is from ppm forums & site and modenc so calling such respectable sites "5-10 active members" is just lame, nothing more to say about that.

As for communicating with your fans/followers, how much time could you possibly waste answering someone interested in your work on a forum, like 1-5 min a day? If that's too much than you're doing it all wrong.

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Allied General

Joined: 19 Mar 2004
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I think any serious dev will use a dedicated software development platform and have a template for requests / bug testing.

A platform such as GitHub is well established and has international appeal for users whose first language isn't English.

A chat platform such as Discord is good for quick feedback and testing of features, because you can quickly see who is online and alert them. In much the same way that modders may have used instant messenger tools in the past to share feedback.

The Phobos team has also documented a logical approach to bug testing and feedback

Whilst forums are good for general news / finding historical information they're not a great platform for collaboration and testing due to time zone delays in responses and the filtering of irrelevant responses.

Also I'm not sure why you're thinking reviewing and replying to comments on a board is going to be 1-5 minutes long?

I'm not a Phobos developer but I would need to find the post, read the context and most likely ask further questions to determine the source of the issue. Then you have to write a reply and check for readability.

Lets not forgot switching tabs / apps / waiting for load times / possibly trying to view on a mobile device (loving that mobile experience on PPM btw).


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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Problem is way of communication as I said. AlliedGeneral, you explained you points nicely without name calling, offenses and that. And this is more valuable than the way of speech m7 represented.

Zorbung, thanks for the support man! I am sorry that you have to watch this considering that you are new member as well. Sorry man. One of the reasons also why I am controlling myself aside from respect and Banshee is because of new members like you who did not deserve to watch this. Some of you are afraid to post here because of fear to be trolled by some madman. This was a perfect example, but I am a bit older here and can take that.
Mr. Hymn, the same goes to you and everybody else. Do not be afraid of them, their time is over, they are irrelevant, that is why they behave like that.

Ok, now, Banshee is not that stupid as some may think. He knows exactly what they are doing here. But that wont work! They wont prevail, PPM has survived worse than that. IN BANSHEE'S HONOR! Whoever wants to move to Discord, just go there and do not make the door hit you at exit, but do not make problems here. You all have to obey to site rules while here, or try to be funny at Discord.
But Banshee, man seems it is useless. They simply won't understand not matter how gently you try them to understand. They have zero knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and how this works, and how this site is SEO friendly, meaning that it is very attractive to visitors and Google.

Zorbung wrote:
m7 must be having a bad day and decided trolling is a good exercise.

Bad day you say? he just admitted that this is second account of his, first one got banned already. He has just bad behavior that is all. He can barely control himself.

Zorbung wrote:
No serious devs would use discord over a forum. Messages scroll up and die while on a forum they stay forever as reference, it makes a big difference in development and others can track your progress.

Wise words man, but some of them just do not get it.

Zorbung wrote:
Most info I got about this game is from ppm forums & site and modenc so calling such respectable sites "5-10 active members" is just lame, nothing more to say about that.


Zorbung wrote:
As for communicating with your fans/followers, how much time could you possibly waste answering someone interested in your work on a forum, like 1-5 min a day? If that's too much than you're doing it all wrong.

Once in two months! That is perfect communication! Theb lame me, blame Mr. Hymn for asking questions, blame G-E in past for whatever etc etc... I mean everyone is to blame. Oh by the way, whole PPM is quilty because it is dead place. What is solutiuon? JOIN MY DISCORD!

m7 wrote:
Good thing I was talking about how you communicated in this public thread with Kerbiter, and that has no bearing to the point I wanted to make anyways.

Now, since you are constantly telling me how I fail to understand some things, let me tell you what did you fail. First off, go again and read that my post. But first calm your head off, and read slowly. THEN come here and tell me WHERE THE HELL I WROTE ANYTHING ABOUT SOMEONE'S COMMUNICATION WITH MYSELF! I never ever wrote anything about me, I was talking about general communication from their team with our members HERE! I never ever wrote my name in that post. Also, I did not post since August here meaning that I did not care that much, so why would I complain for nobody talking to me? But during this time Mr.Hymn posted, G-E posted, fsolisiii posted, Rey posted, ConquerorXXX, Mig Eater, yo uand several others posted. But not me, and now you think that I am complining because nobody is talking to me personally, ignoring the fact that they did not talk to those other people I named here as well.

m7 wrote:
I mean, it was already a shit thread. That is why no one bothers to update it.

Oh, so this is that kind of intelligence you are showing here. Look, they beat man on street with sticks, he is lying now beaten already. So why would not I just take the stick and beat him too? Come on why not, he is already half-dead, I did not start it...
basically you gave yourself right to jump in thread WHICH YOU CONSIDER to be shit, and try to shit more, because... why not.... When in fact the only one shitting here is you.

m7 wrote:
I'll keep that in mind, next blue moon I decide to post at PPM.

Oh, please, share that on Discord, maybe they will care.

m7 wrote:
I like that in all of this, you failed to address any real reason the development team should come here other than "because we posted here and this is how we do it at PPM" when this isn't a PPM project.

How can you address something when they are not replying here at all? Mr.Hymn and few others were writing to death and nothing happened. As for first, and as for the second, this ,,How we do at PPM" is also kind of not good argument. When you are here you will have to adapt to our rules, as I do and everyone else is doing. You do not like it, Discord calls you! Discord beg for you, Discord cries for you!

m7 wrote:
And I'm totally okay with that, based on my prior attitude in the thread this should have been very clear to you.

And this is whole point. You just discredited yourself. When I am wrong, maybe I do not see it sometimes, but I do apologize, but you are doing things on your own, knowing it, shame on you.

m7 wrote:
This is not my first account, so obviously my presence here in the first place is a violation of the rules.

And you must be proud of yourself. Banned man who is coming for more blood.

m7 wrote:
This should guarantee that ban and keep you happy, so I'll edit this part in.

I am not happy to see someone banned. An especially older man (in this community) like you, because like I said already, we are not kids. Soon it will be 2022, being at some age should give you some life experience, being more mature... Eh.... talking to a brick wall here seems.

m7 wrote:
Not that I said I was perfect, just that your assets are bad.

But you are saying that my assets are shit! That must be worth of something when you say this. Opinions of banned.... I mean... awesome member matters a lot! . Also, this is place about Phobos and related stuff not about my assets, as far I know all my assets are open to discuss there. With exception if something is using Ares/Phobos logic. But yet, you were just trolling.

m7 wrote:
I'm actually pretty bad at asset creation, so I feel real qualified to call a shit asset when I see it.

Oh Oh HAHAHAHAHAHAAH! You know, I am pretty bad at medicine, barely know anything, so I can tell you exactly which doctor is bad at his work! I am not that good in physics, so I can exactly know what is wrong in that subject. You know, I am actually bad at chemistry, so I can exactly told you when I see some bad chemicals!
As far I know, in reality only experts can decide what is good or not, AND ONLY FROM TECHNICAL ASPECTS. Visuals matter of personal opinions, someone may like visual, someone not.
And you wrote that my assets are shitty, that is very constructive, very mature, and professional. At least and I am trying and contributing something.

m7 wrote:
I mean, he ain't wrong. Myself included. Doesn't bother me if someone on the internet thinks less of me or doesn't like what I have to say.

But same goes to you. This is two way street, you do not care what someone has to say, that someone does not care about you either....


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

wardeathfun, thank you! Your great brightness and power of speech, self-control, manners and communication skills have definitely made our life, and especially mine here much more beautiful! When such a mind comes out of people like you, new people here have something to learn, so it's no wonder why some are afraid to write anything.
Oh, if you're going to insult someone, please insult me, don't insult that man just because he agreed with me, because that "moron" you call him is worth more than the banned member you agree with. Also, when you call me a moron, that's a compliment since it comes from you.


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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Missile Trooper

Joined: 01 May 2020

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MasterHaosis wrote:
wardeathfun, thank you! Your great brightness and power of speech, self-control, manners and communication skills have definitely made our life, and especially mine here much more beautiful! When such a mind comes out of people like you, new people here have something to learn, so it's no wonder why some are afraid to write anything.
Oh, if you're going to insult someone, please insult me, don't insult that man just because he agreed with me, because that "moron" you call him is worth more than the banned member you agree with. Also, when you call me a moron, that's a compliment since it comes from you.

Thank you... I'm not that good in english to explain how I feel but thank you very much. Yes this forum may not have many people as we expected but aren't we all enjoy it? We all are dedicated to this game, we spent our time and life for this game, for this forum, for the engine to make the game better, talking to people with the same interests, Aren't we happy when hearing people loving/commentng the stuff we are all shared.

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Missile Trooper

Joined: 01 May 2020

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I am really want StandingFrames and DeathFrames to work so my unit won't look like a statue but lively unit just like AoE2.


[CALVARYSCOUT2] ;70% smaller

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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:
I am really want StandingFrames and DeathFrames to work so my unit won't look like a statue but lively unit just like AoE2.

What I think that you try to achieve is to make vehicle type behaving ,,alive" as infantry type. Yes, I do not think that is possible righ now, because infantry type has much more codes in sequences, idle, cheers etc... But what you just suggested can be useful actually, if possible, so I approve that as well.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Thank you... I'm not that good in english to explain how I feel but thank you very much. Yes this forum may not have many people as we expected but aren't we all enjoy it? We all are dedicated to this game, we spent our time and life for this game, for this forum, for the engine to make the game better, talking to people with the same interests, Aren't we happy when hearing people loving/commentng the stuff we are all shared.

You are welcome! And sorry you too for having to watch this, and sorry if you felt bad while watching this. I cannot control their behavior, but I can tell you that moderators and especially Banshee is watching this, and they will clean parts of their messages, or whole posts if they see that someone insults any of you, just as it happened. They crossed line several times, this needs to stop now.

You know, we all were like that in past. I am not proud of that. back then 10 years ago and more, it was chaosy times. This type of behavior was common in forums, not just in PPM. But, communities were huge compared to now, Rock Patch was starting, people were really aggressive! Then Rock Patch ended, communities closed one after one, a new chapter opened, times began to change... We got Ares enhancement over last years. Even that eventually ended. And even more mods got abandoned, more sites.... Game got really old and outdated, people lost interest... And we have Phobos, Discord now, and several other things. BUT! Some of those behaviors to certain people did not change. They think that they are smarter, better, more awesome when they tell you that you are moron, idiot, retard, rather than explain you nicely. I have 33 years in ass now. I cant imagine wasting my time around going to yell at people how they are morons, idiots, retards in these years, especially in these leftovers of communities. That is counter productive.
Speaking of you and some people, you are relative new here. We all started as new people.

And this is what Banshee does. This exactly. He is repeating over and over again that we all should get along, that we must work and cooperate together to survive. We should not parasite on each other's places, working and sticking together is the solution. And I personally believe in that! But hey, last time, and now we have this attitude of ,,I stopped updating my mod here, PPM is slow, PPM is dead, inefficient, ... Discord is better...bla bla bla" repeatedly behavior followed by some people's arrogance and misbehavior which triggered some people from PPM upset here. And that caused conflict. And Banshee already warned them for that! You have that arrogance that they even praise that they got already banned and do this on purpose! And all of that in late of 2021! Like never grown!

Banshee is overwhelmed and tired, he forgot to put them link of ,,lets get along" thread. I forgot where it is, but I will try to give a lesson to nice behavior. I am ashamed of this that people in this very year do not know how to behave on forums.

So, lets go. How to behave in forums:
1. Talking about resources - If you do not like some resource, then try to explain why you do not like it, and what should be changed to become better. Something like this:
,,Hello. I do not like this for the following reasons: this, this and that. Size should be bigger, check shadings, direction etc etc..." then you may give link to some tutorial if you can. In this way you show person what seems wrong and how he can improve.
How not to talk - ,,Your asset is shit, trash" - that is obviously wrong, insulting someone's work and rule breaking. Also, man cannot learn a thing from such statement!

2. Talking about certain individuals - When you are dissatisfied with someone, depending on the reason you may want to explain this better in more civilized manners. Like this ,,hey man, this is wrong for this, this and that reason. You should inform people why are you against something or someone or his behavior nicely in civilized manner.
How not to talk - ,,You are moron, retard, asshole!" From that he cannot learn if something is wrong, and he will start either ignoring you or fight back! Then you got flame war, insulting, and closed or crapped threads.

3. Promoting other places - As Banshee pointed out already in this very thread, he does not have problem to promote other places here, and he does. But here are some places like new network and a few other forums where many things are possible, or simply talk to Banshee, he will tell you what can be done regarding this. He is communicative.
How not to talk - ,,PPM is inefficient, slow, only 5-10 members are here, I won't post mode updates here. PPM is dead" - And this is wrong for few reasons. First, such statements are not completely true and second, it turns out that you push people from here to another place where more suits you.

So, I believe that this lesson made clear for some aggressors, what can be tolerated and what not. By doing this what some people just did, they risk of some members defending themselves, and posts to get deleted! NOW, BEHAVE!


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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Missile Trooper

Joined: 01 May 2020

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The features I want to have right now.
- Fix the StandingFrames and DeathFrames to be read. Not just 1 frame anymore.
- Implement Airburst weapon to be able to use with Animation Damage.
- Bring back Floater and Parachuted
- Aircraft Carrier or spawn logic can spawn multiple units at once, not one at a time.
- Fix AttacheEffect speed Multiplier when value is 0 infantry should treat the value as immobilized, as infantry still trying to playing walking sequence even can’t move at all (under effect of Freezing reduce speed to 0)

Below is what I am really want too but maybe very hard.
- Add Multi Turret and individual turret rotation limit. Here is comes the battleship.
- Spawns can use VehicleTypes too not just AircraftTypes.
- Making individual tint and light intensity but effect only 1 at a time the newest one will override the previous (just the tint) effect still stack up by (AttachEffect) it would be nice to see unit in blue as freezing, in green as poisoning and many other color. Color or light intensity to make unit more of tint or less tint etc.
- SW ammo. One super weapon can fires multiple time in 1 reload by the amount of specific ammo. Not working with PsychicDomonator and LightningStorm.
- Upgrade that doesn’t require to place on another building. Like actual upgrade which can be specific of what upgrade can do. Multiply unit damage, add armor etc or be a prerequisite to build special units such as FlashBang, Camouflage or black napalm in generals etc  

That’s all I can think of it for now I will keep looking to see what is good to add in the game.

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Joined: 01 Nov 2010
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:
The features I want to have right now.
- Fix the StandingFrames and DeathFrames to be read. Not just 1 frame anymore.

Oh that, I also support. You mean for Vehicle types that act like infantry.

Mr.Hymn wrote:

- Implement Airburst weapon to be able to use with Animation Damage.

So you want better control over that?

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Bring back Floater and Parachuted

Oh Tiberium Floater. That can be partially done via attach effect, but yes, full logic is missing. I agree on that.
What about Parachuted? What you want here?

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Aircraft Carrier or spawn logic can spawn multiple units at once, not one at a time.

You mean that you want planes to be ejected all in same time, not one by one?

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Fix AttacheEffect speed Multiplier when value is 0 infantry should treat the value as immobilized, as infantry still trying to playing walking sequence even can’t move at all (under effect of Freezing reduce speed to 0)

Ah that is good request, yes I noticed that in some circumstances they play walking sequence even they cannot walk.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Below is what I am really want too but maybe very hard.
- Add Multi Turret and individual turret rotation limit. Here is comes the battleship.

And not just battleship, that could be used to many other units as well. Think of two turreted AA unit, one turret for anti ground, second for Anti Air only.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Spawns can use VehicleTypes too not just AircraftTypes.

Yes but then those vehicles can interract with real vehicles you made in battlefield meaning that they can be stuck sometimes, while aircraft flies, they do not have obstacles.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Making individual tint and light intensity but effect only 1 at a time the newest one will override the previous (just the tint) effect still stack up by (AttachEffect) it would be nice to see unit in blue as freezing, in green as poisoning and many other color. Color or light intensity to make unit more of tint or less tint etc.

Tint would be useful yes!


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Missile Trooper

Joined: 01 May 2020

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:

- Implement Airburst weapon to be able to use with Animation Damage.

So you want better control over that?

Yes it is sometimes some effect is nice but Airburst won't be fired from weapon in animation oh! I forgot. this one is a must weapon fires from Animation never have debris, I wish this should be fixed.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Bring back Floater and Parachuted

Oh Tiberium Floater. That can be partially done via attach effect, but yes, full logic is missing. I agree on that.
What about Parachuted? What you want here?

Some weapon I want a unit to fire a weapon that comes with parachute such as parabomb without using infantry because these infantry bomb will always drop around the building and around unit or around group of units, not on top of them. And also we can have a chance to play with this parachute weapon without using SW. like we create a parabomb out of buildable and controllable aircraft etc.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Aircraft Carrier or spawn logic can spawn multiple units at once, not one at a time.

You mean that you want planes to be ejected all in same time, not one by one?
Yes exactly if you have 20 or more hornets in aircraft carrier you will know it took so long for them to spawn all that then attack the enemies. And it can be specific like 2 at a time 5 at a time or all of them at once etc.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Fix AttacheEffect speed Multiplier when value is 0 infantry should treat the value as immobilized, as infantry still trying to playing walking sequence even can’t move at all (under effect of Freezing reduce speed to 0)

Ah that is good request, yes I noticed that in some circumstances they play walking sequence even they cannot walk.


Mr.Hymn wrote:
Below is what I am really want too but maybe very hard.
- Add Multi Turret and individual turret rotation limit. Here is comes the battleship.

And not just battleship, that could be used to many other units as well. Think of two turreted AA unit, one turret for anti ground, second for Anti Air only.

Exactly, I am mention just battleship because it's the first thing I can think of it.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Spawns can use VehicleTypes too not just AircraftTypes.

Yes but then those vehicles can interract with real vehicles you made in battlefield meaning that they can be stuck sometimes, while aircraft flies, they do not have obstacles.

I did similar with vehicle but change the movement zone and flightlevel=0, they did very good too but cannot have turret and sometimes they just trying to land inside the spawner even Landable=no Which annoying a bit. However sometimes the game crash because they can't land on spawner due to FlightLevel=0 and sometimes they run over the hills too.

Frankly I want the mob logic similar to Angry mob from Generals which can use with aircrafts, infantry and vehicles. C&C3 infantry also come as a group.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
- Making individual tint and light intensity but effect only 1 at a time the newest one will override the previous (just the tint) effect still stack up by (AttachEffect) it would be nice to see unit in blue as freezing, in green as poisoning and many other color. Color or light intensity to make unit more of tint or less tint etc.

Tint would be useful yes![/quote]

and another thing I forgot. We should have Gattling logic for infantry and perhaps extend DeplotToFire for infantry (this tag only works with vehicle only)

Also the last one. Quantity multiplier for specific unit such as Red guard from Generals that you got 2 instead of one from a same building without cloning vat.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Some weapon I want a unit to fire a weapon that comes with parachute such as parabomb without using infantry because these infantry bomb will always drop around the building and around unit or around group of units, not on top of them. And also we can have a chance to play with this parachute weapon without using SW. like we create a parabomb out of buildable and controllable aircraft etc.

Oh oh oh. Now I understand you. You build large aircraft or vehicle type which act as aircraft, then order to attack something and it drop parachuted bomb. Yeah, nice idea. I mean it is less functionable than direct bomb which hits target in second, but still watching parachutes on bombs would be pretty cool.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Yes exactly if you have 20 or more hornets in aircraft carrier you will know it took so long for them to spawn all that then attack the enemies. And it can be specific like 2 at a time 5 at a time or all of them at once etc.

Ah I did not know that you were planing large number of spawns to have. You are making some swarm haha

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Exactly, I am mention just battleship because it's the first thing I can think of it.

Yeah that would be cool if once implemented.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
I did similar with vehicle but change the movement zone and flightlevel=0, they did very good too but cannot have turret and sometimes they just trying to land inside the spawner even Landable=no Which annoying a bit. However sometimes the game crash because they can't land on spawner due to FlightLevel=0 and sometimes they run over the hills too.

From what you explained it sounds like bugged logic.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Frankly I want the mob logic similar to Angry mob from Generals which can use with aircrafts, infantry and vehicles. C&C3 infantry also come as a group.

I do not know if they will ever implement that for vehicles and aircraft. Something is partially possible! You can have various units considering one group with GroupAs= tag. That means when you select one, and do mass selection, everyone with same GroupAs will be selected in same time. Like All Brutes, Yuris, etc... So you can spawn that mob via SW or somehow, but cannot make them to exit barracks few in same time.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
We should have Gattling logic for infantry

Yeah, that is long-requested feature since Ares.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Quantity multiplier for specific unit such as Red guard from Generals that you got 2 instead of one from a same building without cloning vat.

yes, I support that too. That is missing feature.
However, technically, never tested if Barracks can be cloning Vats in same time, but if it can, then you can manually set which unit will it clone only. SO, red guard should be possible but only if barracks can work as cloning vars.


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Will you ever consider fixing the Glitch with Animated AircraftTypes?  esp. Prop-Driven ones where it rolls like Crazy when i want to simulate the rolling while turning.
PitchSpeed=1 looks okay for Helis but not for Prop Planes sometimes

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Cyborg Artillery

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:
The features I want to have right now.
- Fix the StandingFrames and DeathFrames to be read. Not just 1 frame anymore.
- Implement Airburst weapon to be able to use with Animation Damage.
- Bring back Floater and Parachuted
- Aircraft Carrier or spawn logic can spawn multiple units at once, not one at a time.
- Fix AttacheEffect speed Multiplier when value is 0 infantry should treat the value as immobilized, as infantry still trying to playing walking sequence even can’t move at all (under effect of Freezing reduce speed to 0)

Below is what I am really want too but maybe very hard.
- Add Multi Turret and individual turret rotation limit. Here is comes the battleship.
- Spawns can use VehicleTypes too not just AircraftTypes.
- Making individual tint and light intensity but effect only 1 at a time the newest one will override the previous (just the tint) effect still stack up by (AttachEffect) it would be nice to see unit in blue as freezing, in green as poisoning and many other color. Color or light intensity to make unit more of tint or less tint etc.
- SW ammo. One super weapon can fires multiple time in 1 reload by the amount of specific ammo. Not working with PsychicDomonator and LightningStorm.
- Upgrade that doesn’t require to place on another building. Like actual upgrade which can be specific of what upgrade can do. Multiply unit damage, add armor etc or be a prerequisite to build special units such as FlashBang, Camouflage or black napalm in generals etc  

That’s all I can think of it for now I will keep looking to see what is good to add in the game.

I want to have YR source code right now.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I just want to see instant Air to Air unit convert deploy instead of unit landing as siege chopper does. Ground to ground works fine, Air to ground and ground to air too, but air to air not.
Thats all. I have been asking for this since Ares enabled unit conversion logic. But they somehow forgot to update air to air vehicles.

As bonus it would be awesome (since I created tons of infantry) to see this logic extended to infantry types.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MasterHaosis wrote:
I just want to see instant Air to Air unit convert deploy instead of unit landing as siege chopper does. Ground to ground works fine, Air to ground and ground to air too, but air to air not.
Thats all. I have been asking for this since Ares enabled unit conversion logic. But they somehow forgot to update air to air vehicles.

As bonus it would be awesome (since I created tons of infantry) to see this logic extended to infantry types.

Air to air instant deploy still possible with "MovementRestrictedTo=Weeds"  for

both units which they convert  deploy to each other. Am I wrong ?  Does not it work ?   Surprised

I don't rememerber who mentioned this trick years ago ? But I remember only " MovementRestrictedTo=Weeds " line in rulesmd.ini

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It does not work on Floating Disc for example (which I specifically need) because it messes its drain weapon, since it is directly related to locomotor. Such restriction will make it's weapon unusable. Thats what I am actually trying to achieve all these years, to make disk manually shoot targets which I want with laser instead of draining them. Even AlexB could not solve the problem. He spent hours and hours and could not code that to work. I remember he said that this feature is giving him headache, disc drain because it is related to locomotor and hardcode that it behaves differently for human and AI. Then unit conversion finally happened. I made two units, DIsk A shooting laser, Disk B which has drain weapon. And what could be possibly wrong? It lands when deploy, and when I use movement restriction, it makes its drain weapon non working because it is related to movement actually. It must land to deploy, then it works. So, I cant use that method.


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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Bring back Floater and Parachuted

Ares already fixed Parachuted=yes awhile ago, it requires Dropping=yes to work & you also have to fix the BombParachute= tag too (just add PARACH to it).

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Aircraft Carrier or spawn logic can spawn multiple units at once, not one at a time.

Try using OpenTopped & InitialPayload with multiple dummy infantry, each being able to spawn 1 aircraft. In theory you can then control the speed at which they spawn with ROF.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Fix AttacheEffect speed Multiplier when value is 0 infantry should treat the value as immobilized

Haven't tested it but try adding ImmuneToEMP=no to infantry & using an EMP weapon instead of AttacheEffect.

Mr.Hymn wrote:
Upgrade that doesn’t require to place on another building.

Use a SW that spawns a dummy invisible building at a random location when activated. You can make it cost money & disappear from the sidebar after it's built, so the only difference would be having to wait for the SW to charge &/or no build time after being clicked.


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Allied General

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mig Eater wrote:

Ares already fixed Parachuted=yes awhile ago, it requires Dropping=yes to work & you also have to fix the BombParachute= tag too (just add PARACH to it).

Hmm doesn't appear to be in the official documentation   Question


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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Looking back at the notes on the Ares Launchpad Parachuted= was "fixed" in 2010 but there was a bug were it could be seen through shroud & complaints that it didn't slow down the projectile, so it was listed as unfinished & then forgotten about.

The fix is still in Ares & I've been using it in D-day for the past decade. It doesn't need Dropping=yes BTW, I incorrectly remembered that from my own old code.


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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

What about fixing FirersPalette to include Voxel Projectiles, instead of being remapped Orange?

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If your voxel projectile is so large that it needs remap then you might as well make it a spawned missile..?


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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mig Eater wrote:
If your voxel projectile is so large that it needs remap then you might as well make it a spawned missile..?

Well the only drawback of a spawned Missile, would be that it doesn't home into moving targets

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Would it be Possible for Laser Trails to be used on Particles?
A Laser-Like Flamethrower would look cool

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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:29 am    Post subject: New Feature Not Working? Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


I've tried to use one of the new features of Phobos, namely the weapon target filter, as specified here;

It says in order to use it, like this;


[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
CanTarget=all        ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)
CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)

So I have a unit, and made their weapon have these parameters;


*** Here I listed several houses, as in, hoping that the weapon/unit would not be able to fire at houses Not included in that list. I started a skirmish against only houses Not on that list, yet the unit still fires at them.

Is it not functional? I am using the latest official stable build. Is there an alternative way this is meant to be used?

I presumed by listing each country after 'CanTargetHouses=' (such as, 'British,French,Americans') that would mean the unit can only target those listed countries.

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Sir Prize

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

fsolisiii wrote:
Would it be Possible for Laser Trails to be used on Particles?
A Laser-Like Flamethrower would look cool

LineTrails can already be used on Flame Particles. If you want a laser-like particle system, you're probably looking for Railguns. Either way I'm pretty sure what you're looking for is already possible.

Formerly WoRmINaToR. I've created a new account to update to the name I've been using everywhere else for the last several years.

Last edited by Sir Prize on Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sir Prize

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:33 am    Post subject: Re: New Feature Not Working? Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Lee3y wrote:

I've tried to use one of the new features of Phobos, namely the weapon target filter, as specified here;

It says in order to use it, like this;


[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
CanTarget=all        ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)
CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)

So I have a unit, and made their weapon have these parameters;


*** Here I listed several houses, as in, hoping that the weapon/unit would not be able to fire at houses Not included in that list. I started a skirmish against only houses Not on that list, yet the unit still fires at them.

Is it not functional? I am using the latest official stable build. Is there an alternative way this is meant to be used?

I presumed by listing each country after 'CanTargetHouses=' (such as, 'British,French,Americans') that would mean the unit can only target those listed countries.

Huh surprised you're still hanging around here. Anyways, the documentation you cited tells you exactly what values are valid for that flag, and you didn't specify a valid value. It doesn't appear that the flag does what you intend it to do.

Formerly WoRmINaToR. I've created a new account to update to the name I've been using everywhere else for the last several years.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:31 am    Post subject: Re: New Feature Not Working? Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Lee3y wrote:

I've tried to use one of the new features of Phobos, namely the weapon target filter, as specified here;

It says in order to use it, like this;


[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
CanTarget=all        ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)
CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)

So I have a unit, and made their weapon have these parameters;


*** Here I listed several houses, as in, hoping that the weapon/unit would not be able to fire at houses Not included in that list. I started a skirmish against only houses Not on that list, yet the unit still fires at them.

Is it not functional? I am using the latest official stable build. Is there an alternative way this is meant to be used?

I presumed by listing each country after 'CanTargetHouses=' (such as, 'British,French,Americans') that would mean the unit can only target those listed countries.
The documentation literally tells you what is accepted as entries........  Laughing


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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sir Prize wrote:
fsolisiii wrote:
Would it be Possible for Laser Trails to be used on Particles?
A Laser-Like Flamethrower would look cool

LineTrails can already be used on Flame Particles. If you want a laser-like particle system, you're probably looking for Railguns. Either way I'm pretty sure what you're looking for is already possible.

LineTrails Looks Too Thin on some projectiles, the only reason i like this implemented, because the Gravity=0 Projectiles sometimes looks slow
on weapons i like to have fast-firing projectiles

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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@ Sir Prize (aka worminator), @XxpeddyxX,

Thanks for the snarly and sarcastic, though unhelpful replies.

From the documentation;

[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
CanTarget=all        ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)

CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)

I'm aware that simply putting one of the entries in the brackets would be valid, however in the same article linked it says you can specify which houses are targetable and which are not. It isn't obvious how to achieve that with the options given in the brackets.

Any constructive comments welcome?

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Mig Eater
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

What you are trying to achieve isn't possible with this tag. "Houses" in this case doesn't directly mean the entries in the [Countries] list, instead it's being used as a generic term for Enemy or Allied house/player.

The only way I can think of making a weapon target a specific country's units would be to use custom armour, which would require making clones of all of that sides units specifically for the country too.


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Sir Prize

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Lee3y wrote:
@ Sir Prize (aka worminator), @XxpeddyxX,

Thanks for the snarly and sarcastic, though unhelpful replies.

From the documentation;

[SOMEWEAPON]         ; WeaponType
CanTarget=all        ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)

CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)

I'm aware that simply putting one of the entries in the brackets would be valid, however in the same article linked it says you can specify which houses are targetable and which are not. It isn't obvious how to achieve that with the options given in the brackets.

Any constructive comments welcome?

What Mig said. And I wasn't being snarly or sarcastic, or unhelpful. You misunderstood the documentation, we're simply pointing that out. If that upsets you, that's your problem, not ours.

Formerly WoRmINaToR. I've created a new account to update to the name I've been using everywhere else for the last several years.

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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mig Eater wrote:
What you are trying to achieve isn't possible with this tag. "Houses" in this case doesn't directly mean the entries in the [Countries] list, instead it's being used as a generic term for Enemy or Allied house/player.

The only way I can think of making a weapon target a specific country's units would be to use custom armour, which would require making clones of all of that sides units specifically for the country too.

Thanks for confirming the limitation, the description in the article is a bit misleading. That said, it would make a genuinely useful new feature.

*I vote +1 to request such a feature!*  Wink

Yeah, I suspected the workaround you mentioned would be the alternative, but for my purposes that'd take forever hah

That said, I will look into alternative armour tags, see if I can cut the workload down if I do go that route, first I gotta finish off the next new country...

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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@Mig Eater

I read up on the Ares documentation for new/alternative armour types, and was surprised how well (and time-savingly) easy it was to use as an adequate workaround. Many thanks for suggesting it, else I would have put that on a back burner for ages.

Still, it would be interesting to have a feature for weapons actually not targeting anything of a specific country.

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Allied General

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Lee3y wrote:
@Mig Eater

I read up on the Ares documentation for new/alternative armour types, and was surprised how well (and time-savingly) easy it was to use as an adequate workaround. Many thanks for suggesting it, else I would have put that on a back burner for ages.

Still, it would be interesting to have a feature for weapons actually not targeting anything of a specific country.

I think you need to add context on why this would be useful or practical to implement e.g. an example scenario

I can't work out why you need a 'country' to be immune to targeting by weapons when existing features exist for the same functionality.


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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Request for LineTrailThickness?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

A feedback on the unreleased build that allows AI to build as many aircrafts as there are docks available, as opposed to being limited to the first airfield with AllowParallelAIQueues=no.

To put it short, it works as per the screenshots below.

I wasn't bothered with the limitation though as I had some faith that the AIs would reuse present aircrafts instead of building new ones. Still, I'm happy with this change regardless.

2 airfields and 5 aircrafts; 2 of the aircrafts would soon fly off.
 Filesize:  865.87 KB
 Viewed:  24866 Time(s)


MigEater's F-15E gonna blow that ConYard to smithereens.
 Filesize:  882.16 KB
 Viewed:  24866 Time(s)


Near the end of the game; 3 airfields and 9 aircrafts

I expected the friendly AIs to do away the Yuris with ground forces, but with so many sorties sent out, the Yuris were practically defeated this game by the air force.
 Filesize:  881.88 KB
 Viewed:  24866 Time(s)


When you play Medieval 2: Total War, clicking upon a unit of Culverin will cause it to respond, "Culverin!"

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Cyborg Soldier

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks for the testing Culverin, much appreciated! From what I see AI still doesn't fill all the docs like it's supposed to, right?


Using MagicaVoxel to create voxel models :: Phobos YR Engine Extension


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Cyborg Soldier

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks for the feedback Culverin! I hope we get more tests for consider that the features are mature and can get merged into the next Phobos build or it should wait for the next release+1.

AI won't re-use Aircrafts if they are picked in different teams until those teams scripts ended.
I think that is useful using "LooseRecruit=yes" and "AreTeamMembersRecruitable=yes" for stealing members from that team into another one and the script used should not do a loop so once the script ends the members should be re-usable by other teams.

Remember to check if Max= tag in Teams is higher enough to be sure that all Docks get filled with Aircrafts (but AI decides how much Teams produce during the battle so in some cases AI could fill all docks and in other test it could never happen. If you aren't lucky AI never fill them because AI doesn't stop using Air attacks and those units get destroyed).

Anyways, if AI doesn't use ground units because is more confortable with aircrafts isn't my fault, is modder responsibility to fix that bad-AI behavior if isn't what you wanted... Rolling Eyes

If I'm not wrong now AI wont have the bug of producing more Aircrafts than free docks and that ends in self-killing flying Aircrafts when returning to base because there are more aircrafts than docks (but that wasn't planned when I did that AI dock fix)

C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Guys hello! Nice to see you!
FS-21 long time no see man!
Hey people, I was testing something, and I got an issue. It is about new power delta feature

PowerDelta.Show=yes                  ; boolean
PowerDelta.ConditionYellow=75%      ; double, percentage
PowerDelta.ConditionRed=90%        ; double, percentage

Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorGreen=0,128,255    ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorYellow=255,255,0 ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorRed=128,0,0      ; R,G,B

Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorGreen=255,50,50    ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorYellow=255,255,0 ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorRed=128,0,0      ; R,G,B

Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorGreen=128,0,255    ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorYellow=255,255,0 ; R,G,B
Sidebar.PowerDelta.ColorRed=128,0,0      ; R,G,B

SO, what we saw in picture? All Allied, Soviet and Yuri encounter same problem. When starting power is -10 it is yellow, regardless that it should be red. I tested this as I set to constructionYards Power=-10. And Con Yards are pre-deployed, as in Generals, they are not MCV at begining of the game, but yards immediatelly.
Now, In all Allied, Soviet and Yuri, when green, it respects their RGB values. Allies got blue, Soviets got light red, and Yuri got purple. Yellow is respected. But watch this, I got red when power plant is building. On red condition with one build power plant, I got red condition. But once power plant got destroyed, when it is negative value it turns yellow again. Same happens when I disable PowerDelta.ConditionYellow and PowerDelta.ConditionRed, putting in on default Phobos values. Now, I could investigate further, maybe it is because of contruction yard, or because there is no power plant available ,,alive". But I do not think that yellow condition should be after red.


PPM Halloween Season 2021

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I just test the weapon filter and does not appear to work.

Here is the code:

; M1A2 'Abrams' M256A1 120mm Gun

; M1A2 'Abrams' M256A1 120mm Warhead - Armour Piercing








;  M1A2 'Abrams' 7.62mm Coaxial Gun
CanTarget=all   ; list of Affected Target Enumeration (none|land|water|empty|infantry|units|buildings|all)
CanTargetHouses=all  ; list of Affected House Enumeration (none|owner/self|allies/ally|team|enemies/enemy|all)








Also, I would like to note that I properly defined them in the weapons section and warhead section.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Bu7loos wrote:
I just test the weapon filter and does not appear to work.

Here is the code:

Also, I would like to note that I properly defined them in the weapons section and warhead section.

Could you elaborate on exactly what you want to achieve and how it's "not working"?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I basically want both weapons to fire.

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Cyborg Commando

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It doesn't work like you seem to think it does. It simply alters whether or not the weapon can fire at specific targets and if it doesn't it'll try to swap to the other weapon slot. It doesn't magically change the firing logic to fire both weapons simultaneously.


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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Dang it. Oh well.

Thanks Starkku.

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Bu7loos wrote:
Dang it. Oh well.

Thanks Starkku.

if you like, you could use the Ammo System

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