This is basically a "Redder Red Alert" - the working title was "Yuri's Triumph" as it is set in a timeline where Psi Corps and the Soviet Union never split apart, resulting in both keeping some tech from the other side.
Several aspects of the mod are focused on economic realignement. Allied and Soviet refineries use workers in addition to harvesters. Combining both this way is a feature unique of this mod and with code developed by me.

- All sides given all specials of their subfactions
(Only three main sides, no subdivisions)
- All sides given Tank Bunkers
- All sides expanded economy
- More structures are capturable
- All superweapons can be built on any number, but this will not give you more countdowns
General balance and immersion:
- Infantry machinegun/assault rifle weapons deal greatly reduced damage against buildings
- Destroyed/sold buildings leave civilian infantry behind, not soldiers, except for Yuri (at least for now, but you doo see initates acting as technicians in the cinematics)
Gameplay fixes:
- Fixed Flak Trooper elite AA damage
- Patriot missile site can attack incoming paradroppers
- Flak cannon can attack incoming paradroppers
Graphic fixes:
- Fixed infantry shadows from pure black to semitransparent.
- Fixed inconsistent cloning vats and psychic radar appearance.
- Enabled unused power plant explosion.
- Enabled unused destruction animations for some buildings.
Aesthetic enhancements:
- Disk Laser is two instead of one. Seems stronger, as it actually is. Balance not changed much.
- New HGSCIPION Allied Patriot Site
- Replaced Conscript sprite
- Replaced Rhino Tank voxel
- Replaced Grizzly Tank voxel
Economic changes:
- Workers added to Soviet and Allied refinery.
- No limit on economic buildings such as Industrial Plant or Ore Refiner.
- Soviet and Allied miners made cheaper, but lose some HP.
- Soviet and Allied refineries now have helper infantry, and are thus closer to Yuri's ones.
- Most occupiable Civlian buildings give a small trickle of cash (about 5% as an Oil Derrick). The battle for the city is now economical as well!
X- Player-built refineries are cheaper and don't come with a harvester, but have workers.
X-- (Harvesters can be built in War Factory if you have a refinery)
- Reversed because it likely created problems with AI attack scripts. Now you have the other refn as an option after the first one.
New units:
- Added Yuri Toxin Trooper. Slow, pondering armored infantry that can clear buildings.
- Added Soviet Cosmonaut. Cost increased from 600 to 950.
- Added Allied Tomahawk Launcher. Like a V3 but allied-er (?). Fulfills anti-building artillery now that Prism is no more of that role.
Unit and building replacements and role changes:
- Soviet sub can now launch single cruise missiles. HP reduced.
- Apocalypse replaced by Object 279: Amphibious and radiation-resistant, but no AA
- Yuri Chaos Drone is now a hovering monstrosity. It is amphibious (faster on water) and fires a Chaos beam. It is built from the Naval Yard.
- Yuri Boomer sub is now cheaper, HP reduced, but missile reload increased.
- Allied Prism Tower is now better against infantry than armor. Can attack air. Cost reduced.
- Allied Prism Tank is now better against infantry, but bad against buildings.
-- Prisms tanks are more sturdy
-- They can attack air
-- More expensive
-- Prism attacks no longer go through walls. It's an horizontal light beam. It didn't make sense.
- Allied Radar Control is the ex-Robot Control graphic.
- Separated from the Airstrip, which is on Combat buildings.
Unit enchancements and balance changes:
- Yuri Brute now cheaper
- Soviet Tesla Trooper now cheaper
- Yuri Virus can now garrison, extra $50 cost
- Allied Robot Tank can no longer crush, costs 550 from 600
-- (Depends on Skynet Core)
- Allied Guardian GI shoots missiles while undeployed, but has lower range, damage and ROF.
-- Guardian GI uses this mode of shooting while in the Battle Fortress, as to not be OP.
-- Guardian GI can now garrison.
-- Cost increased from $400 to $500.
New structures:
- Added Soviet psychic sensor (works as Yuri one)
- Added Soviet psychic obfuscator (works as a Gap Generator)
- Added Yuri Tesla Accumulator
- Added Allied Microwave Turret. Fries infantry, detects stealth. In first beta also works as a substitue robot control, but this will probably be removed. Takes up lots of power but is cheap and deals lots of damage.
-- Pillbox removed for human player for overlapping roles.
Gameplay changes:
- Soviet Tesla Coil can now fire to air, but still needs charging. This means most air targets can avoid or escape, like rocketeers and planes.
- Flak turret improved in cost effectiveness.
- Patriot now also more efficient. Shoots four missiles.
Gamplay and graphic mic. changes:
- Soviet tank is now double barreled model. Changed firing effect.
- Chronosphere, Iron Curtain and Genetic Mutator now buildable further out.
Note: The beta has some known unfinished issues as would be expected. This will be fixed in further releases. :
- Boomer subs and soviet subs fire double the cruise missiles than intended.
- Not all the intended occupiable civilian buildings provide a cash trickle yet.
- The Yuri tesla accumulator cameo is incorrect due to an oversight
However, the mod is fully playable, and stable as far as tested (no crashes). Maybe it is even campaign compatible.