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The SSIA Situation
Moderators: EVA-251
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Also Known As: evanb90
Joined: 20 Feb 2005
Location: o kawaii koto

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:17 pm    Post subject:  The SSIA Situation Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The SSIA, being the military body of the World Government in the 2200s, was the primary defense against a sudden belief that cybernetic augmentation was the way for humanity to save itself. Originally treating the "Augmented" as simply protesters, the SSIA seriously underestimated the threat they posed. It was only as the militant actions became more and more widespread did the SSIA bring in heavier equipment and start using lethal force to supress the revolution. By this time, it was far too late. It had become war.

The sabotage of the SSIA Space Fleet effectively severed links that the SSIA had with the Mars Planetary Government, where on the surface countless SSIA regiments were stranded. Left alone to face hordes of the "Augmented", these men were quickly overrun within days of hostilities beginning. On the Moon, SSIA forces, enjoying the artificial atmosphere and gravity of their bases, suddenly found themselves without the things that unprotected humans need to sustain themselves, as Augmented saboteurs ruined the generators of these life support systems. Not a single soldier survived long enough to activate their protective space gear.

In an effort to rally the public, the World Government began referring to the Augmented as the "Invaders", to help further attribute a grave, alien threat to their former brethren. Despite these measures and the actions of brave SSIA soldiers, the Invaders quickly gained ground on all fronts during this series of battles known as the "Main War". Using their combined and shared knowledge to advance technology in ways that man had never considered or achieved, the Invaders had the edge..

Clearly fighting a losing battle, the SSIA was frantic for another option. Some within High Command began proposing escape- not to another planet, but rather to the past. Despite the obvious ridicule of such a plan, desperation led to it actually being pursued. Using remaining units in Europe, the SSIA extracted data and blueprints for most of their military equipment and began a suicidal push to the Black Forest Wastelands in Germany. Once a lush forest, the area was little more than the location of the sole remaining laboratory of Albert Einstein at this point.

Slowly sending important government, military officials and documents to the past, the SSIA's plan was to recuperate in the past, hopefully creating an "underground army" which would surface once the Invaders struck. However, something went wrong during the operation and the Invaders pierced the thin lines defending the facility and stopped the complete sabotage of the facility. The bizarre effects of the failed sabotage had on the technology inside the Black Forest lab effectively prevented full replication of it. However, the Invaders understood the basics of the SSIA plan, and knew that pursuit of the SSIA into the past was the only way to guarantee their survival.

----Some 250 years prior----

It was only during the abortive 2013 Invasion of Earth, the SSIA, flying unmarked aircraft and fighting often as mercenaries found themselves still woefully unprepared for the Invaders.

Despite existing for almost 3 decades at that point, applying the knowledge of the 23rd century to the 20th century was difficult and ended up causing stagnated development. Although leading scientists in the major nations of the world could help speed up development, the SSIA pursued a policy of isolation from them. The reason for this is obvious; should the power hungry politicians and generals of the time have gotten ahold of the advanced weaponry the SSIA was attempting to recreate, global war could erupt, leaving the planet even more open to assault.

After the first invasion, the SSIA procured a Chronosphere from the US government, using it in ways never before seen- By using it to tap into the future, the SSIA rapidly advanced in technology and expanded its ranks. Perhaps the most bizarre use was in the creation of time-loops. By using these time-loops, the SSIA was capable of training soldiers to use their new equipment with intense months long training programs -- but in the course of a few REAL days.

In 2017, the SSIA launched a satellite, class "Judgment" into space. Military analysts world-wide attempted to figure out what its purpose was, but were stumped.

It was only in 2019 that the EDF found out its true purpose, as a weapon. An Invader dropship landed into the middle of New Chicago, dispersing vehicles and soldiers; a base was being constructed there as well. Despite the fierce counter-attacks of EDF's Rapid Response Units (RRUs), the Invaders held the center and the base was slowly expanding. As a column of EDF heavy armor approached the location, a series of orbital laser strikes leveled the Invader base and the surrounding city.

The SSIA received no retaliation from the EDF for doing this, and the SSIA was lucky for this, as immediately following the New Chicago incident, the Invaders were massing outside the main SSIA base in the southern United States.

The SSIA section of the campaign begins here, with SSIA units attempting to hold their lightly defended Command Base from a large strike force attacking from all sides.

This is part of the Star Strike storyline. Please refer to:
For the EDF Situation
For the Invader Situation

YR modder/artist, DOOM mapper, aka evanb90
Project Lead Developer, New-Star Strike (2014-)
Former Project Lead Developer Star Strike (2005-2012), Z-Mod (2006-2007), RA1.5 (2008-2013), The Cold War (2006-2007)

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