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It's Official: I'm doing more mod reviews!
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Joined: 12 Mar 2017

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:51 am    Post subject:  It's Official: I'm doing more mod reviews! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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Hello again.

So my TS: Another World review has just become the most viewed blog on my profile page at just under 100 views. I just want to say thanks for the support guys. You are the reason I am able to keep up with the C&C Community and I enjoy having you. With that, it's time to announce my next move that may turn my channel around.

Yep, I'm doing more mod reviews.

I enjoyed doing the TS: Another World review and I think a lot of people enjoyed reading it. I've decided it would help me reach out to more people and expand my ModDB page if I did regular mod reviews for games such as RA2/YR, TS, among other games. Again I thank you for the support as this would not be possible without you.

Now, here's how they will work.

Every month or so I will find a mod for a game I own and play through it as much as possible within a certain time span (usually 30 days). While I am playing it I will be taking notes on gameplay, story (if applicable) and detail, kind of like how I did my TS: Another World review. After one to two months, I will write a review addressing these three areas and my thoughts on them and then give a summary of my thoughts on the mod as a whole. I won't do a review score as it has gotten some bad reception over the years and I want to avoid that as much as possible, and I will take between 30-60 days to play the mod before I write the review. This assures I can get the most out of my playtime before reviewing. Finally, I will make it clear that all of this is subject to change since this is the first time I am doing this and I want to remain flexible.

As far as cross-platform referencing, on my ModDB I will do a full review of the mod in question using the criteria mentioned above. Once I do the review I'll come here (to PPMForums) and do a run-down of the review I just did, mentioning the full review at the top of the post. I would appreciate your input on where the reviews should go on the site (I'll assume they'll go under C&C Chat for now) and what you thought of a particular mod, either if you played it or if you've seen a playthrough of it. I would also appreciate suggestions for mods I should play (given they can be accessed).

With that, the second review that I've done The Second Tiberium War for TS. The review should be on the platform fairly soon.

Hope everyone can stick with me on this one. Thanks again for your support!

One mission, one purpose.

Content creator for Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 games and mods.


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