This topic contains terminology that is used in the Invader unit profiles, as well as explanations of some of their technologies.
A AIOCS- Advanced Integrated Occupant Combat System. This is a primary feature on APCs and Assault Transport, which allows for the integration of laser and directed energy weapons into firing ports, allowing for some vehicles to attack from inside.
B BAIA: Bio-Augmenting, Integrated Armor. This armor is used with Eviscerators and Elites for great effect. BAIA provides near complete immunity to any type of weapon, incredible tolerance to heat, pressure, blunt force and radiation. While increasing the user's protection, it acts as a strength augmenter, allowing the user to move at very high speeds and making him capable of channeling his own body energy into weapon he wields. (the Eviscerator's laser is a vehicle caliber weapon)
C Cataclysm: Cataclysm is the name for some of the most powerful Invader weapons. A Cataclysm device is a force of gravity impact weapon that absorbs energy while inbound to the target. When it impacts the targeted area, it enters the ground, and releases all of its stored energy in a very powerful pulse. Because of this, the effect the weapon has on infantry is negligible.
Conversion: Conversion is a misnomer to the process by which a soldier is killed and replaced with an Invader Light Infantry unit. A Conversion weapon creates a powerful bio-organic reaction inside a target, causing intense pain and usually, an explosion that instantly kills the victim. The residue of the explosion creates a beacon signature which allows for an Invader teleporter to redirect a Light Infantry unit to each location. Once the explosion fades, the Light Infantry unit appears, giving rise to the misconception it "converted" them into Invader infantry.
Corruption: Corruption is an advanced viral weapon that subverts most military systems in structures, effectively linking them to the commander of the unit that established the link, allowing for that commander to submit production requests, transfer energy and issue orders regarding the structure. Corruption is not permanent, and requires the unit that used the weapon to maintain broadcasting the virus. It does not effect base defenses and superweapons.
D Directed Energy: Directed Energy refers to any energy weapon that requires a conduit or path for delivery to the target. Most commonly, a VERY high-intensity pulse laser is used to direct it. Once the energy hits the end of the conduit, or the conduit fades out, it is released violently in all directions, causing incredible damage to anything around the target.
Dropship: A dropship is merely an Assault Transport.
E Emitter: An emitter is a type of weapon that uses energy from the main reactor unit of an Invader vehicle to synthesize a projectile and payload. These are the most common vehicle weapons of the Invader army. Theoretically, any emitter equipped vehicle is capable of firing overcharged shots, but it is believed Invader protocol disallows this, and each vehicle is programmed to fire only with a certain amount of energy inputted into the emitter.
F Fusion Weapon: Any nuclear weapon that converts more of its energy to blast force than it does to radiation. Fusion weapons are essentially mini-nukes, inflicting large amounts of damage to any type of target within a small radius.
G Gateway: A class of teleporters designed solely for the transportation of small materials, not soldiers or vehicles. The Invader Processing Gateway sends resources to a remote refinery, where the resources are processed and sent to a factory, where they are allocated to the commander of the gateway.
H Hover Engine, Class I: Class I Hover Engines are very light duty engines designed to remove the need for conventional movement on land. They are not strong enough to keep a vehicle above water.
Hover Engine, Class II: Class II Hover Engines are medium duty engines designed to allow for amphibious movement.
Hover Engine, Class III: Class III Hover Engines are heavy duty engines designed to allow for flight. These engines are incredibly flexible and allow for great speeds.
I Infantry Armor: Invader infantry armor is simple but very indicative. The standard armor component of an Invader soldier's equipment can completely block anything with less kinetic energy than a HV 5.56mm round- rounds weaker will simply bounce off. While providing a great degree of ballistics protection, the armor is capable of shielding the user from heat and minor energy pulses. Most standard armor packages provide no radiation shielding.
J K L M N Neutron Weapon: Any nuclear weapon that converts more of its energy to radiation than to blast force. Neutron weapons are highly effective against any organic being that is not well protected and can be used to poison ground. Neutron weapons rely completely on the radiation release of their weapon, and often inflict little to no kinetic impact damage.
O P Pilot: Invader vehicles are never piloted, instead being run by a sophisticated battle AI. Some Invader vehicles have hatches, hinting that a soldier could take over the vehicle if needed. Most Invader ships have cockpits, which indicate either a large sensor dome, or pilots, however.
Proton Weapon: A weapon believed to utilize proton energy to inflict damage over a small area.
Pulse Laser: A laser that fires in a single or multiple bursts. Energy is gathered and held until the command to fire is given. The energy is discharged in a brief, but powerful blast.
Q R Reactor: All Invader units have nuclear powerplants that allow for above average movement. Reactors also fuel the weapon systems of each Invader vehicle. Depending on the size of the vehicle, power of the weapon and desired mobility, the reactor may or not explode like a dirty bomb. 3 outcomes can result from a vehicle with a reactor being destroyed-
1: A controlled nuclear detonation of varying strength
2: A violent conventional explosion
3: A "dirty" explosion
S SBAIA: Stealth-capable, Bio-Augmenting, Integrated Armor. See BAIA.
Shield: A field of energy that is projected around an object to protect it from kinetic and some energy based weapons. There are several types of shields within the Invader inventory.
Subdefinitions include:
1: Combat- A class of shield that is utilized by Invader infantry and light vehicles. The shield has no color and will not show any evidence of its existence regardless of damage it receives. BAIA uses a powerful combat shield to provide extreme protection from ballistic weapons.
2: Interstellar- A class of shield that is utilized by Invader interplanetary units, such as Fightercraft. Again, these shields are not visible to the naked eye, but provide minimalistic protection against the most common threats in space.
3: Projected- A class of shield that is utilized and created only by the Invader Command Ship. Projected onto designated coordinates, this shield creates a powerful energy barrier around friendly structures in the area, rendering them completely invulnerable to attack for a short time.
Shredder: Any sort of temporary defense that functions on an energy crystal to direct a stream laser (see below) at a target.
Stream Laser: A laser weapon that fires incredibly fast to give the impression of firing in a stream. More correctly, a laser that is constantly fed energy during discharge until the power source is depleted or a preset limit is hit.
T Teleporter: The primary form of getting Invader units to the battlefield. Invader units are queued for production in a remote production facility, and using an encrypted, secure teleport gateway, are sent to the requesting facility.
U V Vehicle Armor- Vehicle armor of the Invader XT/XA/XS series is too widely varied to give a single, perfect definition.
Subdefinitions include:
1: Advanced Composites (AC)- Metals of an unknown origin that appear to be extremely durable. Armor of this type is often less than an inch thick, has the weight of sheet aluminum, with the protective qualities of about a foot of titanium plating. AC armor can easily withstand 120mm Tungsten/DU penetrators.
2: Thick Steel (TS)- A common metal in vehicle construction, it has no advantages over Human-made steel. Some of the largest and most heavily armored Invader vehicles use an AC/TS mix for their plating. TS armor is very resistant to anything smaller than a 105mm round.
3: Lightweight Metals (LM)- Metals of an unknown origin that are comparable to aluminum, but provide much more protection and weigh much less. LM Armor provides shielding from low velocity rounds, thrown weapons and other lower-end small arms.
W X XA-##: XA-## is the official designation system for any Invader support vehicle until a more formal name is given.
XD-##: XD-## is the official designation system for any Invader drone unit until a more formal name is given.
XI-##: XI-## is the official designation system for any Invader air unit until a more formal name is given.
XR-##: XR-## is the official designation system for any Invader infantry weapon until a more formal name is given.
XS-##: XS-## is the official designation system for any Invader fleet unit until a more formal name is given.
XT-##: XT-## is the official designation system for any Invader combat vehicle until a more formal name is given.
Y Z _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) Last edited by EVA-251 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:53 pm; edited 9 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: evanb90 Joined: 20 Feb 2005 Location: o kawaii koto
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:20 pm Post subject:
TheRatsInTheWalls wrote:
Insert joke about military habits of using abbreviations for everything. But nice work man.
Yep, XD
Its WIP, more will be added indefinitely. _________________ YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead DeveloperStar Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007) QUICK_EDIT
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