Invader Advanced Ore Drone:
Cost: 1800
Armor: Ship
Speed: Medium
Weapon: Dual-Burst Focus Cannon, bore of about 155mm
Range: Medium-Long
Array Tech, Tier-2 Advanced Resource Collector/Anti-Surface unit
The Advanced Ore Drone, or XA-3 by SSIA designation is a weaponized resource gatherer.
In the historical archives, it was recorded that the Soviet Union, during its two wars with the Allied Nations, weaponized its resource gathering vehicles. Near the end of the first war, the Soviets had begun fielding Ore Trucks with small remotely-operated machine guns controlled by a second passenger. The Soviet Union later built ore-mining vehicles with the express intent of having weaponry mounted on them.
The Invaders had already encountered SSIA Ore Miners, equipped with weak laser weapons for defense against whatever scout may decide to harass it. Unlike this unit, the XA-3 mining drone was unarmed.
Like all Invader mechanized vehicles, the XA-3 was equipped with a fusion reactor- but this engine was under-used on the chassis of the XA-3. The amount of energy devoted to the engine, automatic armor-synthesis and tread repair system left much to be used still. Eventually, the decision was made to experiment with adding a weapon system to the chassis of the XA-3. Even though several systems were used, only one was found to be a perfect match for the unused power of the reactor awhile preserving most of the miner's storage capacity.
As ludicrous as it sounds, this weapon was a dual discharge focus cannon similar to those found on XT-36 Fusion Tanks. It was due to this very weapon that the XA-3 was originally named the "Assault Ore Drone", as the XA-3 had shown the capacity to not only gather resources, but to defend and even attack enemies that pose a threat.
But fortunately for the human forces likely to encounter them, the XA-3 isn't without its weaknesses. The XA-3 can only be described as slow- in terms of movement, turning rate and firing rate. Not only that, the XA-3's lack of a turret and anti-aircraft capabilities open up a wide range of weaknesses, some that even the Invaders themselves may not have considered.
The XA-3 is a slow, lumbering vehicle. Although capable of handling most terrain efficiently, its low top speed and lack of a turret were the primary reasons why it lost its title of "Assault Ore Drone".
The XA-3 Focus Cannon system is too powerful to control in the way it effects armor; this results in the system having a minimum engagement range requirement and causes projectiles fired by XA-3s to damage friendly XA-3s. However, the wide damage area caused by the impact of one of the system's projectiles easily offsets such drawbacks.
The XA-3 is slow in part due to the thick composites used in its construction. Awhile they provide maximum protection from most direct-fire weapons, little good can be said about what happens when an indirect-fire weapon hits.
I don't know what I was thinking when I named its unit entry [ALASSDRONE].