Invader APC (SSIA designation XS-2)
Armor: Ship
Speed: Fast
Weapon:LIALS (Low-Intensity Advanced Laser System)
AIOCS (Advanced Integrated Occupant Combat System)
Range: Medium, (Medium-Long on ships)
Fleet Port Tech, Tier-1 Anti-Ship Transport
Invader APC Lite (SSIA designation XA-2)
Armor: Heavy
Speed: Medium-Fast
Weapon:Low-Intensity Laser
AIOCS (Advanced Integrated Occupant Combat System)
Range: Medium
Vehicle Teleporter Tech, Tier-1 Transport
The APC, or XS-2 by SSIA designation is a fairly standard component of the Invader fleet.
The Invader APC was designed as a direct response to the initial SSIA superiority in the air and sea. Despite the loss of their space-fleet, the SSIA had managed to activate almost every sea-worthy vessel left on the planet, from Ohio-Class Submarines to Iowa Class Battleships and Nimitz Class Carriers. Despite their age and status as being museum ships for well over two centuries, these ships posed a serious threat to the Invader goals on the planet. (if it wasn't for the outcome of the war, these activations would of been heavily scrutinized- even by the time ammunition and preparations for these ships had been readied, the SSIA was getting thrashed severely)
Furthermore, the SSIA had begun cutting down on troop losses using clever hit and run tactics with their IFVs and Transport VTOLs; even the augmented infantry of the Invaders could not catch such fast moving vehicles.
The Invader APC was a direct counter to all of these issues, as the advanced weapons systems allowed for the XS-2 APC to engage ships at huge ranges and even fire into the water to attack submarines, should they have been detected. The speed of the XS-2, combined with the ability to support up to 6 combatants in its AIOCS and even ferry some vehicles around removed almost any chance the SSIA had at fighting a guerilla style war with the Invaders.
The XA-2, known as the Lite APC, is a light duty variant of the XS-2 designed to be sent to Vehicle Teleporters. Different from the XS-2, the XA-2 does not have an advanced-combat system for dealing with ships or subs more effectively, has support for only 5 soldiers in its AIOCS (and no vehicles). Furthermore, the XA-2 uses a thick-steel plating, providing only a fraction of the protection the XS-2 has to certain types of weapons.
Despite these drawbacks, the Lite APC has found itself a niche within the Invader military, as the standard APCs tend be unavailable the further inland an Invader force moves.
The XS-2 and XA-2 are fundamentally jack-of-all-trades units. Both units are capable of ferrying troops; the XS-2 can ferry some vehicles around. In both, an AIOCS is present, allowing for infantry and some vehicles placed inside to augment the firepower of the transport.
The XS-2 is designed with the intent of destroying naval vessels with powerful lasers. It can target and detect submarines, as well as vehicles operating under a cloak. However, both models of this unit are pitifully ineffective against vehicles on their own. Supporting units (inside the transport) can fix this shortcoming easy.
The XS-2 and XA-2 are both lightly armored, but use differing composites. Both are very well protected from small-arms fire, but the XS-2 has much more additional protection against certain types of AP rounds. The XA-2 enjoys superior protection from anti-ship weapons and air-dropped munitions.
Final Notes-
>Lite APCs feature a color band which is lighter than the rest of the body, whereas the normal APC features a darker one.