Invader Eviscerator:
Cost: 1200
Armor: Plate
Speed: Extremely Fast
Weapon: Mining Laser
Range: Short
Array Tech, Tier-2 Advanced Anti-Surface Infantry
Little can be said about the men that make up the fighting force of the Invaders. Physically resembling humans, the "Augmented" that make up the Invader infantry are cybernetically enhanced, giving them heightened senses, strength and fearlessness that makes them nothing close to humans in any other way. Furthermore, emotional suppression and the removal of the pain nerves ensures that once an Invader soldier given an order, it will have only two outputs- accomplishment or failure caused by death or impossible scenarios. (IE- rock collapse entraps or blocks path entirely)
Within the Invader infantry force, there is one type of soldier that spreads fear and rumor throughout the humans it faces. This type of soldier is known as the Eviscerator. The Eviscerator is in essence an "Augmented" being wearing an advanced nano-tech power-armor (abbreviated BAIA, bio-augmenting, integrated armor) designed to further increase the abilities of the wearer; that is, to augment the "Augmented". The suit is bio-integrated, effectively making the power of the armor the power of the body.
Imaginably, when the power of the suit is an advanced micro-fusion cell, the wearer would be extremely strong. In the case of the Eviscerator, this means wielding an extremely heavy and compact industrial mining laser awhile running at the speed of a main battle tank. Such physical exertions would simply kill any human within minutes, that is if they could even lift the weapon the Eviscerator uses. But for the Eviscerator, the power armor's energy supply isn't fully utilized when applied solely to the weapon and muscles. The rest of this power goes to the protective side of the armor, which can provide the protective equivalent of 5 Tesla Combat Suit Mk IIIs to armor piercing rounds, awhile being completely resistant to blunt trauma, heat and even radiant energy.
This near invulnerability contributes to the vicious name that the Eviscerator has earned. Stories, myths, and even legends spread like wildfire among shocked EDF Marines. All of them centered on god-like soldiers running into the fire of machine guns, with grenades, artillery shells and rockets bursting around them completely unphased. They would cross no-mans lands so quickly that mines would detonate behind them, getting close to the bunkers of the defenders and killing them through the several inch-thick walls of concrete with deadly precision and lethal force. They would continue by chasing down any survivors, regardless if they were on foot or in a fleeing Bradley.
It was only until footage of an Eviscerator attack in Virginia in September 2019 that claims that these stories were false could be refuted. The footage was taken at night, from an observation post overlooking a clearing where at one end a line of bunkers marked the EDF position, and at the other end about 600 feet away marked the Invader position. Fires were blazing in the woods, making the charging Eviscerators menacing black silhouettes. They were already within 400 feet of the EDF line when the first flares were launched. The withering gunfire of the defenders did nothing to stop the advance for the rest of the 400 feet, and as the footage ends, the camera pans across the 600 feet span- only one of the Eviscerators had fallen, there were only five of them to begin, and 25 elite Marines on the other end.
The threat does not end there however; complying with Invader infantry protocols, the laser weapon that the Eviscerator uses is calibrated to cause similar harm to vehicles and buildings that are unfortunate enough to be too close.
Eviscerators can easily outrun any enemy soldier that dare flee from them. Some vehicles may find themselves suffering the same fate, as Eviscerators have been known to chase their targets until they catch up to it, or until they die.
To complement this unnatural gait, Eviscerators wield extremely heavy and powerful mining lasers. These unconventional weapons are just as effective on flesh, metal and concrete as they are on rocks, provided they can be brought into effective range.
The Eviscerator's BAIA system provides near invulnerability to gunfire. It has been said that with the same amount of ammo used to kill a single Eviscerator, a Marine could completely gut and destroy two Humvees with add-on armor.
Final Notes:
Curiously, the Eviscerator is evidence of genetic diversity within Invader soldiers- some Eviscerators have the mining laser on their left arm, but most have it on their right arm.
Infantry SHP by FactionMK