A massive military empire that aims to convert the whole world to a communist order. It is mainly Russia, but buffer states like Poland, Finland and the Ukraine are part of the Union as well.
Soviet history post-divergence is defined by the Soviet Union becoming much bolder than it was in real life due to the lack of a strong German nation. When Germany fell into a Communist vs Anti-Communist civil war in 1933, the Soviets were quick to give the communists a decisive advantage with military aid- tanks, aircraft and advisers.
Unfortunately for the Soviets, their gamble to help the communists win the war quickly failed, as in a matter of weeks, a massive Franco-British force invaded western Germany. By 1934, this force had crushed the communists completely, handing the Soviets their first defeat in a proxy conflict against the soon-to-be Allies- the side they backed in the Spanish War was defeated as well.
When the Second Great War began, the Soviets achieved immense initial success, pushing the Allies clear across Germany. As Soviet forces drove to the French border, the advance stalled however and battles started being lost. Four years into the war, all gains the Soviets had earned were lost and the Allies began entering Soviet territory. These defeats were due to doctrinal failure, something stemming from Stalin's own particularities in the military decision making process.
Moscow fell and Stalin was killed, it came as a blessing to the Soviet military, which found itself unrestrained by his desires for party loyalty and whoever happened to be in his favor. Consolidating losses and taking advantage of new technology, the Soviets forced the Allies back to antebellum lines, despite over 10 million military casualties during the conflict.
- Armored Warfare: Soviet vehicles are extremely powerful, trading off mobility for intense firepower and strong armor. Units like the Mammoth command the battlefield.
- Close Air Support: The Soviets pioneered the concept of close air support, and have mastered it over the years. Fast moving jets provide air strikes on demand, suppressing infantry and wiping out vehicles, while helicopters loiter overhead, mowing down everything that moves.
- Heavy Infantry: While often poorly trained, they have just enough to effectively operate the extremely lethal weapons they are given. For this, they are a force to be reckoned with the battlefield.
Regular Army
Bonuses: None.
Special Unit: Luna II Mobile SSM
The Luna II, known to the Allies as the "V3", is a Soviet tactical missile platform designed to bust open bases; unlike the Katyusha it replaces, it is poor against mobile targets.
Guards Forces
Elite Soviet troops that are among the best equipped in the Soviet Union- they are the first destination for most powerful weaponry like Mammoths and Shock Rifles.
Bonuses: "Breakthrough Tactics"
+10% to firepower
+10% to Defense, Infantry and Vehicle cost/buildtime
Special Unit: Stalin-7 Super Tank
The Stalin-7 is the cutting edge of Soviet tank design. It has exceptional armor protection, greater mobility than an Allied medium tank and high firepower. While weaker than the Mammoth, which it replaces, it is excellent at exploiting breakthroughs and supporting Tesla Tanks.
Penal Forces
Opposite of the Guards units. Often poorly trained and underequipped, penal forces come from prisons and failures of the regular army and Guards. They rely on numbers to achieve success.
Bonuses: "Human Waves"
-20% to infantry costs and build-time
+10% structure build-time
Special Unit: BMP
BMPs are expendable, but well-armed APCs that can carry up to 10 passengers. They have poor armor.