Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:24 pm Post subject:
NCR Regular
OK! I was so pumped up to see how it'll turn out when properly applied with bones so I worked on it some more.
1.) unlike the Power armor model, this one has been made with more parts, so there are a lot of clipping errors
2.) I made a mistake and made the boots a bit too big
3.) The bones I used were the wrong type so there were a lot of overlapping bone attachments (most obvious are where the FN FAL's butt and the forearm areas of overlap).
4.) low-poly weapon models
Being zoomed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out, all these problems will be nullified and hardly noticed lol.
and as was suggested by Phobonaut, the NCR regulars will be a bunch of bald guys.
here's how the NCR regular looks like (will fix the poses and anims tomorrow and through next week, I need to get some sleep already).
NCR Regular.PNG
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NCR Regular 1.PNG
with an FN FAL
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_________________ "War.... war never changes....." Last edited by IVI on Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
I redid the bones and fixed most of the problems. they might be hard to see, but I fixed the rifle-arm overlap, I fixed the foot and boot length, I added a belt and 6 magazine packs, a red bag and some head hair.
this is how the regular looks in-game. at the moment only the 8 standing frames are complete. I want to know what you think before I start working on the run and attack anims.
new and improved!
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IVI NCR Regulars.PNG
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_________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
well, a unit should have something that's remappable yes? . I can't think of anything else to make remappable without spoiling the unit. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
@ gufu: T-shirts are not possible because if you remember, the leather armor already includes a t-shirt thing beneath the leather padding. Armbands could be the answer though but it would look a bit weird.
@ Team Black (X): The next size is realistic (the size of the E1, E2 and E3) BUT! most of the already few details are blurred out and hard to distinguish.
hey people, would you like this current size (where a few details can still be seen but a head taller than TS infantry and a head shorter than power armor troops) OR the next smaller size (where details are really blurred but same size as TS troops)???
P.S. I'll post pictures of the next size in comparison after I come home from work.
pic related: leather armor
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I rescaled the red pack into a red backpack. I also further minimized the regular (see picture). I also included a picture where it can be compard to Denmon's Nod infantry and TS light infantry.
@ tobiasboon: I made some Vault City buildings for that pristine white adobe type. I haven't finished all of them though.
feedback welcome.
IVI NCR Regulars.PNG
dark teal=original size, Light Teal=smaller size
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_________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
I really think you should keep him bald. I mean, in FO i always followed the rule: "Is it bald? Shoot it from 4 screens away with the sniperrifle." QUICK_EDIT
@ area52: ani-yo. it's a building I made in pattern with those in a city of the game called Fallout 2. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:54 am Post subject:
Well at least someone's been busy! Maybe shrink the Regular down a slight-smidge-tad. How's his animations looking by the way?
Sorry, haven't been doing much myself, got sucked into my Forestry course, and all spare time has gone to a long running project x.x. _________________
Now I see what you mean. That building with the big friggin hole is called a Vault.
The Vaults play a major part in Fallout's story. Before the nuclear Holocaust, the U.S. had an undisclosed number of these Vaults built to supposedly 'save' the populace from the the apocalypse. Vaults were usually carved into the mountains, constructed underneath the ground etc. The funny thing was, none of the Vaults could hold more than 2000 people, and there weren't many of them constructed. :spoiler: The sickening truth is that all the Vaults were just part of a cruel social experiment to see what will happen to people and how they would react when faced with different situations and stimuli. The Vault you see in the picture above is Vault 8, a control Vault that was created to see how its denizens would react if their Vault functioned perfectly in every way. Vault City was the Result. [/geek]
Anyway, I could use that Korean structure for a basis for a building SHP. However, I haven't heard of any Korean settlements in Fallout, only Chinese ones _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
However, not all vaults have a similar entrance like that one. Vault 8 (in Vault City, the one above.) and Vault 15, for example, aren't entered the same way (those who had played it completely know what I'm talking about... _________________
Err...the image above means no offence to the american people...It's a bit of what I feel about it's gov't >_> QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:52 am Post subject:
Don't forget Vault 77, one man and a crate of puppets, hehehe.
As for the Korean structure, considering most of the PPM-goers, few will see it as nothing beyond an Asiatic structure(except those who saw this thread), so you should be safe from poking sticks. _________________
As for the Korean structure, considering most of the PPM-goers, few will see it as nothing beyond an Asiatic structure(except those who saw this thread), so you should be safe from poking sticks.
I thought it was Ancient Chinese due to the characters _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Dec 2004 Location: Tiberium Research Center N27
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:56 pm Post subject:
Phobonaut wrote:
I know what Vault I would want to be in...
Hm... I am pretty sure that at the end, you will be er... miled for the requiered resources. So yeah, not much lvoe will be there, for you. _________________ DUNK! QUICK_EDIT
when I finally get to finish it. 6 days a week I only spend 8-9 hours at my house every day, and that's 7 hours to sleep, 1-2 hours to eat, bathe, read. I usually work on the mod during the 7th day of the week (which is a day of rest anyway).
Maybe I can install the 3d program here in my office pc, but I usually separate modding and gaming stuff from my real life; prevents conflict with people that way _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:39 am Post subject:
What's the point, that's no fun to just shrink the originals. Plus, Fallout 1-2 use hexs where as TS uses isometric boxs. The odd slant won't look very good.
Also I'd like to point out that even the most awesome and realistic of running anims still look a little weird if the character in question doesn't move about on screen. _________________
all animations finished, only the shadows need to be done. Also, everything works great in-game; with dozens of NCR regulars dying just to take down one BOS Paladin.
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_________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:45 pm Post subject:
Animation looks good, definitely like the gory gunned down death. Another death anim would look spot on. Oh and change the dark outline to a dark brown or something to help it blend in. _________________
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