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Dinosaur PC, a loadingscreen, what's your music?
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Joined: 14 Feb 2020
Location: Texas

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:15 pm    Post subject:  Dinosaur PC, a loadingscreen, what's your music? Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ever since I listened to Jank for the first time when i've booted up RA2 Skirmish as the dreaded paradropping Americans, i've always wondered "what music is loadingscreen music".

What makes a loadingscreen go "holy shit let me get pumped for this engagement!"

Then in Yuri's Revenge, Mr. Klepacki and his divine set of wisdom dropped Bullykit, and I was completely perplexed, because it wasn't Jank's hardcore nature. And then it hit me:
Red Alert 2 loadingscreen music is that montage music for building the next big thing. Also Bullykit gave me vibes to some random gameboy advance game I played that had very similar samples to

Imagine the logistical campaign it takes from your supporting power (the faction you're playing as), to get that set of starting units and that good ol' MCV there. That right there is the montage the music goes to. So now let's talk about what my personal loadingscreen music picks are, in terms of "In the event the man himself isn't available to get the job done", then who is?

For this, my go-to (which also happens to be the one I chose for my personal project) would have to be Self Destruct by White Bat Audio.

Why? Here's my two cents:
But first let me set a scene, imagine it, it's the Vietnam war where the US Army is sending troops in, but it's obviously later in the war, with Chinooks and all the bells and whistles of a Command & Conquer experience. This song invokes that feeling that Flight of the Valkyries does, conjuring that feeling of "forces getting ready for battle", but this time it was Chinooks, flying loaded with Infantry, Hueys flying lower ready to drop the smaller special forces to send the Soviets (in this case of C&C logic) packing from 'Nam. As these flying beasts soar through the sky, with a perspective conveyed by that of Half-Life: Opposing Force's opening where the player is in the back of an Osprey transiting to Black Mesa, but in this case, the point of view of a brave GI in the back of one of the Hueys, looking forward at his comrades and with a nice view of the lush jungles of Vietnam.

It just all adds up, I feel the vibe strongly, and honestly I feel ready for battle. I'm ready to mash the D key and saturate my opponent in Paratroopers like any sweaty 12 year old playing to win as America.

And since I said picks earlier, here is my second pick:
Massacre by Revizia.

Which is the type of song i'd play for when i'm commiting loadingscreen as an otherworldly force like the Scrin, when i'm preparing my invasion fleet to destroy the dirty humies!

So now here's the scenario... What music is that loadingscreen music that you could listen to for an extensive period of time whilst feeling pumped as if it were Jank or Bullykit?

But not those two, because this time you're Westwood picking and commissioning that song for battle! Since your potato PC is taking "forever" to load into the game but it's normal because everyone else's PCs are just as slow, you're basically a kid again!


I'm also a voice actor!

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