Vinifera is an open-source community project which aims to provide new features and bug-fixes fixes for Tiberian Sun.
You can discuss the development and progress of the Vinifera project on the C&C Modding Haven Discord server at the #vinifera-chat channel. You are also welcome to post in the Vinifera forums here proudly hosted by PPM.
Is there a feature you would like to see, or a bug in the original game you wish to report? Then we invite you to create an issue post on the repository to open a discussion on this item.
Please make sure you use the available issue labels on your post and that you provide detailed information and screenshots/videos were needed, this helps the developers and contributors.
Latest Nightly Build (click the bold link on the page):
Pending Pull Requests:
Features that are currently in development or pending review can be found in the Pull Requests page of the project. Each pull request will have a comment with a download link to this preview build: https://github.com/Vinifera-Developers/Vinifera/pulls
If you are interested in contributing to this project, you will need some knowledge of C++ as a minimum requirement, but it is recommended you have experience with binary analysis and x86 assembly. All contributions towards the goals of the project are welcome, provided they follow the contribution guidelines. Please join the Discord server to discuss these guidelines with the active developers. Any pull requests that do not fit within the project guidelines will be recommended to be developed as a downstream project.
If you are interested in testing the latest Vinifera preview and nightly builds, you will need an unmodded installation of Tiberian Sun;
-- Freeware Tiberian Sun Release (recommended):
Tiberian Sun was released as freeware by Electronic Arts in 2010 as a part of a promotional build-up to the release of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. You can download the official Freeware TS release which also contains the Firestorm expansion here (make sure to follow the instructions in the description to install correctly):
-- Install Tiberian Sun From CDs:
Below are direct links to the Tiberian Sun disk images (English (US) only);
GDI Disk: https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/the-game/gdi-disc
NOD Disk: https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/the-game/nod-disc
Firestorm Disk: https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/the-game/firestorm-disc
Note: These disk images can be mounted as virtual drives using a variety of free programs.
You will then need to update the game to the latest version (English [US] v2.03). You can download the patch here; https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/patches/2.03
-- CNC-DDraw
If you have issues with running the game, you may also need to use the CNC-DDraw replacement;
Developer Mode
Vinifera has a special developer mode that enables certain features and additional debug logging to aid mod developers and project contributors. The enable this mode, run LaunchVinifera.exe with -DEVELOPER command-line argument.