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The time now is Fri Mar 14, 2025 12:09 pm
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Just found this massive mind blowing plot twist
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Rocket Cyborg

Joined: 21 Apr 2018

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:32 am    Post subject:  Just found this massive mind blowing plot twist
Subject description: Ra2 iceberg
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And I challenge u to explain all of it Cool

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Mig Eater
Defense Minister

Joined: 13 Nov 2003
Location: Eindhoven

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

A random list of bugs, unused stuff and story plot holes.


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Rocket Cyborg

Joined: 21 Apr 2018

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Mig Eater wrote:
A random list of bugs, unused stuff and story plot holes.

Found this pretty impressive detailed explanation on Reddit:

**Tier I:**

Mummies spawn when pyramids are destroyed

Elite war miners have a much stronger weapon

A controllable T-rex can be gotten from a hidden island in the Jurassic if you manage to keep a transport to reach it

Red Revolution can be beaten with only the starting Kirovs using the correct route

There's a bug that lets you put spies in your own buildings.

**Tier II:**

Grinding a tank with a terror drone in it gives you the money for both units

There's an easter egg for garrisoning the port-o-john in Boot Camp

Grinder and Industrial Plant lets your create discounted units and grind them for full refund

Romanov on the Run has an elaborate easter egg where puting units in specific spots summons an army of controllable polar bears (that spell HI)

A bunch of cut units

**Tier III:**

Mirage tanks initially could disguise as any organic map element (like Einstein describes them)

The Iwo Jima and Arizona memorials shouldn't exist because WWII never happened against Germany and Japan.

Blowing up your MCV for an engineer to repair the second bridge in Boot Camp brings you to a Nighthawk to reach the exploding barn

Putting a cow in an IFV (not normally possible) creates a super OP prism weapon

Tomb Raided has an easter egg to chrono in a T-rex

Chronosphering legionnaires lets them travel with no time delay

Several units are based on real coldwar prototypes (e.g. Apocalypse and Objekt 279)

**Tier IV**

Ships can be chronosphered into swimming pools and survive

Amphibious transports can get weird with cliffs

The Coast Guard destroyer appears in one mission and has extra HP

Aircraft can be Iron Curtained by selling the war factory as they exit (or with Harriers on the launch pad)

The Yuri flying disk is based on a supposed Nazi superweapon

**Tier V**

Legionnaires have a walk animation seen if a spy disguises as them

Squids attacking Robotanks used to use a janky animation from a previous game where the tentacles are red (changed in the steam release, introducing new jank)

**Tier V**

The return module of the LEM is still attached, implying that the astronauts never made it back (probably an oversight)

Red Alert was originally a Tiberian prequal

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