Banshee diz:
Kane, please reply there:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
the main problem was really evil kane appearing from nothing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Appearing from nothing?
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He and his army attacked
Banshee diz:
he was dead, pratically
Banshee diz:
look at chapter 26
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Meh, you can't kill evil peeps
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Besides, it was Tapek that made EvilKane come back
Banshee diz:
Banshee diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I'll show you
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I asked CC, and he confirmed it, or else I wouldn't have used Evilkane
Banshee diz:
the last mention was in chapter 26
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Where? Huh? How? Ok, I know how as he was driving an F-14, but, where was that? Was that near kirkland or in the south of UK? Wasn't there any anti-air before Kane reachs it? In the chain story, Orcs are allied and majorly commanded by Tapek, how come the orcs had a base there if Tapek hadnt approached that area? (He was in a war, wasn't him and his was wasnt over). Lack of details here confused me as well.
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Okay, for one thing, we don't need detail for that. It's just an orc encampment. It's assumed it's just there guarding the mines. And, if I didn't mention Anti-air, it never happened
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And also, I didn't need to say WHERE the base was, because in the long term, it doesn't matter
Banshee diz:
reply that in your post as welll
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Tapek opened his eyes slowly and wished he hadn't. Every bit of his body ached like crazy. But despite the pain his eyes opened even wider at what he saw.
"Thought you could kill me eh?"
"You... it's impossible!"
The maniacal laughter chilled Tapek to the bone as he recieved a vicious kick to the head, and he lapsed back into unconsciousness.
From in CC's story
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Why post it?
Banshee diz:
yea, I saw that, but I was confused as well
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I'm telling you on MSN
Banshee diz:
how did he revived evil kane or found him out?
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
CC's chapter didn't mention that
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And I didn't either. I didn't think of any reason to
Banshee diz:
because it's confusing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
in chapter 26, evil kane was near his fortress in canada. in chapter 30, CC was in uk
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
In chapter 26, he was "killed"
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
In CC's chapter it turned out he WASN'T killed
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Tapek had THOUGHT he killed EvilKane
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
But he hadn't
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And EvilKane probably flew to the U.K. or something
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
And he obviously had a plan already if he had a Lair of DOOOOM
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
(Which CC filled in)
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
- Orc base guarding Empire Earth mines? Why? How come anyone from Empire Earth appeared there to put mines in an enemy orc base if the Empire Earth characters had their ships near the PPM Alliance base to defend them? Why orcs would have a base to guard mines (unless it was a gold mine, which doesnt seems to be the case)?
Banshee diz:
( I still couldnt get that lair of doom...)
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It's a lair
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Kane's Lair
Banshee diz:
and how one of them teleported to each other if scroll of town portal only allows you to teleport to nearest town? Evil Kane wasnt in any town
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He just used a teleport spell
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I assume
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He might have gone over on a ship or something
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Or maybe he grabbed a flight on the Concord
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Or maybe he flapped his wings and flew over
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Does it matter?
Banshee diz:
sorry, but still no sense at all
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I can understand you not knowing what the EE mines were. In Empire Earth, all the mines aren't buildings, they're, like, exposed minerals laying on the ground. Ore, Gold, Stone... Surely Orcs can find a use for those minerals. That's why they had a little outpost there to guard them. They probably didn't know what to do with Tapek captured...
Banshee diz:
erm... ok, that part is explained, but Evil kane's part has no sense
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
I still don't get why you don't understand. Evil Kane somehow got to the U.K.
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It doesn't matter how, he just did
Banshee diz:
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Then he, somehow, captured Tapek
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It might be explained in the future
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
That's what usually happens
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Everything falls together at the end of the story
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
It's also what makes the chainstory fun, because, like, if someone wanted to, they could explain how EvilKane got to the U.K. by saying he came across on a Lapris (A water transport pokemon)
Banshee diz:
it will be SOMEHOW explained as well.. somehow....
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
too much somehow... where, somehow, confuses me
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Are the explanations really that necessary? I mean, if everything is explained, isn't that boring? We know exactly what's going to happen!
Banshee diz:
it doesnt need excessive explanations, but things should at least make sense, Kane...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
*shrug* Me and CC thought it made sense
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
He watched a Capitol go up, then a Barracks, Tank Factory, Airfield, Hospital, Siege Workshop, Dock, Naval Yard, and then walls and towers. Then the civilians went to work immediately, transporting the supplies from the transport to the Capitol and mining from the resources near the base.
- Where was this capitol if the Empire Earth crew were only naval? Did they built a capitol in a ship? Oh man... that's definitelly new for me...
Banshee diz:
yea, another weird thing...
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Well, on the Transport Ship, there were a bunch of civvies. I mentioned it in the previous chapter somewhere
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
"Just in case anyone wants to know, or wants to use this info in subsequent chapters, all those ships are from Empire Earth. If you want to make the transport ship have a bunch of civvies that build a base in the U.K., then I should let you know that the ships work like this:
Frigate: Attacks other ships and submarines (Depth charges and a 105mm cannon)
Cruiser: Attacks aircraft (SAM missiles or AA guns)"
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
"I wonder who brought the Empire Earth stuff in? He thought to himself.
Suddenly, he got an idea and walked over to the transport ship, noticing that it was the Atomic Age -- Modern version, and looked in, seeing a number of civilians milling around in the cargo hold,"
Banshee diz:
now, getting into my chapter... hold on..
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Banshee diz:
Transport Captain: We gonna head to Kirkland and from there, you prepare your forces to kick LC's ass.
Cole: Ok, but we gonna need some support from you after we land, so I can build this GLA base that I'm architeting safer.
Transport Captain: Yes, sir.
Banshee diz:
They are supposed to stand near PPM's base to protect them from incoming attacks or become an air support....
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Civilians? Civilians couldn't kill a RAT. They barely have weapons
Banshee diz:
the ships are supposed
Banshee diz:
not the civilians
Kane -- A new Most Pitiful Thing I've Ever Seen! diz:
Well, the ships did. The transport has no weapons, so it unloading the Civilians and leaving shouldn't cause a problem.
Banshee diz: