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Is this a mod?
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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2022 9:00 pm    Post subject:  Is this a mod?
Subject description: Explanation of this project, are you interested in helping?
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I want to clarify a bit what im doing here, people wanna see this turn into a mod, but my intentions were to have extra factions for ts pvp (player vs player/multiplayer). But I can meet you guys in the middle here, just gotta explain whats up;

I was hoping cncnet TS could also have support for multiple factions, so we can all help balance a faction. Maybe we can get support from devs who made it possible in ts-client. But then we'll need vinifera in cncnet to get the features we need for new factions. CnCnet is to my understanding the continual of c&c game's multiplayer. With bugs, without bugs. Big discussion there, you can say some like vanilla with bugs, some want it fixed, there's so much variety of people's preferences. Not saying cncnet doesn't wanna catch up, on the contrary: it does what the playerbase wants, and has been excellent in doing so. But for right now i can only focus on ts-client, since it supports Vinifera and new factions.

So mostly there is insecurity atm in how we can really get together and balance a faction. So for right now we'll need a ts-client to play in. So as you can understand, i just want to play with new factions, and many others too. And because most standalone ts mods that have an extra faction, are there own thing, (they can mod anything they want incl. Nod/GDI, which is incredibly fun, no problem ofc), they're not available for a public faction.
So what I'm introducing here is a new faction('s) we can all agree on and use.
Eventho i can ask 'lets make a faction all together, for everyone', but i learned that if you want something you gotta do it yourself. Luckily i know i can pull this off after learning most community tools. And i'd love more enthusiastic people who like this idea and want to help. Even if someone comes and builds an amazing faction for all of us, i dont mind putting this project aside and focus on that. But that probably won't happen. So in a way i dont want this to be 'my mod'. But it seems i need to make it into a mod so people wanna join the team. Thaha and maybe its just me, because i hear alot that most modders think their mod is the best idea, but it doesn't seem like that in this case, thats why i call this project 'Public'.
NGL, i kind off got excited by how many factions i could actually pull off. But it looks like there is enough time for this ?.

Oh and with 'meeting yall in the middle' i meant, making different game-modes. So there could be a mod based on this project, but inside this project itself as choosable balance/game mode. That, or (re)build a new standalone mod that has its own name like other ts mods. Which is probably suggested by most.

Well, i got that out of my system. It don't really matter what this mod is gonna be tho. making it has been treat in itself, i really love Holy_Master Reign if Steel factions, its fun to get it rdy for TS. I keep polishing it and finding good stuff, importing 3d and coloring voxels, anything it needs, even started learning blender atm (gotta keep it up). ill put up some more pics to hopefully get some others excited to help with 1 or 2 things..
now you know whats up, any suggestions are appreciated!

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 26 Dec 2016

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

openra combined arms has nice factions


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