Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:08 am Post subject:
Generals: Wrath of the heavens
Subject description: Progress etc.
Generals: Wrath of the Heavens
In the year 2021 the world as we know it ended. Four major global wars all but destroyed the world governments. These wars, instigated by major corporations allowed them to take control over several portions of the world in 2044. In 2045, the discovery of new manufacturing processes led to the development of new synthetic Elements. These elements however had to be manufactured from rare and often scarce resources. In 2050 inter-corporate tensions reached a boiling point, and in 2055 the Infamous "Texas" incident occurred. This sparked minor conflicts, and in 2061 total open war broke out. In this future there is only war, each corporation squabbling and fighting over diamond mines, ore fields, and most importantly oil.
Faction overview:
Cybertek Initiative Group (CIG).
Founded in 2012, Cybertek Initiative Group rapidly grew in the advanced materials research fields and eventually branced off into weaponry. After several hostile takovers of many major american weapons manufacturing companies, they are now one of the leading arms developers. In 2044 they took control of the entire eastern seaboard of the united states and canada. While like any other Mega-corporation, the living standard of the average CIG citizen is rather high.
Highly Advanced Infantry
Average Selection of units
Surgical Support
Advanced Vehicle/Infantry Synergy
High unit cost and build time
Small vehicle selection
Lack of large area damage support abilities.
Lack of unit buffs.
General 1:Director-General Bruce Haet
Focus: Special Forces
General 2:Director-General Richard Foetus
Focus: Prototype Weapons
General 3:Director-General Charles McFarrin
Overview: Super-Weapons
Global Strategic Solutions (GSS).
Founded in 2039, one of the youngest corporations, GSS holds a major portion of Siberia as thier territory. Global Strategic Solutions is one of the fore-runners in heavy battle-tank development. Not much else is known about the corporation due to the extensive non-disclosure agreement each civilian is forced to sign under threat of thier own life. The average GSS citizen lives a fairly comfortable lifestyle, despite long hours.
Large Selection of vehicles.
Advanced vehicles.
Great area bombardment.
Average unit buffs.
Cheap infantry.
Small infantry selection
Lots of Collateral damage
Lack of Precise support
General 1: Director-General Steven Ackerman
Focus: Super Heavy Armor Systems
Overview: TBA
General 2: Director-General Krensky Vladimov
Overview: TBA
Focus: Advanced Light Tanks
General 3: Director-General Chai-Tzu-Faei
Focus: Heavy Bombardment
Faction 3:
Solar orion Medical (SOM).
Average units.
Moderately precise support
Average selection of units
Superior Unit buffs
Lacks heavy tanks
Lacks precision and heavy bombardment
Long general power recharge time.
General 1: Director-General Asphodel Caine
Focus: Advanced Bio-weaponry
General 2: Director-General Heritor Horumaz
Focus: Advanced Cloning Facilities
General 3: Director-General Horus Zephar
Focus: AdvancedvCybernetcs
Faction 4:
Stahl Industries (SI)
Advanced long range weapon Systems
Large Selection of Artillery
Few Tanks
Small selection of infantry
Average selection of General Powers
General 1: Director-General Tomas Schmeizer
Focus: 'Super-Cannon' technology
General 2: Director-General Erwin Kriegshaft
Focus: Direct assault artillery
General 3: Director-General Johann Kraft
Focus: Guided Munitions
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
Faction 5:
Global Liberation Army (GLA)
Cheap units
No power requirement for Buildings
"Holes" System
Many infantry spawn powers.
Very Stealthy
Weak Vehicles
Slow Resource gathering
Fragile Buildings
No Aircraft
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
Faction 6:
Micron computing Systems (MCS)
Robotic Units
All units have multiple weapon system
Immune to Bioweapons
Drones instead of infantry
Expensive units
Susceptable to EMP
Units cannot gain experience
NO infantry
General 1: Strategy Program Seven-four-nine
Focus: Advanced Drone Combat
General 2: Strategy Program Four-Alpha-Seven
Focus: Heavy Combat drones
General 3: Stragegy Program Alpha-Base-Zero
Focus: Bioform Elimination
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
The Cult (cult)
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
Standard Buildings:
Command Center
War Factory
Power Plant
Research Facility
CIG Buildings:
Advanced Weaponry Research Facility
Railgun Firebase
"Flyswatter" anti Aircraft system
"Bugzapper" Anti-Missile System
Drone Facility**
Railgun Uplink
GSS Buildings
70mm Rotary Cannon Turret
Quad 30mm rotary Anti-Aircraft Turret
"Equalizer" Anti Missle Platform
Weapon Testing Facility**
Mother of All Plasma Weapons (MOAPW)launcher
SOM Buildings
Medical Center
"Eye of Ra" Super-High Output laser Turret (both AA and Ground)
"Horus" Anti-Missile Laser Defense System
Cloning Facility**
SI Buildings
Cannon Research Facility
"Drachen Kralle" 210mm Hyper velocity cannon turret
"WirbelWind" twin 20mm Chainguns
"Glimmerung" Anti-Missile system
**Warhead Facility
750mm Vacuum Shell Cannon
GLA Buildings
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
MCS Buildings
Advanced Computer Research Center
Defender Turret
Air Defender Turret
Missile Defense Unit
**Advanced AI research Facility
Laser Satellite Uplink
Cult Buildings
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
*cannon Turret
*AA turret
** Black Cathedral
Revolution Bringer.
-------TBD-------Subject to Change-------TBD-------
* Subject to change
** General point required.
CIG Units:
CIG Albatross Heavy Bomber
Weapons: 1x Tactical Strike Munition
Armor: Light, (supersonic on attack)
Health: High
Crystal Composite armor
CIG Upgrades:
Grenade Launcher: Affixes a grenade launcher to the underbarrel of the pulse rifle, gives infantry ability to clear buildings. (one casualty per shot, low rate of fire)
Hotlinked Weaponry: +10% rate of fire, 10% damage
Ceramite armor: +25% health
Hot-shot: +25% damage, increases effectiveness vs armor.
Fiber-Optic Camo: Stealthed when moving.
Shaped Plasma Warhead: +25% extra damage vs vehicles.
Crystal composite armor: +25% health
Depuheap Rounds: +10% damage, increased effectiveness vs vehicles
Grenades: Same as grenade launcher
Napalm: Sets areas ablaze
Advanced Induction Coils: +50% range
Zero-Friction motor: +50% rate of fire
Laser Designator/Recieving unit: Same as SI
GSS upgrades:
Grenade Launcher: Same as CIG
Shaped Charge: +25% damage
APDS Rounds: +25% damage
Reactive Armor: +25% health
Mini-MLRS: Adds a Multiple Launch Rocket system to vehicles.
Scanner: Vehicle Can detect Stealthed Units
High Yeild Warheads: +25% area of effect +10% extra damage.
Plasma Warheads: +25% extra damage
SOM Brute
Weapons: Pulse laser
Armor: Medium
Health: High
(Cannot ride in APC)
Weapons: MLRS Launcher
Armor: Light
Health: Low
(can switch between High ex, and Nerve agent warheads)
Weapons: High Output Laser Cannon
Armor: Heavy
Health: Moderate
Multi-Frequency Crystals, Nanite System
Weapons: Pulse Laser
Armor: Light
Health: Moderate
Multi-Frequency Crystals, Nanite System
SOM Ptradactyl Attack Fighter
Weapons: 2x Ulta High output Lasers
Armor: Light
Health: Medium
Multi-frequency crystals
** Still has to rearm.
SOM Upgrades
Cybernetics: +10% movement Speed, +10% health
Acid Rounds: +25% damage
Regenerator Treatement: Unit Self-heals
Patient Zero: Adds Virus 88a
Nanite System: Vehicle Self Repairs
Strain Seventy-Seven: +10% damage
Multi-Frequency Crystals: +25% damage
Flesh Shaper: Lets unit camoflage as another infantry unit.
Patient Zero: Gives unit virus 88a
SI Panzer Mk III
Weapons: High Velocity Cannon
Armor: Medium
health: High
Direct Pulse Warhead, tri-weave Alloy
SI Growler Field Artillery
Weapons: tri-barrel 255mm auto-howitzer
Armor: None
Health: Low
Low Friction loader, laser Designator Recieving unit
SI Basilisk Cruise Missile Launcher
Weapon: Basilisk Cruise Missile
Armor: None
Health: Low
Laser Designator Recieving Unit
SI "Big Bang" Self Propelled Mortar (Hero)
Weapon: 700mm Moonbreaker Seige Mortar
Armor: Low
Health: High
SI "Wespe" Ultralight Attack Helicopter
Weapons: 20mm Turbocharged Chaingun, Rocket Pods
Armor: Light
Health: Medium
Upgrades: Rocket Pods
SI "Vampir" Multi-Role Fighter
Weapons: 2x Direct attack Rocket Barrage(each is 10 rockets)
Armor: Light
Health: Low
Tri-Weave Alloy
SI Upgrades
Grenades: Same As CIG
Cryplast Bodyarmor: +25% health
Multi-Stage Warhead: +25% damage
Stealth Training: Makes unit Stealthed
Laser designator: Allows unit to act as a spotter for Vehicular units.
Laser Designator Recieving Unit: Allows unit to have spotters
Tri-Weave Alloy: +25% health
Direct-Pulse Warhead: +25% damage
Low-Friction Loader:+25% rate of fire
(REST IS TBA for NOW) _________________ C&C Generals: Wrath of the heavens.
Raining Blood Studios:
CEO and Arch-Demon Last edited by SanguineSoul667 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:44 am; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Too much goddamn text. I had to flip my scroll wheel to free mode to pass all of that shit. Less talk, more proof of work. _________________ KGR | AT
Discord: theastronomer1836
A well thought out documentation is great. For your team. Not as an intro post for your project. Just sayin'. _________________ KGR | AT
Discord: theastronomer1836
Point Taken, as for team.. I don't have one right now. So.. Going to be a long time before I have anything other than walls of text. _________________ C&C Generals: Wrath of the heavens.
Raining Blood Studios:
CEO and Arch-Demon QUICK_EDIT
Ah yes, I know that feeling. I've been tinkering for years on my own endeavours and have yet to go more than slightly public. Until you have some good screenshots of working assets, I wouldn't count on much help beyond pointers and tutorials. QUICK_EDIT
I gave him some pointers.. but since I'm ditching modding, and going to develop my own game using a game engine, I coulddd.. Possibly give him help in coding, since I can do almost all aspects of coding in Generals Zero Hour aside from AI Coding.
Just contact me if you have any questions.. I generally visit PPMsite to check up on random threads, attempt to write a few tutorials, then rage-quit, and head back to designing and planning. -_-;;
I can help you with planning/organization. A long with some coding. I suck at Modeling, which I'm in dire need of, but whatever.. I'll work on it. QUICK_EDIT
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